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Unit 4 Food and Restaurants课时分层训练(十九)Lesson 19.根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1Dont put too much _ (糖) on the cereal. Its bad for your teeth.2There are two _ (餐馆) in this street. One sells Western(西方的) food; the other sells Chinese food.3I need some apples and oranges to make a fruit _ (色拉)4Its nine _ (十五). Lets watch the football match on TV.5My mum often makes _ (美味的) noodles for me on my birthday.用适当的介词填空1Its 8:00. Time _ English class.2Youd better drink a glass _ milk before you go to bed.3I have lunch at school. What _ you?4She wants to put some sugar _ her cereal.5I like some juice and cookies _ breakfast.单项填空()1.I have _ breakfast with my parents at home every day.A/ Ba Can Dthe()2.Would you like _?Asome bread Bsome breadsCany bread Dany breads()3.Its time _ lunch. I want_ some chicken.Afor; to have Bto; to haveCfor; have Dto; have()4.Id like some cereal. _ about you, Danny?Me too.AWhat BWhenCWhy DWhere()5. I like bread _ breakfast, and I often put some jam _ it.Afor; for Bon; onCfor; on Don; for()6.Would you like some meat?_. Im on diet(节食)AYes, I like BNo, I dontCYes, please DNo, thanks()7._?Yes, please. I want a pair of shoes.ACan I help youBDo you want shoesCWhat would you likeDWhats your favourite clothes()8.Would you please pass me _ sugar on the table?AaBanCtheD/()9.There is no sugar left at home. Greg, would you like to get _?OK!Ait Bone Csome Dany()10.Were so thirsty. We would like _Asome chickenBa milkCtwo glass of watersDtwo glasses of water.任务型阅读Hello, everyone. I am Jenny. I am from Canada. Now I am in China with my family. I like China. I like Chinese food. I have breakfast at home. I have an egg, a piece of bread and a glass of milk for breakfast. I have no time to go home for lunch. So I have lunch in our school and the food is delicious. I can have different foods for lunch. I eat noodles,meat, cakes, fruit and vegetables. Sometimes I have dumplings. I have supper with my family at home.We usually have some vegetables and porridge(粥). 根据短文内容,回答问题。1Where is Jenny from?_2Does Jenny like Chinese food?_3What does Jenny eat for breakfast?_4Where does Jenny have lunch?_5Who does Jenny have supper with?_详解详析【课时分层训练】课内基础自测.1.sugar2.restaurants3.salad4fifteen5.delicious.1.for2.of3.about4.on5.for课后巩固提升.1.A2Asome意为“一些”,通常用于肯定句,在疑问句和否定句中用any代替some,但在表示请求或建议并希望得到对方肯定回答的疑问句中,一般用some。bread是不可数名词,因此不能加s。故选A。3A第一句句意为“到吃午饭的时间了”。lunch前用介词for,该句也可以是“Its time to have lunch.”第二句话中的want意为“想要”,后接动词不定式,表示“想要做某事”。故选A。4A5C介词for意为“作为”,表示目的,常与三餐搭配,for breakfast意为“作为早餐”;表示“在上放”时用“puton”。故选C。6D由后文“Im on diet(节食)”可知此处应作否定回答。“Would like?”的肯定回答为“Yes,Id like to./Yes,please.”否定回答为“No,thanks.”故选D。7A8.C9.C10D由前文thirsty可知,该空为表示饮料的词语,故先排除A项。milk和water均为不可数名词,表示复数意义时,需借助量词。two glasses of water意为“两杯水”。.1.She is from


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