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新语新意,健康活力每一天 -全球食品最新产品趋势,内容提要,全球食品最新产品趋势更新 健康营养的最新趋势更新 与消费者生活方式相关联的最新趋势更新 预测和展望,食品最新产品趋势更新,健康营养最新趋势的更新 超级食品 将颜色作为健康定位的食品 包装新趋势-日摄入量为定位的产品包装 与消费者生活方式相关联的最新趋势 聚焦积极主动的生活方式的消费群 提供活力与能量的食品 美容食品 聚焦亚健康人群 身体健康 (消化系统的健康, 免疫系统的提升, 主动控制体重) 心理健康 (释放压力),超级食品是天然来源的富含多种营养物质的纯天然的食品,超级食品,超级水果,天然富含多酚的物质,High Cocoa & Tea &coffee& RED WINE Polyphenol from Tea &Chocolate & coffee,Health & Wellness Focus,Malaysia Marigold yogurt drink blueberry +cranberry,USA Dole 100% berry juice blend,Taiwan yogurt drink Yoplait Catechin50mg + green tea polyphenol 80mg,Korea Lotte Ghana,将颜色作为健康定位的食品,Taiwan Weiquan Purple juice +vegetable 579,Purple,Red,Yellow,Black,Fancl Japan Green +yellow vegetable,Asahi Soft Drinks Red Vitamin Water containing 4 red fruits (acerola, rosehip, cassis and cranberry) high in polyphenol,Health & Wellness Focus,Donga Otsukas Black Bean Therapy made from black bean only,Jule Black Milk is made with black rice, black bean, black sesame, black corn, rouage grian, plant ingredients, plant and animal proteins.,用颜色来定位的饮料,用颜色来定位的乳制品-黑奶黑豆奶,Black and White lozenges UHA,日摄入量的包装定位,日摄入量是最早起源于日本的概念,目前随着欧洲消费者对于每日平衡饮食概念的接受, 日摄入量的包装正在欧美成为一种与健康饮品概念相结合的产品包装潮流,Yakult 300 Light Yogurt Drink is low in calories and high in nourishment. Each 100ml bottle contains thirty billion bacteria (Taiwan),Weichuan Probiotic drink in a 100ml single servce package (China),Health & Wellness Focus,亚洲,欧洲与北美,USA,Spain,包装趋势:一盒满足一天营养成分,Packaging Trend,http:/www.5aday.nhs.uk/,Weiquan vegetable and juice mix drink 912745 5 portion for Children 7 portion for women 9 portion for men,Japan MeiJi vinegar drink 220185 One to take 2days worth vitamin C per glass(200mg),聚焦积极主动的生活方式,Life style focus,聚焦积极主动的生活方式的产品 提供补充能量 提升活力的产品 美容类的产品 美白 抗衰老 皮肤保湿,该类产品的定位是用来符合现代人积极主动的生活方式.该类生活方式不与个人的年龄有关而取决于该类消费者的生活态度.该类消费者更愿意主动把握自己的 生活使自己充满活力,保持住最佳状态,饮料,聚焦以积极主动作为生活方式的消费群,产品对于人体: 成为补充 人体能量提升人体活 力的饮品/食品 Guarana, caffeine, vitamin mineral fortified,乳制品,Target active lifestyle,ID 706428 Japan Calpis 7 energizing ingredient/caffeine Milk origin Ca and peptide,Highest selling across beverage Glacau VitaminWater XXX Aai-Blueberry-Pomegranate Drink With triple antioxidants nutrient enhanced water USA,Hungary 739572 Nectars Topjoy Multi Active with magnesium and 12 vitamin provide energy for the whole day,ID 373369 India A carrot, tropical fruit and milk drink with vitamins A,C and E. It is said to be energising,Beauty support,Target sub health individual,ID 696477 Taiwan Taisun 25% pure peach juice VC+VE Q10,Coke-Minute maid A beauty support drink for women containing the next-generation beauty ingredient gamma-tocopherol (100mg) as well as skin-moisturizing hyaluronic acid and vitamin C. (Japan),聚焦亚健康人群,Life style focus,身体健康 消化系统健康及免疫系统的提升 主动积极的控制体重 精神心理健康 缓解压力的产品,该类产品的定位是用来满足现代快节奏高压力的亚健康人群对于身体健康和精神健康的诉求,消化系统的健康和免疫系统的提升,Functional immune system Data sourcing from GNPD 2002-2007,快速紧张的生活节奏和不规则紊乱的饮食习惯导致现代都市人的日益增长的亚健康问题,ID 657247 Nestle Hongkong Anti-oxidant: Multi-Vitamin A,C,E Vitamin D To improve eyesight, the immune system, promote metabolism and strengthen teeth and bones,益生菌群/益生菌原/抗氧化功能性原料/牛初乳/蜂胶,Target sub health individual,ID 872372 Austria DANONE Actimel L.Casei immuitass Blueberry ,blackberry,主动积极的控制体重,不规律不平衡地饮食习惯造成了一定消费群体重的超重及由其引起的一系列的健康问题 该类产品不同于以往单纯控制饮食限制食品摄入而是通过技术的发展主动地在特定时间内达到控制体重的作用,ID 863342 UK Unilever slimfast Protein +fibre Portion control-54 cal,Target sub health individual,Data sourcing from GNPD2000-2007,Coca-Cola Enviga Nestea USA The Calorie Burner, formulated with 90mg EGCG,ID 863342 UK Active fitness Guarana L-carnitin 15 kcacl,缓解压力,以调节心理紧张情绪为定位的产品 起到平衡心理缓解紧张情绪的作用,Meiji Night dairy sugarless Theanine/collage,舒缓紧张情绪,放松心情,Target sub health individual,623418 Meiji A low fat milk with added theanine, chamomile and lemon balm to induce relaxation.,Coca Colas Georgia GABA coffee that contains 28mg of GABA to help stressed


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