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Unit 7 Know Our World单元基础知识过关七根据汉语提示,写出下列单词及变形1人口_2到国外;在国外_ 3日本_ _(n.日语;日本人 adj.日语的;日本人的)4岛;岛屿_ 5太平洋(的)_ 6行星_7n.总计;总数 adj.总的;总计的_8增加;增大_ 9表面;表层_10adj.印度的 n印度人_ _(n.印度)11adj.不列颠的;英国的;英国人的;英国英语的 n(总称)英国人;英国英语_12浴室;盥洗室_ 13拼写_ _(过去式)14发音;读法_ _(v.)15语法_ 16翻译_17adj.美国的 n美国人_ _(n.美国)18adj.澳大利亚(人)的 n澳大利亚人_ _(n.澳大利亚)19n.欧洲人 adj.欧洲(人)的_(n.欧洲)20吻_21点头_ _(过去式)22有礼貌的_(adv.) 23准备;预备_ 24引以自豪的事物(或人);骄傲_ _(adj.) 25平方;广场;正方形_根据汉语意思,写出相应的英文短语1总计;合计;总共_2三分之一_3被覆盖_4三分之二_5给打电话_6上升;升起_7用不同的方式或方法_8握手_9因而众所周知_10在最近一些年里_11平方千米,平方公里_12北美五大湖_根据汉语意思完成句子1你曾经出过国吗?Have you ever _ _?2这些干旱的地方被称作沙漠。These dry places _ _ deserts.3太平洋是最大的一个(海洋)。The Pacific Ocean is _ _ one.4我们被要求写一篇关于亚洲的报告。We have been asked to _ _ _ _ Asia.5那是很大的人口数,但比中国的人口要少。That is a _ _, but _ _ _ of China.6在奥运会上,他总共赢得三枚金牌。At the Olympic Games, he won three gold medals _ _. 7到2050年,世界人口会增长到90亿吗?Will the population of the world _ _ 90 billion by 2050?8你能把这个英语句子译成汉语吗?Can you _ the English sentence _ Chinese?9昨天晚上妈妈给我打电话了。My mother _me _ yesterday evening.10你知道如何拼写这个单词吗?Do you know _ _ _ the word?11据说三分之二的学生喜欢和朋友在网上交谈。It is said _ _ of the students like to talk with their friends online.12没有你的帮助,我不能按时完成这项任务。I cant finish the task on time _ _ _13我们为伟大的祖国感到骄傲。We _ _ _ our great country.14我们将会用不同的方式筹款。We will raise money _ _ _.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子1. China has the largest p_ of the world.2There are some I_ on the Great Wall. They come from India.3Everyone should be p_ to the old.4My sister is taking a shower in the _ (浴室)5They are _(准备) for the final exam.用所给单词的适当形式填空1This TV show is about _ (travel) around the world.2Mount Qomolangma is the _(high) mountain in the world.3How many _ (island) are there in our country?4Tokyo is one of the biggest _(city) in Asia.5China is the _ (large) country in Asia.用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空in total, two thirds, be covered with, ringup, go up, in different ways, shake hands, in recent years, be known for, be proud of1_ of the teachers were born in the 1970s.2Antarctica_ snow and ice all year round.3The company has developed rapidly _4Sometimes we describe the same thing _ or use different words.5How much did she pay_?One hundred yuan.6Hangzhou_ the West Lake. 7In China and some other countries, friends _ to greet each other.8_ me_ before you come to my house, will you?9We _ having such a good friend.10The price of this kind of dresses is _.按要求完成下列各题1There are seven continents in the world.(对画线部分提问)_ _ _ are there in the world?2The country has a population of more_than_6_billion(对画线部分提问)_ the _ _ the country?3His parents didnt catch his words at once.(改为被动语态)His words _ _ by his parents at once. 4Our country is about_9,600,000_square_kilometres(对画线部分提问)_ _ is your country?5Greenland is the biggest island in the world.(改为同义句)Greenland is _ _ _ _ _ in the world.6The mountain is very high. (改为感叹句) _ _ the mountain is!7Learning a foreign language is not easy. (改为同义句) _ _ not easy _ learn a foreign language.8We should go sightseeing. We shouldnt watch TV in the hotel. (改为复合句)We should go sightseeing _ _ watching TV in the hotel. 9She has lived in Shijiazhuang for over three years. (改为同义句) She has lived in Shijiazhuang for_ _ three years.10He has been in Japan since_2010(对画线部分提问)_ _ has he been in Japan?.连词成句将所给词语连成句子,标点已给出,词语不得重复使用。1you, ever, have, been, abroad _?2the, earth, people, cant, live, on, everywhere_.3this, what, mean, word, does_?4proud, we, are, great, of, country, our, heroes_.5population, Canada, has, larger, Mexico, a, than_.详解详析【基础知识清单】重点单词1population 2.abroad 3.Japan; Japanese 4island 5.Pacific 6.planet 7.total8increase 9.surface 10.Indian; India11British 12.bathroom13spell; spelled/spelt14pronunciation; pronounce 15.grammar 16.translate 17.American; America 18Australian; Australia 19.European; Europe20kiss 21.nod; nodded 22.polite; politely23prepare 24.pride; proud 25.square 重点短语1in total 2.one third 3be covered with 4.two thirds 5ring up 6.go up 7in different ways 8shake hands 9.be known for 10in recent years 11.square kilometre12The Great Lakes重点句型1been abroad 2.are called 3the largest 4.write a report on/about 5large population; smaller than that 6in total 7.increase to 8.translate; into9rang; up 10.how to spell 11.two thirds 12.without your help 13.are proud of14in different ways【基础知识迁移】单词回顾.1.population 2.Indians 3.polite 4.bathroom 5ling 2.highest 3.islands 4cities 5.largest短语运用1Two thirds 2.is covered with 3in recent years 4.in different ways5in total 6.is known for 7shake hands 8.Ring; up9are proud of 10.going up句型突破.1.How many continents 2Whats; population of3werent caught 4How big5bigger than any othe


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