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第五讲 状语从句,学习指南 在复合句中起状语作用的句子,叫状语从句。根据上下文的意思,状语从句可分为9种:时地方频目,原结条让比。状语从句的学习过程就是连词的掌握到运用的过程。连词记得越多,就越能帮助我们去了解上下文之间的关系,对句子或文章的理解,就会越透彻。 1. 英语的十种状语:时地方频目,原结条让伴。 2. 英语的九种状语从句:时地方频目,原结条让比。 方法:每一种状语从句有哪些连词?它们之间有何区别或联系? 利用所掌握的连词,用自己的话造一些句子。在使用何种状语从句前,务必仔细推敲主句和从句之间的关系,以确保使用最佳的连词。,一、时间状语从句: (Adverbial Clause of Time),根据连词的特征,时间状语从句连词可分为三大类: 1. 第一类:(没有规律) once(一旦) while(当的时候) after(在之后) before(在之前) as(当的时候) till(在之前,直到才) since(自从以来) every time(每当-的时候) when(当的时候) until(在之前,直到才) When I came downstairs, they were playing cards. (特点:主从两句动作不是同时进行) While I was singing, she was dancing. (特点:主从两句动作同时进行),She was singing as she was walking. (特点:主从两句动作同时进行) I was about to go out when the telephone rang. (特点:当when置于句中时,有“突然”的意思) Ill wait till / until you come back. 我会一直等到你回来为止。 She didnt go to bed until / till her husband came back. 她在丈夫回来后才上床睡觉。 以上各句划线部分为时间状语从句,没划线部分为主句。 till和until意思完全相同。until可用于句首或句中,而till只能 置于句中;当主句为肯定句时,它们有“直到为止”的意思; 而主句为否定句时,它们有“在-之前”的意思。,2. 第二类:(全部含有“一 就 ”的意思) directly (一就) immediately (一就) instantly (一就) as soon as (一就) the instant(一就) the moment (一就) the minute(一就) I got in touch with him directly I received this letter. 主句 时间状语从句 我一收到信,就和他取得了联系。 第二类连词中的任何一个连词,都可以替代directly。这些 连词的意思及用法完全相同, 它们的共同特点:1) 不能倒装; 2) 无需强调主从两句的动作先后。,3. 第三类:(全部含“一 就”的意思) barely - when- (一就) hardly - when- (一就) scarcely - when - (一就) no sooner - than - (一就) No sooner had he arrived here than it began to rain. 他一到达这里,天就开始下雨。 第三类连词中的任何一个连词都可以替代no sooner-than。这些连词的用法及意思完全相同,它 们的共同特点:1) 要进行局部倒装;2) 须强调主从两 句动作发生的先后。主句常用一般过去时,而从句常 用过去完成时。,2)为什么这类连词要进行局部倒装? 原因:句中含有否定词。当否定词置于句首时,就要进行局 部倒装,以示强调。 形式:否定词 + 助动词 + 主语 + 谓语。 例如:Hardly had I arrived in Beijing when I visited him. 主句 从句 我一到北京就去拜访了他。 在no sooner-than; hardly-when; scarcely-when 和barely-when引导的时间状语从句中,如果把否定词 no sooner, hardly, scarcely或barely置于句首,那么就要 进行局部倒装。同时,在时态上也必须体现主从两句动作发 生的先后。,注意事项: 在once, when, whenever, while, till和until等引导的时间 状语从句中,如果主语是代词,谓语是be动词,那么就可 以将主语和be动词一起省去。 When a boy, I used to swim in this river. 小时候,我经常在这条河里游泳。(省了I was) Once necessary, I will help you. 一旦有必要,我会帮你。(省了it is) 划线部分为“无动词分句”。详情参阅无动词分句。,二. 地点状语从句: (Adverbial Clause of Place),1. 地点状语从句的连词有下面三个: where(哪里) wherever(无论在哪里) no matter where(无论在哪里) You can sit wherever you like. 你想坐哪里就坐哪里。 You can go no matter where you like. 你可以去任何想去的地方。 My hometown lies where two rivers meet. 我的家乡位于两条河交界的地方。 wherever 和 no matter where的意思和作用 完全相同。, 各句划线部分均不能置于句首,原因是它们受 到不及物动词(sit, lie and go)的影响。及物动 词后带“宾语”或“宾语从句”,而不及物动词后 带“状语”或“状语从句”。 试比较: I dont know where she lives. (宾语从句) 我不知道她住在哪里。 She sits where there is some sand. (地点状语从句) 她坐在有沙子的地方。,三. 方式状语从句: (Adverbial Clause of Manner),1. 方式状语从句连词包括: as if(好像) as though(好像) as(像一样) in the way that(以的方式) Do it as you are told. 照分付去做。 He speaks to me as if he were my leader. 他跟我说话的样子好像他是我的领导。(虚构) The fish moves its lips as if it were speaking to you. 鱼张合着双唇好像它在跟你说话似的。(虚构) I feel as though you have a fever. 我觉得好像你发烧了。(真实), It looks as if it is going to rain. 看起来天就要下雨了。(真实) He speaks in the way that his father does. 他说话的方式和他父亲相同。 as if 和as though可以连接陈述语气,也可以连接虚拟语气。 关键要看从句中的内容:如果是真实的,用陈述语气;如果是虚 构的,用虚拟语气。在虚拟语气中,如果谓语是be动词,那么全 部用“were”,如果是实义动词,则须用与过去时有关的时态。 例2和例3划线部分中的“he were”和“it were”均可省去,从而 形成“无动词分句”或“非谓语动词分句”,在句中做方式状语。,四. 目的状语从句: (Adverbial Clause of Purpose),目的状语从句由下列连词引导: so that(为了,以便) in case(以防) so that(为了,以便) lest(以免) in order that(为了,以便) for fear that(以免) He got up very early that he could catch the 6:30 train. 他起床得很早以便能赶上6点30分的火车。 Lets take the front seats so that we can see it clearly. 我们坐前排吧,这样可以看得清楚一点。 We must hurry off lest we should miss the plane. 我们得赶快出发,以免错过那趟飞机。 Take an umbrella with you in case it should rain rains. 你随身带把雨伞以防天下雨。,例1中的“that”做目的状语从句连词,其实是把“so”省去了。 例2中的“so that”和“in order that”意思完全相同,但在句中的位置有所不同。In order that可置于句首,也可以放在句中,而 so that只能放在句中。 例3中的“lest” 和“for fear that”意思和用法完全相同。特点:从句谓语必须使用“be”型虚拟语 气,即should + 动词原形。Should也可以省去。 例4中的“in case”后,常接“Be-型”虚拟语气,即 should + 动词原形,但也可接陈述语气。,五. 原因状语从句: (Adverbial Clause of Reason),根据连词的使用频率,原因状语从句连词可分为“常用”和“不常用”两类: 1. 常用的连词包括: as / for(因为) because(因为) since(既然,因为) now that(既然,因为) not that -but that 不是因为-而是因为- not because-but because 不是因为-而是因为- 2. 不常用的连词包括: in that(因为、由于) seeing that(因为、鉴于) considering that(因为、鉴于) inasmuchas = in as much as(因为、由于) insomuchas = in so much as(因为、由于) forasmuchas = for as much as(鉴于、由于), Because he was late, we missed the train. 因为他迟到了,所以我们错过了那趟火车。 He is absent for school today, for he is ill. 今天他没有上学,因为他病了, As he is eighty,he cant walk as fast as we do. 因为他80岁了,所以不可能走得像我们那么快。 Since you are ill, youd better stay at home. 既然你病了,你就呆在家里吧。, because表示因果关系,在所有的连词中语气最强。所以在回答 “why”提出的问题时,或在强调句中,都必须使用“because”。 如果将because, since, as和for进行排队,那么语气最强的是 because,其次是since, 再次是as,最弱的是for。 for表达的原因最弱,它只是对前面句子加以解释或说明,for只 能后置。例如: It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet now. 昨晚一定下雨了,因为现在地面是湿的。 (该句不能用because,因为地面湿不是导致昨晚下雨的原因。 再说,地面湿也不一定是下了雨。) It is morning, for the birds are singing.天亮了,因为鸟儿在鸣叫。 (鸟鸣不会引起天亮,所以不能用because代替for), 其它因果关系连词在用法上没有多大的差异,只要我们设法记住连词 就足够了。例如: She did a good job, seeing that she had no experience. 鉴于她没经验,她的工作做得算不错的了。 Inasmuchas he was making noises in class, he was punished by his teacher. 因为他上课时说话,所以受到老师的惩罚。 She was criticized, not that she was lazy, but that she was naughty. 她受到批评,不是因为她懒,而是因为她淘气。 下列连词的意思和用法相同: 1) seeing that = considering that 2) inasmuchas = insomuchas = forasmuchas 3) not that-but that- = not because- but because-,注意事项:,除了上述连词外,表示因果关系的词还包括:介词词组、动词词组和副词。 它们之间有一些区别: 1. 介词词组: owing to 由于 because of 由于 thanks to 由于、幸亏 due to 由于、幸亏 as a result of 由于、作为-结果 例如: 1) Owing to the rain, the football match was cancelled. = Because of the rain, the football match was cancelled. 由于天下雨,足球赛被取消了。 (说明:Owing to 着重于口语,because of 着重于书面语) 2) Thanks to his support, she became famous soon. = Due to his support, she became famous soon. 由于得到了他的支持,她很快就出名了。 (说明:Thanks to 和 due to 都有“幸亏”的意思) 3) As a result of the storm, all the crops failed to harvest. 由于这场风暴,所有的农作物都失收了。 4) He was late as a result of the traffic jam. 由于交通阻塞,他迟到了。 说明:As a result of “由于”,着重于“结果”,2、动词词组: cause 引起、导致 (特点:前因后果) lead to 引起、导致 (特点:前因后果) give rise to 引起、导致 (特点:前因后果) result in 引起、导致 (特点:前因后果) result from 由-引起 (特点:前果后因) 1) Excessive smoking often results in lung cancer. = Excessive smoking often causes lung cancer. = Excessive smoking often leads to lung cancer. = Excessive smoking often gives rise to lung cancer. = Lung cancer often results from excessive smoking. 过量地吸烟常常会引起肺癌。 说明:除result from 表示前果后因外,其它皆为前因后果。,3、副词包括: so 所以 thus 因此 hence 因此 therefore 因此 consequently 因此(强调结果) so = thus = therefore 三者的意思和用法相同,hence 后面的主语和谓语常要省略。 He ate too much cake, consequently he was ill. 他吃了太多蛋糕,结果他病了。 The hotel was built by the side of a river, hence ( it was given) the name of “Riverside Hotel“. 该宾馆建在河边,因此有“河滨宾馆”之称。,六. 结果状语从句 (Adverbial Clause of Result),结果状语从句的连词包括: that(结果,以致) so that(结果,以致) so-that(如此-以致) such-that(如此-以致) 1) His behavior is such that he is always criticized. 他的表现很差,所以总是受到批评。 2) He is very young that he cannot join the army. = He is very young, so that he cannot join the army. = He is so young that he cannot join the army. = He is such a young man that he cannot join the army. 他很年轻,所以不能参军。, “so that”做结果状语从句连词时,主句和从句之间要用 逗号隔开。 在“so -that”中间,一定要用形容词或副词原级。 在“such-that”中间,一定要用名词。如果是可数名词单 数,则必须加上a 或an,如果是不可数名词或可数名词 复数,则不用加任何冠词。 在such -that 和so -that 引导的结果状语从句中,如果 我们将“such” 或 “so”置于句首,那么必须实行局部倒装, 局部倒装形式:so such + 被修饰成分+ be动词+主语。 So tall is he that he has to bend down to get into his car. = Such a tall man is he that he has to bend down to get into his car.,注意事项:,除上述连词外,下面的不定式结构也可以表达结果状语 的意思: too-to (太-以致不能) so-as to (如此-以致) such -as to (如此-以致) not- enough to (不够-以致不能) He is so young that he cant join the army . = He is too young to join the army. = He is so young as not to join the army. = He is such a young man as not to join the army. = He is not old enough to join the army. 各句划线部分均为不定式短语,做结果状语。 在too-to和not-enough to中的“to”,均含有否定 的意思,可译为:“以致不能”。,七. 条件状语从句 (Adverbial Clause of Condition),条件状语从句分为:1)真实条件状语从句; 2)非真实条 件状语从句。此处,只讲真实条件状语从句,非真实条件状 语从句,可参阅本书虚拟语气部分。条件从句连词有下面14 个: if(如果) as long as(只要) only if(只要) so long as(只要) given that(如果) granting that(如果) provided that(如果) granted that(如果) providing that(如果) suppose that(如果) unless(除非,如果不) supposing(如果) on condition that(如果) in case(如果,万一),1)If she comes to see me, please tell me at once. 如果她来看我,请立刻告诉我。 句中的if可以用下列连词代替,而不会改变从句的意思: suppose that supposing that granting that provided that providing that granted that given that。 说明:上述连词后面的“that”均可省去。 2)You can take this book only if you return it on time. 只要你按时归还,你便可以把这本书借走。 句中的“only if”可以由as long as或so long as代替, 而丝毫不会改变从句的意思。 3)I shall punish you unless you arrive here on time. 如果你不按时到达这里,我就惩罚你。 unless的意思相当于if not,两者可以交替使用。 Unless you come here = if you do not come here. 4)Please send me a message in case you have any difficulty. 万一你有困难,请给我捎个信。,注意事项:,如果条件状语从句和时间状语从句表达主语个人的意愿,那么可以 加上will或would。否则,只能用一般现在时,代替现在将来时;用一般 过去时,代替过去将来时。例如: 1) If you will go there, Ill go with you . 如果你愿意去那里,我就跟你去。 2) I shall be back when she will accept me. 当她愿意接受我的时候,我就回去。 3) He would be very glad if you would come yesterday. 如果你昨天愿意来,他会非常高兴。 4) He said that hed be back when she would accept him. 他说当她愿意接受他的时候,他就回去。,八. 让步状语从句 (Adverbial Clause of Concession),让步状语从句可由下列11个连词引出: though(虽然) although(虽然) whether-or(无论-还是) be-or(无论-还是) as / that / while(虽然) even if though(即使) granting granted that(即使) 除上述连词外,让步状语从句还可以由下列连词引出: whoever = no matter who (无论谁,做主语) whomever = no matter whom(无论谁,做宾语) however = no matter how (无论如何,做方式状语) wherever = no matter where (无论哪里,做地点状语) whenever = no matter when (无论何时,做时间状语) whatever = no matter what (无论什么,做主语或宾语) whichever = no matter which(无论哪一个,做定语或宾 语),1. Although和though的用法与区别: Although he is poor, he is very honest. 他虽然穷,但很诚实。 释:Although可以用though代替,意思相同。不过 although语气较重,且不能倒装。 2. As, that和though的用法与区别: Poor as he is, he is very generous. 他虽然很穷,但很慷慨。 Child that he is, he know what to do. 虽然他是一个孩子,但他知道该做什么。 Teacher though she is, she cant teach all courses. 虽然她是一位老师,但她不能教所有课程。 Try as I may, I cant lift this stone。 虽然我可以做一次尝试,但是我不可能举起这块石头。 Dislike him as you may, you cant stop saying hello to him. 虽然你不喜欢他,但是还是要跟他打招呼。, 从上述例句中可以看出:当as, that用作让步状 语从句连词时,一定要进行倒装。倒装的形式 有两种: A. 表语+连词+主语+谓语。 (表语前不用任何冠词) B. 谓语和宾语+连词主语助动词。 Though做让步状语从句连词时,可以倒装,也 可以不倒装。 各句划线部分均为让步状语从句,未划线部分 为主句。,3. While作为“时状”“让状”和“并列”连词时的用法: While I understand what you said, I dont agree with you. 虽然我明白你的意思,但我不同意你的看法。 (while为“让状从句”连词时,从句不能倒装。) Tom studies English, while Jane does physics at college. 汤姆在大学学习英语,而珍妮在大学学习物理。 (While为“并列句”连词, 表示转折或对比。) I was singing an English song while I was walking. 我边走路,边唱英文歌曲。(while为“时状从句”连词) 当while做让步状语从句的连词时,它的意思和though 或although完全相同,只是while表示“虽然”时,只能放 在句首,绝对不能放句中,而且不能倒装,4. Whether-or和be-or的用法与区别: Whether you attend the meeting or not, itll begin at 2 p.m. = Attend the meeting or not, itll begin at 2 p.m. 不论你参加还是不参加,会议都会在下午2点开始。 Whether you believe it or not, his wife was born in Japan. = Believe it or not, his wife was born in Japan. 无论你信不信,他的妻子是在日本出生的。 Whether she is beautiful or ugly, Ill marry her. = Be she beautiful or ugly, Ill marry her. 无论她漂亮还是丑陋,我都会跟她结婚。 Whether he is a friend or an enemy, the law considers him as a criminal. = Be he a friend or an enemy, the law considers him as a criminal. 无论他是朋友还是敌人,但法律却认为他是罪犯。, 从上述例句中可以看出,whether-or中的whether是可以省去的。 不过,必须符合下面这个条件:当让步状语从句的谓语为“系”动词 时,须将“系”动词以原形的形式置于句首,再加主语和表语,即: Be +主语+表语。 当让步状语从句的谓语为实义动词时,whether和主语也可以一起 省去。(看例4) 下列现象意思相同: Believe it or not = Whether you believe it or not. whether he attends or not = whether or not he attends. Be she beautiful or ugly = Whether she is beautiful or ugly. Be he a friend or an enemy = Whether he is a friend or an enemy.,5、Granting / granted that和even if / though用法与区别: 例如:Granting that he is honest, he may be misunderstood. 纵使(即使)他很诚实,他也可能被别人误解。 1)句中的granting that,可以由granted that, even if 或 even though所取代,意思完全相同且that都可以省略。 2) 当从句中的主语为人称代词,谓语有be动词时,即可 将主语和be动词一起省去。原来的状语从句变成无动 词分句,但作用不变。例如: Even if / though he is honest, he may be misunderstood. = Even if honest, he may be misunderstood. = Even though honest, he may be misunderstood.,6. No matter + wh-和wh- + ever的用法与区别: 1) No matter how hard you study, you cant pass the exam. = However hard you study, you cant pass the exam.(状语) 不管你多么刻苦学习,你都不可能通过这次考试。 2) Whoever you are, Ill punish you. = No matter who you are, Ill punish you.(表语) 不管你是谁,我都要惩罚你。 3) No matter which book you like, you can take it away. = Whichever book you like, you can take it away. (定语) 不管你喜欢哪一本书,你都可以拿走。,九.比较状语从句 Adverbial Clause of Comparison,比较状语从句连词包括: as-as(和-一样) more-tha(比-更) not as-as(和-不一样) not so-as(和-不一样) the + 最高级(最-) the more-, the more -(越-越-) 1. 原级的用法: 1)表示双方程度相等用原级。常用的句型有: as + 形容词或副词的原级 + as(和-一样) I shall give you as much help as I can. = I shall give you help as much as I can. 我会尽力帮助你。 She can speak English as fluently as her teacher. = She can speak as fluent English as her teacher. 她的英语说得跟老师的一样流利。,2)表示双方程度不相等时也可用原级。常用的句型有: not so + 形容词或副词的原级 + as(和-不一样)。 not as + 形容词或副词的原级 + as(和-不一样)。 Today is not so cold as yesterday.今天没有昨天冷。 She didnt behave as well as her brother yesterday. 昨天她的表现不如她的兄弟好。 2. 比较级的用法: 两个事物之间的比较,表示“一个比另一个更-”的意思。 用“比较级than”的结构。 She arrived there earlier than he. 她比他早到那里。 He has better memory than I. 他记忆力比我好。, 形容词和副词的比较级也可以表达最高级的意思。 不过,必须在“than”的后面加上“any other”。 He is the tallest boy in our class. = He is taller than any other boy in our class. She runs the fastest in our class. = She runs faster than any other student in our class. 比较级前可用下列单词或词组加以强调: much(-得多) by far(-得多)a lot(-得多) a little(稍微) a bit(一点) somewhat(一点) This problem is by far (much ) more complicated than that one. 这个问题比那个问题复杂得多。 There is a lot (a great deal ) more rainfall this year than last year. 今年的降雨量比去年的多得多。 This girl is a little (a bit or somewhat) more beautiful than that one. 这个女孩比那个稍微漂亮一点。,3. 最高级的用法: 三个或三个以上事物之间的比较,用“the + 最高级” 结构。使用最高级时必须有一个比较范围。例如: The Changjiang is the longest river in China. 长江是中国最长的河流。 Spring is the best season in South China. 春天是华南最好的季节。 He is the cleverest one of the three. 他是三人中最聪明的一个。 形容词最高级前,必须加定冠词“the”。而副词最高级前, 可加上“the”,也可以不加。例如: She runs (the) fastest in our class. 形容词最高级前,也可以用“by far”(最-)来修饰,以示强调。,This is by far the most delicious food I have ever had. 这是我吃过的最为美味可口的食物。 “most”可以表示“非常”或“很”的意思。这时,most前不 能用“the”,但可用“a”来修饰。例如: He is a most disgusting fellow. 他是一个非常讨厌的家伙。 This is a most difficult question. 这是一个非常困难的问题。 It is most likely that she will live here forever. 她很可能永远住在这里。,4. 用“the + 比较级,the + 比较级”,表示:“越-越-” The harder you study, the more knowledge you will learn. = If you study harder, you will le


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