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课时训练(八)Units78(八上)(限时:30分钟).单项选择1.Jim is excellent runner. He often comes first in the race. A.an; theB.the; theC.a; / D.an; /2.2018葫芦岛 Do you like talking with your friends on QQ or by email?. I enjoy talking on WeChat.A.NoneB.AllC.BothD.Neither3.2018抚顺 Your advice is very to me. Im sure our activity will be more meaningful.A.terribleB.comfortableC.impossibleD.valuable 4.2018宿迁 The manager of the hotel was waiting at the gate the guests arrived.A.whileB.whenC.unlessD.after5.Bob took a photo of his girlfriend while she at the party.A.dancesB.was dancingC.has dancedD.is dancing6.We will go for a picnic if it tomorrow.A.doesnt rainB.isnt rainC.wont rainD.wont be rainy 7.I often hear the girl in the next room.A.singsB.singC.to singD.singing 8.What should I do when the earthquake happens, Dad?First of all,its important to and hide yourself in the corners of the room.A.calm downB.put downC.get downD.fall down9.Winter days are snow and everything is white snow. A.full of; cover withB.fill with; covered inC.full of; covered inD.filled with; cover with10.Its sunny today.A.How is the weather like today?B.What is the weather today? C.What fine weather!D.Whats the weather like today?.完形填空Bill and Cathy wanted to go on a holiday. They chose a place called Maldives(马尔代夫). And they decided to 11there for two weeks in spring,because they heard that the weather there was perfect at that time. They worked very hard for several12. Finally, they made enough money for their dream13. But their trip was more like a nightmare(噩梦)! The problem14when the flight was put off because of bad weather. They couldnt leave15night. They finally got on the plane twelve hours later! But they16fly to Maldives because there was a storm. They had to fly to the capital city17. There they stayed in a small hotel18 the airport.The hotel was next to the sea, but the sea was19 dirty that they couldnt swim in it. And the hotel swimming pool was full of leaves! The food was awful, 20. For breakfast there was21 bread and milk! They felt really 22 when the storm came. Because of the bad weather, they had to stay for23 night in the small hotel. And they had24 to do. It was so boring. Finally, they25 in Maldives three days later. And someone told them the weather there had been wonderful all the time!11.A.run B.workC.stayD.see12.A.secondsB.minutes C.hours D.months13.A.trip B.job C.college D.clothes14.A.finished B.jumped C.continued D.began15.A.after B.since C.until D.from16.A.neednt B.couldnt C.shouldnt D.wont17.A.already B.yet C.still D.instead18.A.near B.from C.across D.next19.A.hardly B.such C.so D.enough 20.A.also B.either C.too D.very21.A.only B.many C.few D.any22.A.full B.quiet C.happy D.terrible23.A.other B.another C.more D.others24.A.somethingB.anything C.nothing D.everything25.A.reached B.arrived C.got D.moved.2018广安阅读理解Different weather makes people feel different. It influences health, intelligence(智力) and feelings. In August, it is very hot and wet in the southern part of the United States. People there have heart trouble and other kinds of health problems during this month. In the Northeast and the Middle West, it is very hot at some times and very cold at other times. People in these states have more heart trouble after the weather changes in February or March.The weather can also influence intelligence. For example, in a scientific report, IQ(智商) of a group of students was very high when a very strong wind came, but after the strong wind, their IQ was 10% below. The wind can help people have more intelligence. Very hot weather, on the other hand(另一方面), can make it lower. Students in many schools of the United States often get worse on exams in the hot months of the year (July and August).Weather also has a strong influence on peoples feelings. Winter may be a bad time for thin people. They usually feel cold during these months. They might feel unhappy during cold weather. But fat people may have a hard time in hot summer. At about 18, people become stronger.Low air pressure(气压) may make people forgetful. People leave more bags on buses and in shops on low-pressure days.There is a “good weather” for health. People feel best at a temperature of about 18 .Are you feeling sad, tired, forgetful, or unhappy today? It may be the weathers problem.26.What kind of weather can have a bad effect(影响) on health?A.Hot and wet weather.B.A strong wind.C.Warm weather.D.Low air pressure.27.When may people have more intelligence?A.When a rain comes.B.When very hot weather comes.C.When a strong wind comes.D.When low air pressure comes.28.How may low air pressure make people feel?A.Forgetful.B.Sad.C.Angry.D.Tired.29.What will happen to people in “good weather”of 18 ?A.People are very forgetful. B.People cant do their work well.C.Thin people feel cold. D.People are in better health.30.What does the writer want to tell us?A.Hot and cold weather influence all people in the same way.B.Weather influences peoples lives.C.IQ changes when weather changes.D.There is a good kind of weather for peoples work and health.根据句意及所给中文提示、首字母或英文解释,写出句子所缺单词,每空限填一词31.Ice turns into water when the (温度) is above zero.32.In autumn, farmers are busy (收获) crops in the fields.33.He became a professor in his (三十).34.When you are in danger, it is important to make yourself not (紧张的) and calm down.35.When the earthquake happened, people were in great (害怕) and ran in all directions.36.I think the temperature will drop b zero tomorrow. It will be around -5.37.The children (shout loudly) and laughed while they were riding the roller coaster. 38.I am looking for my mobile phone (here and there), but I still cant find it.根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空39.The accident happened on a (fog) morning.40.What do you think of the film?It was too boring. I nearly fell(sleep) in the cinema last night.41.If the man is still (live), we need to ask for a doctor at once.42.The girl said to (she), “Im the best girl in the world”.43.Mum (listen) to music when I got home yesterday. 44.It is (excite) for children to have big snowball fights on snowy days.45.A loud bang broke the (silent) of the night and people could see a big fire started on the tall building.根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空词数不限46.数以千计的人在洪灾中丧生。 people lost their lives in the flood.47.那两个孩子惊恐地看着我们,不知所措。The two children looked at us and they didnt know what to do.48.火灾发生时,你应该用湿毛巾捂住口鼻并尽快出来。When a fire happens, you should cover your mouth and nose with a wet towel and .49.请尽快给我回复。Please write back to me .50.明天天气怎么样呢? the weather tomorrow?参考答案.1.D2.D3.D考查形容词辨析。terrible意为“可怕的”; comfortable意为“舒服的”; impossible意为“不可能的”; valuable意为“有价值的”。由下文“我有把握我们的活动将更有意义。”可知你的建议非常有价值。故选D。4.B5.B6.A7.B8.A9.C10.D.主旨大意 本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述的是比尔和凯西两人决定在春天去马尔代夫度假,在去的途中遇到了恶劣的天气,因此期待已久的一次旅行变成了他们的一场噩梦11.C12.D13.A根据下句“But their trip was more like a nightmare!”可知,他们为这次梦想的“旅行”挣够了钱,故用trip。故选A。14.D句意:问题从因为天气不好航班延迟就开始了。begin意为“开始”,符合句意。故选D。15.C句意:他们直到晚上才动身离开。notuntil意为“直到才”故选C。16.B句意:由于这场暴风雨,他们不能飞往马尔代夫。couldnt意为“不能”,符合题意。故选B。17.D句意:反而他们必须飞往首都城市。instead意为“反而;代替”,符合题意。故选D。18.A句意:在那儿他们待在机场附近的一家小旅馆里。near意为“在附近”,符合题意。故选A。19.C句意:大海的水太脏了,所以他们不能在里面游泳。so+adj.+that从句意为“如此以至于”。故选C。20.C句意:这里的食物也很糟糕。also意为“也”,一般用于肯定句句中;either意为“也”,用于否定句句末;too意为“也”,一般用于肯定句句末。故选C。21.A句意:至于早餐,仅仅只有面包和牛奶。only意为“仅仅”,符合题意。故选A。22.D句意:当暴风雨来临时,他们感觉糟糕极了。terrible意为“糟糕的”,符合题意。故选D。23.B句意:因为这个恶劣的天气,他们必须在这个小旅馆再待一个晚上。another 意为“另一个”,符合题意。故选B。24.C根据下句“It was so boring.”可知,他们无事可做,感觉很无


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