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选词填空Unit one1. In the production of grains, fruits and vegetables, the agronomy research plays a(an) instrumental role.2. Pest-resistant and stress-tolerant crops can be developed to reduce the risk of crop failure due to drought and disease.3. Recombinant gene technology is widely employed in research and development for strain improvement.4. All these brightly colored hybrids are so lovely in the garden.5. For bacteria, they are binary(二元的)fission(分裂生殖法)and conjugation.6. Each of them has a counterpart column in the database tables.7. Plant breeding must be coupled with transgenic improvement to bring economically viable products to the marketplace.8. Crops are derived from the evolutionary process as all other living creatures, from the wild to the domestic.9. Backcross breeding is a useful method to transfer favorable alleles from a donor parent into a recipient parent.10. At the conclusion of the recurrent run, you should gather and evaluate the utilization levels for all four resources crops.Unit two1. However, what on earth has evoked four emotions of “Mona Lisa ” concurrently.2. A particular perspective is a particular way of thinking about something, especially one that is influenced by your beliefs or experiences.3. The atmosphere encompasses the Earth.4. A(An) adjunct professor is also a limited or part-time position to do research or teach classes.5. Between technical and popular science, writing is what I call “integrative science”, a process that blends data, theory and narrative.6. He announced that there would be more stringent controls on the possession of weapons.7. The efficacy of an alarm clock is explained as a very vigorous sensory input that triggers(引起) a large, synchronous(同时) assembly.8. We have derived a great deal of benefit from her advice.9. They have one of the only holistic health programs in the country.10. These discoveries may shed light on the origins of the universe.Unit four1. Increased consumption of water has led to rapid depletion of groundwater reserves.2. There are extreme arid regions where only the fittest survive.3. Moisture is drawn to the surface of the fabric so that it evaporates.4. Untrammeled industrialization, particularly in the poor countries, is contaminating the river and aquifer.5. The pond is small but can support many aquatic plants and fish.6. Although all plants normally contain fluorine(氟), the concentration varies greatly.7. Your body is in survival mode and needs food to replenish its energy.8. The disrupted drainage will cause whole hillsides of waterlogged or dried out peat(泥炭) to slide.9. The products may serve to protect the water tanks, engines and metal pieces, and to prevent encrustation and raise heating rate, more fuel-efficient energy.10. The erosive rain is defined as rain as rain, which can cause soil erosion.Unit six1. As a result, our incessant interaction with food takes on immense power and can define who we are.2. Finally each year we will voluntarily report to Congress when we have invoked(行使) the privilege because there must be proper oversight of our actions.3. Animal and vegetable pets propagate with extreme rapidity.4. Environmental groups say the process can contaminate drinking-water supplies, a charge the industry denies.5. Some of the comments under the video displayed how a bias can make us disregard something without even looking at what it is.6. So just one after another they made these insane departures(背离) from the corrective devices(手段) wed put in the last time we had a big trouble and they really worked quite well.7. The government agreed to peg down(约束) the retail price of certain basic food stuffs.8. The company has focused on stem cells, not only for treatment of chronic(慢性的) conditions, but for cosmetics.9. Certain mosquitoes transmit malaria.10. To be subject to something means to be affected by it or to be likely to be affected by it.汉译英Unit one 1. 这可能是由于化肥缺乏、耕作技术落后和在关键时间水分过多或过少。It may be lack of fertilizers, poor agronomy, too much water or too little at the wrong time.2. 如果低地必须用于种植豆类作物,就应翻地做垄(ridge)。If low lands must be used for the bean crop, they should be ridged.3. 饲料作物是专为满足牲畜营养需要而种植的作物,可以包括谷类作物、油料作物和牧草作物。Feed crops are crops specifically to meet livestock nutritional needs, which may include grain, oilseed and crops.4. 在美国,主要的农作物包括玉米、大豆、小麦、干草、水稻、花生和棉花。Currently, constitutive promoters are being used to drive alien gene expression in most transgenic engineering.Unit two 1. 它用于人参中39种农药(pesticides)的测定。Itis used for determination of 39 pesticides in ginseng.2. 碱提取多糖(APE)是从西洋参根中分离得到的。The AEP (alkali-extractable polysaccharide) is isolated from the root of North American ginseng.3. 数十年来天然产物已成为抗菌(antibacterial)药物的丰富来源。Natural products have beena rich source of antibacterial drugs for many decades.Unit four1. 池塘和湖泊在陆地上都是相对暂时的景象,因为他们最终将会被淤泥(silt)所填平。Both ponds and lakes are relatively temporary feature on the landscape because they will eventually be filled with silt.2. 然而,污染(contamination)可能沿着从田地到餐桌的这条食物链,在其任何一点上发生。However, contamination can occur at any point along the food chain, from field to table. 3. 那就意味着被药物污染的废水(the drug-tained wastewater)会进入地下水和地表水,而这正是大部分人饮用水的主要来源。That means the drug-tainted wastewater can enter groundwater and surface water, which are the major sources of drinking water for most people.Unit six1. 营养被消费者视为生活本身所必不可少的。Nutrition is recognized by consumers as being essential to life itself. 2. 蛋白质能被分解产生不同大小和性质的中间产物。Proteins can be broken down to yield intermediates of various sizes and properties.3. 啤酒是一种麦芽经发酵获得的低酒精饮料。Beerisalow-alcoholbeverageobtained byfermentationofmalt.Unit eight1. 他根本没能表现出一个强有力的领导者的样子。He just hasnt been able to project himself as the strong leader.2. 科学也许能够解释某些超自然现象。Science may be able to provide some explanations of paranormal phenomena.3. 这一地区现在吸引了60多种鸟类到此繁育后代。The area now attracts over 60 species of breeding birds.4. 随着空气上升,其温度降低,凝结出水分。As the air rises it becomes colder and moisture condenses out of it.阅读U11. Within the last 11,000 years, what did the evolution of agriculture influence? The character of the human condition.2. What is considered as the agronomic challenge in the future decades?To increase enough productivity per unit of land.3. Which of the following is the main task of crop scientists? To improve crops and agricultural productivity.4. For growing population, which of the following is the center of efforts in crop science career?To increase the production of food, feed, fuels and fiber.5. To enhance productivity while sustaining the integrity of ecological processes, what disciplines do scientific research include?Crop science, soil science and environmental science6. What are the major agronomic crops in the US?Maize, rice, soybeans, wheat, peanuts, cotton and hay7. Which of the following practices involves soil, plant, crop and weed sciences, plant genetics, entomology and plant pathology?Growing crops8. When it comes to crop genetics, what can be regarded as one of the good traits of crops for producers?Resistance to injurious insects 9. What are feed crops grown specifically to meet?Livestock nutritional needs10. What kind of forage crops are harvested in a green, succulent condition and stored under anaerobic conditions?Silage foragesU21. During the development of TCM, are the guidance of its theory.Classic Chinese materialism and dialectics2. What does the italicized and boldfaced word “It” in paragraph 1 refer to? The theoretical system of TCM3. Which of the following words has the similar meaning with the italicized and boldfaced word “integrity” in paragraph 2?Unity4. Which of the following is not the constituent part of the human body?Spirit5. With the concept of holism, why can oral erosion be treated by curing the disease from the heart or small intestine?Because the heart opens into the mouth6. With the changing seasons, should be kept well during autumn and winter. Yang qi7. What is the fundamental principle in treating disease? Syndrome differentiation8. Why is differentiation of syndrome so important in TCM? Because in order to make a correct treatment, syndrome must be distinguished9. What kind of herbs can be used to treat common cold due to wind-heat? Herbs pungent in taste and cool in nature10.Treating measles with different therapeutic measures at different stages is an example of . Treating the same disease with different therapiesU41. According to the text, there will be people on the earth in 40 more years if current birthrates hold. 10.2 billion2. Which of the following is not the reason for destroying our habitat according to the author? Pandoras box3. The following places except are mentioned in the text for having suffered natural disaster in the recent time. The South China Sea4. The italicized and boldfaced word “ominous” in paragraph 6 could probably be replaced by . unfavorable5. Why has TIME designated Endangered Earth as Planet of the Year rather than named a Man of the Year for 1988? Because TIME hoped to arouse peoples environment-protection awareness6. The following except would happen if nothing were done about the earths endangered state. Discontinuity of natural resources7. The author called for international cooperation against the massive damage to the earths environment mainly because . The cause and effects of the problem that threaten the earth are global8. According to the author, the attempt to protect the environment will be successful if . ordinary people are willing to adjust their life styles9. The author pointed out that it was the that guided people to overdevelop the earths resources. Radical concept of Christianity10. The authors attitude towards environment-protection is . positiveU81. Different from the production of major crops, perennial systems are more likely to . create sustainability


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