



Module 5 Ethnic Culture写作园地-说明文感悟范文根据课文66页的内容,写一篇介绍基诺族的短文。写作要点:1.介绍基本情况;2介绍经济状况,及文化传统。写作要求:1.词数120150;2内容充实,结构完整,语意连贯;3书写须清晰、工整。范文 The Jinuo Ethnic GroupThe Jinuo Ethnic Group has a population of around 18,000 people who mainly live in the Jinghong area of Yunnan. Today they most speak Chinese although their mother language is a ChineseTibetan language with no written script.They live by farming and fishing, their main crops being rice, and maize along with beans. They live in large houses made of bamboo on mountain slopes. About 20 or 30 families live together on the upper floor, with their animals kept on the ground floor. The women usually wear colorful jackets, while men wear a short white jacket and white or blue trousers. They are good at singing and dancing. In December they have a special Sundrum Dance and they enjoy themselves together.技法讨论本文是介绍类作文,属于说明文。说明文应用一般现在时和现在完成时;介绍具体情况时,通常用第三人称,而表达自己的观点时则要用第一人称。这种介绍类说明文对写作格式没有特别要求,只要把内容介绍清楚既可。根据需要说明的事物的要点,仔细梳理要点之间的逻辑关系,使得条理清楚,便于表达,切忌逐条翻译,盲目写作。黄金表达1有人口 have a population of2母语 mother language3住在上层 live on the upper floor4擅长唱歌和舞蹈 good at singing and dancing5基诺族有18000人口。The Jinuo Ethnic Group has a population of around 18,000 people.6他们主要靠农业和渔业为生,主要粮食作物是水稻、玉米和大豆。They live by farming and fishing, their main crops being rice, and maize along with beans.7二三十个家庭一起住在上层,动物住在底层。About 20 or 30 families live together on the upperfloor, with their animals kept on the ground floor.亮点分析:1这是一篇介绍基诺族的小短文,文章内容充实,语言流利,表述清晰,达到了本文的写作目的,让读者对于基诺族了解得非常清楚。虽然文中语言没有太多的高级词汇和复杂句式结构,但是通过简洁的描述让人对基诺族的情况一目了然。2.亮点句式回放They live by farming and fishing, their main crops being rice, and maize along with beans.(独立主格结构)They live in large houses made of bamboo on mountain slopes.(过去分词短语作定语)类文演练众所周知,中国有56个民族,每个民族都有自己的传统习俗、服装和文化。请你根据下列信息介绍一个少数民族傣族。人口:大约1 159 000;居住区:山川秀丽、气候温和、雨量充足的云南西部和南部;生活习惯:能歌善舞,以孔雀舞出名;风俗:每年四月举行泼水节,以便消除灰尘和灾难;被泼的水越多,来年越幸福。提示:孔雀舞 the Peacock Dance 泼水节the WaterSplashing Festival词数:120个左右_联想词汇1. 众所周知_答案:as is known to us all 2. 气候温和 _答案:a mild climate3. 雨量充足 _答案:abundant rainfall4. 消除灰尘 _答案:wash away the dust5. 越,越 _答案:the more.,the more.连词成句1. _ ,there are 56 ethnic groups in China,each with its traditional customs,costumes and culture.众所周知,中国有56个民族,每个民族都有自己的传统习俗、服装和文化。答案:As is known to us all2. The Dai Ethnic Group _ who live in the west and south areas of Yunnan, where there are beautiful mountains, a mild climate, and abundant rainfall.傣族大约有1159000人;居住在山川秀丽、气候温和、雨量充足的云南西部和南部。答案:is made up of around 1,159,000 people3. The Dai people are known to _ singing and dancing the Peacock Dance.傣族人民能歌善舞,以孔雀舞出名。答案:be good at4. _ the more water one is splashed with,the happier one will be in the next year.据认为,被泼的水越多,来年越幸福。答案:It is believed that连句成章_One Possible Version:As is known to us all, there are 56 ethnic groups in China, each with its traditional customs, costumes and culture. So is the Dai Ethnic Group. The Dai Ethnic Group is made up of around 1,159,000 people, who live in the west and south areas of Yunnan, where there are beautiful mountains, a mild climate, and abundant rainfall. The Dai people are known to be good at singing and dancing the Peacock Dance. The WaterSplashing Festival is an annual grand festival held in April. They think they can w


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