



P1 NO.1Biotechnology is an area of applied bioscience and technology which involves the practical application of biological organisms ,or their subcellular components to manufacturing and service industries and to environment management,biotechnology utilizes bacteria、 yeast 、fungi 、algae、plant cells or cultured mammalian cells as constitutes of industrial processes。 Successful application of biotechnology will result only from the integration of a multiplicity of scientific disciplines and technologies,inclouding microbiology biochemistry, genetics ,molecular biology ,chemistry and chemical and process engineering。生物工程是属于应用生物科学和技术的一个领域,它包含微生物或其亚细胞组份在制造业、服务业、和环境管理等方面的应用,生物工程利用细菌、酵母菌、真菌、藻类、植物细胞及培养的哺乳动物细胞作为工业生产的组成。只有将微生物学、生物化学、遗传学、分子生物学、化学、和化学工程等多种学科和技术结合起来,生物工程的应用才能获得成功。Biotechnological processes will normally involve the production of cells or biomass,and the achievement of desired chemical transformations.the latter may be further subdivided into:Formation of a desired end productdecomposition of a given starting material生物学发展史四阶段:biotechnological production of food and beveragesbiotechnological processes initially developed under non-sterle conditionsthe introduction of sterility to biotechnological processesnew dimensions and possibilities for biotechnological industriesrecombinant dna manipulation DNA 重组tissue culture组培protoplast fusion原生质融合monoclonal antibody preparation 单克隆抗体protein structural modification蛋白结构修饰immobilized enzyme and cell catalysis固定化酶和细胞技术sensing with the aid of biological molecules生物传感computer linkage of reactors and processes计算机检测new biocatalytic reactor design新型生物反应器设计P9 summaryBiotechnology can be considered to be the application of biological organisms and processes to manufacturing industries 。biotechnology encompasses a wide range of disciplines and subjects 。although present day activities are highly sophisticated and novel many of the processes have their roots in the dawn of history. 生物工程是生物应用和工业生产工艺,它涉及到很多方面的学科,虽然目前的活动是非常复杂的,但是许多新奇的过程在历史起初还是有他的根源的。The specific processes are catalysed by microorganisms,plant or animal cells,or products derived from them such as enzymes. The organisms of biotechnology can be harvested for biomass,can be used to perform chemical conversions and may be the source of biologically active molecules ,including enzymes and monoclonal antibodies.这些特殊的过程可以通过微生物、植物或动物细胞、或其他产物如酶进行研究分析。生物工程所用有机体一般为细菌,这些菌体可用于化学转化、生物活性物质分子来源,包括酶和单克隆抗体Gene manipulation techniques have brought a new dimension to applied genetics and have created the potential for completely novel industrial processes,for example human interferon produced by bacterial cells. Significant developments are also occurring in process and control engineering and fermentation technology which will further advance the development of biologically-based industrial activity. 基因操作技术为基因应用带来了新领域,也为工业生产革新带来了可能;例如利用细菌生成人干扰素,控制工艺上也有了重大发展,并且以菌体为基础的发酵工业将会得到更进一步的发展。Biotechnology appears to be an area of expansion and opportunity involving many sectors of industry, including agriculture,food and foodstuffs,pharmaceutical,energy and water industries.It will play a major role in the production of new drugs,hormones, vaccines and antibiotics,cheaper and more reliable supplies of energy and(in the longer term)chemical feedstuffs, improved environmental control and waste management Biotechnology will be largely based on renewal and recyclable materials thus being better fitted to the needs of a world where energy will become increasingly more expensive and in short supply.。生物工程作为一个探测与机遇并存的领域涉及到各个行业,包括农业,食品、饲料加工,制药,能源以及污水处理。在新药物、激素、疫苗以及抗生素生产,更加廉价可靠地能源和化学合成饲料的供应以及环控和污处技术的改善等方面,生物工程都起着非常重要的作用。它在很大程度上利用可再生资源为原料,从而更适用于能源越来越昂贵的并且短缺的世界的需要。P16代谢过程包括相反但互相联系的两个途径,合成过程可以认定合成细胞成分,不仅包括主要的细胞结构(蛋白质、核酸、脂质、碳水化合物),还包括它们的代谢前体物氨基酸、嘌呤和嘧啶、脂肪酸、各种糖类、及磷酸化糖。合成代谢不能自发进行,他需要一定得能量来驱动进行,这些能量是有各种产能分解代谢过程来提供的。碳水化合物降解产生CO2和水,是最普遍的一条分解代谢途径,从广度上讲,微生物可以通过这种方式利用还原碳分子,分解代谢和合成代谢之间的偶联是所有微生物生化的基础,Atp(hexokkinase) glucose6-p (glucose phosphate isomerase) fructose6-p (phosphofructokinase) fructosel 6-p2 (aldolase) dihydroxyacetone 1-p (triose phosohate isomerace) glyceraldehyde 3-p (glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase) 1,3-p2-glycerate (3-phosphoglycerate kinase) 3-phosphoglycerate (phosphoglyceromutase) 3-p-glycerate (phosphoglyceromutase) 2-p-glycerate (phosphoenolpyruvate dehydratase) phosphoenolpyruvate (pyruvate kinase) pyruvateATP(己糖激酶)6-磷酸葡萄糖(磷酸葡萄糖异构酶)6磷酸果糖(磷酸果糖激酶)1,6二磷酸果糖(醛缩酶)二羟基丙酮(磷酸丙糖异构酶)3-磷酸甘油醛(磷酸甘油醛脱氢酶)1,3二磷酸甘油醛(磷酸甘油醛激酶)3-磷酸甘油酸(磷酸甘油变位酶)2-磷酸甘油酸(烯醇化酶)磷酸烯醇丙酮酸(丙酮酸激酶)丙酮酸Oxaloacetate (citrate synthase) citrate (aconitase) aconitate (aconitase) isocitrate (isocitrate dehydrogenase) oxalosuccinate (isocitrate dehydrogenase) 2-oxoglutarate (2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase) succinyl-coa (succinate thiokinase) succinate (succinate dehydrogenase) fumarate (fumarase) malata苯甲醛(malate dehydrogenase苯甲醛脱氢酶)草酰乙酸(柠檬酸盐合成酶)柠檬酸(顺乌头酸酶)乌头酸(顺乌头酸酶)异柠檬酸(异柠檬酸脱氢酶)-酮戊二酸()琥珀酰辅酶A(琥珀酰硫激酶)琥珀酸(琥珀酰脱氢酶)延胡索酸(延胡索酸酶)草酰乙酸P106 生物技术过程主要包括三种不同类型的操作,这一过程包括两种生物催化剂。生物反应可以是接批操作或者半连续操作(补料分批)培养和连续培养。反应发生在静态缺氧或搅拌有氧的条件下,也可以是溶液或低水分条件下。生物催化剂可以是游离的或者以自然粘性固定在表面上,这些生物催化剂可以是正在生长或非生长状态的细胞,或者是以分离酶的形式起到溶解和固定作用的生物催化剂。一般来说,反应发生在条件适宜的一个生物反应器中,包括PH(接近中性)和温度(20到65)。在大多数生物反应器中,反应过程发生在液相中。因此产物或得到相应稀释6. 4 Extraction methods(书上的这个整个部分)extractionevaporation蒸发membrane processes膜ion exchange methods离子交换法adsorption methods吸附Gene-engireering 基因工程Enzyme-engineering 酶工程Cell-engineering- 细胞工程Protoin- engineering 蛋白质工程Fermentation- engineering 发酵工程In the search for new microorganisms from the environment for biotechnological processes there are normally three types of option available;these involve the choice of habitat for sampling,the physical separation procedures for separating out the desired microorganism and the choice of method to achieve selection which in most cases involved enrichment cultures biotechnological在寻找新的微生物环境的生物技术流程通常有三种类型的选择;这些涉及到的选择栖息地进行取样,物理分离程序分离出所期望的微生物和选择的方法来实现选择在多数情况下,参与文化活动(1)on agar medium with regular subculturing(2)by reduced metabolism-mineral oil coverage,refrigeration or storage in a deep freeze(3)drying -dry sand ,silica gel ,soil or filter paper(4)freeze dring-widely practised because of convenience and gives greater stability than previous methods(5)cryopreservation at ultra low temperatures(-70度to -196度a more costly method but suitable for a wide range of organisms and one that gives high survival rates)( 1 )在琼脂培养基上定期转移( 2 )用油覆盖以减少新陈代谢,并在低温下冷藏或储存( 3 )干燥的沙子,硅胶,土壤或滤纸培养( 4 )冷冻干燥,广泛实行,因为方便,并且比以往的方法更加稳定( 5 )保存在极低温度( -70度至-196度-一个更昂贵的方法,但适合于广泛的生物之一,高度存活率)(1) The isolation of circular plasmid DN A molecules which must contain one site where the integration of foreign DNA will not destroy e ssential functions.(2) The generation of DNA fragments that are suitable for cloning by way of restriction endonucleases. The insert may be a chromosomal fragment from another microorganism (prokaryote or eukaryote).from an animal or plant or from a chemically-synthesized DNA sequence(3) A method of splicing the foreign DNA into the vector(4) Incorporation of the hybrid DMA recombinants into the host cell(5) Expression of the transformants which have the recombinant plasmid( 1 )孤立的圆形质粒DNA分子,必须包含一个外源DNA的插入不会破坏其基本功能的位点。( 2 )通过限制性内切酶,产生适合克隆的DNA片段。插入部分可能是来自另一个微生物(原核或真核生物)的染色体片段,来自于动物或植物或化学合成的DNA序列。( 3 )连接外源DNA到载体的方法( 4 )将杂交的DNA导入到宿主细胞( 5 )有重组质粒的转化的表达Applied genetics is concerned with deriving new and improved strains of organisms thatcan be utilized for the benefit of mankind. In biotechnology this will involve the selectionof organisms from natural sources,from culture collections and other organizations”orby further exploitation of in house strains. A wide variety of techniques is available tomodify,delete or add to the genetic complement of organisms. Selection and screeningactivities occupy a major part of biotechnological programmes. Screening is the use ofprocedures to allow the detection and isolation of only those organisms or metabolites ofinterest among a large population. Screens may be non-selective random screens in whichall the isolates are treated as individuals for the requisite qualities or they may be ratio-nal screens involving some aspect of Preselection.应用遗传学关注的是产生新的和改进的菌株生物造福人类。在生物技术这将涉及选择生物体从天然来源,从文化的收藏品和其他组织“或通过进一步开发的房子株。各种各样的技术提供给修改,删除或添加的基因生物体的补充。选择和甄别活动占据了主要部分,生物技术方案。筛选是利用程序,使检测与隔离的只有那些生物体或其代谢产物兴趣,人口众多。屏幕可非选择性随机屏幕中所有的菌株被视为个人素质的必要或可能比率肾屏幕涉及某些方面的预选。Recombinant DNA technologies allow the isolation,purification and selective amplification in specific host cells of discrete DNA fragments or genes from almost any organism. The basic requirements of this technology are restriction endonuclease enzymeswhich can cleave double-stranded DNA at specific sites generating DNA fragments of defined sizes. These fragments can then be inserted into carrier vehicles such as plasmidsor phage and be covalently bonded by DNA ligase enzymes. Transformation is the mainmethod used for the insertion of these chimeric DNA molecules into host cells. The typesof host cell are typically but not exclusively specific mutant cells of E. coli ,B. subtilis orS. cerevisiae. Transformed cells are identified by several means including complementa-tion and resistance markers, hybridization, immunological methods and restriction endonuclease analysis.重组DNA技术,使分离,纯化和选择性扩增在具体宿主细胞的离散DNA片段或基因从几乎任何组织。的基本要求这种技术的限制性内切酶可以切割双链DNA上特定的地点产生的DNA片段大小确定。这些碎片就可以插入到运载工具,如质粒或噬菌体和共价键的DNA连接酶。改造主要是方法用于插入这些嵌合DNA分子进入宿主细胞。类型的宿主细胞通常是但不完全的突变的细胞的大肠杆菌湾枯草芽孢杆菌或酿酒酵母。转化细胞是确定的几个途径,包括互补化及耐药性标记,杂交,免疫学方法和限制性内切酶分析。Chapter 4The nature of fermentationThe origins of fermentation technology were largely with the use of microorganisms forthe production of foods and beverages such as cheeses,yoghurts,alcoholic beveragesvinegar, sauerkraut, fermented pickles and sausagessoya sauce and the products ofmany other Oriental fermentations (Table4. 1) The present-day large scale productionprocesses of these products are essentially scaled up versions of former domesticarts. Paralleling this development of product formation was the recognition of the rolemicroorganisms could play in removing unpleasant wastes and this has resulted in mas-sive world-wide service industries involved in water purification,effluent treatment andwaste management. New dimensions in fermentation technology have made use of theability of microorganisms (1) to overproduce specific essential primary metabolites suchas glycerol, acetic acid, lactic acid, acetone, butyl alcohol, butane diol, organic acids,amino acidsvitamins,polysaccharides and xanthans;(2) to produce useful secondarymetabolites (groups of metabolites that do not seem to play an immediate recognizablerole in the life of the microorganism producing them)such as penicillin, streptomycin,oxytetracycline,cephalosporin,giberellins,alkaloids, actinomycin;and (3) to produceenzymes as the desired industrial product such as the exocellular enzymes amylases,pro-teases,pectinases or intracellular enzymes such as invertase,asparaginase,uric oxidaserestriction endonucleases and DNA ligase. More recently,fermentation technology hasbegun to use cells derived from higher plants and animals under conditions known as cellor tissue culture. Plant cell culture is mainly directed towards secondary product forma-tio


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