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ABC客诉分析,2014-12-30,一、客诉汇总(Customer Complaint),二、客诉分类(Classification),序号,客诉分类,涉及NCR,次数,1,油缸 cylinder,10,2,焊接 welding,053、067、167、258,4,3,零部件滑牙、开裂 stripped thread, break,132、136、207、215,4,4,标准不一致 different standard,091、162、224,3,5,零部件尺寸不良 dimension problems,108、176,2,6,点焊拉脱 welding set,196、227,2,22,合计,10,4,2,3,2,2,零部件变形、错位,产品混料,零部件滑牙、开裂,标准不一致,零部件尺寸不良,点焊拉脱,三、整改情况,见下页表格,1.零部件变形、错位,问题图片:,整改图片:,2.产品混料(Wrong Materials),问题图片:,整改图片:,3.零部件滑牙、开裂(Screw stripped, Parts break),问题图片:,整改图片:,4.标准不一致 (Different standard),5.零部件尺寸不良 (Dimension is not ok),6.点焊拉脱(Point welding problems),四、ANJ螺钉套开裂的改进说明,ISKRA于5月份至7月份持续投诉AMJ系列螺钉套在装配过程中开裂,尤其以16911257-AMJ引线组件最为严重。 From May to July, Iskra complain the breaking of AMJ screw plastic sleeve, specially 16911257-AMJ,针对这一问题,我司也积极要求供应商进行整改。问题螺钉套生产日期可追溯到为2012年2月,发往ISKRA的产品在2012年5月。 第一阶段,5月25日与ISKRA公司SQE一起前往强伟杰进行实地分析整改,初步得出结论是由于供应商更改了生产工艺。因此要求供应商强伟杰公司恢复到2011年的生产工艺,经验证70个有1个开裂,因此暂时按此工艺供货。 Donon Require sub-suppliers to undertake rectifying and reform to solve this problem. Screw sleeve which disqualification is production at feb 2012,but send to ISKRA at may 2012 First, 2012-5-25 donon and iskras SQE visited 强伟杰, The preliminary conclusion is due to supplier to change the production process So 强伟杰must reference production process witch made at 2011.there is only 1 Screw sleeve crazed in 70 samples .so use the production process made in 2011,第二阶段,7月2日ISKRA再次发现该螺钉套开裂比例上升,我司与供应商就工艺进行了再次确认,并尝试调整,但效果不明显。7月23日,我司与ISKRA相关领导进行了商讨制定了改进方案。 Second,2012-7-2 ISKRA found that the screw sleeve cracking ratio rose ,DONON validate designs with supplier again, and try to adjust, but effect is not obvious.2012-7-23,DONON discuss with ISKRA and formulated the improvement scheme,增加穴位号,第三阶段,8月14日邀请兰蒂奇翟工一起到强伟杰进行分析,要求强伟杰就模具8穴平衡性进行摸索并通过加大浇口等措施进行改善。随后于8月16日送样200pcs,但效果也不明显。 Thirdly ,2012-8-14 DONON invite radicis(蒂奇) engineer huo visit 强伟杰. balance of moulds acupoint 8 must be discussed and increase sprue to improve process. 2012-8-16 send us 200 sample, but the sample have no improve,第四阶段,8月25日在试验完兰蒂奇翟工带的兰蒂奇公司35%玻纤材料后,强伟杰公司用杜邦PA66+43%玻纤的材料摸索了10种工艺参数进行试验,并于8月27日送往ISKRA进行测试,8月30日,测试结果,对第2种工艺参数的样品测试结果比较满意。9月3日,强伟杰按该种工艺送货,我司生产500pcs16911257引线组件送ISKRA进行装配,装配结果比较好。 The fourth step, at Aug 25, after the test 35% glass fiber which bring by兰蒂奇 Mr.qu. 强伟杰 company have made samples by 10 different crafts, all materials are PA66+43%, at Aug 30, we got the test report, and satisfied with the second craft. At Sep 3,强伟杰 company supply us first small lot based on the second craft. We have send the first 500pcs 16911257 to your company, it shows well.,经过近3个月的时间,反复试验摸索,现基本可以确定,开裂问题与工艺参数、模具平衡性有直接关系,另外在改进过程当中发现螺钉头部有凸台的开裂情况更为严重(257和567等螺钉有区别,开裂比例257的大,其它几款相对较小)。 After 3 months trial and test, now we can confirm craft parameter, module balance affect directly to the plastic parts, otherwise, we found in process bolt breaking are more serious (257,567 different bolt, 257 breaking rate is more) 因此,现须就第2种工艺参数进行跟踪测试以固化参数,另螺钉台阶我司也进行制样以备切换,同时提高硬度等级(5.88.8),以预防滑牙。预计9月15日左右到位。 Therefore, we fix the second scheme all parameters and crafts, otherwise we are make sample of screw (with step), and trying to improve hardness to prevent stripped thread. Around Sep 15 will be ok.,更改前 有凸台,更改后 无凸台,结束语,客户发现问题,不是挑我们的毛病,而是帮助我们进步。 Its not nitpick but help us 对待客户反馈的问题,我们有义务


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