



Module6HobbiesUnit1Doyoucollectanything?基础知识回顾.根据首字母及汉语提示补全单词1.My grandma makes herself cool with a fan(扇子) in summer.2.I saw a coin(硬币) on the ground just now.3.He gave the boy two dollars(美元) to buy some cookies.4.What can you see on those shelves(架子)?5.Thank you for sending me these nice stamps(邮票).根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空1.Youve got a wonderfulcollection(collect) of seashells.Can I have a look?2.Some foreignvisitors(visit) from England came to our school last week.3.When you leave,please remembertoturn(turn) off the light.4.Its a cheap rock for others,but for him,itsvaluable(value),because its his mothers gift.5.Collecting(collect) bottles is one of his favourite hobbies.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空as,pound,must,valuable,just1.How much is this dictionary?Its seven pounds.2.On my eighth birthday,my father sent me a bike as a present.3.Helen came here just to see your cousin.4.Whos that boy?He mustbe Lindas brother.5.I think this car is more/lessvaluable than that one.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1.妈妈建议我独自整理自己的房间。My mum advises me to tidyup my room onmyown.2.我弟弟和我吃得一样多。My brother eatsasmuchasme.3.这张桌子占用了太多的空间。This tabletakesuptoo much space.4.在我房间里有一些有价值的东西。There issomethingvaluablein my room.5.你一定是个作家,对吗?Youmustbea writer,arent you?综合能力提升.单项填空(A)1.Youd betteryour clothes.Your room is in a mess.A.tidy upB.put offC.take toD.put on(C)2.Jack,is therein todays newspaper?No,nothing.A.important anythingB.something importantC.anything importantD.important something(B)3.He offeredvaluable advice thatpeople disagreed.A.such;a fewB.such;fewC.so;a fewD.so;few(D)4.Shebe here.I saw her come in.A.canB.mayC.shouldD.must(B)5.Are your shoes expensive?No.They onlyme five dollars.A.usedB.costC.spentD.paid.补全对话A:Hi,Ben.B:Hi,Amy.A:1.BB:Yes,Ido.I collect model cars.A:Model cars?2.FB:Ive got about fifty.Do you collect model cars?A:No,I collect tickets.B:3.DA:Well.bus tickets,traintickets,movie tickets.B:That sounds interesting.4.GA:I started collecting them five years ago.B:Ive got some tickets too.5.CA:Thank you.A.Whats your hobby?B.Do you collect anything?C.I can give them to you.D.What kind of tickets do you collect?E.Whydo you like collecting tickets?F.How many model cars have you got?G.When did you start collecting tickets?.完形填空Almost everybody has his or her own hobbies.A hobby can be anything people like to do for1when they have enough time.It can be growing flowers,reading,doingsports,painting,fishing or collecting stamps or bottles.A good hobby can teach us a lot and help us2after hard work.Different people have different hobbies.Anyone,rich or poor,young or old,can3 a hobby he or she likes.As for me,I not only like physical(体力的) sports,but also enjoy mental(智力的) activities.Forexample,I sometimes spend my time on4:playing ping-pong or basketball,swimming,skating or climbing mountains.I play ping-pong very well and I am able to5very well on the ice.However,sometimes I enjoy mental activities,such as6,painting and watching movies.Stamp collecting is really a helpful hobby to me.I learn many things,such as the places of interest and art of a country from the7.The beautiful pictures and pleasing(令人高兴的) colours on the stamps also make me feel8and happy.It is always a great joy to9a new stamp to my collection.And the more stamps I have,the more10I am in stamp collecting.(C)1.A.moneyB.informationC.funD.advice(D)2.A.studyB.chooseC.growD.relax(A)3.A.followB.introduceC.believeD.bring(B)4.A.musicB.sportsC.artD.travel(A)5.A.skateB.sitC.skiD.step(D)6.A.gardeningB.fishingC.shoppingD.reading(C)7.A.booksB.mapsC.stampsD.films(A)8.A.comfortableB.tiredC.lonelyD.scared(B)9.A.sendB.addC.takeD.make(C)10.A.surprisedB.excitedC.interestedD.talented.任务型阅读I love collecting old paving bricks(铺路砖).It is my favouritehobby.I started it last year when I needed to help our teacher to hold a fair display(展览) for our school.A few years earlier,I read an article about paving bricks in a fashion magazine.I found it was very interesting,so I decided to do the display on the bricks.But I didnt have so many bricks for a good display.Then I decided to go out and look for them.Now I have collected several hundred of bricks.Most of them are from Ohio(俄亥俄州).Actually,there are more than one thousand different kinds of bricks in Ohio.Sometimes,I bought some old but special bricks on the Internet.The price is from 5 to 10 dollars for one brick.Sometimes,people cant understand why I buy bricks.I must say that its my favourite hobby.1.What


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