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大学英语语法,College English Grammar 王娜,Subjunctive mood,Meaning: used to express various states of unreality such as wish, emotion, possibility, judgment, opinion, necessity, or action that has not yet occurred,If he had driven (drive) more carefully, he would not have had (have) the car accident yesterday.,虚拟语气在非真实条件句中,【CET-4:2006.12】 The Victim would have survived (本来会有机会活下来)if he had been taken to hospital in time. 【CET-6:2007.12】 But for mobile phone, our communication would not have been so efficient and convenient. (我们的通讯就不可能如此迅速和方便),【CET-6:2007 】 If you had followed my advice/ suggestion, you would not have been in trouble. (听从了我的忠告, 你就不会陷入麻烦).,【CET-4:2006.6】 The professor required that we (should) hand in our research report (s) . (我们交研究报告)。 【CET-6:2007.6】 It is absolutely unfair that these children be deprived of the right to receive education . (被剥夺了受教育的权利).,Its time something was done/some measures were taken (采取措施) about the traffic problem downtown. He wished he hadnt said that. 他没讲那样的话 I wish I were as tall as you. 你一样高。,if only I was not so busy. (但愿)我不这么忙。 if only I had taken a taxi. 我(要是)乘出租车去(就好了)。,虚拟语气的考点归纳如下: if或but for等引导的条件句 (should)+动词原形的情形 it is time , wish, if only的用法,Summary,1.1 虚拟语气的类别,从虚拟语气的形式和内容两方面着眼,可将其分为三大类: be型虚拟语气 Were型虚拟语气 条件虚拟语气,1.2 be型虚拟语气,Be型虚拟语气指在任何情况下,不分时态、人称,句子谓语动词统统使用原形动词的虚拟形式,be型虚拟语气主要有两种用途,1)用于含有命令、建议、要求等意义的结构中 含有上述意义的动词后的宾语从句 含有上述意义的名词后的同位语从句或表语从句 含有上述意义的某些It is +过去分词+that 或it is +形容词+that 的结构中 在英国英语中,这一类的虚拟语气也可以用should+原形动词的形式,The teacher insisted that we be in his office at 5 oclock. 老师坚持让我们五点钟到他的办公室去。 The general ordered that his troops retreat from the frontline. 将军命令部队从前线撤退。,常与be型虚拟语气连用的 动词主要有:advise,agree,decide,demand,insist,move,order,prefer, propose, request,require,suggest等 名词主要有:decision,advice.demand,instruction,order,insistence, proposal, requirement,resolution,suggestion等 形容词主要有: important,impossible,proper,necessary,advisable,desirable,appropriate,essential,fitting,imperative,obligatory,vital,urgent等,2) 用于表示祝愿、诅咒、假定、让步、担忧等含义的结构和一些固定用法中。 这些虚拟语气多由某些特定的连接词引导,它们多为古英语虚拟语气的残余,现仅限于正式场合使用,一般可为直陈语气所取代。,如: If that be the case, we have to give up our original plan. 倘若情况果真如此,我们将不得不放弃原定计划。 Whatever be your reason, you have no right to be rude to your elders. 无论你有什么理由,你都无权对长辈们粗鲁无礼。,1.3 were型虚拟语气,Were 型虚拟语气主要指be动词在某些表示与事实相反的语境里使用固定的were形式 其他动词在类似的语境里使用过去时或过去完成体形式的虚拟语气。,Were型虚拟语气主要用于表示与事实相反的愿望、假设、印象、看法等意义的结构中 Wish一类动词后的宾语从句 If only, as if, would rather/sooner, it is time 等短语后边的句子,如与现在情况相反,虚拟语气用动词的过去时(be动词用were), 与过去情况相反,则用过去完成体形式,I would sooner he stayed at home. 我倒宁愿他现在呆在家里。 It is high time you turned over a new leaf. 现在该是你改过自新重新做人的时候了。,1.4 条件虚拟语气,从总体上说,条件虚拟语气基本上可理解为是在直陈语气的基础上将时间点朝过去的方向推移了一步。 条件虚拟语气中与各时间情况相反的虚拟动词形式如下表:,1. 4.1与各时间基准相反条件虚拟语气例示 注意虚拟句中隐含的真实情况和作者、说话人的情感、意愿意义,如: If it hadnt rained so heavily I would surely have come to your meeting on Friday afternoon. 倘若不是天下大雨,我肯定会来出席你们星期五下午召开的会议。,1. 4.2省略if的条件虚拟语气 条件虚拟语气的条件从句中如有助动词、动词be或动词have时,可以将if省略,将以上这些词与主语位置倒置,这些用法往往见于比较正式的语体中,如:,Were it not for the heavy fog, the plane would have taken off on schedule. 要不是因为浓雾弥漫,飞机就会按预定时间起飞。 Were he allowed to exercise a choice, which would he choose of the three? 倘若让他们使选择权,三者之中他将挑选哪一个?,1. 4.3 含蓄条件虚拟语气 有时条件虚拟语气的条件不是由从句表达的,而是由介词词组或上下文等表达的,这样的虚拟语气称为含蓄条件虚拟语气,如:,We could not have achieved such brilliant achievement in the war without the selfless support from the allied forces. 要不是盟军的无私援助,我们不可能取得如此辉煌的成绩。,2. “How should the city be run?” “If I _ a mayor, I would make the streets cleaner and hire more policemen.”(托福题) A. would B. were C. would be D. should,Exercise One,1. If the earth suddenly _ spinning, we would all fly off it.(1990 年6月四级题) A. stopped B. had stopped C. has stopped D. would stop


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