



不明抛掷物论文:建筑物不明抛掷物侵权责任研究【中文摘要】建筑物不明抛掷物致人损害侵权责任是一种特殊的责任类型,此类案件中,由于难以找到具体侵权人,受害人找不到主张权利的对象,将处于十分不利的地位,无处寻求救济。因此,立法机关为了保障社会公共安全、救济受害人的合法权益、分散风险、维护公平正义在刚出台的侵权责任法中明确规定了建筑物不明抛掷物致人损害责任的承担方式,即由可能加害的建筑物使用人承担补偿责任,其性质不同于共同危险行为责任和建筑物侵权责任,并非是真正的侵权责任,而是基于公平原则,让某一范围内的无法举证证明自己不是侵权人的建筑物使用人对受害人所受的损害进行补偿,这是立法者在进行利益衡量后作出的制度选择,也是对以人为本的立法理念的彰显,具有一定的合理性。但是该规定只是原则性的一般规定,缺少对个各种细节判断依据和相关的法律适用规则,这就需要通过司法解释来解决如何确定补偿责任范围、如何分配补偿责任以及如何具体确定“可能加害的建筑物使用人”等司法实践中常会遇见的问题。当然,侵权责任法对建筑物不明抛掷物致人损害案件中受害人的救济是十分有限的,因此政府相关部门应该制定责任保险、社会保障等社会机制与侵权责任法相互协调、相互配合,建立起多元化的损失救济机制来对受害人进行救济并保护社会公共安全和利益。【英文摘要】The tort liability that unknown material flung from buildings causing damage is a special type of liability style. As it is difficult to find specific infringer, victims cant find the infringer to advocate the damages, they will be in a so disadvantageous position that there is no place to seek relief.Therefore, in order to protect the victimspublic safety and legal rights, spread risk and maintain fairness and justice, In the recently released “Tort Liability Act”clearly states accountability methods of the incidents that unknown material flung from buildings causing damage, namely, the building users who could do the harmful thing by any possibility have to bear the compensation responsibility, whose nature is different from the“common risk behavior liability”and“building tort liability”, and which is not true tort liability, but compensation for the damage victims suffered that given by who can not prove himself/herself are not the infringer to use the building in the certain range base on the principle of fairness.This is not only a institutional choice after legislators value the interests of every parties, but also a presentation of people-oriented concept, so Its reasonable in a certain extent. But the these provisions are only general principles that lack of all kinds of detail judgment proof and the applicable rules, so, it needs to be solved through judicial interpretation that how to confirm the scope of compensation liability, how to allocate specific compensation liability and how to determine “Possible Exerting Building Users”, such problems are usually be met in judicial practice.Of course, “Tort Liability Act” is very limited in redressing the victim who suffer the damage for the unknown material flung from high buildings.so the relevant government departments should establish liability insurance, social security and other social mechanisms to cooperate and coordinate with “Tort Liability Act”, in this way can a wide range of loss redress mechanism be established to redress victims and to protect public safety and interests.【关键词】不明抛掷物 补偿损害 综合救济系统 责任保险【英文关键词】unknown flinging material synthesis redress system Rescue approaches liability insurance【目录】建筑物不明抛掷物侵权责任研究摘要4-5Abstract5引言8-10第1章 建筑物不明抛掷物侵权责任的理论基础10-181.1 建筑物不明抛掷物侵权责任的概念解读10-121.1.1 从区分所有的建筑物中抛掷或坠落的物件10-111.1.2 可能加害的建筑物使用人11-121.1.3 补偿121.2 建筑物不明抛掷物侵权责任的理论基础12-181.2.1 公平与福利12-141.2.2 填补损害,分散风险14-161.2.3 预防事故,维护公共安全16-18第二章 建筑物不明抛掷物侵权责任立法的比较法考察18-222.1 古罗马法和日耳曼法对建筑物抛掷物侵权的规定18-192.2 现代外国民法对建筑物抛掷物致人损害责任的规定19-202.3 对外国建筑物抛掷物致人损害责任的分析20-22第三章 建筑物不明抛掷物侵权责任的法律构造22-293.1 归责原则22-243.1.1 对民法中的归责原则的选择22-233.1.2 适用公平责任原则的合理性分析23-243.2 责任主体24-253.3 责任承担方式25-273.4 免责事由27-29第四章 对侵权责任法第87 条的评析29-344.1 第87 条的立法进程29-314.1.1 由受害人自己承担风险29-304.1.2 由建筑物的全体使用人承担连带赔偿责任304.1.3 由可能加害的建筑物使用人给予适当补偿30-314.2 侵权


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