



概括A paragraph is a unity of thought composed of sentences ,smaller units of thought ,that relate to a single topic.a good paragraph is composed in such a way that it has:1) unity :each sentence a relates to a main idea with nothing in the paragraph not covered by the topic sentence.2) Coherence :the sentence are tied each other and to the main idea ,they flow smoothly.3) Completeness :it explores the main idea explicitly and concretely ,with plenty of details ,examples ,and explanations.1An excellent way of achieving unity is by means of the topic .properly used ,the topic sentence forces the writer to and to sustain the point he is trying to establish.The topic sentence properly used can achieve unity in the paragraph ,which indicates the importance of topic sentence.The topic sentence is an emphatically placed ,explicit statedment of the central idea in a paragraph.in short ,a good topic sentence has a limited subject and a sharp focus ,namely ,a good topic sentence is not too general nor too narrow .a topic sentence that is too general requires much more than paragraph to develop it .a topic sentence that is too narrow leaves little to be said in the rest of the paragraph.Coherence is connection and consistency. Just topic sentence help reader follow our ideas ,other singer also help them understand what we have to say .we can establish better coherence by using the following devices ;pronoun reference ,repetition ,and transitional words and phrases.Completeness:Completeness in a paragraph means that the topic is adequately develop by details ,explanation ,definitions ,evidences ,and the like ,so that the reader is not left with what only a fuzzy idea of what the writer means.2development of the main idea ,then ,is like enlarging a photograph to make details clearer .so ,development in the paragraph is as unity and coherence because skillful development helps us to stick to our subject and focus and to keep up the sense of oneness.Three basic patterns of logical reasoning in paragraph development :inductive 归纳法(periodic paragraph掉尾段)deductive 演绎法,and inductive-deductive(major support主承接 minor support)The most important sequences of development are general to particular ,particular to general ,climactic 层递顺序,chronological时间顺序 ,and spatial空间顺序.climactic sequence :the most intense or highest point of interest is saved for the final sentence ,which may be ,but is not necessarily ,the topic sentence.Chronological sequence :sentence is one in which earlier things precede later things ;items are listed in the order in which they ocuur in time ,the most obvious use of a chronological sequence is in telling a story.Spatial sequence :a is used in descriptions of various types ,it starts the reader at a particular point and then moves logically in some direction ,from one place to another.Among the most important types of paragraph development are development by details ,comparison and contrast ,process ,classification and partition ,cause and effect ,definition ,and mixed development.A comparison shows how two or more things are alike ,and a contrast shows how they are deferent.When we divide ,we begin with a whole ,a complete body of information or one idea ,and break it into its parts .when we classify ,we begin with many small observations and sort them into categories on the basis of their aimilarities.Causal analysis involves the ability to see and effect relationships between two elements.In order to arrive at a cause ,we need to distinguish among three kinds ,necessary ,sufficient and contributory.Definitions are particularly important for limiting the intended meaning of abstract or technical terms行语.There are two types of definition :formal definition and extended definition .formal definition includes the term itself ,the class it belongs to ,and the details that distinguish it from other items in its class .A single paragraph often contains more than one type of development ,almost any kind of paragraph may include examples oe illustrations .the important thing is to avoid switching abruptly and apparently without reason from one kind of development to another in the middle of a paragraph .The introduction should agree in tone and style with rest of the essay .In general .diction is the choice of words express the writers ideas and feeling exactly .the choice of words will depend on his purpose ,his point of view ,and his reader .Every word has a denotation and a connotation .to denote means to point to ,to connote means to imply .the denotation of a word is its bare dictionary definition ;the connotation includes all of the emotional overtones suggested by the word .The semantic triangle语义三角 :explains how words derive their meaning from being matched up with an object or concept .according to this theory ,each word operates as a symbol with a referent (thing the word stands for) and a reference(thoughts about the word ) Concrete words refer to tangible ,material things that can be experienced with the sense (nectarine ,nail polish).abstract words refer to qualities pr conditions rather than to specific objects or examples(sweetness , fulfillment )general words refer to entire groups or class(people fuel)specific words refer to explicit ,particular examples of a group or class(boy scouts kerosene)unlike abstract and concrete ,general and specific are relative terms .Use words economically :some writers get into habit of automatically using meaningless phrases ,often introductory phrases ,that take up space and add noth


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