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affect fektvt.影响The tax increases have affected us all.加税已经影响了我们所有的人。感动The audience was deeply affected.听众被深深地打动了。假装He affected not to see me.他假装没看见我。effect ifektn.结果, 效果, 影响感受, 印象个人财产, 财物He lost all his personal effects in the fire.在那次火灾中, 他失去了全部个人财产。vt.实现, 使生效, 引起The temperature often effects a change of the state of matter.温度常常引起物态的变化。in effect 实际上affectionate feknitadj.柔情的She is an affectionate child and loves to be hugged and kissed.她是一个多情的孩子,喜欢让人爱抚亲吻。have an effect on 对.有影响; 对.起作用, 产生效果have an impact on 对.有影响; 对.起作用, 产生效果decline diklainn.下降, 减少, 衰退There has been a sharp decline in profits this year.今年的利润大幅度下降。vt. & vi.辞谢; 谢绝(邀请等)We asked her to come to our party, but she declined.我们请她来参加我们的晚会, 但是她谢绝了。vi.(太阳)落下The sun is declining.太阳在落山。deteriorate ditirireitvi.恶化, 变坏Idle houses deteriorate.闲置不用的房子会渗漏衰败。aggravate rveitvt.使恶化, 使更严重The lack of rain aggravated the already serious lack of food.缺少雨水加重了业已严重的食物短缺。激怒, 使恼火If he aggravated me any more I shall hit him.假如他再激怒我, 我就要揍他。lessen lesnvi.变少vt.减少(某事物)relieve rili:vvt.缓解, 消除, 减少The doctors did their best to relieve the patient.医生们尽力减轻病人的痛苦。换班, 换岗He will relieve a sick teacher tomorrow.他明天要为一个生病的老师代课。project prdektvt.规划Can you project a new working scheme for us?你能为我们设计一个新的工作计划吗?抛; 投; 射I had no screen, so I projected the slides onto an old white sheet.我没有幕布, 所以我把幻灯片投射到一块旧的白床单上。vt. & vi.伸出, 突出; 表达特点He stood at a balcony that projects over the entrance.他站在入口上面突出的阳台上。prdektn.项目, 计划, 方案, 课题In their geography class, the children are doing a special project on North American Indians.在地理课上, 孩子们正在做一个有关北美印第安人的特别作业。eject idektvt. & vi.弹出, 喷出, 排出Some ants eject formic acid when irritated.有些蚂蚁受到刺激时会排出蚁酸。vt.逐出The patron of the bar was ejected for creating a disturbance.酒吧客人因制造骚乱而被驱离。inject indektvt.注射, 注入The doctor has injected him under the skin.医生已给他皮下注射了一针。reject ridektvt.拒绝, 谢绝; 驳回He was afraid she would reject him because he was a foreigner.他担心她会因他不是本国人而拒绝他。舍弃, 排斥, 退掉Choose the good apples and reject the bad ones.把好的苹果挑出来, 把坏的剔出去。ri:dektn.被拒货品, 不合格产品This is the reject.这是次品。deject didektvt. Adj.使沮丧,使灰心 dejectedproceed prsi:dvi.前进; 行进I was proceeding along the High Street in a northerly direction.我正在沿着大街向北走去。进行; 继续下去They will proceed to build another laboratory building.他们将着手建造另一座实验大楼。propel prpelvt.推进; 推动A volcano erupted and propelled rocks high into the sky.火山爆发, 把无数的石块抛向天空。protrude prtru:dvt. & vi.(使某物)伸出; (使某物)突出His teeth protrude.他牙齿外露。recede risi:dvi.自原处后退或避开别人的注视The high water receded.高水位退去了。向后倾斜dispel dispelvt.驱散, 赶跑The sun soon dispelled the thick fog.太阳很快驱散了浓雾。intrude intru:dvi.侵入; 闯入; 打扰intrude upon sb.s privacy闯入某人的私室intrude upon sb.s time占用某人的时间I hope I am not -ding.我希望我不致打扰你。vt.硬挤; 强加【地质】使侵入其它地层intrude ones views upon others把自已的意思强加于人intrude oneself into a meeting挤入会场transmit emit transfuse effuse infuse profuse prfju:sadj.极多的, 充足的慷慨的; 挥霍的; 浪费的, 奢侈的冗长的He is profuse in hospitality.他招待得十分周到。He was so profuse with his money that he is now poor.他过去很挥霍, 结果现在穷了。His speech was too profuse.他的讲话太长了。Shift switch transform Transfer transit transition transfuse transplantrange reindn.一系列A range of buildings have sprung up along the river.沿河建起了一排楼房。变化幅度, 范围Several cars are available within this price range.在这个价格范围内, 有好几种汽车可供选购。射程, 距离This weapon can kill at a range of 200 yards.这种兵器在200码内有杀伤力。(山)脉The two countries are separated by a range of mountains.这两个国家被一条山脉隔开。vi.变化Prices range from 6 to 10.价钱从六英镑到十英镑不等。vt.排列Range the books by size.把这些书按大小分类排列。vi.列成一行, 并列连绵; 延伸(动物的)分布; 栖息徘徊, 走来走去; 漫步加入; 站在. 一边(在一定范围内)变化, 变动涉及【航海】巡航;【军】测距; 试射测距; 射程为range along the coast沿海岸巡航a boundary that ranges from A to B从甲地延伸到乙地的边界camels which range from North Africa to Central Asia从北非到中亚所分布的骆驼range through woods在森林里来回走researches that ranged over a wide field范围很广的研究The gun ranges over five miles.这炮的射程可达五哩多。Prices ranged from 5 dollars to 10 dollars.价格自五美元至十美元不等。vt.排列分门别类; 使系统化把(枪、望远镜等)对准加入; 站在. 一边在. 徘徊; 在. 走来走去; 沿(海岸)巡逻放牧(牛、羊等)range the books by size按书的大小排列range the medicinal herbs according to their use把草药按用途分类range a gun on a particular object用枪瞄准一个特别的目标range the forest for game在森林中跑来跑去猎取猎物scope skupn.余地, 机会There is little scope for initiative in this job.这工作几乎没有发挥主动性的余地。(处理、研究事务的)范围Such subjects are not within the scope of this book.这样的问题不在本书的讨论范围之内sphere sfin.球, 球形, 球体, 球面天体, 行星体地球仪, 天体仪(活动)范围, (研究)领域身分, 地位, (社交或势力)范围美俚棒球诗天空geometry of sphere球面几何sphere of knowledge知识面the ideological sphere意识形态领域a sphere of influence势力影响, 作用范围The earth, sun, and moon are spheres.地球, 太阳和月亮都是天体。We move in different spheres.我们在不同的领域里活动。vt.使成球形放在球内, 使处于天体之间包围; 围住诗捧上天, 极力赞扬; 使升起, 使浮起hemisphere hemisfin.半球地球的半球This animal is to be found only in the Southern Hemisphere.这种动物只有在南半球才能找到。territory teritrin.领土, 版图This island was once French territory.这个岛一度是法国的领地。管区, 营业地区As the companys northern sales manager Im responsible for quite a large territory.作为公司的北方销售经理, 我负责相当大的一片地区。地盘, 领域, 范围Mechanics is out of my territory.我不懂力学。scale skeiln.鱼鳞, 鳞片Scales of skin peel off after scarlet fever.猩红热病愈后皮肤上的鳞屑就会脱落。鳞状物; 障眼物The doctor removed the scale from his eyes.医生除去了他眼中的障眼物。水垢, 水锈A scale of rust covered the steel plate.一层铁锈覆盖了钢板。刻度, 度数This ruler has only one scale in centimeters.这把尺只有厘米刻度。比例(尺)The scale of this map is an inch to a mile.这张地图的比例尺是一英寸代表一英里。规模; 程度; 范围Hes in business on a small scale.他做的是小本生意。等级; 级别For every year youve worked here you go up another step on the salary scale.你在这儿每工作一年, 工资就会长一级。天平, 磅秤The butcher weighed the meat on the scales.肉贩用盘秤称肉。vt.刮去的鳞片鳞状物You have to scale the fish before cooking it.你在烧鱼之前得刮去鳞片。称的重量The fish scales 2 pounds.这条鱼重两磅。攀登, 爬The boys soon scaled the wall.男孩很快就爬上了墙头。Span intervalRestrictto.ConfinetoConstrain restrain refrainprincipal prinspladj.最重要的; 主要的Drinking is a principal cause of highway deaths.酗酒是公路死亡事故的最主要的原因。n.负责人, 校长He is the principal of this school.他是该学校的校长。资本, 本金There is a shortage of principal.资金有些短缺。被代理人, 委托人I must consult my principals.我得同委托人商量一下conventional knvennladj.依照惯例的, 约定俗成的, 依照传统的常规的, 非核的in conflict with. 同.相冲突有抵触, 有矛盾Be in harmony/accordance/step/tune withconflict knfliktn.战斗, 斗争This is a serious dispute, and could lead to armed conflict.这是一场严重的争执, 有可能导致武装斗争。冲突, 抵触, 争论It is not surprising that such a view has led to very considerable conflict.这样的一种观点引起很大的分歧是不足为怪的。vi.抵触, 冲突Do British immigration laws conflict with any international laws?英国的移民法与国际法有抵触吗?clash klvt. & vi.(砰地相撞)发出撞击声The dustbins clashed as people emptied rubbish.垃圾桶在人们倒垃圾时发出撞击声。vi.交锋; 冲突不合; 不一致n.(金属等的)刺耳的撞击声The pot came down on the stone floor with a clash.锅“当”地一声掉到石地上。不协调The colour of the curtains has a clash with the colour of the wall.窗帘的颜色与墙的颜色不协调。冲突There is a clash between two classes at 2 p.m.on Thursday.星期四下午两点有两堂课是冲突的。collide klaidvi.相撞, 碰撞The ships collided in the fog.轮船在雾中相撞。冲突, 抵触, 不一致The interests of the two countries collide.两国的利益发生冲突。collide with 与.相撞; 冲突; 抵触dispute dispju:tvt. & vi.辩论; 争论Some husbands and wives are always disputing.有些夫妇总是争吵。vt.怀疑的真实性或妥当性I disputed the ministers figures, the true cost of the project is much higher.我怀疑部长所说的数字; 那个项目的实际花费要高得多。n.辩论, 争端, 争执We had a dispute about how much money he owed me.我们就他欠我多少钱一事进行了一番争论。beyond dispute 无争论余地; 的确, 无疑past dispute 无争论余地; 的确, 无疑without dispute 无争论余地; 的确, 无疑out of dispute 无争论余地; 的确, 无疑in dispute 在争论中; 尚未解决under dispute 在争论中; 尚未解决settle a dispute with sb. 同某人解决争端settle disputes between 调解.之间的争端dispute with sb. about 与某人争论某事dispute with sb. on 与某人争论某事refute rifju:tvt.驳斥, 驳倒They refuted his wrong idea.他们批驳了他的错误观点。irrefutable irefjutbladj.无可辩驳的, 不可反驳的an irrefutable logic无可辩驳的逻辑Beyond remedy beyond reachBeyond control beyond the boundary ofBeyond belief beyond repair 无法修补恢复I have to tell you that the machine is beyond repair.我不得不告诉你这台机器已无法修理了。 be entitled to sth. 对.享有权利, 值得; 有(做某事)的资格权利be entitled to do sth. 对.享有权利, 值得; 有(做某事)的资格权利authorize :raizvt.授权, 批准; 委托The government authorized an irrigation project.政府批准了一项灌溉工程。authorize sb to do sth.credit kreditn.赊购; 赊购制度This store does not give credit.本店概不赊欠。存款; 存款数额My account is in credit.我的银行账目有存款。借款; 贷款They established a credit for 100, 000 dollars in favour of me.他们给我10万美元贷款来帮助我。赞扬, 荣誉, 功劳I gave her credit for being sensible.我称赞她很明智。信任, 相信Do you place any credit in the governments story?你相信政府的说法吗?学分He hasnt enough credits to get his degree.他的学分不够取得学位。vt.相信, 信任She could not credit their statement.她无法相信他们的声明。把记入贷方, 存入(账户)add to ones credit 增加荣誉be a credit to 使.感到光荣, 给.争光be bare of credit 名誉不好, 无信誉be to sb.s credit 为某人增光crack credit 失信用do sb. credit 为某人增光; 证明某人具有某种才能或品质get credit for 因.而得到好评take credit for 因.而得到好评give credit to 相信; 信任称赞, 赞扬give sb. credit for sth. 为.赞扬肯定某人认为某人具有(某种品德、才能等)have credit with sb. 得到某人的信任have the credit of 有.的好名声lend credit to 使更可信; 证实look for credit 力求出人头地lose credit with sb. 失去某人的信任;在某人眼中失去威信oncredit 赊(购)placecredit in 相信redound to ones credit 为自己某人增光redound to sb.s credit 为自己某人增光reflect credit on 为.增光,使.光荣; 使.感到光荣take credit to oneself for 把.归功于自己, 自称(某事)是自己干的to sb.s credit 值得赞扬; 对某人有利在某人贷方; 属于某人使某人感到光荣credit goes to 归功于credit .to. 把.归功于; 把某数记入某人账户credit sb. with 认为某人某事具有.; 认为某人某事能够.; 把.归因于某人某事credit sth. with 认为某人某事具有.; 认为某人某事能够.; 把.归因于某人某事accredit kreditvt.官方认可, 接受, 或同意相信归功(某事)于(某人); 把.归于委派, 任命; 授权鉴定.为合格; 特许信以为真They have the confidence of the governments to which they are accredited.他们对其所代表的政府有信心。an accredited journalist特派记者an accredited school立案学校He was accredited ambassador to Lisbon.他奉派出任里斯本大使。Ruth is always truthful and anything she says will be accredited.露丝总是诚实的, 所以她所说的任何话都会被人相信。They accredit these remarks to him. (=He is accredited with these remarks.)他们认为那些话是他说的。creditable kreditbladj.值得赞扬的, 可钦佩的可信任的, 值得给予信用贷款的可归功于.的(to)为.带来声誉的(to) Victory was directly creditable to his efforts.胜利可直接归功于他的努力。 -bility kreditbiliticredible kredbladj.可信的, 可靠的Is there a credible alternative to the nuclear deterrent?是否有可以取代核威慑力量的可靠办法?incredible inkredbladj.不能相信的, 不可信的The plot of this book is incredible.这本书的情节不可信。非正难以置信的, 不可思议的, 惊人的Some planets run at incredible speed.某些星球以难以置信的速度运行着。pose puzvt. & vi.使摆姿势; 以身份出现The model was posing carefully.这位模特儿在认真地摆着姿势。vt.提出Youve posed an awkward question.你已经提出了一个难题。n.姿势, 姿态He sat in a relaxed pose.他轻松自如地坐着。装腔作势, 伪装The Presidents visit to the slums was a mere pose.总统到贫民区去访问只不过是做做样子罢了。pose/put up a barrier/obstacle/threat/danger toimpede impi:dvt.阻碍, 妨碍, 阻止He was impeded in his work.他的工作受阻。hinder hindvt. & vi.阻碍; 妨碍Heavy snow hindered construction work.大雪阻碍了建筑工程的进展。hamper hmpvt.妨碍, 束缚, 限制Prejudice sometimes hampers a person from doing the right thing.有时候, 偏见会妨碍人正确行事。n.(有盖的)大篮子There are some apples in a picnic hamper.在野餐用的大篮子里有许多苹果。obstruct bstrktvt.阻塞; 堵塞He was charged for obstructing the highway.他因阻碍交通而受控告。阻碍, 阻止, 妨碍Tall trees obstructed his view of the road.有大树挡着, 他看不到道路。barricade brikeidn.路障, 障碍物The soldiers make a barricade across the road.士兵在路上设路障。vt.设路障于; 以障碍物阻塞The police barricaded the entrance.警方在入口处设置了路障。设路障防御工事保卫或固守recede risi:dvi.退回, 后退向后倾斜收撤回(from)变模糊跌落, 缩减, 贬值, 失去重要性recede from a bargain撤销买卖合同recede into the backgroundThe mountain peaks recede into the distance as one leaves the shore.人离岸时, 山峰向后退去。Memories of childhood recede.童年的回忆渐渐模糊。The colleges would recede in importance.大学的重要性会降低。precede pri(:)si:dvt.(时间, 位置, 次序)在.之先前, 领先于, 在.之上; 比.重要在.前加上; 为.加上引言(by, with)The tourists were preceded by their guide.向导走在游客的前面。He preceded his speech with welcome to the guests.他在正式讲演前, 先对来宾表示欢迎。vi.在前面, 领先, 居先in the chapters that precede在前面各章中concede knsi:dvt.(勉强)承认让与, 容许; 放弃俚【体】失(局)He finally conceded defeat.他最终承认了失败。After the First World War Germany conceded its neighbours much valuable land.第一次世界大战后, 德国让与其邻国许多宝贵的领土。They have conceded us the right to cross their land.他们已容许我们经过他们的土地。vi.让步concede to (sb.)对(某人)让步proceed prsi:dvi.前进; 行进I was proceeding along the High Street in a northerly direction.我正在沿着大街向北走去。进行; 继续下去They will proceed to build another laboratory building.他们将着手建造另一座实验大楼。drift driftvi.漂, 漂流The snow drifted everywhere.雪飘至各处。漂泊, 流浪n.漂移, 漂流吹积物; 堆积物趋势, 动向, 倾向There is a slow drift into crisis.有一种渐入危机的趋势。大意, 要点, 主旨float flutvt. & vi.(使)漂浮飘动When youre tired of swimming, just float for a while.你游累了就漂浮一会儿。(使)浮动It was decided to float the pound because a fixed value was damaging exports.决定浮动英镑的汇率, 因为固定汇率不利于出口贸易。vi.游荡The old man floats from town to town with nowhere to go and nothing to do.这位老人从一个市镇游荡到另一个市镇, 无所事事, 也没有目的地。vt.提出, 提请考虑The idea was first floated before the war.这个意见最初是在战前提出的。n.漂浮物; 鱼漂When a fish bites the hook, the float bobs.当鱼上钩时, 鱼漂上下跳动。浮有冰淇淋的饮料Ill have a coke float please.请来一杯带冰淇淋的可口可乐。彩车An outsize cotton shoes was mounted on a huge float and paraded through the main street.一双特大的布鞋装在大型花车上在大街上通过。备用零钱The salesmen in this company have floats for their traveling expenses.这家公司的推销员准备了在路上用的零钱。on the float 漂浮着float off (搁浅的船)浮起flutter fltvi.飘动The coloured flags are fluttering in the breeze.彩旗在微风中飘扬。(心)快速跳动, 心绪不宁, 坐立不安His heart fluttered with excitement.他因激动而心跳得厉害。He fluttered about the room nervously.他焦躁地在屋里转来转去。vt. & vi.振翼, 拍翅膀The bird fluttered its wings in the cage.小鸟在笼子里拍动翅膀。n.紧张, 激动不安stir st:vt. & vi.搅拌This paste stirs easily.这种糨糊易于搅拌。(使)移动; (使)激动He did not stir, not look up.他没有动, 也没有抬头。n.搅动; 搅和; 搅拌Give the soup a stir.把汤搅拌一下。激动; 纷乱; 骚乱His resignation caused quite a stir.他的辞职引起了相当大的轰动。agitate diteitvt.使激动, 使不安, 使焦躁摇摆; 搅拌, 搅动扰乱热烈讨论; 激烈辩论agitate the cement搅拌水泥His fiery speech agitated the crowd.他热情洋溢的讲话激动了群众。The wind agitated the trees.风使树木摇摆。She was much agitated by the bad news.坏消息使她的心绪很乱。vi.进行鼓动; 游说辩论agitate for a strike鼓动罢工vibrate vaibreitvi.振震, 颤, 摆动(心)悸动; 喻(感情)激动回响(钟摆等)摆动激动踌躇, 犹豫Her heart vibrates with excitement.她的心因兴奋而悸动。The house vibrates when a train passes.火车经过时房屋震动。Her lips vibrated.她嘴唇颤动。Their hearts vibrated to the speakers stirring appeal.他们的心随着演说者激动人心的呼吁而激烈跳动。vt.使振颤, 摆, 震动用摆动表示; 振动发出(光, 声)A pendulum vibrating seconds.钟摆以摆动指示秒数。mobile mubailadj.可迅速转动的, 易于移动的The old lady sits on a mobile chair every morning.那位老妇人每天上午坐在一把可携带使用的椅子上。车载的; 流动的He converted his truck into a mobile snack bar.他把货车改成流动小吃店。有交通工具的Shes much more mobile now that shes bought a car.自从她买了汽车后, 活动量就大多了。immobile imubailadj.不能活动的, 不能移动的The dog lay at rest absolutely immobile.那条狗安静地躺着, 纹丝不动。不活动的, 静止的mobilize mubilaizvt. & vi.动员起来, 调动, 鼓动起The troops received orders to mobilize.部队接到动员令。migrant mairntn.移居者, 移民; 候鸟, 迁移动物Summer migrants nest here.夏天候鸟来这里筑巢。itinerant itinrntadj.巡回的, 流动的itinerant peddlers行商itinerant musicians巡回音乐队n.巡回者(工作)(如巡回传教士; 巡回法官; 行商) ; 时而工作时而游荡的人take precautions against sth. 预防某事发生caution against 警告(某人)不要做(某事)I cautioned him against the danger.我警告他当心危险。Alert sb. toalert to do 留心做cautious k:sadj.谨慎的be cautious of留意, 谨防foresee f:si:vt.预知, 预见He foresaw the world war.他预见了世界大战的爆发。forecast f:-k:stvt.预言, 预报Now scientists can forecast the weather accurately.现在科学家们能准确地预报天气。forecast f:k:stn.预测; 事先的设计或决定预见, 预防预言, 估计, 预报, 预报方法anticipate ntisipeitvt.先于行动They have anticipated us and seized the bridge.他们抢在我们之前占领了那座桥。预感, 期望The directors anticipated a fall in demand.董事们预感需求会降低。预期; 预料; 期待预先做.; 预支抢先于; 占.之先促进; 提早; 使提前发生预先考虑; 予先准备ardently anticipate殷切地期望confidently anticipate满怀信心地期望anticipate sb.s arrival with much pleasure万分高兴地期待某人的到来。A man who always anticipates his income can never save or become rich.总是预支工资, 寅吃卯粮的人, 永远不能储蓄或成为富人。He tried to anticipate all my needs.他设法将我需要的东西预先准备好。speculate about spekjuleit思考关于We should speculate about the purpose of life.我们应该想想人生的目的receive risi:vvt.收到, 接到, 领受接受见, 待, 纳容纳承受; 遭受; 负担; 顶挡住; 抵挡招待, 欢迎收藏(赃物等)【体】接(发球);【电】接收(信号)receive an invitationa letterfrom sb.接到某人的邀请函信receive a sick person into a hospital把病人收进医院the beliefs received by the world世界所接受


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