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2018英语写作模板的使用,考生的写作情况,写作中存在的问题,没有掌握应用文的篇章结构特点; 2. 对于不同文体的写作套路不熟悉; 3. 词语使用不当,表达生硬牵强,词不达意; 4. 写出的句子带有汉语的句式的痕迹 5. 为了写出高级的句式而采用复杂的表达法。 语言不自然 ,不流畅,矫揉造作,令人费解,采用英语写作模板,准确把握不同英语文体的篇章结构,使用借助烂熟于心的英语句式,使语言表达更为流畅,不仅避免了低级语言错误,提高了语言的准确性,而且为短文增加亮点。,为什么要使用写作模板?,假定你是李华,你市将在7月举办一场国际图书博览会,现在正在招募志愿者。你打算成为一名志愿者,请用英文给组委会写一封自荐信。内容包括: 1. 写信意图; 2. 个人优势; 3. 希望回复。 注意:1. 词数100左右; 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear Sir/Madam, _ Yours, Li Hua,一、自荐信(申请信),Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to apply to be a volunteer. Knowing that our city will hold the International Book Fair in July. It cant be better of you can agree with it. I am a student from Xinhua Middle School at present. My favorite hobby is reading books. I am friendly and easy-going. So I can get along well with other people. I always help others, so I can help you do some work. I believe I can do it really well. I would appreciate it if you can agree with it. I am waiting for your reply . Yours, Li Hua,【考生习作】,Dear Sir/Madam, I am Li Hua, a 18-year-old boy from Xinhua Middle School. I learn from the newspaper that some volunteers are needed for the International Book Fair to be held in our city in July. I am writing to recommend myself. My advantages are as follows: first, I am friendly and helpful, which makes it easy for me to get along with others. Second, I am so good at spoken English that I can communicate with native speakers without difficulty. I think I am qualified to be a volunteer. Please give me a chance. I would be grateful if you could give me an early reply. Yours, Li Hua,【高分范文】,第一段:自我介绍、写信背景(消息来源)和写作目的 第二段:陈述自己具备的优势: (1)性格特点; (2)语言能力; (3)组织(交际)能力。 第三段:希望申请被批准,期待收到回复,写作要点,Dear Sir/Madame, I am Li Hua, a student from I know from that some . are needed I am writing to recommend myself/apply for the opportunity to work as a(an) . My advantages are as follows: first, I am friendly and helpful, which helps me to get along with others. Second, I am so good at spoken English that I can communicate with native speakers without difficulty. I think I am qualified to be . Please give me a chance. I would be grateful if you could give me an early reply. Yours, Li Hua,写作模板,【巩固练习】 假如你叫李华,你市博物馆正在招募兼职解说员(interpreter),在周末为外国游客进行英语介绍。请根据下面的写作提示,写一封自荐信。内容包括: 1. 写信意图; 2. 个人优势; 3. 希望获准。 注意:1. 词数100左右; 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear Sir/Madam, _ Yours, Li Hua,Dear Sir/Madame, I am Li Hua, a student from No. 1 Middle School. I know from the Internet that some part-time interpreters are needed at weekends. I am writing to recommend myself. My advantages are as follows: first, I am friendly and helpful, which makes it easy for me to get along with others. Second, I am so good at spoken English that I can communicate with native speakers without difficulty. I think I am qualified to be an interpreter. Please give me a chance. I would be grateful if you could give me an early reply. Yours, Li Hua,【套用模板】,假如你是李华,你参加学校最近举办的英语演讲比赛,并荣获一等奖。请给你校的外教Miss Perkins发一封英语邮件,感谢她的帮助。内容包括: 1. 分享获奖的消息; 2. 感谢她的帮助。 注意: 1. 词数100左右; 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; Dear Miss Perkins, _ Yours, Li Hua,二、感谢信,Dear Miss Perkins, How are you? Its been a long time without meeting you. Here are some good news for you. I have won the English Speech Contest last month. Dont you remember the days when you taught us English? My English was so bad that I lost confidence about myself. I never thought I would take part in the English Speech Contest. Thank you very much. Through your hard work, my English got better and better. Without you, I cant learn my English well. Now I have full confidence about my future life. I am working hard towards my dream. Yours, Li Hua,【考生习作】,Dear Miss Perkins, Here is some good news for you. I got the first place in the English Speech Contest held in our school last week. I am writing to express my sincere gratitude to you for kind help. When I signed up for the contest, I was nervous because I had never participated in such an activity. When I turned to you for help, you encouraged me to try my best. You were patient with me when I practiced in front of you. Not only did you correct my pronunciation and intonation, you also taught me speaking skills. Without your kind help, I couldnt have achieved success. Thank you again for your kind help. Yours, Li Hua,【高分范文】,【写作要点】 第一段:写信背景和写作目的 第二段:感谢对方的原因 (1)自己遇到的困难; (2)对方为自己做了什么; (3)对方的帮助如何使自己 受益。 第三段:再次向对方表示感谢,【写作模板】 Dear Miss/Mr., Here is some good news for you. I won/got/was in . last. I am writing to express my sincere gratitude to you for kind help. When I ., I was . because I. When I turned to you for help, you encouraged me to You were patient with me when I . Not only did you , you also Without your kind help, I couldnt have. Thank you again for your kind help. Yours, Li Hua,【巩固练习】 假定你是李华,是某国际学校的高中生。在高中毕业前夕,你收到国外大学的录取通知书。请根据以下的写作提纲给外教Susan写一封英语感谢信。内容包括: 1. 分享你的好消息; 2. 感谢老师为你提供的帮助; 3. 表示祝愿。 注意: 1. 词数100左右; 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear Susan, _ _ Yours, Li Hua,【套用模板】 Dear Susan, Here is some good news for you. I was admitted into a foreign university last month. I am writing to express my sincere gratitude to you for kind help. When I applied for the foreign university, I was not confident about myself because I didnt know how to write a letter of recommendation. When I turned to you for help, you encouraged me to list my advantages in English. You were patient with me when I asked you to check my resume. Not only did you offer me some valuable advice, you also polished my writing. Without your kind help, I couldnt have been admitted. Thank you again for your kind help. I wish you all the best. Yours, Li Hua,三、建议信 假定你是李华。你的笔友Lily因为长期节食减肥而生病住院。请用英语给她写一封邮件。内容包括: 1. 写作目的; 2. 提出建议; 3. 希望情况好转。 注意: 1. 词数100左右。 2. 可适当增加细节,使行文连贯。 Dear Lily, _ Yours, Li Hua,【考生习作】 Dear Lily, I feel very sad to know you are in hospital these days because you have disease. The purpose of writing this letter is to offer you some advices. I think you are wrong to be on a diet because it will make you unhealthy. Youd better stop being on a diet right now. You should eat healthy food to keep fit. I advise you to eat some meat, vegetables and fruits because they contain various nutrients you need. Drinking some milk is also good for your healthy. If you follow the above advice, I am sure you will get better soon. Yours, Li Hua,【高分范文】 Dear Lily, I am sorry to know you are ill in hospital because you have been on a diet for a long time. Im writing to offer you some advice. First of all, it is important for you to have a balanced diet including grain, meat, vegetables and fruits, which can provide enough energy for your body. You are likely to feel tired and even get sick if you are always on a diet. Second, you should have three meals on time because skipping breakfast is harmful. More importantly, it is a good idea to take physical exercise regularly, which will build up your health in the long run. I hope you will find my advice useful. Yours, Li Hua,【写作要点】 第一段:(自我介绍)写信的背景、写信的目的 第二段:给对方提出几点合理的建议 1. 是很重要的; 2. 你最好(应该)做; 3. 我建议你; 第三段:希望对方情况好转(希望尽快摆脱困境/希望建议对对方有用),【写作模板】 Dear , I am sorry to know that you are Im writing to make some suggestions for you/ offer you some advice./ Here is some advice for you. First of all/ first, it is important for you to do sth. Second, you should/had better do sth. Besides /More importantly, I advise you to do sth. /It is a good idea to do sth. I hope you will find my advice useful. /If you follow my advice, I am sure you will. Yours, Li Hua,【巩固练习】 假如你叫李华,最近收到外国笔友吉米发来的一封邮件,说他汉语听说能力较差,向你发出求助。请根据下面的写作要点,用英语给他回复一封电邮。内容包括: 1. 写作目的; 2. 提出建议; 3. 希望对他有用。 注意: 1. 词数100左右。 2. 可适当增加细节,使行文连贯。 Dear Peter, _ Yours, Li Hua,Dear Peter, I am sorry to know that you are not good at Chinese listening and speaking. Im writing to make some suggestions for you./ offer you some advice. First of all, it is important for you to believe that you can improve your Chinese if you keep on trying. Second, it is a good idea to watch some interesting Chinese movies in your spare time, which can help you to improve your listening. More importantly, you should make some Chinese friends and practise with them so that you can speak more fluently. If you follow my advice, I am sure you will you make progress in your Chinese learning. Yours, Li Hua,【套用模板】,四、求助信 假定你是李华,暑假想去一家外贸公司兼职,已写好申请书和个人简历(resume)。请给外教Ms Jenkins 写信,请她帮你修改所附材料的文字和格式(format)。 注意: 1. 词数100左右; 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear Ms Jenkins, _ Yours, Li Hua,【考生习作】 Dear Ms Jenkins, How is everything? All the students in my class miss you very much and expect to see you soon. I really want to do a part-time job in a foreign company. What do you think of my plan? I have written my application and resume yesterday. Could you point out my mistakes? I really want to get this job, so please help me correct the unsuitable words and format when you are convenient. I believe that due to your help, I will be successful and work in a foreign company. I have attached it in the letter. Thank for your help in advance. Looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Hua,【高分范文】 Dear Mrs. Jenkins, I am Li Hua. How are you doing these days? Im writing to seek help from you. The summer vacation is around the corner. It is the longest summer vacation in my life. I have decided to take a part-time job in a foreign company so that I can accumulate some working experience. Besides, I hope to earn some money to support myself at university. I have finished my application and personal resume, but I am not sure about the words and its format. Would you please check them for me when it is convenient for you? I would appreciate it if you could send them back before Friday. Yours, Li Hua,第一段:自我介绍、写信背景和写信目的 第二段:发出求助的原因以及希望对方为自己做什么 1.为什么需要求助 2.希望对方如何帮助你 注意语言应委婉礼貌,态度诚恳 第三段:希望尽快收到答复,【写作要点】,【写作模板】 Dear Mr/Ms I am I am writing to ask you for help. /I am writing to seek help from you. I am planning to do., but I am not . That is why I am in need of your help. Would you please tell me how to when it is convenient for you? /Would you please do sth. before .?/Would you be so kind as to? Id appreciate it if you could give me a reply at your earliest convenience. /I would be grateful if you could give me an early reply. Yours, Li Hua,【巩固练习】 假如你是李华,你打算参加学校即将举办的英语演讲比赛,但是缺乏经验。请用英语给你校的外教史密斯先生写一封邮件。内容包括: 1. 写信目的; 2. 求助的原因和内容; 3. 期待收到回复。 注意: 1. 词数100左右; 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; Dear Mr. Smith, _ Yours, Li Hua,【套用模板】 Im Li Hua, a student from Class Six Grade Two. I am writing to ask you for help. The English Speech Contest is to be held in our school next month. I am planning to sign up for it, but I am not sure how to prepare a speech in English. That is why I am in need of your help. Would you please tell me how to make my speech more impressive when it is convenient for you? Would you be so kind as to check my speech when I have finished writing it? Id appreciate it if you could give me a reply at your earliest convenience. Yours, Li Hua,Dear Mr. Smith,五、道歉信,假定你是李华,你和交换生保罗原定于本周日上午去市艺术中心观看中国书画展。你因故无法前往, 请用英语给他发一封电子邮件。内容包括: 1. 表示歉意; 2. 说明情况; 3. 希望谅解。 注意:1. 词数100左右; 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear Paul, _ Yours, Li Hua,Dear Paul, I am sorry I cant attend the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition with you on Sunday morning. I hope you can forgive me if you know the situation. The reason why I cannot go there with you is that there is an important examination next week. I have to make careful preparation for it. If I fail the exam, I am afraid that my teacher and my parents will blame me. I think we can go there when the examination is over. I hope you can understand my condition. I believe that this will not affect our friendship. Looking forward to hearing from you. Yours Li Hua,【考生习作】,Dear Paul, I am sorry for not being able to attend the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition with you on Sunday morning. I am writing to express my sincere apology to you. The reason why I am not available is that I had my ankle sprained while having PE lesson yesterday. The doctor told me to stay at home and have a good rest. I suggest we go to the Chinese painting exhibition next Sunday, when I will probably have recovered. If it is not convenient for you, please tell me what time suits you best. I hope this change will not cause you too much trouble. Once again Im sorry for any inconvenience caused. Yours, Li Hua,【高分范文】,第一段:写信的背景和写信的目的 第二段:解释为什么要向对方道歉 1.承认自己所犯的错误 2.给对方造成了什么影响或损失 3.提出调整方案或如何进行补救 第三段:希望对方谅解,【写作要点】,【写作模板】 Dear ., I am sorry for not being able to I am writing to express my sincere apology to you. The reason why is that I suggest. I hope this change will not cause you too much trouble. Once again Im sorry for any inconvenience caused. I hope you can forgive me. Yours, Li Hua,假定你是李华。你和外教苏珊约定在本周日上午教她制做中国结,但你因故无法前往。请用英语给她写一封电子邮件。内容包括: 1. 表示歉意; 2. 解释情况; 3. 希望谅解。 注意:1.词数100左右; 2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 生词提示:中国结Chinese knot Dear Susan, _ Yours, Li Hua,【巩固练习】,Dear Susan, I am sorry for not being able to teach you how to make Chinese knots on Sunday morning as I promised. I am writing to express my sincere apology to you. The reason why I am not available is that my grandfather suddenly fell ill last night. Right now he is in hospital, so my parents and I have to take care of him on Sunday. I suggest my friend Wang Wei go to your apartment at 9:00am instead of me because she is skilled at making Chinese knots. I hope this change will not cause you too much trouble. Once again Im sorry for not keeping my promise. I hope you can forgive me. Yours, Li Hua,【套用模板】,假如你叫李华,你校将于近期举办一场英语演讲比赛活动。请用英语给外教Mr. Black发一封电邮,邀请他担任评委。内容包括: 1. 时间、地点; 2. 发出邀请; 3. 期待回复。 注意:1. 词数100左右。 2. 开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Mr. Black, Yours, Li Hua,六、邀请信,【考生习作】 Dear Mr. Black, Long time no see! I can hardly wait to tell you some exciting news that our school is going to hold the English Speech Contest next month. Now we are looking for a judge, which I think you are good at. Actually we cant find a better than you. Therefore on behalf of our school, I will invite you to be a judge. Besides, our topic is The Chinese Dreams and My Dream. As planned, every competitor who take part in the contest should limit his time to five minutes. Last but not least, the contest will be held in our school auditorium this Friday afternoon. Dont be late. I will be happy if you can accept my invitation.Please reply to me as soon as possible. Yours, Li Hua,Dear Mr. Black, My school is going to hold an English Speech Contest next week in order to enrich our campus life. I am writing to invite you to be one of the judges. The event is to take place in the auditorium from 4:20-6:20pm on the afternoon of next Friday. About 30 competitors will give a speech in English on “Dreams”


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