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海关可能问的问题与一般对答问:why do you come to America? 你们为甚么来美国答:for holiday。度假问:how long will you stay / how long do you expect your stay is? 你们在美国会逗留多久答:for 15 days / 2 weeks 15天/2周问:where are you going to live during your stay? 你们在美国期间住在何处答:a friends house / a travel agency has arranged hotels for us. 朋友处 / 旅行社为我们安排了旅馆问:do you have anything to report (to the custom) 你们有东西要申报(海关)吗?答:no. (对方可能说 please open your bags / luggage 需要你们打开包裹/行李)问:what do you do back in your country? 你们在中国时做什么工作?答:we have a company of children shoes retail 我们开了一个公司做童鞋零售飞机场 记得问问题要到机场问询台airport info. desk问哪里可以坐到出租车:where can we get a taxi? 问地铁站在哪里:where is the metro/underground station? 对方说follow the sign意思是跟着路牌走,路牌上应该标明了metro或者underground的字样地铁售票时:we want to buy 2 tickets to XXX station.如果不知道怎么换乘可以这么询问:how do we get there by metro? 我们坐地铁怎么到那里?或者which train/line should we take? 我们该坐哪部列车/哪条线路?出租车出租车尽量拦涂装很普遍的,这种一般是最正规的。我们要去某处:we want to go to XXX. 或者 XXX, please. 你们也可以事先把地址记录在纸条上给司机看我们赶时间:we are in a hurry.司机可能问 do you want me to take a shortcut or use the main road? 是否需要抄近路或走大路,这时你们根据自己的需要,可以让他take a shortcut或是 just use the regular route(走平常路线即可)旅馆We want to check in.我们要登记入住前台可能问:have you booked a room? 你们预定过吗?请根据实际情况回答yes 或 no前台可能需要你们出示证件 please show me your ID. 这时递上护照即可When and where is breakfast? 早餐是什么时候在什么地方?Is there restaurant around the hotel? 旅馆附近有什么饭店吗?When is the check-out time? 登记离店是几点?(每个旅馆都有不同请在务必入住时确认)I want to have a morning call at tomorrow 6:00我想明早6点安排个morning call(对方会问你房间号)数字的念法:0 zero(或者念欧) 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 11eleven 12 twelve 吃饭记得红酒一开后无论品尝了感觉如何基本就是要买了,请根据实际需要自己决定是否需要红酒。若不需要餐厅开酒,no we dont need any wine, thanks. 不我们不需要酒,谢谢。点菜:I want to order xxx, yyy, zzz 我想要点xxx, yyy, zzz。西餐的上菜顺序是饭前开胃菜/水果/色拉,主食(土豆+牛排、猪排、鸡、羊肉、鱼等等)然后是饭后点心,开胃菜的词里有appetite或是starter字样,饭后点心dessert。有任何不清楚的都应该在点单前询问明白。比如which of these are starters/main course?这里哪些是开胃菜/主食? Is it course for one person or two? 这道菜是一个人吃还是两个人吃?上菜后店员可能上前询问is everything alright?菜都还好吗? 请根据实际情况回答yes或提出对菜的意见,比如不够熟 its not done enough. 太熟/焦了 its overdone太咸了 too salty. 菜变质了the food has gone bad.想结账时说:I want to pay the bill. 我想付账。买东西Please show me this xxx 请把这个xxx拿给我看看Do you take VISA cards? 你们支持VISA卡支付吗?(请根据自己卡的名字来询问,不一定所有的信用卡都是VISA卡,也可能是master card,等等)Do you take cards with 银联? (请将卡上的银联标识出示给收银员看)以下是在赴美飞机上要填的美国入境登记表I-94与海关申报表中英文对照美国出入境证明单(I94 FORM)中英文对照U.S. Department of JusticeOMR 1115-4077Immigration and Naturalization service美国司法部OMR 1115-407移民局Welcome to the United State欢迎来到美国Admission Number233414639 09登记号码 (*举例说明)233414639 09I-94 Arrival/Departure Record-InstructionsI-94 入境/离境记录说明This form must be completed by all persons except U.S. citizens, returning resident aliens with immigrant visas, and Canadian Citizens visiting or in transit.除了美国公民, 美国海外侨民, 永久居民和加拿大公民外, 所有访问或过路的人士都必须填写此表Type or print legibly with pen in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. Use English. Do not write on the back of this form.请用大写字母打字或用钢笔或用圆珠笔清楚填写. 请用英文填写. 不要 在此表背面填写任何东西.This form is in two parts. Please complete both the Arrival Record (Item 1 through 13) and the Departure Record (Item 14 through 17).此表包括两部分, 请填写入境记录 (第1项至第13项)和离境记录(第 14项至第17项)两部分.When all items are completed, present this form to the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service Inspector.填写完毕后, 请将此表交给美国移民局官员.Item 7 If you are entering the United States by land, enter LAND in this space. If you are entering the United States by ship, enter SEA in this space.第7项内容说明 如果你从陆地进入美国, 请在空格内填写LAND, 如果 你乘船进入美国, 请在空格内填写SEA.Form I-94(10-01-85)NI-94表 (10-01-85)NAdmission Number233414639 09登记号码233414639 09Immigration and Naturalization Service移民局I-94Arrival RecordI-94入境记录1. Family Name1. 姓2. First (Given) Name2. 名3. Birth Date(Day/Mo/Yr)3. 生日(月/日/年)4. Country of Citizenship4. 哪个国家公民5. Sex (Male or Female)5. 性别(男填MALE或女填FEMALE)6. Passport Number6. 护照号码7. Airline & Flight Number7. 航空公司和航班号8. Country Where You Live8. 你在哪个国家生活9. City Where You Boarded9. 你在那个城市登机10. City Where Visa Was Issued10. 在哪个城市得到签证11. Date Issued (Day/Mo/Yr)11. 得到签证的日期(日/月/年)12. Address While in the United State (Number and Street)12. 在美国的住址(门牌号及街名)13. City and State13. 在美国的住址(市名及州名)Departure Number233414639 09离境号码233414639 09Immigration and Naturalization Service移民局I-94Departure RecordI-94离境记录14. Family Name14. 姓15. First (Given) Name 16. Birth Date(Day/Mo/Yr)15. 名 16. 生日(日/月/年)17. County of Citizenship17. 哪个国家公民WELCOME TO THE UNITED STATES歡迎來到美國DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURYUNITED STATES CUSTOMS SERVICE財政部美國海關署CUSTOM DECLARATION海關申報表Each arriving traveler or head of family must provide the following information (only ONE written declaration per family is required):每位入關的旅遊者或一家之主必須提供以下資料 (一個家庭只須申報一份):1. Family Name _First (Given)_ Middle_1.姓氏 _名字_ 中間名_2. Birth date2.出生日期:_Day_Month_Year_日_ 月_年3. Number of family members traveling with you:3.與你同行的家庭成員人數:4. U.S. Address:4.在美地址:5. Passport issued by (country)5.護照發照(國家)6. Passport Number6.護照號碼7. Country of Residence7.居住國家8. Countries visited on this trip prior to U.S. arrival8.到美國前造訪過的國家9. Airline/Flight No:9.航空公司/航班號:10. The primary purpose of this trip is business.YESNO10.此次旅程的主要目的是商務? 是 否11. I am/we are bringing fruits, plants, meats, food, soil, birds, snails, other live animals, farm products, or I/we have been on a farm or ranch outside the U.S.YESNO11.您攜帶水果、植物、肉類、食品、土壤、鳥類、蝸牛、其他動物和農產品,或您一直居住在美國以外的農村或牧場嗎?是 否 12. I am/we are carrying currency or monetary instruments over $10000 U.S. or the foreign equivalent.YESNO12.您攜帶現金或珍貴物品,其價值超過一 萬美金或相當於一萬美金的外幣嗎?是 否 13. I have (We have) commercial merchandise? (articles for sale, samples used for soliciting orders, or goods that are not considered personal effects.)YESNO13.您


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