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裂隙灯显微镜,华西医院 马薇,Slitlamp microscope,历史 1911 Gullstrand发明 1920 Vogt改进 1958 瑞士900型裂隙灯 1967 我国试制成功,批量生产,光学原理,观察系统 双目立体显微镜 照明系统 裂隙灯 裂隙光带 活体光学切片 散射效应 原理:普通暗视场生物显微镜,基本结构,双目立体显微镜 裂隙灯 滑台 头靠 工作台,照明系统,要求:亮度高,照明均匀,宽度可调的裂隙 照明方式:柯拉照明 灯泡:低电压钨丝灯泡,显微系统,组成:物镜,目镜,棱镜 放大倍率:6X,40X 改变放大倍率 使用不同的物镜 使用不同的目镜 Galilean系统 Zoom系统,显微系统,棱镜:翻转倒置的像 分辨率:与数值孔径(NA)有关 NA=n sin(u) =0.085,使用方法,打开电源 检查裂隙,光圈盘,滤色片 调焦,Adjust patient position relative to the instrument,Dim room lighting while observing the ocular structures,Direct illumination,The beam and the microscope are both focused sharply on the structure to be observed. An oblique angle to one anther,可观察眼前部病变,结膜乳头增殖 结膜滤泡 角膜异物 角膜云翳 晶体混浊,Indirect illumination,The beam is focused on an opaque or translucent structure located to one side of the area to be observed by the microscope. This area is observed somewhat in shadow by virtue of scattered light.,Retro-illumination,Focus the beam on a surface beyond(or behind) the area to be observed,角膜新生血管 角膜后沉着物 角膜深层异物 角膜血管翳,Sclerotic scatter,A slit of medium width is directed toward the limbus from a wide angle. The scattering of light by the cornea will cause the appearance of a halo all the way around the cornea The light traverses the cornea by total internal reflection.,Sclerotic scatter,The angle of incidence :4560 degrdds Complete darkness,Specular reflection,The source and the microscope are placed at equal angles from the normal to the corneal surface Observe the image of the source The corneal epithelium and the endothelium(High magnification:3040),滤色片,蓝色滤色片用于观察荧光染色 绿色滤色片用于观察血管,Maximum aperture size of light source and intermediate/ high level illumination,Upper tarsal conjunctiva: upper eyelids inversion, eyes looking down, diffuse illumination, low/moderate magnification,Direct il


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