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人教九年级(全)Units 34单元重点回顾类别课标考点要求重点单词1.restroom(n.)(美)洗手间;公共厕所2.stamp(n.)邮票;印章3.beside(prep.)在旁边;在附近4.postcard(n.)明信片5.pardon(v.)原谅(interj.)请再说一遍6.bathroom(n.)浴室;洗手间7.rush(v.& n.)仓促;急促8.suggest(v.)建议;提议9.grape(n.)葡萄10.central(adj.)中心的;中央的11.mail(v.)邮寄;发电子邮件 (n.)邮件;信件12.east(adj.)东方的;东部的;(adv.)向东;朝东 (n.)东;东方13.convenient(adj.)便利的;方便的14.corner(n.)拐角;角落15.politely(adv.)礼貌地;客气地16.request(v.& n.)要求;请求17.direction(n.)方向;方位18.correct(adj.)正确的;恰当的19.speaker(n.)讲(某种语言)的人;发言者20.whom(pron.)谁;什么人21.address(n.)住址;地址;通讯处22.underground(adj.)地下的 (n.)地铁23.course(n.)课程;学科24.humorous(adj.)有幽默感的;滑稽有趣的25.silent(adj.)不说话的;沉默的26.helpful(adj.)有用的;有帮助的27.score(n.& v.)得分;进球28.background(n.)背景29.interview(v.)采访;面试 (n.)面试;访谈30.Asian(adj.)亚洲(人)的 (n.)亚洲人31.dare(v.)敢于;胆敢32.private(adj.)私人的;私密的33.guard(n.)警卫;看守 (v.)守卫;保卫34.require(v.)需要;要求35.speech(n.)讲话;发言36.public(n.)民众 (adj.)公开的;公众的37.ant(n.)蚂蚁38.seldom(adv.)很少;不常39.influence(n.& v.)影响40.absent(adj.)缺席;不在41.fail(v.)不及格;失败;未能(做到)42.examination(n.)考试;审查43.pride(n.)骄傲;自豪44.proud(adj.)自豪的;骄傲的45.exactly(adv.)确切地;精确地46.general(adj.)总的;普遍的;常规的 (n.)将军词性转换1.suggest(v.)建议suggestion(n.)建议2.central(adj.)中心的;中央的centre(n.)中心3.east(n.)东方eastern(adj.)东方的4.politely(adv.)礼貌地polite(adj.)礼貌的5.direct(adj.& v.)直接的;直率的;指导indirect(adj.)间接的(反义词)directly(adv.)直接地director(n.)导演;主管6.impolite(adj.)不礼貌的;粗鲁的polite(adj.)有礼貌的(反义词 )7.speaker(n.)发言者speak(v.)说(某种语言)spoke(过去式)spoken(过去分词)8.silent(adj.)安静的silence(n.)沉默9.Asian(adj.& n.)亚洲(人)的;亚洲人Asia(n.)亚洲10.deal(v.& n.)对待;交易dealt(过去式 / 过去分词)11.European(adj.& n.)欧洲(人)的;欧洲人Europe(n.)欧洲12.African(adj.& n.)非洲(人)的;非洲人Africa(n.)非洲13.British(adj.)英国(人)的Britain(n.)英国14.proud(adj.)骄傲pride(n.)骄傲 15.examination(n.)检查examine(v.)检查16.introduction(n.)介绍introduce(v.)介绍重点短语1.沿着走go along2.右转turn right3.在的右侧on ones right4.经过;路过pass by/go by5.抱歉;对不起;什么,请再说一遍pardon me6.停车场;停车区parking lot7.求助ask for help8.在不同的情况下in different situations9.引入一个请求lead into a request10.与交流communicate with11.时常;有时from time to time12.学着做;开始做take up13.应对;处理deal with14.大量的tons of15.发表演讲give a speech16.公开地;在别人(尤指生人)面前in public17.缺席be absent from18.亲自;亲身in person19.为感到自豪take pride inbe proud of20.过去常常做某事used to do sth.21.习惯于做某事be/get used to doing sth.22.被用来做某事be used for doing sth./be used to do sth.23.害怕做某事be afraid to do sth./be afraid of doing sth.24.建议做某事suggest doing sth./advise sb.to do sth.重点句子1.I wonder _where_ we should go next.我想知道我们接下来该去哪里。 How about that new ride over there?那边那个新的过山车如何?2.You _never_ know _until_ you try something.有些事情你只有尝试过才知道。3.When you visit a foreign country,_it_is_important_to_know_ how to ask for help _politely_.当你去外国时,知道如何礼貌地寻求帮助是重要的。4.The expressions they use might _depend_on_whom_ they are speaking _to_ or how well they know _each_other_.他们使用的表达可能取决于他们说话的对象或他们彼此之间的熟悉程度。5._It_is_all_right_to_ ask your classmates direct questions because you know them well.向你的同班同学直接问问题是完全可以的,因为你很了解他们。6.I _used_to_ be short.I _didnt_use_to_ be popular in school.我过去很矮。我过去在学校不受欢迎。续表类别课标考点要求重点句子7.I used to _be_afraid_of_ the dark.我以前害怕黑暗。 8.You used to be short,_didnt_ you?你过去很矮,不是吗?Yes,I did./No,I didnt.是的,我很矮。/不,我不矮。9._Did_ he _use_ to wear glasses?他过去带眼镜吗?Yes,he did./No,he didnt.是的,他带(眼镜)。/不,他不戴(眼镜)。10._It_is_hard_to_believe_that_ he used to have difficulties in school.很难相信他过去在学校有很多困难。11._Its_been_ three years _since_we_last_saw_our_primary_school_classmates_.自从我们上次见到小学同班同学以来,已经有三年了。12.Now I understand that _even_though_ they are busy,they are always thinking of me.They _take_pride_in_ everything good that I do.现在我明白了即使他们很忙,他们也总是时刻挂念我,并且为我所做的每一件好事感到自豪。语法1.带有wh特殊疑问词的宾语从句(详见第二编P151)2.used to句型话题Unit 3 Getting around(四处活动)Unit 4 How we have changed(我们是如何变化的)单元重难点突破suggest (九全册Unit 3 P19)【举例透析】She suggested an_early_start.她建议早点出发。(suggest名词,意为“建议某事”。)I suggested putting_off the sports meeting.我建议推迟运动会。(suggestdoing sth.,意为“建议做某事”。)She suggested that_the_meeting_shouldnt_be_held_on_Saturday.她提议会议应该在周六举行。(suggestthat 引导的宾语从句,意为“建议某事”后面的宾语为一个句子,且从句要用虚拟语气:(should)动词原形。)Her pale face suggested bad health.她脸色苍白,看来身体不好。(suggest在此句中的意思为“暗示;表明;说明”,其主语通常不是人。)Can you please give me some suggestions on how to get out of the trouble?你能给我一些关于如何脱离困境的建议吗?(suggestion为可数名词;同义词为advice,但其为不可数名词。)(C)1.Its getting hotter and hotter.I suggest _ another airconditioner.I agree with you.A.buy B.to buy C.buying D.to buying(A)2.(2018云南中考改编)I like the two dresses,but I can only afford either of them. I_ you take the white one.A.suggest B.want C.expect D.guess3.当我们身处困境时,应向父母和老师寻求建议。When we are in trouble,we should ask our parents and teachers for _advice/suggestions_.influence (九全册Unit 4 P30)【举例透析】Those friends have a bad influence on her.那些朋友对她有坏的影响。His fathers death has a great influence on him.他父亲的死对他影响很大。(例句中单词influence的词性为名词,意为“影响”;“对某人有好/坏/巨大的影响”用have a good/bad/great influence on sb.。)This novel has_influenced many young people.这个故事影响了很多年轻人。What influenced you to take this job?是什么影响你选择了这份工作?(例句中单词influence的词性为动词,意为“影响”;“影响某人”用 influence sb.;“影响某人做某事”用influence sb.to do sth.。)1.在妈妈的影响下,我成为了一名老师。_My_mother_influenced_me_to_be_a_teacher._2.这场交通事故对他的日常生活造成了极大的影响。(两种表达方式)_This_traffic_accident_has_a_great_influence_on_his_daily_life._ _This_traffic_accident_has_influenced_him_a_lot_in_his_daily_life._ require (九全册Unit 4 P27)【举例透析】Success requires patience.成功需要耐心。(要求某物/某事:require名词。)Our headteacher requires us to go to bed early.我们校长要求我们早点上床睡觉。(要求某人做某事:require sb.to do sth.。)She required that I (should) go there at once.她要求我立刻去那里。(requirethat引导的从句,从句谓语动词用should动词原形,其中should可以省略。)This old computer requires_repairing right away.这台旧电脑需要立刻修理。(requiredoing,以主动形式表达被动语义,相当于require to be done。)(C)The old temples require _ at once.A.fix up B.fixed upC.fixing up D.to fix up辨析proud与pride (九全册Unit 4 P30)【举例透析】Our parents are always proud_of us.我们的父母总是为我们而骄傲。(单词proud“以为骄傲”的短语:be proud of。)Today I am proud of my school,and tomorrow my school will take_pride_in my success.今天我为我的学校骄傲,明天我的学校将为我的成功感到自豪。(单词pride“以为骄傲”的短语:take pride in。)(D)(2018上海中考)Frank is an independent boy.His parents are proud _ him.A.on B.to C.in D.of直 击 中 考一、单项选择。(B)1.(原创题)Our teachers give us some _ on how to relieve our stress in the senior high school entrance examination.A.advices B.suggestionsC.messages D.way(C)2.(2018达州中考)Could you please tell me _ “The Readers”,a TV program hosted by Dong Qing?Well,it is fun and teaches us a lot of knowledge.A.how do many people likeB.how many people watchC.why many people likeD.why do many people like(A)3.(2018北京中考)Alice,could you tell me _ London?Sure.Last Sunday.A.when Mr.Smith leftB.when Mr.Smith will leaveC.when did Mr.Smith leaveD.when will Mr.Smith leave(C)4.(2018呼和浩特中考)People,especially the young,_ by their friends.Thats true.Friends play an important part in everyones life.A.easily influencesB.is easily influencedC.are easily influencedD.influenced easily(A)5.(育才学校一模)More and more people come to visit Mount Huangshan.Thats true.It has become the _ of Anhui.A.pride B.effort C.praise D.courage二、完形填空。Bikesharing is a new choice for short journeys in cities.It is good to the _1_ development of the big cities.A _2_ by a company found that shared bikes started the nations _3_ for bikes again.Now more and more Chinese people are _4_ bikes instead of cars to make short journeys in cities.An engineer of that company says that since the _5_ of shared bikes,people have made fewer trips by car.The love for shared bikes is not only among _6_ people,who were born in the 1980s and 1990s,but also among people over sixty.On weekends,the number of the riders in Shenzhen reaches the _7_ of all cities.On weekdays,the number of people who use shared bikes to go to work is _8_ in Shanghai.It is said that bikesharing will help _9_ the cities environment.It not only helps solve the traffic problems,but also will help to make more use of _10_ in cities.Take Beijing as an example,if more people choose shared bikes,an area of five Birds Nest stadiums(体育场) will be saved.(B)1.A.slow B.healthy C.harmful D.quick(C)2.A.rule B.plan C.report D.hope(B)3.A.search B.loveC.preparation D.regret(A)4.A.choosing B.pushingC.repairing D.making(B)5.A.end B.start C.control D.expect(D)6.A.strong B.weak C.old D.young(A)7.A.top B.side C.corner D.bottom(C)8.A.coming over B.putting offC.going up D.giving away(A)9.A.improve B.separateC.experience D.examine(C)10.A.air B.time C.space D.water三、还原句子。阅读下面短文,把A、B、C、D四个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整、正确。Tuesday was like any other day for Morgan Bieley,15.It was the fourth period,and she was the first student to arrive in the gym for her P.E.class.1._D_“There was a sharp cracking noise and then a loud boom.After that,I didnt remember anything,”said Morgan.The roof(屋顶) of the gym had fallen down under the heavy snow.Morgan couldnt get away.“I woke up and there was a big piece of wood on my leg.2._B_ I was starting to get cold.”Luckily,help was nearby.A new program using “rescue(救援) robots” was tried for the first time.“We were nervous about using the robot,”said Derric Sneed,the leader of the program.“But in the end the robot gave us exact information.3._A_”The robot was able to go into the gym and find Morgans place.“Once we made sure where Morgan was and knew it was safe,our men went into rescue her.”says Sneed.“Her leg was broken and she was scared,but thankfully,she was alive.”Doctors say that Morgan is doing well.4._C_ “I want to meet my hero after I get out of the hospital.” laughs Morgan.“That little robot saved my life!”A.It went rather well.B.I couldnt move.C.She should be going home in three days.D.Suddenly there was a loud noise.四、(2018南京中考改编)综合填空。阅读下面短文,根据单词、首字母、汉语和语境提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的单词,要求意义准确、拼写正确。As youve just found out,opening a book doesnt require much effort.However,even that would be 1._impossible_(不可能的)if you spent the night on the streets.After lying for hours on cold ground,with only a thin sleeping bag to protect you from rain or ice,your fingers would probably be so numb(麻木的) that you could 2._hardly_(hard) move them.Youd most likely spend the day trying to find something to eat and somewhere to shelter from the freezing cold.You might be surprised to hear that the 3.number_ of people sleeping rough(露宿) in London has doubled in the last five years and has 4._increased_(increase) by 30% across the rest of the country during the last two years.Once we bring a homeless person out of the freezing cold,we need your help to give him a 5._warm_(warmth) welcome at St Mungos very much.Will you please give a Christmas gift of 25,which could 6._provide_(提供) a homeless person with a St Mungos welcome pack? It could have a towel,shampoo,soap(肥皂),so a homeless person can have a hot shower and a proper clean up.The 7._difference_(different) you could make wont end there.You see,welcoming someone into warmth and safety is just the 8._beginning_(begin).You really could enable someone to change their life for good.For Harvey,it was losing his job that led to him becoming homeless.Since Harvey was welcomed into St Mungos,he has received treatment for his health and so much more.After he took courses in useful life skills,he recently moved into his own flat.With your gift,you could help us offer a warm welcome to someone 9._like_Harvey whos come in from the freezing streets.Im 10.sure_ youll agree thats a wonderful present to give at Christmas.I hope you will send 25,or as much as you can,today.五、完成句子。阅读下面短文,根据题后要求完成句子。Whos working while your


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