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英汉翻译技巧,主编:钟书能教授,第4章 英汉翻译中词义的选择 Diction in English-Chinese Translation,一、概述,英汉翻译中词义的选择(Diction)是影响译文质量的关键因素,是保证译文质量的重要前提,而词义的选择离不开上下文语境、文体差异、审美感受以及文化心理等众多因素。只有准确把握和理解特定语言环境中的词义,然后用准确的词义去翻译,才能再现英语原文的信息进而达到较好的翻译效果。正如译学泰斗尤金奈达等宣称的那样,翻译即译意(Translation is translating meaning)。翻译表达过程中如未能首先完成词义定位,尤其是词义的判断和选择、引申和变通,翻译也就成了无源之水,无本之木。即使形式转换得再巧妙也无济于事。因此,很多译者认为词义的选择正是翻译过程中的“瓶颈”所在,只有在依据语境作出正确判断并选择词义的基础上,再对词义进行适度引申和变通,才有可能获得理想的译文。,由于一个词语不是孤立的,而是置身于篇章中的。而任何篇章都是上下密切相关的有机体,因此要受到来自各方面因素的影响,譬如同样一个人,在父母面前是儿子,在子女面前是父母,在领导眼里是职员,在下属面前又成为领导等等,他的称呼就会在不同的场合发生相应的变化。,英国哲学家Wittgenstein说“The meaning of a word is its use in the language.”(词义取决于它在语言中的使用)。Firth则更进一步说“Each word when used in a new context is a new word.”(每个单词在一个新的上下文里就是一个新的单词)。让我们先来看看英语中的常用核心词dry在不同的上下文中所呈现出来的不同词义:,1. I want my martini dry. (not sweet),译文 我的马丁尼酒不要甜的。,2. There are still some dry states in the United States.,译文 在美国尚有几个州禁酒。,3. She prefers dry bread. (without butter),译文 她喜欢无奶油的面包。,4. The cows are dry. (not supplying milk),译文 这些母牛缺奶。,英语中一词多类、一词多义的现象很普遍。那么,如何从这些纷杂的含义中选择出既符合上下文语境又切合文体与修辞特点的词义出来呢?简单来说,在翻译中只要围绕中心意义(central meaning),通过上下文的语境和文体、修辞等特点来调整它的次要意义(secondary meaning)。根据词汇学的理论研究,次要意义的变化通常有词义的扩大、缩小、升格、降格、转移、抽象意义和具体意义互相转化、专有名词转化为普通名词等方法。从英汉翻译的角度来说, 我们可以根据文内因素(intralingual variables),如词性确定词义、结合上下文与前后搭配确定词义,根据词的褒贬性确定词义, 通过适度引申确定词义等。当然还要顾及文外因素(extalingual variables),如作者所处的社会及接受的文化、宗教,甚至他所拥有的百科知识来确定某些词语的真实意义。总之,我们切忌孤立地理解一个词,以免出现误译。,5. He gave us a dry lecture yesterday.,译文 昨天他给我们作了一个枯燥无味的讲演。,6. I am sure what he presented was a dry fact. (plain, undisguised),译文 我相信,他所列举的是铁一般的事实。,一般说来,我们可以把意义分成三类:指称意义(referential meaning or ideational meaning),言内意义(intralingual meaning),以及语用意义(pragmatic meaning)。 指称意义是语言符号(包括句子)和它所描绘或叙述的主观世界或客观世界的实体或事件之间的关系。对应“玫瑰”这样客观世界里存在的物,英语里命名为“rose”,而汉语命名为“玫瑰”。“rose”与“玫瑰”都是语言符号(不同的语言符号),对应客观世界某一物时获得的就是指称意义或概念意义。 句子成分与句子成分之间的关系构成言内意义,言内意义涉及语篇的韵律节奏,衔接连贯以及修辞效果等,因此言内意义也称为语篇意义。决定语篇意义的因素主要是句子的上下文。,语言符号与语言的使用者之间的关系构成语用意义。决定语用意义的因素往往需要从言外寻找,如社会文化环境以及百科知识等。 英汉翻译中词义的确立如何做到准确达意、灵活绝非易事,因为我们必须同时考虑意义的三个类型,它们独一或同时对词义起决定作用。因此,我们必须在翻译中通过“心悟”与“力行”去理清英汉词汇之间的错综复杂的对应关系,这样才能从忠实与通顺上做好翻译工作。,二、翻译示例,翻译过程中词义的选择是任何翻译工作者自始至终需面临的一个现实问题。由于英汉分属不同的语系,所以在翻译时源语与译语之间往往没有相对固定的词义对应关系。刘宓庆在文体与翻译一文中用对比的方式归纳了英汉词字层面上的五种对应情况:1. 完全对等,2. 多词同义,3. 一词多义,4. 词义交织,5. 无对等词语。在词义辨析的基础上还归纳了英汉词语翻译的8种常用技巧:1. 推演法,2. 移植法,3. 引伸法,4. 替代法,5. 释义法,6. 合并法,7. 图形法和8. 音译法。在英译汉的过程中,针对原文的内容对词义进行选择的时候,我们可以根据词性确定词义、结合上下文和前后搭配确定词义、根据词的褒贬性确定词义、也可以在语言产生空缺现象的情况下通过适度引申来确定词义。下面我们通过实例来进行分类学习:,词组,(1)round tables (adj. 圆的) (2)round-trip tickets (adj. 往返的) (3)turn round (adv. 朝另一方向) (4)come round (adv. 到某处) (5)a round of applause (n. 一阵) (6)a round of toast (n. 一整片) (7)make ones rounds (n. 巡查) (8)round the world (prep. 在周围) (9)round sb up (v. 集合) (10)round on sb (v. 抨击),1. 根据词性确定词义,单词的词性不同,其意义也不同。因此有时可以借助上下文先确定词性,一旦词性确定了, 意义也就确定了。如:,句子,(1) Like charges repel; unlike charges attract. (adj.) 译文 相同的电荷相斥,不同的电荷相吸。 (2) Like causes tend to produce like results. (adj.) 译文 类似的原因往往产生类似的结果。 (3) He likes mathematics more than English. (v.) 译文 他喜欢数学胜于喜欢英语。 (4) I like lobster but it doesnt like me. (v.) 译文 我喜欢吃龙虾,但吃了身体不适。 (5) Like knows like. (n.) 译文 英雄识英雄。 (6) Like attracts like. (n.) 译文 物以类聚。 (7) Like cures like. (n.) 译文 以毒攻毒。 (8) Like for like. (n.) 译文 以牙还牙。 (9) Ive always wanted a garden like theirs. (prep.) 译文 我总想有一座像他们那样的花园。 (10) She acts like she owns the place. (conj.) 译文 她很霸道,就好像那些地方都是她的。,难句分析,I think, however, that, provided work is not excessive in amount, even the dullest work is to most people less painful than idleness. 译文 然而,我认为,对大多数人来说,只要工作量不是太大,即使所做的 事再单调也总比无所事事好受。 分析 若把provided 看作过去分词,修饰work,语法上没有问题,但意思不 通,逻辑也不对。如果把它看作一个连词,作“假如”、“只要”解, 意思 就顺了。 (2) We assemble thousands of operatives in the factory, and in the mine, of whom the employer can know little or nothing, and to whom he is little better than a myth. 译文 在工厂里,在矿上,我们聚集了成千上万的工人。(后半句没有翻译) 分析 mine 可以是物主代词(前面不加the),如His specialty is physics; mine is chemistry (他的专业是物理;我的专业是化学) 。mine 也可 以是一个实词,作为名词意为“矿井”、“矿山”。粗看in the factory and in the mine, 可以理解成in his factory, and in my factory 结构。但仔细分析上下文,这里是并没有提及“我的工厂”,而“在 工厂、在矿上有许许多多工人”解是合理的。,一般说来,一个孤立的英语单词,其词义是游移不定的,但当该词处于特定的联立关系中时,它的词义受到毗邻词的制约。因此,根据上下文的逻辑关系以及词在句中的搭配关系来选择和确定词义是汉英翻译过程中非常重要而且可行的办法。,词组,(1) heavy weather 恶劣天气 (2) heavy fog 阴沉的天空大雾 (3) heavy sky 阴暗的天空 (4) heavy storm 暴风雨 (5) heavy road 难走的路 (6) heavy heart 沉重的心情 (7) heavy hand 手段严厉 (8) heavy applause 热烈的掌声 heavy tongue 笨嘴笨舌 (10)heavy market 萧条的市场,2. 根据上下文的逻辑关系和搭配确定词义,句子,(1) That beat me. 译文 真把我难住了。 (2) We can beat him. 译文 我们可以打败他。 (3) He was cursing to beat the band. 译文 他骂了个痛快淋漓。 (4) These constant changes in the weather beat me. 译文 这儿变化无常的天气使我适应不了。 (5) He can beat me hollow he did it. 译文 他的数学比我高明千万倍。 (6) It beats me how he did it. 译文 我不懂他怎么干出这种事来。,难句分析,Suddenly the line went limp. “Im going back.” said Smith. “We must have a break somewhere. Wait for me. I will be back in five minutes. ”,译文 引爆线突然耷拉下来。史密斯说:“我回去看看。一定是某个 地方断了线。等一下,我五分钟就回来。” 分析 在一般情况下, have a break 常被译成“休息一下”。但是在此句中, 根据上文: Suddenly the line went limp (引爆线突然耷拉下来) 判断, have a break只能作“断了线”讲。,(7) The long tramp beats me. 译文 长途跋涉使我筋疲力尽。 (8) I beat the truth out of him. 译文 我从他那里探出了真实情况。 (9) They beat their swords into plowshares. 译文 他们化剑为犁。 (10) The sun continued to beat on them. 译文 太阳还是热得炙人。,(2) We finally succeeded in launching of a manned space vehicle, or the creation of a nuclear weapon. Such gigantic efforts, involving an entire nations economic and technological resources and utilizing the skills of thousands of scientists and engineers , are widely publicized and become identified as the real purpose of scientific investigation.,译文 我们终于成功地发射了有人驾驶的宇宙飞船并制造出核武器。这样 一些牵涉到整个国家的经济资源和技术资源及运用千千万万科学家 与工程师技能的巨大成就,被看成是科学研究的真正目的。 分析 许多人一看到effort 往往就认为是“努力”。实际上effort 在许多情 况下意为:“成就”、“成果”(a result of effort , achievement) 。 从词的用法上看, effort作这两个意思解时,都可以是单数或复数。但 是从上下文来看, 即它前面一句提到的launching of a manned space vehicle , or the creation of a nuclear weapon(发射有人驾驶的宇宙 飞船或制造核武器) 来分析,在这里的effort 显然是“成就”的意思。,3. 根据词义的褒贬性确定词义,任何语言都有语体之分,有文雅、通俗、粗野;还有俚语、公文语以及术语等。文学作品中,作家通过不同的语体来刻画任务性格特征。翻译时,必须审其雅俗,量其轻重,这样才能恰如其分地表达原文的精神。翻译时应注意五要素:节奏的缓急,态度的褒贬,感情的浓淡,语气的轻重和用语的雅俗。,词组,例如,表达“die”词义的不同感情色彩的词组: (1)to expire 逝世 (2)to pass away 去世 (3)to close (end) one s day 寿终 (4)to breathe ones last 咽气,短气 (5)to go west 归西天 (6)to pay the debt of nature 了结尘缘 (7)to depart to the world of shadows 命归黄泉 (8)to give up the ghost 见阎王 (9)to kick the bucket 翘辫子 (10)to kick up ones heels 蹬腿,翘脚,句子,(1) The enemys scheme went bankrupt. 译文 敌人的阴谋破灭了。 (2) We have mapped out a nice scheme. 译文 我们规划出一幅美好的蓝图。 (3) Children lose their innocence as they grow older. 译文 童稚的天真随着年龄的增长而消逝。 (4) Dont be so innocent as to believe everything the politicians tell you. 译文 别那么幼稚,以为政客说的一切都是可信的。 (5) They incited him to go into further investigation. 译文 他们鼓励他做进一步的调查。 (6) The plotters incited the soldiers to rise against their officers. 译文 阴谋家煽动士兵们造军官的反。 (7) Many people think that he is one of the most ambitious politicians of our times. 译文 很多人认为他是现今最有野心的政客之一。,(8) Although he is very young, he is very ambitious in his research work. 译文 他虽然很年轻,但是在研究工作中很有雄心壮志。 (9) An aggressive country is always ready to start a war. 译文 一个好侵略的国家总是准备挑起战争。 (10) An aggressive young man can go far in this firm. 译文 一个富有进取心的年轻人在这家公司前途无量。,4.通过适度引申确定词义,英汉两种语言属于不同语系,各自具有自身的特点和习惯,因此同一事物或思想,两种语言可能使用不同的方式来表达,甚至我们还会发现有“语言空缺”现象。翻译中要学会抓住精神实质,摆脱原文表层结构的束缚,从“实”到“虚”地进行词义的引申。,抽象化引申:,英语中表示具体意义的词往往可用来表示事物的一种属性或一个概念,译时可将具体意义引申为某种属性或抽象概念。,(1) They have their smiles and tears. 译文 他们有他们的欢乐与悲哀。,(2) Every life has its roses and thorns. 译文 每一种生活都有它的苦与甜。 (3) I was not one to let my heart rule my head. 译文 我不是一个让情感凌驾于理智之上的人。 (4) There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in the character of the imperialists. 译文 帝国主义者的性格既残暴又狡猾。 (5) The pen is mightier than the sword 译文 智慧胜过武力。 (6) He gave up the sword for the plough. 译文 他解甲归农了。,具体化引申:,将原文中词义比较宽泛、笼统的表抽象概念或一般行为的词引申为具体的意义或动作。总的趋势是缩小外延而丰富内涵,这样做可以避免照字面迻译造成的模糊性和词不达意,以确保译文的准确到位,符合译语的语义逻辑和表达习惯。,(1) There is much woman about him. 译文 他的举止颇带女人气。 (2) He bombarded her with questions. 译文 他连珠炮似的向她提出了许多问题。 (3) There are three steps which must be taken before we graduate from the integrated circuit technology. 译文 要完全掌握集成电路技术,必须要分三步走。 (4) The Great Wall is a must for most foreign visitors to Beijing. 译文 长城是去北京的外国游客必不可少的参观游览项目。 (5) The battlefield became something holy. 译文 这个战场几乎已成为一个圣地。,由于思维的具体化,或者说形象化,正是汉语思维的特点,因此这种把抽象的概念具体化的词义选择方法在翻译作品中广为运用, 如:,(1)(In the Depression, my husband, like many others, was without a job.) In spite of anxiety, we were happy, with a new sense of discovery on our everyday surroundings .,译文 我们虽然顾虑生活问题,但很快乐,在每天所处的环境里都有新 的发现 分析 anxiety 本义是:焦虑、担心。但根据上文,这里应该是指家庭的 生计困难,因此,翻译成“顾虑生活问题”,使得原文的意思完 全表达出来了。,(2) A pale face of a young woman was raised feebly from the pillow; and a faint voice imperfectly articulated the words, “Let me see the child, and die.”,译文 一个年轻女子有气无力地从枕头上仰起毫无血色的面孔,用微弱的 声音含糊不清地吐出这样几个字来:“让我看看孩子再死。” 分析 pale:本义是“苍白的”;imperfectly:本义是“不完美的”。这 里,根据下文的意思,把两个词进行了具体化的语义引申,翻译成 “毫无血色”和“含糊不清”。,(3) “Oh,” laughed Linda, “you dont know Mamma. Shell insist on your marrying me right away! And after a while she will forgive you.”,译文 琳达笑着说:“呵,你不知道妈妈的脾气呢。她会坚持让你马上跟 我结婚,过不多久就会宽恕你的。” 分析 这句是出自翻译名家杨必先生的手笔,可说是语义引申的经典范 例。根据上下文,把 Mamma 具体化地翻译成“妈妈的脾气”。 不但是原文的意思,甚至原文的神韵都淋漓尽致的表达了出来。 怎不令人拍案叫绝!,比喻的引申:,如果英语中的比喻在内容、形式、形象上与汉语相近似,可以相互借用,不用引申。如:,(1) The man is as stubborn as a mule. 译文 那个人犟得像头牛。 (2) I am only a small potato in this office. 译文 我在这个办公室里只是个小人物。 (3) Dont put your finger into anothers pie. 译文 别管他人闲事。,如果在汉语中没有相似的比喻,则需要引申:,(4) Last night, I heard him driving his pigs to market. 译文 昨晚,我听到他鼾声如雷。,(5) She is as busy as a bee recently. 译文 她最近特别忙。 (6) Old Mr. Jones kicked the bucket last week. 译文 老琼斯上周呜呼哀哉了。 (7) Dont cross the bridge before you get to it. 译文 你不必担心得太早。,专有名词普通化引申:,英语经历漫长的发展进入当代,其中沉积了大量的专有名词,原本是指称独一无二的人物、事件、地点等的,但在长期使用的过程中,所指意义逐渐泛化,独特的本真意义转化为普通意义,英汉翻译中,我们大多会舍弃原文形象,力求准确传达意义,目的在于使译文通顺自然,减轻读者理解译文的负担。例如:,(1) I want to be TVs Czar of script and grammar,译文 我真想成为电视这一行的霸主,所有节目我说了算。 分析 Czar本指俄国十月革命前的沙皇,源于古罗马皇帝Jul-ius Caesar之名,翻译时将个体名称泛化为普通意义,经过了由凯撒 到沙皇再到霸主这样一个引申的过程,表意更明确。,(2) Churchill,a bent Pickwick in blue uniform,looked up at him with majestic good humor.,译文 邱吉尔身着蓝装,背有点驼,俨然一个好老头,抬头望着他(罗斯福),显得庄重而又亲切, 分析 Pickwick原本时英国小说家狄更斯(Charles Dickens)笔下的老绅士,在赫尔曼沃克(Herman Wouk)的战争风云这部小说里指邱吉尔,对于熟悉这个文学形象的译文读者来说,保留要比舍弃好,但如果对之一无所知,则需舍弃或加注解释,我们选择舍弃原文形象,对之做普通化引申,译成“好老头”,似乎更简洁明快些。,(3) It is with procrustean thoroughness that the Soviet government squelches all dissent,译文 苏联政府用一刀切的办法清除异己。 分析 procrustean来自Procrustes,是希腊神话中的巨人,他开了一家客栈,里面有一张床,晚间投宿者躺在上面,个儿矮的被生生地拉长,个儿高的被斩断四肢,以便与床等长,该词喻象生动,但要解释才能明白,似乎不如直接把寓义引申出来好。,(4) This summer vacation,I had a quixotic adventure on the railroad trip.,译文 今年暑假我乘火车旅行,有一次匡扶正义,保护弱小的经历。 分析 quixotic来自Don Quixote,这是西班牙小说家塞万提斯笔下的人物,梦想成为游侠,匡扶正义,保护弱小。翻译时只保留这一般意义,否则可能给读者造成理解和欣赏的难度。,三、英语语篇汉译,Shouting Vendors Sow Echoes of the Past by Andrew Jacobs 叫卖声声话当年,Not long after daybreak, before the city begins its full-throated roar, the shouts and calls can be heard up and down the old alleyways and deep within the walled courtyards that form the crowded heart of the Chinese capital.,在每天清晨天刚蒙蒙亮的时候,在偌大个北京城醒来前,从那一条条老胡同里、从那一座座四合院里就会传出一阵阵吆喝声,这一声声的叫卖声让京城开始沸腾。 “Goat meat, goat meat!” “羊肉!羊肉!” “Eggs, rice, eggs, rice!” “卖鸡蛋!换大米!” “Scrap, household scrap!” “收废品!”,With more emphasis on song than lyric, they are the marketing jingles of itinerant fruit vendors, sellers of roasted duck, and stooped men who have mastered the art of resuscitating blunt kitchen knives. Like the familiar whine of cicadas in August, their garbled calls are the soundtrack of the Beijing summer, and many residents look forward to the return of the hawkers glutinous rice cakes, mismatched crockery and pet grasshoppers that sing.,相比起词儿,这些叫卖声的韵律更为优美。这些吆喝声就是他们生意的广告:流动的水果摊、烤鸭铺,还有驼背的磨剪子艺人。就像八月里熟悉的蝉鸣声一样,这些若隐若现的叫卖声俨然就是北京城的夏之交响乐。许多居民都盼望着黏米糕、不对称的陶罐和唱着歌儿的蝈蝈儿能重新回到他们的生活中。,Even more numerous than the hawkers are the recyclers, sun-scorched migrants from the countryside who survive by collecting yesterdays newspapers, spent computers or tattered cotton blankets that will be spun into next winters comforters. 比这些小商贩数量更多的,则是那些废品收购者。他们一般来自农村,皮肤黝黑。依靠收购旧报纸、二手电脑、或者破棉被为生,而那些破棉被被回收后,往往被重新纺织成下一个冬天的保暖物。,“If you cant yell loudly, youll starve,” said Chen Lin, 37, a bony, animated man who earns about $5 a day salvaging dead appliances and anything else containing metal. “No one really knows what Im yelling,” he said, “but they remember my song and this brings them out of their house.”,37岁的陈林看起来身材瘦削但神采奕奕,他靠回收废弃的器具和其他任何含有金属的东西为生,每天大约赚5美元。陈林说:“你要是不吆喝,那就得饿死。虽然没有几个人能听清楚我在吆喝什么,但这附近的居民都能认出我的调调,一听到是我过来了,他们就从家里出来。”,The singing hawkers and recyclers are reminders of the days when Beijing was a thickly populated maze of hutongs, or alleys, that crept outward from the grandiose imperial quarters occupied by Chinas emperors and the officials and artisans who served them.,吆喝的小贩、走街串巷的收废品者,构成了老北京人共同的记忆。老北京城就像一个由密密麻麻的胡同小巷串起来的迷宫,这些小街小巷一直从皇城里延伸出来。而皇城里,则住着皇帝和他的官员以及能工巧匠。,Cao Huiping, 45, a taxi driver whose childhood compound was stuffed with 17 unrelated families, recalls when vendors filled the air with a cacophony of competing tunes.,45岁的曹会平(Cao Huiping)现在是一个出租车司机。他小时候曾经和17户没有亲属关系的人家住在一个大杂院儿里,那时整个北京城的空气中都充斥着那些小商贩们此起彼伏的叫卖声。,“One minute it would be someone selling sugar, then as soon as their song faded it would be the flour dealer, then the fabric salesman,” said Mr. Cao, whose home has since been replaced by an upscale mall. “Now I live in a building where people dont even know each other and everyone shops at the supermarket.”,他回忆道:“那个时候啊,一分钟前可能还是卖糖的,当他们的叫卖声渐弱,卖面粉的又来了,然后就是卖布料的。现在我住的那个地方已经被一座高档大型购物中心所取代。现在我住在楼房里,人们彼此都不认识,人人都在超市里买东西。”,Gated apartment complexes are the hawkers enemy. So, too, are the air-conditioners that drown out sales calls and keep residents inside. The city authorities are no friends of the street vendors either. Stringent laws and urban management officials, known as chengguan, keep them on the run with fines and harassment. “The best time to be out is lunchtime, when the chengguan are on break,” said Meng Xiandong, 54, a vendor of dried sweet potatoes, as he nervously scanned the crowds.,现在,北京城里的一个个防盗门隔绝了小贩们的生意,空调的普及也让这些叫卖声慢慢消失,因为大家都呆在封闭的空调房听不见了。城市管理者同样是这些小商贩的敌人,这些“城管”(chengguan)动辄罚款和没收。54岁的孟宪东(Meng Xiandong)在北京城里卖烤红薯,他紧张地张望着四周,然后说:“最佳的出摊时间是午后,那时的城管们都在午休。”,A good place to get a taste of old Beijing is Qianmen, a poor but colorful quarter south of Tiananmen Square that is a jumble of twisting hutongs and ramshackle houses. On most days, one can find peddlers selling meticulously skinned pineapples, a man offering two kinds of honey plain and medicinal and an ornery cobbler who can resole a pair of shoes in as much time as it takes to down a steaming bowl of hand-shaved noodles.,最能体验到老北京风情的地点是前门(Qianmen),它位于天安门广场的南边。在前门随处可见弯弯曲曲的胡同和失修的老房子,看起来破落却别有韵味。大多数日子里,你都能够在那里见到精心削好皮的卖菠萝的小贩们,和一个卖两种蜂蜜纯蜜和药用蜜的男人。还有一位脾气暴躁的修鞋匠,他换一双鞋底的速度和下一碗手擀面的速度一样快。,Cradling a brass teapot and watching over three pairs of caged lovebirds, Wu Xiulong, 76, sat in front of the doorway of his courtyard and reminisced about the vendors whose arrival he used to await as a child: the bean-cake man, the corncob seller, the baker who produced the flakiest flatbread. “Oh, back then they were baked on both sides, so crunchy, with sesame seeds,” he said. “It was so delicious. Now theyre all gone.”,76岁的吴秀龙(Wu Xiulong)坐在自家院儿的门口,边把玩着一把黄铜茶壶,边不时看看笼里的三对情侣鹦鹉。他回忆道:“在我小的时候啊,就等着吆喝声呢,卖豆糕的、卖玉米棒子的,还有卖大饼的,那时的手艺人,可以摊出非常薄的煎饼,而且两面儿都烤过,再洒上一层芝麻粒儿,满口余香啊,真好吃!但现在都没有了。”,Zhao Cai, a 66-year-old knife sharpener, is one of the old-timers who can still be found wandering around with a beaten-up toolbox that doubles as a bench. His call is bracing but melodious, although once he sets to work on a blade, the noise of grindstone on metal brings out the old women with their beloved worn-out cleavers.,66岁的磨刀师傅赵才(Zhao Cai),是这些传统行当中的仍旧活跃着的老师傅之一。直到现在,他仍然背着他那一折起来就能当板凳用的破旧工具箱走街串巷。他的吆喝声激昂又很有旋律感。其实只要他开始磨刀,金属在磨石上的声音就会引来那些家庭主妇们,手里都拿着磨损了却舍不得扔的菜刀。,“I hate stainless steel,” he said as he pedaled the grindstone. “No one makes knives like they used to.”,他边踩着滚轮磨刀石,边说:“我讨厌不锈钢刀具,现在已经没有人再像以前那样做刀了。”,Unsentimental and gruff, his accent betraying his hometown in Chinas far northeast, Mr. Zhao has been plying his trade for more than 30 years. 他说话带着明显的东北口音,粗糙且不加修饰,从事磨刀这个行当已经超过30年了。 “When youre good at sharpening knives, you get to know everyone,” he said. 他说:“刀磨得好,你就可以认识每一个人。”,How good is he? Customers sometimes foolishly test his handiwork by touching the sharpened edge. “Ive had ladies draw blood and swear they didnt feel a thing,” he said. As he spoke, there was a loud crash behind him, followed by a choking plume of dust. Workers in orange vests were tearing signs off nearby buildings, part of a government campaign to make the neighborhood more attractive to tourists who like a bit less visual chaos in their Old Beijing experience. “I dont recognize some of the streets around here anymore,” he said before fleeing the advance of the demolition crew.,他磨刀到底有多好?他透露说,有时街坊傻乎乎地用手去试试刚磨好的刀,有的主妇的手已经被划破流血了,但还是没有任何感觉。就在这位师傅说话的当口,身后传来倒塌的响声,随即扬起令人窒息的烟尘。穿着橙色背心的工人们正在撕下建筑物附近的标志,这是政府城建计划的一部分,这些改变是为了使老北京能吸引更多的游客,并让他们眼中的老北京少一些杂乱。他看了看那些正在拆迁的人,说:“这里的有些街道,我已经认不出来了。”,One man who needs no vocal announcement is Li Hailun, a grasshopper salesman whose wares, hundreds of wingless insects imprisoned in round, woven enclosures, produce a deafening, high-pitched symphony. From July to October, Mr. Li, 28, bikes around the city with his chirping quarry, each of which sells for 50 cents to a dollar, depending on the quality of the song and the gullibility of the buyer. Add a dollar if the critter comes in a graceful wooden cage.,另一位叫李海伦(Li Hailun)的卖蝈蝈儿的小贩从不需要吆喝,因为他的货物数百只装在圆形的编织笼子里的无翼昆虫,能合奏出震耳欲聋的高音交响乐。从7月到10月,28岁的小李就带着他唧唧作响的猎物,骑着自行车在这个城市里转悠。根据叫声的质量和买主是否懂行,每件蝈蝈儿可卖到50美分至1美元不等。如果这些小昆虫装在一个


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