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,Living room,Lesson 27 Mrs. Smiths living room,Lesson 27 Mrs. Smiths living room,客厅,起居室,扶手椅,门,窗户,靠近,墙,图画,New words,Where are the armchairs?,Listen and answer:,Mrs. Smiths living room is large. There is a television in the room. The television is near the window. There are some magazines on the television. There is a table in the room. There are some newspapers on the table. There are some armchairs in the room. The armchairs are near the table. There is a stereo in the room. The stereo is near the door. There are some books on the stereo. There are some pictures in the room. The pictures are on the wall.,Preposition of location,in,next to,near,over,between,Exercises,在椅子下面 在桌子上方 在天空中 在桥上 在树和房子之间 在汽车后面 In the middle of the 2 desks Behind the computer Next to the ball near the window Between the blackboard and the desk,There _ a television in the room. The television is near the window.,There _ some armchairs in the room. The armchairs are near the table.,(1) There is +单数可数名词/不可数名词+ 地点状语. (2) There are +复数名词+地点状语.,there be+某物/某人+位置,There _some armchairs in the room. The armchairs are near the table.,There _a table and some armchairs in the room.,就近原则,1.房子附近有一辆小汽车。 2.杯子里有一些水。 3. 教室里有很多学生。 4.树上有很多苹果。 5.桌子上有三本书,一个玻璃杯和一个书包。 There _ a car near the house. There _ some water in the glass. There _ many students in the classroom. There _ many apples on the tree. There _ three books, a glass and a schoolbag on the desk.,碟子上有一个脏的叉子吗?,地上有一些领带吗?,碟子上没有叉子。,地板上没有任何领带。,_a dirty fork on the plate?,_any ties on the floor?,_a fork on the plate.,_any ties on the floor.,(1)therebe结构变成疑问句时,只需将动词be和there互换位置,句子其余部分不变。 (2)therebe结构变成否定句时,需在动词be后加not(any)或no。,用适当的be动词填空,1.There- a small television on the table. 2.There-an apple and two pears on the plate. 3.There-some water in the cup. 4.There - many students in the classroom. 5.There - a tiger in the zoo. 6.There - some milk in t


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