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第九章 醇、酚、醚,醇、酚、醚都是烃的含氧衍生物。 醇与酚还有相同的官能团:羟基(OH)。 相同分子式的醇与醚互为同分异构体。,第一节 醇,一、醇的结构、分类和命名 醇(ROH)可以看成是烃(RH)分子中的H原子被OH(羟基)取代后的生成物;又可以看成是HOH分子中的H原子被烃基(R)取代的产物。 C、O都是sp3杂化。醇除了CC、CH键外,还有CO和OH键。化学反应是容易断裂的化学键是 CO和OH键,常见的化学反应是与活泼金属作用(OH,断裂,酸性)、亲核取代反应(OH被取代)、消除反应(消除OH和-H).,1.分类(3种分类方法),不稳定的醇,2.命名,1)普通命名法 将相应烷烃名称前的“烷”改为“醇”,以下醇的普通名被IUPAC接受,2)系统命名法,A、羟基作母体:选取含羟基最长的碳链作主链。,B、羟基作取代基:当其它基团优先于羟基作化合物类名时。,二、醇的物理性质,1、沸点: 比同碳原子的烷烃、卤代烃高。,醇的分子间氢键,醇与水分子间也能形成氢键,2、溶解度,低级醇溶于水,甲醇、乙醇、丙醇与水混溶。随分子量增大,水溶性降低。,3、结晶醇的形成,低级醇能和一些无机盐类(MgCl2、CaCl2、CuSO4)形成结晶状分子化合物,也称结晶醇,如MgCl2.6C2H5OH、CaCl2.4C2H5OH、CaCl2.4CH3OH。结晶醇不溶于有机溶剂而溶于水。利用此来除去少量低级醇。,四、醇的化学性质,1.活泼氢被活泼金属取代,反应速度:CH3OHC2H5OHCH3CH2CH2OH(CH3)2CHOH(CH3)3COH,如何制得无水乙醇、绝对无水乙醇?,酸性,25 (CH3)3COH 18 CH3CH2OH 16 HOH 15.74 CH3OH 15.54 CF3CH2OH 12.43,化合物 pKa,举例,醇与Mg、Al反应,用于制备绝对无水乙醇。,2.羟基被卤原子取代,1)与氢卤酸反应,反应活性,氢卤酸 HIHBrHClHF,醇 烯丙式醇叔醇仲醇伯醇甲醇,醇的鉴别: 适用于C6以下叔、仲、伯醇的鉴别。,反应机理,2).SN1(叔醇与HX),某些情况下,会发生碳正离子重排,得到骨架改变的产物。,WagnerMeerwerin Rearrangement,1,2-重排:正碳离子邻近的基团带着1对电子迁移过来,产生新的更稳定的碳正离子。,Question,1、用反应机理解释以下反应。,2).与卤化磷和氯化亚砜的反应,在上一章讲卤代烃的制备时,反应式已列出。 与卤化磷反应的特点:1)不发生重排。 2)副反应:成酯。,与氯化亚砜发应的特点: 1)无重排;2)产率高;3)易分离。,反应历程:SN2,3.成酯反应,能与无机酸(H2SO4、HNO3、H3PO4等)和 有机酸(以后讨论)成酯。,仍为强酸,应用,三硝酸甘油酯(硝化甘油),4.脱水反应,常用催化剂:H2SO4、H3PO4、AlCl3 两种方式:分子内脱水(消除)、分子间脱水(亲核取代)。,遵从Saytzeff(Zaitsev) Rule,活性,R3COHR2CHOHRCH2OH 叔醇的脱水较常用,有时也用仲醇,伯醇少用。,机制(E1):,因为醇的分子内脱水是按照E1历程(碳正离子中间体)进行的,所以往往会有重排。,重排,2). 分子间脱水,主要副反应:分子内脱水成烯烃。 不适于叔醇,为什么?,机理:伯醇按SN2、仲醇按SN1,5.氧化与脱氢,用于区别伯、仲、叔醇,Jones Reagent:CrO3/H2SO4,选择性氧化:PCC (Pyridinium chlorochromate),双键不被氧化,伯醇氧化只停留在醛的阶段。,催化脱氢,6.多元醇的反应,2). 用高碘酸(HIO4)或四乙酸铅氧化,用于区别一元醇和多元醇,举例,3)邻二醇的片呐醇重排 Pinacol Rearrangement,五、醇的制备,由烯烃制备水合、氧化、硼氢化氧化、羟汞化脱汞、羰基合成反应 由羰基化合物制备Grignard反应、与炔化物反应、还原 卤代烃水解,1.由烯烃制备,特点:1.氢加到含氢较少的双键碳原子上;2.顺式加成(指H和OH加在同一边),选择性好;3.产率高;4.反应条件温和。,举例,3)羟汞化脱汞,4)羰基合成法,2. 由羰基化合物制备,格氏试剂与环氧乙烷作用,2) 炔化物与醛、酮反应,3)醛、酮的还原,4、多元醇的制备,1)烯烃氧化氧化,3.由卤代烃水解(略),(2)醛、酮的还原,(3)其它方法,自学: 六、重要的醇,Reading Assignment,第二节 消除反应,卤代烃的E2、E1消去反应 醇的E2、E1、E1cB反应 其它消去反应,消除反应类型,消除反应: 是从一个化合物分子中消除两个原子 或原子团的反应。,消除:,在相邻的两个碳原子上的原子或基团 被消除,形成双键或叁键。,消除:,从同碳原子上消除两个原子或基团, 形成卡宾:,1,1消除,1,3消除:,饱和碳原子进行亲核取代反应时,常伴随消除反应 的发生:,一、消除反应机制,3种消除机制- E1, E2, and E1cB,二、卤代烃的消除反应,1、E2反应-消除 Mechanism with deprotonation by base, the C-LG bond is broken at the same time. H+ and LG - are lost at the same time through a concerted, bimolecular, rate-determination step.,1、E2反应-消除,Regiochemistry(区域选择性) Zaitsevs Rule - the more subsitituted alkene product is obtained when a proton is removed from the -carbon that is bonded to the fewest hydrogens.,1、E2反应-消除,1、E2反应-消除,Relative reactivities of alkyl halides in an E2 reaction - 30 20 10,1、E2反应-消除,Effects on Regiochemistry in E2 Reactions 1) Base Structure - The percent of the less substituted alkene increases as the size of the base increases,1、E2反应-消除,2) 离去基团 the major product of the E2 dehydrohalogenation of alkyl fluorides is the less substituted alkene,1、E2反应-消除,2) 离去基团 Of the halogen ions, the fluoride ion is the strongest base and, therefore, the poorest leaving group. 当碱进攻氢时,氟离子不易离去,使得反应过渡态具有了似E1cB的负离子特征。而碳负离子的稳定性是 30 20 10 - CH3,1、E2反应-消除,3)底物结构 In the following reactions, Zaitsevs rule does not lead to the more stable alkene,1、E2反应-消除,Summary - regiochemistry the major product of an E2 elimination reaction is the more subsituted alkene unless one of the following applies: 1) the base is large 2) the alkyl halide is alkyl fluoride 3) the alkyl halide contains one or more double bonds,1、E2反应-消除,立体化学(Stereochemistry ) - anti-periplanar,1、E2反应-消除,立体选择性(Stereoselectivity) eg,1、E2反应-消除,Please explain the following fact: (2S,3S)-2-bromo-3-phenylbutane gives (E)-2-phenyl-2-butene but (2S,3R)-2-bromo-3-phenylbutane gives (Z)-2-phenyl-2-butene,1、E2反应-消除,E2 Elimination from Cyclic Compounds That does affect the elimination rate, and the regioselectivity,1、E2反应-消除,eg neomenthyl chloride undergoes an E2 reaction with ethoxide ion about 200 times faster than menthyl chloride and the regioselectivity of the product is different from menthyl chloride,1、E2反应-消除,eg menthyl chloride,1、E2反应-消除,Can you predict the product for the following E2 reaction,2、E1 Reaction,机制(Mechanism ),2、E1 Reaction,Regiochemistry - Zaitsevs rule When two elimination products can be formed, the major product is generally the more substituted alkene Relative reactivities of alkyl halides = relative stabilities of carbocations 30 benzylic 30 allylic 20 benzylic 20 allylic 30 10 benzylic = 10 allylic = 20 10 +CH3 vinyl,2、E1 Reaction,Competing Rearrangements in E1 Reactions,2、E1 Reaction,Please try to propose a mechanism for the following reaction,2、E1 Reaction,Stereochemistry Because the carbocation formed in the first step of an E1 reaction is planar, both syn and anti elimination can occur An E1 reaction forms both the Z and E products. The major product is the one with the bulkiest groups on opposite sides of the double bond because it is the more stable alkene.,2、E1 Reaction,E1 reactions from Cyclic Compounds the two groups that are eliminated do not have to be both in axial positions because the elimination reaction is not concerted,2、E1 Reaction,3、E2 / E1竞争问题,1) 底物结构(Structures of Substrates) RX: 10,20, E2; 30 E1 Primary and secondary alkyl halides react primarily by an E2 machanism under basic conditions; tertiary alkyl halides undergoes E1 elimination because of the greater stability of the tertiary cation intermediate,3、E2 / E1竞争问题,ROH: 10 E2; 20, 30 E1 Dehydration of secondary and tertiary alcohols proceeds via an E1 mechanism because the nation of the leaving group requires that the reaction be carried out under acidic conditions, which are unfavorable for the E2 pathway,3、E2 / E1竞争问题,2) 离去基团(Leaving Groups) In both E1 and E2 mechanisms, the C-LG bond is broken in the rate-determination step. Clearly, the weaker the C-LG bond, the easier is its cleavage, because less energy is needed to reach the transition state in which this bond substantially broken,3、E2 / E1竞争问题,Reactivity: R-I R-Br R-Cl R-F It has little effect on whether the elimination reaction proceeds via the E1 or the E2 mechanism.,4、SN2/E2、SN1/E1竞争问题,1) SN2/E2竞争(a high concentration of a good nucleophile/strong base) 卤代烃的反应活性: SN2 10 20 30 E2 30 20 10 10卤代烃易于取代,较少消去 但是如果进攻试剂体积大或卤代烃的碳上取代基多,则消去比率大大增加,4、SN2/E2、SN1/E1竞争问题,4、SN2/E2、SN1/E1竞争问题,1)SN2/E2竞争 对于20 卤代烃 进攻试剂碱性越强,体积越大,则发生消去反应的几率越大 而30卤代烃则以消去反应为主,4、SN2/E2、SN1/E1竞争问题,2) SN1/E1竞争(a poor nucleophile / weak base) 卤代烃在SN1和E1反应中的活性顺序是一致的:30 20 10 ; RI RBr RCl 反应温度高有利于E1 极性溶剂和弱碱性亲核试剂有利于SN1,三、醇的脱水反应,主要有以下几种机制:E1,E2,E1cB 醇的E1,E2机制与卤代烃不同之处在于,醇需要首先质子化,再发生实质的碳-氧键断裂 10醇可以发生E2反应 (醇失水成烯都是E1反应),三、醇的脱水反应,1-丁醇失水可以得到 1-丁烯和 2-丁烯,三、醇的脱水反应,醇的E1cB机制 具有以下特点的物质容易发生E1cB反应: 1)beta-碳原子上连有强的吸电子基,从而 beta-氢具有较强的酸性,且碳负离子得以稳定;2)离去基团难离去,三、醇的脱水反应,例如: 1、氟代烃发生 似E1cB反应,得到反Zaitsev规则为主的烯烃 2、季铵碱的Hofmann消去反应,也具有似E1cB历程,得到反Zaitsev规则为主的烯烃 这种选择性被称为Hofmann定位(Hofmann Orientation),四、其它消除反应,1、消除X2的反应 2、卤代乙烯消除HX的反应 3、卤代芳烃消除HX的反应 4、生物体系中的消除反应 5、-消除反应,四、其它消除反应,1、消除X2的反应 in the present of Zn, Mg, I - - anti periplanar,四、其它消除反应,Please try to give the correct configuration of the reactant,2、卤代乙烯消除HX的反应,The elimination of HX from a vinyl halide produces an alkyne very strong bases, such as sodium amide, NaNH2, are generally employed for this purposes. The elimination options of mechanisms,2、卤代乙烯消除HX的反应,Because the product alkyne has no stereochemical features, it is difficult to find experimental details to verify which mechanism is actually followed. However, the E1 route is unlikely because the vinyl cation is so unstable, the energetic considerations favor the concerted E2 and the E1cB elimination mechanisms.,2、卤代乙烯消除HX的反应,2、卤代乙烯消除HX的反应,Please suggest a mechanism for transformation and give reasons for the observed regiochemistry,2、卤代乙烯消除HX的反应,3、卤代芳烃消除HX的反应,- Formation of Benzyne The possible pathway are E1, E2, and E1cB. Since the phenyl cation is even less stable than the vinyl cation, indeed, no direct evidence has been obtained for the formation of a phenyl cation in the course of this elimination. ( that is the E1 pathway is actually impossible),3、卤代芳烃消除HX的反应,Structure of Benzyne Note that the large lobs of the sp2-hybrid orbitals are pointed away from each other, fixed in this relative position by the underlying carbon framework. As a result, overlap of these orbitals is significantly less than with two p orbitals.,4、生物体系中的消除反应,Biological Dehydration,5.-消除与卡宾的反应,-消除:,1、卡宾的生成,-消除,2)卡宾的结构:中心碳原子外层6电子,采取什么杂化呢?,两种情况:单线态卡宾接近sp2 三线态卡宾sp,能量较高,能量较低,3)卡宾的反应:特点单线态卡宾与不饱和烃发生立体专一性的顺式加成;而三线态卡宾则没有立体选择性,往往得到等量顺式与反式异构体。,第三节 酚,酚:OH直接与芳环相连,简写为ArOH,一、酚的结构及命名,1.结构,电子效应,CO键,OH键,性质,2.命名,一般以苯酚为母体命名。,二、物理性质,大多数酚是结晶性固体,少数酚是高沸点液体。 具有特殊气味 能形成分子间氢键,沸点较高,在水中有一定溶解度 具有腐蚀性和杀菌能力,三、酚的化学性质,1.羟基上的反应,1)酸性,取代酚的酸性:苯环上连有吸电子基时,酸性增强。,G: NH2、CH3、CH3O、H、Cl、 Br、 I、 NO2,pKa:10.46;10.26; 10.21;10;9.38;9.35;9.30;7.16,解释,酸性比碳酸强,2)与FeCl3的显色反应 鉴定酚,3)醚的生成,上章学过:,把醇钠换成酚钠,上一反应中,


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