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Module 2My familyUnit 1Is this your mum?1. The man is George Brown. Brown is his f_ name. 她的家人都出去了。_all out. Come and have a look at myfamily tree. (翻译句子)_ My fathers sister i s my_. (填称谓)His fathers father is his_. (填称谓)2. 根据图片和所给的提示词写句子this, photo, of, car_3. 我爷爷在左边。 My grandfather is _. 戴维在他哥哥的右边。 David is _his brother. 4. |柳州中考| A dog is sitting in front _the house. A. on B. of C. to 我在我哥哥的前面。(翻译句子)_ 司机坐在汽车前面。 The driver is sitting the car. 5. Is this your brother?_ . He is myfriend, Tom.A. Yes, this isB. No, this isntC. Yes, it isD. No, it isnt 这是托尼的书包。(翻译句子) _6. _good book it is! A. What B. What a C. How D. How a 从what和how中选词填空 a. _a nice day it is! b. _an interesting book! c._ hot it is today! d. _fast he runs! 找出下列句子中的错误并改正 a. How good teachers they are! b. What a fine weather it is! 7. 这些是你的猫吗? (翻译句子) _ These are my friends . (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定和否定回答) _ your friends? Yes,_ . /No,_ . 8. There is a nice picture in the little bedroom. A. girl B. girls C. girls D. girls Katherine is happy to get roses from her husband on day. A. Woman B.Women C. Womans D. Womens Look at the man over there. He is uncle. A. Jims and TimsB. Jims and Tim C. Jim and Tim D. Jim and Tims Excuse me, is the museum far from here? No, its about . A. 5 minutes walk B. 5 minute walk C. 5 minutes walk D. 5 minutes walk 9. The man is Mr Black. (对画线部分提问) _the man? 他们是谁? (翻译句子) _10. 那是我的铅笔。 (翻译句子)_ 那是我姐姐。 (翻译句子) _11. 我旁边的这个男孩是托尼。 The boy _Tony. The man on the left is our new teacher. (翻译句子)_ 12. 那些是我最喜欢的动物。 _my favourite animals. That is a cat. (改为复数句) _详解详析Unit 1Is this your mum?考点直击单词精讲1family Her family are来看看我的家谱吧。auntgrandfather短语赏析2This is a photo of a car. 3on the lefton the right of4. B,解析) in front of是固定搭配,意为“在的前面”。故答案为B。Im in front of my brother.in the front of句型解读5. DThis is Tonys schoolbag.6. Ba. Whatb. Whatc. Howd. Howa. HowWhat b. What aWhat7. Are these your cats?Are these; they are; they arent8. CDDC9. Who isWho are they?


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