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第7次练习参考答案截稿时间:2012年12月10日(星期二)晚:12点一、Put the following advertisement slogans into Chinese:1. Feel Good, Fast Food. 快餐,感觉就是好。2. Small deposit, Big return. 小额存款,巨额收益。(银行广告)3. Things go better with Coca-Cola. 可口可乐,万事如意。(饮料广告)4. Tides in. Dirts out. 汰渍放进去,污垢洗出来。(洗衣粉广告)5. Were Siemens. We can do that. 我们是西门子,我们能办到。(电器)6. Every time a good time. 分分秒秒欢聚欢笑。(麦当劳)7. The choice is yours. The honor is ours. 任君选择,深感荣幸。(汽车广告)8. Good to the last drop. (Maxwell) 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(Maxwell)9. Where there is a way for car there is a Toyota. 车到山前必有路,有路必有丰田车。(汽车广告)10. No problem too large. No business too small. (IBM) 没有解决不了的大问题,没有不做的小生意。(IBM)11. M & Ms melt in your mouth, not in your hands. 只溶在口,不溶在手。(巧克力)12. Go well, use shell. 行万里路,用壳牌油。(石油)13. All the Taste None of the Waste. 喝喝美味,绝无浪费。(咖啡)14. Start Ahead. 成功之路,从头开始。(飘柔)15. A diamond lasts forever. 钻石恒久远,一颗永流传(第比尔斯)16. Focus on life. 瞄准生活。(奥林巴斯)17. Thats my way. 踏上个性之路。(莱尔斯丹女鞋)18. Intel inside. 给电脑一颗奔腾的“芯”。(英特尔,奔腾)19. The relentless pursuit of perfection. 追求完美无止境。(凌志汽车)20. Let us make things better. 让我们做得更好。(飞利普)二、Put the following advertisements into Chinese:1. Your special man deserves the very special gift of GQ. A year of exciting options for his very personal style. Order now just $18 for the year-long gift.译文: 特别的礼物给特别的男人-绅士季刊,让具有独特个性的男人随心所欲地挑选。请马上订阅- 一年才花18美元! 绅士季刊杂志广告2.The perfect companion for 2001Since you depend on a diary every day of the year,Pick the one thats prefect for you.Bright, attractive, colorful, always good for a smile译文:2001年的最佳伴侣 既然您一年中每一天都离不开记事本,就请您选这种吧,它对您再合适不过了:印刷鲜明、装帧精美、彩色套印、令您笑口常开3. Pity the Pickpockets!Tilley Edurables.“The best travel and adventure clothing in the world”:classically styled, long-lasting, comfortable clothes with secret pockets, security pockets, and “giveem hell!” washing instructions. And, of course, the Tilley hat.The (free to you!) 68-page catalogue is a hoot !1-800-388-2797译文: 扒手可怜! 经久耐穿的Tilley衫。“世界最好的旅 游、探险衫”:式样古朴大方,耐穿,舒适,附有秘密口袋、安全口袋及“让污垢见鬼去吧!” 洗涤说明书。当然,还配有Tilley帽。 免费赠送68页的商品目录。 1-800-388-2797 4.CAAC INFLIGHT MAGAZINECHINASKIESTHE FIRSTINFLIGHT MAGAZINEIN CHINATHE SOLETARGETED MEDIAIN CHINATo reachBusinessmen and decision makersAt national levelBest cost effective mediaFor the coverage of all the airlines in ChinaMAKE YOURADVERTISING CAMPAIGNSTAKE OFF IN CHINA WITHCAAC INFLIGHT MAGAZINECHINASKIES译文:中国民航中国民航总局航机杂志中国首家机上杂志独一无二的刊物,拥有广泛的固定读者。上至商界巨擘,政界名流。下至一般乘客,平民百姓。覆盖中国所有航线,广告投入少,收效显著。一起奔向中国市场的广阔天地5.The First Ever, The last YoullEver Need.The first and only quartz watch to generate and store electrical energy through nature human movement.Needs no battery.Perpetually accurate, totally reliable.Environment friendly.Exclusive from Seiko.SeikoKineticSomeday all watches will be made this way.译文:一朝拥有,别无所求举世第一也是惟一的石英表,您的日常活动就可以为其充电。 无需电池。走时准确。性能可靠,有利环保。精工特别奉献。Kinetic精工制造领导制表新潮流6.Come to New York and See the world.If you are looking for the place thathas everything, theres only one placeto visit, and thats New York.Its a whole world in a city.译文:来纽约,看世界。如果你想寻找包罗万象之地,只有一处可以造访 - 那就是纽约:一座城市,一个世界。bbaab三、Choose the better Translation from the following advertisements :(The Blue one is better)1. Big thrills, small bills. (出租车广告)a) 大刺激,小花费。b) 莫大的激动,微小的费用。2. Red hot fashion at Ravel. Sizzling styles. All these and many, many more. In a riot of colors, plain or what you fancy. You want it. Weve got it. Revel. Who else? (鞋子广告)a) 拉维尔火爆时尚,款式新颖,所有这些以及更多,花哨的,朴素的,或您所喜欢的,您想得到它,我们拥有它,除了拉维尔,还会有谁?b) 拉维尔火爆时尚,咝咝发烫的新潮款式,所有这些以及许许多多,色彩缤纷的,简简单单的,应有尽有,包您满意。您想得到它,我们拥有它,除了拉维尔,还会有谁?3. Pepsi-Cola hits the spot. Twelve full ounces, thats a lot. Twice as much for a nickel, too. Pepsi-Cola is the drink for you. (百事可乐广告)a) 百事可乐味道好,足足12 盎量不少,五元钞票买24 盎,百事可乐供您享。b) 百事可乐满足需要,12 盎司, 就是全部,5元钱买24 盎百事可乐是您的饮料。4. Easier dusting by stre-e-etch. (除尘布广告)a) 拉拉拉长,除尘力强。b) 拉长牌除尘布除尘力强。5. Apple Thinks Different. (苹果电脑)a) 苹果电脑,与众不同。b) 苹果电脑,不同凡“想”。四、Put the following Chinese advertisement into English :玉兰油晚霜夜晚是一段特别的时间休息和更新的时间。您的身体开始放松,一天的紧张活动松弛下来,转入夜晚轻柔的韵律。白天您的笑容和笑声所消耗的精力要由夜晚魔术般地补充。这时您的皮肤需要特别护理。玉兰油晚霜是一种夜晚使用的特别护肤霜,能充分发挥夜晚的魔力。无油脂,轻柔,舒适,让皮肤一面自然呼吸,一面吸收玉兰油晚霜的特殊营养。一夜之中,每时每刻,玉兰油晚霜使您的皮肤始终保持湿润,增强皮肤的自然再生能力,舒展细微皱纹,让您的皮肤显得更柔软更年轻。今夜使用的玉兰油晚霜,明天将变成您青春的明艳。译文:Night of OlayNighttime is a special time, a time of rest and renewal. Your body begins to relax to unwind from the activity of the day and slip into the softer rhythm of the night. It is when your body turns the energy needed for the smiles and laughter of the day into the magical replenishment of the night. This is the time your skin needs special care.Night of Olay is special night care cream., created to make the most of the magic of the night. It is greaseless and remarkably light to touch, a sheer pleasure on your skin, allowing it to breathe naturally while it absorbs this special nighttime nourishment.Hour after quiet hour all through the night, Night of Ol


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