



附件:发展中国家干旱区生态恢复及产业发展技术培训班项目简介表 项目全称 发展中国家干旱区生态恢复及产业发展技术培训班 成立时间 实施单位名称甘肃省治沙研究所 举办时间2010年6月28日至8月22日工作语言英语邀请范围朝鲜、阿富汗、巴基斯坦、缅甸、沙特阿拉伯、肯尼亚、南非、埃塞俄比亚、马拉维、坦桑尼亚、莱索托、乌干达、利比里亚、古巴、斐济、智利、安提瓜和巴布达等国从事生态、水土保持与荒漠化防治、农、林、牧、生物、地理、气象等相关专业的官员、学者和技术人员。 计划人数每国13人, 共25人学员要求年龄要求50周岁以下身体健康状况要求身体健康,并提供当地公立医院出具的健康证明或体检表,严禁患传染性病、严重高血压、心脑血管疾病、精神性疾病、肢体残疾的学员及孕妇来华参训。工作语言要求具备英语听说读写能力其 它不携带家属及亲戚朋友举办地点甘肃省兰州市举办地天气状况 培训期为夏季,平均气温1528摄氏度 参观考察城市兰州敦煌沿线:现场、城市兰州西安沿线:现场、城市研究所下设站、基地实习考察地天气状况平均气温1528摄氏度备注无实施单位联系方式项目联系人满多清、刘淑娟办公电话+86-931-7686825,+86-931-7686822手 真+86-931-7686825,+86-931-7686822E-; 实施单位简介甘肃省治沙研究所成立于1959年,拥有享有国际声誉的民勤治沙综合试验站、中国第一座荒漠特色的民勤沙生植物园、荒漠草地生态系统国家科学研究站、国家国际科技合作基地、省荒漠化防治重点实验室、国家外国智力引进基地、国家基础科学人才培养基地、国家荒漠化防治科技成果转化基地、国际培训中心等15个国家、省级科研平台,主要以荒漠化防治、干旱区生态恢复理论与应用技术研究为重点,研究和推广沙区综合治理、控制土地退化与生态恢复技术措施,探索干旱区资源保护、开发利用及生态恢复与产业发展新途径,为干旱区生态综合治理及农、林、牧业可持续发展提供技术支撑。建所50年来,在荒漠化防治、沙区综合治理、生物多样性保护、植物生理生态、干旱区水文、生态环境演变、生态恢复与重建、资源开发利用、绿洲建设和生态产业可持续发展技术及管理方面进行了深入而广泛的研究,取得了大量科研成果,培养了一批有建树的人才。研究所综合实力强,先后获“全国林业科技先进单位”、“全国治沙科技先进单位”、“对外交流与合作先进单位”等荣誉称号。多年来,研究所与国内外200多个相关科研院所、大学及国际组织进行了长期的科技合作与学术交流,援外、外援并进,多次代表中国政府为发展中国家提供荒漠化防治与生态建设方面的技术咨询服务,研究成果得到了中国政府及UNDP、FAO等国际组织的充分肯定,已发展成为我国荒漠化防治与生态环境可持续发展的科研、教学和国内外学术交流的重要基地。研究所自1993年起,已成功举办了18期有关荒漠化防治与生态恢复技术的国际培训班,来自63个发展中国家的500余名专家、学者、政府官员和技术人员参加了培训,得到了受援国和学员的一致好评,产生了良好的国际影响,对全球荒漠化防治与生态恢复做出了贡献。同时也加强和拓展了国际交流与合作,加深了我国与发展中国家人民的友谊。 项目内容介绍由中华人民共和国商务部主办,甘肃省治沙研究所实施的“发展中国家干旱区生态恢复及产业发展技术培训班”,将于2010年6月28日至8月22日在中国甘肃省兰州市举办,培训班工作语言为英语。培训班的主要内容:和谐发展的中国、世界干旱区概况、恢复生态学理论、地理植物演化机理、生物多样性保护、植物水分平衡及生态用水、内陆河流域生态演化、生态定位研究、综合节水技术、林业种苗工程、防护体系建设、不同地带生态恢复技术、流域生态综合治理、土地盐渍化治理、生态林业可持续经营、“3S”技术应用、农林区划与产业结构、设施农业、区域特色农业、绿洲产业发展、资源开发利用、生态产业化发展、草畜产业、草场科学利用、可持续发展技术推广等。这些培训内容基本涉及了我国干旱区生态恢复及产业发展的主要技术体系和建设成就。除我所专家授课外,培训班还将邀请一些知名专家和学员做专题报告。培训采取理论联系实际的教学方法,包括课堂教学、现场实践、专题讲座、参观考察、讨论交流、学术报告等,穿插进行。培训期间,将配合实习实践安排学员到不同地带参观干旱区土地退化、荒漠化发展、生态恢复及生态产业化发展的系列现场。为此,安排了两条考察路线:一条是兰州至敦煌一线的干旱区,途径河西走廊的多个历史文化名城,安排学员到不同地带的研究站学习、交流和实习,另一条是兰州至西安一线的干旱半干旱区,主要考察黄土高原水土保持、流域治理、退耕还林现场,并到一些大学、科研院所参观交流。考察期间还将安排景点参观,让学员了解中国的历史文化和改革开放以来的发展变化。通过此次培训,将加强我国与发展中国家的友好往来,扩大技术和经济领域的交流与合作;学员学成回国后,将能运用所学知识与实用技术,促进本国的生态恢复及产业发展,为改善本国乃至全球的生态环境做出贡献。Project DescriptionName Training Course on Eco-restoration & industry Development in Arid AreasOrganizerGansu Desert Control Research InstituteTimeJune. 28 Aug. 22, 2010LanguageEnglishInvited countriesD.P.R.Korea, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Myanmar, Saudi Arabia, Kenya, South Africa, Ethiopia, Malawi, Tanzania, Lesotho, Uganda, Liberia, Cuba, Fiji, Chile, Antigua and Barbuda, your Officials, scholars and technicians involving in ecology, water and soil conservation & desertification combating, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, biology, geology and meteorology can join in (1-3 participants for each country).Number of Participants25 personsRequireme-nts for the ParticipantsAgeTo be under 50-year-oldHealthTo be in good physical health and provide the health certificate or physical examination form by local public hospital; participants with infectious diseases, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, mental disorders or handicapped or pregnant woman are not allowed to attend the training course.LanguageBeing comfortable to study using English language othersNo accompany with family members or relativesHost CityLanzhou city, Gansu provinceLocal Temperature Summer with average temperature of 1528Cities to visitLanzhou Dunhuang line: sites related to eco-restoration, cities, on-the-spot practices in the experiment stations of GDCRILanzhou Xian line: sites related to eco-restoration, cities Local TemperatureSummer with average temperature of 1528NotesContact of the OrganizerContact Person(s)Man Duoqing, Liu ShujuanTelephone+86-931-7686825,+86-931-7686822Mobilax+86-931-7686825,+86-931-7686822E-; About the Organizer Gansu Desert Control Research Institute (GDCRI) was founded in 1959. It has 15 national- and provincial-level scientific study platforms, namely: the world-reputable Minqin Integrated Desert Control Experiment Station, Minqin Botanical Garden of Desert Plants characterized by desert landscape, Minqin National Study Station on Desert Steppe Ecosystem, National base of International Scientific & Technological Cooperation, Gansu Key Laboratory of Desertification Combating, National Base for Introducing Foreign Intelligence, National Base for Nurturing Intelligent in Basic Science, National Base for Transferring Scientific Achievements in Desertification Combating, International Training Center, etc. Focusing on theoretical and applied scientific research on desertification combating and eco-restoration in arid areas, GDCRI engages in research and extension on integrated desert control, land degradation prevention and eco-restoration; in exploring new ways for protection and comprehensive utilization of resources in arid areas, for eco-restoration and eco-industry development so as to offer technical support for integrated eco-restoration and sustainable development of agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry in arid areas. In the 50 years since its foundation, GDCRI has conducted intensive researches in the fields of desertification combating, integrated rehabilitation of arid areas, bio-diversity protection, physiology and ecology of plants, hydrology in arid areas, eco-environment evolvement, eco-restoration, exploration and utilization of resources in arid areas, oasis construction and sustainable development of eco- industry, etc. Significant scientific results have been achieved, and many excellent personnel in desertification combating and eco-restoration were nurtured. As an influential research institute, GDCRI was awarded honorary titles, such as “National Advanced Institute in Forestry Science”, “National Advanced Institute in Desert Control”,“Pioneering Institute in Multilateral Cooperation”, etc. GDCRI has conducted long-term technical cooperation and academic exchanges with over 200 related research institutions, universities as well as international organizations. Meanwhile, GDCRI has, on behalf of the Chinese government, offered technical consultancy and trainings on desertification combating and eco-restoration for developing countries, which were well recognized by the Chinese government and international organizations, such as UNDP, FAO, etc. Through its unremitting efforts, GDCRI has become an important base for scientific research, teaching and academic exchanges in the fields of Desertification Combating and sustainable development of eco-environment domestically and internationally. Since 1993, GDCRI successfully held 18 international training courses regarding desertification combating and eco-restoration, which were unanimously accepted by the participants and their countries. Over 500 experts, scholars, government officials and technicians from 63 developing countries participated in the trainings, which are a great contribution to the global desertification combating and eco-restoration. Also, through the training courses, the international exchange and cooperation were strengthened; the friendship between China and other developing countries was enhanced. Seminar ContentTraining course on “Eco-restoration & Eco-industry Development in Arid Areas for Developing Countries”, which is sponsored by Ministry of Commerce of the Peoples Republic of China, and organized by Gansu Desert Control Research Institute (GDCRI), will be held in Lanzhou city of Gansu province from June 28. to Aug. 22, 2010. English is the working language. Lectures to be presented in this course: China is developing in a harmonious society; Arid areas in the world; Theory of restoration ecology; Plants evolvement mechanism; Bio-diversity protection; Water balance within plants and ecological water demands; Ecological succession in inland watershed; Research on ecological positioning and its monitoring networks; Comprehensive water-saving technologies; Seedling raising for ecological forestry; Establishment of windbreak system; Eco-restoration in different areas; Integrated rehabilitation of regional ecology; Alkali-salinity and its controlling measures; Sustainable management of eco-forestry; Application of “3S” technology; Agriculture/forestry regionalization and industry structure; Green-house system in arid areas; Regional featured agriculture; Sustainable development of oasis industry; Exploitation and utilization of resources; Eco-industrialized development of ecology; Scientific utilization and management of rangeland; Extension of sustainable development technologies. These lectures are related to the main technological system and achievements in eco-restoration and eco-industry development in Chinas arid areas. Researchers from GDCRI will present the lectures. In addition, famous scholars and experts from other institutions will be invited to give lectures. A training methodology of indoor lectures combining outdoor visits will be adopted. Lectures, on-the-spot practice, study tour, informal discussions, academic exchanges will be alternately held during the training. During the study tour, participants will visit the actual sites regarding land degradation, desert encroachment, eco-restoration and eco-industrialized development of ecology in the areas with different landscapes. Two travel routes are arranged: first one is from Lanzhou to Dunhuang which is dominated by arid landscape, several historically famous c


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