



阶段能力训练(Lessons 1618).完形填空My name is Li Ming. Im thirteen _1_ old. I live_2_ Shijiazhuang. I have_3_ good pen friends. _4_ are Danny and Jenny. Do you know _5_ they come from? Yes, you are right. Canada. Dannys favourite _6_ is donuts. He has three _7_He _8_ funny. Jenny is a pretty_9_. We are in _10_ countries(国家). But we are best friends. ()1. Ayear ByearsCday Ddays()2.A.on Bat Cin Dto ()3.A.one BtwoCthree Dno()4.A.We BYou CThey DTheir()5.A.where BwhoCwhat Dhow ()6.A.colour Bclothes Cfood Ddrink()7.A.hair BeyesChairs Dhands ()8.A.has Bare Cam Dlooks()9.A.boy BgirlCman Drobot()10.A.one Bthe same Cdifferent Dsmall.阅读理解When you are not happy, there are some ways to make you happy or feel good about yourself.Look in the mirror(镜子) and say to yourself, “Im a special(特别) person and theres no one in the world like me. I can do anything!”Do something nice for someone. Helping others always makes you feel good.Smile! Be friendly to people around you. Look for the good things in your friends and family.Learn something new! Do you always want to learn how to swim? Go for it!()1.The third way tells us to _Alook in the mirror Bhelp othersCsmile Dstay with your family()2.Where can you read the passage?AIn a story book.BIn a dictionary.CIn a magazine.DIn a diary.()3.What does the underlined word “like”mean?A喜欢 B像C只是 D确实()4.How many ways are mentioned(提到) to make you happy in the passage?AOne. BTwo.CThree. DFour.()5.The best title(题目) for the passage is “_”ADo Your BestBSome Ways to Feel Good about YourselfCIts Never too Late to LearnDAlways Smile to Your Life. 任务型阅读Mary is an American girl. She is fourteen years old. She is 1.75 metres tall. She has long brown hair. Her eyes are also brown. She is pretty and kind. She does well in her lessons. She wants to be a doctor one day. She has many good friends. They often study together.On_Saturdays,_they_often_go_shopping_or_play_sports. They have fun every day.13题简略回答问题;4题完成句子;5题将文中画线句子译成汉语。1How old is Mary?_2What colour is Marys hair?_3Is Mary 1.75 metres tall?_4Mary wants to be _ one day.5_教师详解详析.1.B 2C“在某座城市”用介词in。3B由后句可知有两个笔友。4C5.A6.C7.C8.


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