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Unit 3 Is this your pencil第4课时分层训练Section B2 2a2c.写出下列单词的相应形式1lose(过去式)_2she(名词性物主代词)_3his(名词性物主代词)_4Bob(所有格)_5find(过去式) _6he(宾格) _7yours(主格) _8mine(形容词性物主代词) _.用适当的介词填空1You can find him_ the classroom.2Please ask David_ your keys.3You can call me_ 5557899.4Thank you_ your help.单项填空 ()1.We have a _ at school and we can read(读) _ in it.Alibrary; books Bcomputer; card Cschoolbag; pen Dbag; games()2.Some books _ on the desk. _ they yours?Aare; Is Bis; Are Care; Are Dis; Is()3.Jim lost his ID card and he must_ it. Alose Bfind Csee Dsay ()4.Wang Yu,this is my English book and thats _Ayou Byour Cmy Dyours()5.Thank you_ your help and please call me_ 5665490. Aat; for Bfor; atCto; at Din; with .按要求完成下列各题,每空一词1That is his eraser.(改为一般疑问句)_ that_ eraser?2Those are apples.(改为单数句)That_ _ _3Is that your eraser?(作否定回答)_,_ _4Is this his book?(改为复数句)Are _ his _?5This is my pencil.(改为同义句)This pencil_ _.根据汉语意思完成句子1请向玛丽要你的铅笔。Please _ Mary _ your pencil.2请拨打电话3578677找他。Please _ him _ 3578677.3这枚戒指是你姐姐的吗?Is this _ your _?4一些书在校图书馆里。_ books are in the _ _5汤姆今天早晨丢了他的钥匙。Tom lost _ _ this morning. .用适当的句子补全对话Jim:1._, is this your pencil box?Linda:Yes, 2._Im Linda.Nice to meet you.Jim:Im Jim.3._Linda:Oh, whats this in English?Jim:Its a dictionary.Linda:4._?Jim:DICTIONARY.Linda:Is this your dictionary?Jim:No, 5._. Its Kates dictionary.用方框中的单词完成失物招领启事for, found, these, call, number, yours, library, find, lost, at .完形填空Hello, Im Eric Brown. Here is a pink schoolbag. Is it _1_? No, it isnt. I _2_ it in the school library. _3_ ID card and a green pencil box are in it. Is this your schoolbag? Please_4_ me at . And you can _5_ Miss White for it, too. This boy is my _6_ Sam. He lost his new watch. It is very important(重要的) to him. _7_ father buys(买) it for him. He must find _8_. What _9_ is it? It is white. If(如果) you find it, you can call him _10_ 9636587. Thank you. ()1.A.me Bmine Cmy DI()2.A.help Bgo Clook Dfind()3.A.An BA CThe D/()4.A.email BcallCtelephone Dsee()5.A.find BaskCthank Dexcuse()6.A.sister BmotherCcousin Dfather()7.A.His BHer CYour DTheir()8.A.one Bthem Cit Dthey()9.A.bag BcolorCname Dnumber()10.A.in Bfor Cfrom Dat.阅读理解 ()1.What color is the notebook?ABrown. BBlack.CBlue. DRed.()2._ found the notebook. AJenny BMikeCJack DMary()3.Where is the notebook?AIn Classroom 1521.BIn Classroom 1517.CIn Classroom 1527.DIn Classroom 1571.()4.Jenny lost her _Anotebook BChinese bookCEnglish book Ddictionary()5.What is Jennys phone number?A8730000. B8732762.C8622762. D8372762.任务型阅读Look at this photo. The_boys_name_is_JohnHe has two sisters.The_one_in_a_white_dress_is_his_sister,_Rose. The other one in a yellow dress is his sister, Mary.Rose and Mary are of the same(相同的)age.They look the same.They are twinsJohn and his sisters are in different schools.They_have_good_friends_in_school. Their parents are English teachers.They like their students.The family are happy.根据短文内容,完成下列各题。1写出句的同义句。The boy _ _2根据句的意思,请把下面的句子补充完整。The girls dress _ _3处画线单词的汉语意思是_。A双胞胎 B兄妹C儿子 D同班同学4请把句变成否定句。They _ _ good friends in school.5下列说法正确的是_。AThe two girls are in the same dress.BThe two girls look the same.CJohn and his sisters are in the same school.DJohns mother is not a teacher.书面表达(A)吉姆(Jim) 捡到了一串钥匙,他的联系电话是3364567。 现在他想寻找失主,请你代吉姆写一则失物招领启事。Found:_(B)露西(Lucy)丢失了她的红色双肩背包(backpack), 她的电话号码是2359658。现在请你帮她写一则寻物启事。Lost:_Lucy详解详析课内基础自测.1.lost2.hers3.his4.Bobs5found6.him7.you8.my.1.in2.for3.at4.for课后巩固提升.1.A2.C3.B4D此处要用名词性物主代词,yoursyour English book。5B.1.Is; his2.is an apple3.No; it isnt4these; books5.is mine.1.ask; for2.call; at3.ring; sisters4Some; school library5.his key(s).1.Excuse me2.it is/thank you/thanks3Nice to meet you, too4How do you spell it5.it isnt.1.these2.number3.Call4.Found5library6.yours7.for8.Lost9find10.at.1.B由题干可知本空应填入一个物主代词,而横线后面没有名词,所以应填入一个名词性物主代词,故选B。2D由上下文语境可知,“我”在图书馆“发现”了它。3A4A本句中的“”是一个邮箱地址,故选A。 5Bask sb. for sth.意为“向某人要某物”。6C7A由上下文语境可知,这块手表是Sam的爸爸买给他的。8C本句中的it指代前面提到的“his new watch”。9B由后一句的“It is white.”可知,这里是在问手表的颜色。10D“call sb.


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