



专题6 非谓语动词 演练提升.单句语法填空1(2017安徽合肥八中第一次段考)Inside,though,the place was practically emptythere was just one couple,_(sit)at a table near the window.2(2017安徽示范性高中第二次联考)These clubs give you the opportunity _(play)a sport you love or learn a sport that is new to you.3(2017安徽示范性高中第二次联考)In these cases,club members have to work hard to organize fundraisers and collect money to keep their sports_(go)4(2017福建福州十三中期中考试)He saw the stone,_(say)to himself.5(2016湖南衡阳八中二模)By chance Elizabeth saw Darcys and Wickhams faces at the moment when they caught sight of each other,and she was _(astonish)at the effect of the meeting.6(2017江西南昌高三联考)We should try every effort _(prevent)violence happening at school,.7( 2016全国卷冲刺三) It was mainly for this reason that the Brazilian government decided to have a new city _(build) 600 miles northwest of Rio de Janeiro.8(2016江西南昌二模) Rather than write an article for homework, usually we were allowed _(work) with a friend to write an imaginary dialogue between two historical figures.9( 2017浙江严州中学一模) When I got into the office, I found Mr.Green _(bury)in his work, without noticing my arrival.10(2017北京海淀一模)She works in a theatre,_(follow) in her fathers footsteps. 答案1.sitting2.to play3.going4.saying5.astonished6.to prevent7.built8.to work9.buried10.following.单句改错1(2017安徽合肥八中第一次段考)Having a pleasant trip and see you Friday._2(2017安徽示范性高中第二次联考)To achieve determination,we need the followed strategies._3(2016福建福州十三中期中考试)She cant imagine soyoung a girl live alone._4(2017湖北黄冈3月质检)I was worrying and decided to take her to a hospital._5(2017江西八所重点中学盟校4月联考)Because we had not eaten ice cream for a long time,we got very exciting._6(2017四川资阳一次诊断)Seeing from the top of the hill,the city was extremely beautiful._7(2017全国名校联盟百校大联考)On our way home,we couldnt help to talking about what we had experienced._ 8(2017吉林长春质量检测)Thank you for spending time read my letter._9(2017浙江温州联考)It was a great pleasure to have such a devoting friend._10(2017山西曲沃中学阶段考试)Im 18 years old and have a good command of English,especially in terms of English speech competition hold in our school._ 答案1.HavingHave2.followedfollowing3.liveliving或livelives4.worryingworried5excitingexcited6.SeeingSeen7.去掉to8.readreading9.devotingdevoted10.holdheld.语法填空Reporter:How can parents who read to more than one child at a time keep everyone 1._ (engage)?Kathleen: 2._ (read)together with family can be one of the best ways 3._(promote) family togetherness (和谐)Children should be encouraged 4._(ask)questions throughout the story and predict what might happen on the next page.This is also a great opportunity for elder children 5._(read) to younger children.Reporter:Outside of 6._(read)on the sofa and in bed, are there other places where family reading can take place?Kathleen: Everywhere! Make it a habit 7._(bring)books everywhere you go.You can have books in the car and bring books to the grocery store.Also you can pack books for the morning subway or bus ride.Reporter:For families that speak and read in two languages, do you have any suggestions about 8._(choose)books?Kathleen:I recommend 9._(go)to the library and checking out a story in two different languages.While 10._(read) each story, you can assist your child in recognizing familiar words in each language. 答案1.engaged2.Reading3.to promote4.to ask5.to read6.reading7.to bring8.choosing9going10.reading.短文改错Dear Aron, Im writing to tell you we had found a new apartment for you.The building is only 500 meters away to our school, with a bank on its right or a gym on its left.Across it is a supermarket.Besides, it will be convenient for you get around the city because a bus stop is right in the front of the building. The apartment measures 40 square meters, included a bedroom, a sitting room, a kitchen and a bathroom.They have made sure that it is equipped with basic things needing in everyday life, such as the refrigerator, the TV set and the coffeemaker.Which is great news is that free WiFi is provided.Please write back and tell us if it is nicely enough.Yours,Li Hua 答案Dear Aron, Im writing to tell you we found a new apartment for you.The building is only 500 meters away our school, with a bank on its right a gym on its left.Across it is a supermarket.Besides, it will be convenient for you get around the city because a bus stop is right in the front of the building. The apartment measures 40 square meters, a bedroom, a sitting room, a kitchen and a bathroom


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