



专题十动词的时态(B)1.(2016北京中考)Where did you go last weekend?I _ to the Great Wall.AgoBwentCwill go(C)2.(2016北京中考)Please dont make so much noise. The baby _ now.Asleeps Bslept Cis sleeping(C)3.(2016北京中考)Its nice to see you again. We _ each other since 2014.Awont see Bdont seeChavent seen(B)4.(2016上海中考)Last week Vivian _ a dress for her mother with her firstmonth salary.Abuy Bbought Cwill buy(B)5.(2016天津中考)My mother _ dinner when I got home yesterday.Ahas cooked Bwas cookingCwill cook(B)6.(2016天津中考)What a nice watch! How long _ you _it?For just two weeks.Awill;buy Bhave;hadCwere;having(C)7.(2016重庆中考)I _ the History Museum twice. Ive learned a lot there.Avisit Bam visitingChave visited(C)8.(2016河南中考)Everyone wants to reach the top of the mountain, but all the happiness happens while you _it.Aclimb BclimbedCare climbing(B)9.(2016河北中考)Oh no! I _ my book in the lab.Aleave BleftCwill leave(A)10.(2016河北中考)Grandpa _ glasses when he reads.Awears Bwore Chas worn(C)11.(2016河北中考)Just go down this road and you _ the library next to the bank.Asee Bsaw Cwill see(B)12.(2016河北中考)Our team _ another point! I am sure well win the game.Awill get Bhas gotCis getting(C)13.(2016安徽中考)I saw Sam and David in the playground yesterday afternoon. They _ games with their classmates then.Aplay Bare playingCwere playing(B)14.(2016陕西中考)My mother _ a good example for me since I was young.Awas Bhas been Cwill be(B)15.(2016江西中考)May I speak to Mrs.Black?Sorry, Mum cant come to the phone now. She _ a shower.Ahas Bis havingCwas having(B)16.(2016广东中考)With the development of science and technology, robot cooks _ in our families in the future.Aappear Bwill appearCwere appearing(C)17.(2016广东中考)School violence(暴力)_much attention of the whole society and people are calling on the government to make laws against it as early as possible.Adrew Bwill drawChas drawn(A)18.(2016福州中考)Pass the raincoat to me, please. It _ hard now.Here you are.Ais raining BrainedCwill rain(C)19.(2016福州中考)The boy misses his parents very much.So he does. They _ the hometown for nearly two years.Ahave left Bwill leaveChave been away from(B)20.(2016南京中考)Hi, Nora. Is your mother at home?Just a minute! She _ flowers in the garden.Aplant Bis plantingCwas planting(C)21.(2017中考预测)Mr.Li will check our homework this afternoon._ you _it?Not yet.Im doing it right now.ADo;finish BHad;finishedCHave;finished(C)22.(2016苏州中考)Oh, dear! A power cut!Sorry, I didnt know you _ the washing machine.Aare using BusedCwere using(A)23.(2016无锡中考)My mind wasnt on what he was saying so Im afraid I _ half of it.Amissed Bwas missingCwill miss(B)24.(2016连云港中考)Did Billy and Anna find a way out at last?Yes, they _ a plan and did it.Awere working outBworked outCare working out(C)25.(2016青岛中考)William Shakespeare _ for 400 years,but his works still have great influence today.Adied Bhas diedChas been dead(A)26.(2016烟台中考)Yesterday the teacher told us the earth _ the sun.Agoes aroundBwent aroundCis going around(C)27.


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