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段落扩展的常见方法,1. 段落和段落的组成 段落一般由三部分组成 主题句 ( topic sentence ) 扩展句 ( development sentence ) 结论句 ( concluding sentence ),2 . 段落扩展的常见方法 扩展方法有六种,谨请大家记心中: 列举、举例因果、描述、定义与对照。 切记勿用一种法,根据提示去变化。 主题、扩展、结论句,启承转合用于内, 衔接得当不晦涩,你就能把高分得。,段落的写作步骤 首先要思考这一段落的中心思想,用一个完整的句子表达出来 (主题句) , 然后收集能够证明和解释这个中心思想的细节和例子。最后按逻辑顺序组织安排好这些材料,这样就有了一个段落的粗略草案。四级作文一般都是说明文或议论文,,一主题句 主题句。主题句就是提出段落主题,它是一个段落的中心,要求全段其他所有的文字都围绕它展开。它指出了这段内容的主导思想。主题句既可以用在段落的开始或中间, 也可以用在段落的末尾, 但是对于我们的四级考试来说, 我们应该尽量把主题句放置于一个段落的开始, 这既有助于组织材料, 也可以使文章结构清楚。写好段落的主题句是写好作文的关键,写主题句一般是将提示句翻译出来,但是如果要求句是英语就可以把它扩充成主题句,例如这样的一篇作文: Good Health (1) Importance of good health (2) Ways to keep fit (3) My own practice 这样的作文的要求句就可以扩展成主题句。扩展后三段的主题句分别为: It is very important to have good health. (将名词importance变成形容词important),二扩展方法 下面我们着重讲一讲常见的扩展方法: 第一种:列举法(Listing)。列举法是一种最为常见的段落发展方法, 用这种方法发展段落, 首先要写出主题句, 然后列举一系列的论据对主题句所陈述的主题内容进行陈述和解释, 列举的顺序可以按照各点内容的相对重要性, 时间的先后或地理位置的远近等关系来进行。线索是: 主题句first扩展句second扩展句etc扩展句连接词结论句,例如: (Topic sentence) Advertisement can be beneficial to people. (Argument 1)First, it is informative and can help people buy and sell goods. (Argument 2) Second, it can widen peoples knowledge, and make people more experienced. (Argument 3)Finally, people can enjoy themselves in watching those funny and interesting advertisement programs.,列举常用的表达方法有: A. 三点法: 1) FirstSecondThird 2) FirstlySecondlyThirdlyLastly(finally) 3) First of all,to begin with; next,then,besides,in addition,whats more,moreover; most important of all, last but not the least, finally, eventually, etc,B、两点法:用于较短的段落,只陈述两点。常用关联词语有: 1 for one thing,for another, 2 In the first place,In the second place, 3 On the one hand,On the other hand,,B、两点法:用于较短的段落,只陈述两点。常用关联词语有: 1 for one thing,for another, 2 In the first place,In the second place, 3 On the one hand,On the other hand,,例如: (The general point)Pollution is becoming more and more seriously all over the world. (example. 1)For example, the poisonous gas sent off by factories and automobiles has made the air unhealthy for people to breathe. (example. 2)For another example, waste water keeps pouring into rivers and lakes; as a result, many water lives are dying out. (example. 3)Furthermore, everywhere we go today, we can find rubbish carelessly disposed. (结论句)Pollution is, in fact, threatening our existence.,举例法常用的表达方法有: as an illustration, such as, namely, that is, like, say. 1)For example 2)For instance 3) Takefor example(for instance) 4)is just a case in point 5)can serve as an example,第三种: 因果法(Cause and Effect)。在人类的思维活动中, 人们常常会根据事物的原因推断其结果, 或者根据某一结果分析其原因。写作中的因果法正是这种思维方式在写作过程中的具体体现。所谓因果法, 就是通过分析事物发生的原因,自然地说明由此而产生的各种结果, 或者通过分析某一结果, 推断导致这一结果的原因。 线索是:主题句first扩展句扩展句besides扩展句moreover扩展句连接词结论句,例如: (The topic sentence)Nowadays there is often a misunderstanding between parents and child.(cause 1)The most obvious reason for this lack of communication is that they grew up at different times and therefore have different likes and dislikes for the things around them. (cause 2)Also the parent is often too busy to listen patiently to the explanation of the child when there is a misunderstanding. 结论句Both of them take it for granted that there is a generation gap. 常用原因结果句型:表示原因的表达方式有: because of,because,as,for,owing to,due to,thanks to, 表示结果的表达方式有: so,therefore,as a result,consequently,accordingly for this reason,第四种:描写与叙述法(Description and Narration)。 段落还可以用描述与叙述的方法来发展。描写是指作者对某人、某物或事件的感觉和印象, 而叙述则指作者对某个故事和事件的讲述。描述和叙述一般按照时间和空间的次序, 而这种次序关系在很大程度上体现在它们所特有的过渡连接词上。用这种方法发展段落, 作者能够清楚而连贯地交代事物的本末, 从而使读者可以清晰完整地理解文章的含义。,例如: The first thing to do to make tea is to start boiling some water. While waiting for it to boil, you get your teapot ready, making sure to put the right amount of tea leaves into it. When the water has boiled, you pour it into the pot and bring the teapot and some cups to the guests. Everyone enjoys the conversation until the tea is cool enough to drink.,第五种:定义法(definition) 就是通过对某一个事物,某一个词或某一个思想等下定义来发展段落,这是扩展段落的诸多方法之一,也是写说明文常用的方法,因为说明文常常涉及到某一个术语、专业性词汇或抽象的概念。例如:,例如: “Honesty is the best policy” is a well-known proverb, but it is not so easy for everyone to keep. Honesty means fairness and uprightness in our words and deeds. It is also regarded as a very important virtue in our social behavior, and in our daily life, if you are honest to others, they will be kind to you. They will come to comfort you when you are in need of help. People always respect those who are honest and alienate(疏远)those who are dishonest. 作者在这段文章中用定义法解释了诚实的内涵。,第六种转折对照法 这种方法用于阐述两种相反或相对立的观点、态度或事实。 线索是:主题句on the one hand扩展句on the other hand扩展句连接词结论句 其扩展模式为: 表示对照的表达方式有: 1)In contrast 2)Contrary to 3)In opposite 4)On the contrary 5)On the one handOn the other hand, 6)Every coin has two sides 表示转折的表达方式有: 1)But 2)However 3)While 4)Nevertheless 5)We should also take the other side of the coin into consideration 6)There are also some disadvantagesproblems in,例如,2000年6月份题为Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary?的四级范文中第2 段就是用转折对照法扩展段落的一个典型例子。 A majority of people consider it very important to hold a spoken English testThey argue that spoken English is as important as written English,for the ability of speaking,listening, reading,and writing are four indispensable elements in judging if a person has proficiency in English(


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