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1 / 11 Unit 1 BY 淘宝店铺:淘宝店铺:HS 的英语学科中心的英语学科中心 Section OneTactics for Listening Part 1 Phonetics Script A.Listen and repeat Listen to the sentences. Pay attention to the weak forms. 1.Well, you said all I needed was a pencil, a ruler, a piece of wood, a saw, a hammer and a couple of nails. 2.You shall have an answer. In an hour or so. 3.A whisky and soda. A whisky and water. A brandy and soda. Three gin and tonics with ice and lemon, and two gin and tonics without ice and lemon. 4.The bus has gone already, Janet. 5.All our money had gone. 6.The wheels have dropped off! The wings have broken! Its useless! B.Complete the following short dialogue as you listen to the tape. Pay special attention to the weak forms, link-ups and contractions. Woman 1:Ive got good news for you! Woman 2:Oh, yes? Woman 1:Im getting married. Man:Well, well! Whos the lucky man? Do we know him? Woman 1:Of course you know him! Its David! Woman 2:Thats wonderful news! Man:Im sure youll be very happy. Woman 2:Whens the wedding? Woman 1:Next June. Were going to have a big June wedding! Woman 2:Are we invited? Woman 1:Of course! I hope you can all come. Part 2 Listening and Note-Taking Script Listen to the conversation and take notes. Where are they? What are they doing? Pay attention to the layout of your notes. Do not refer to the following outline as you listen to the tape. The names are for your reference. You may use abbreviations for the names.After that,use the information from your notes to complete the outline. The telephone rings for a long time. Operator:Redman Electronics. Can I help you? Voice:At last! Why didnt you answer the phone? Operator:Im sorry. I was downstairs. Voice:Well, can I speak to Mr. Redman please? Operator:Im afraid he isnt here at the moment. Hes on holiday. Hes in the South 2 / 11 of France. Voice:What about Mr. Gray extension 322? Operator:Mr. Grays at home. Voice:Well, may I speak to Mr. Redmans secretary? Operator:She isnt in today. Shes at her sisters. Voice:I see. Then Id like to speak to Mr. Grays secretary. Operator:Miss Jones? Voice:Thats right. Operator:Sorry. She isnt in. Shes gone to the hairdressers. Voice:Who is in today? Operator:Well, I am. But Im going home soon. Who is it please? Key Where are they? Mr. Redman is on holiday in the South of France. Mr. Gray is at home. Mr. Redmans secretary is at her sisters. Mr. Grays secretary, Miss Jones, is at the hairdressers. Section TwoListening Comprehension Part 1 Words or Message? Script A.Listen to two sentences. Is it “loose” or “lose”? Tick the right box. 1.Recently not a few films on have been found to be loose adaptations of some world famous novels. 2.The people in some northwestern areas were constantly under the threat of a tough living environment, but they didnt lose their heads. Key looselose 1. 2. Script B.Listen to some sentences and rewrite them with the help of the clue. 1.He is often a target of photographers. 2.Taking photographs of famous people lets him live his dream of being a reporter. 3.With the cold comes a danger death or injury by carbon monoxide poisoning. Key 1.Photographers likes to take photographs of him. 2.His dream of being a reporter has come true when he takes photographs of famous 3 / 11 people. 3.Death or injury by carbon monoxide poisoning is a danger in winter. Part 2 Dialogues Dialogue 1 Hello Script A.Listen and complete the following sentences. Names in the following box are for your reference. Woman 1: ProfessorAndrews, this is Dr. Baxter. Woman 2: How do you do? Man:How do you do? Man 1:Hello,Al. How are you? Man 2:Fine, thanks, Eric. Nice to see you again. Woman 1: Sally, do you know Steve? Woman 2: No. How do you do? Man:Hello, Sally. Im glad to meet you. Man 1:Tony, Id like to introduce my friend Mary Parker. Man 2:Oh, hello. Ive heard so much about you. Woman:Hello. Woman:May I introduce myself? My name is Susan Roper. Man:Oh, hello. Im John Lee. Im sorry, I didnt catch your name. B.Listen to some extracts from the dialogue and complete the following sentences with the missing words. 1.Man 1:Hello, Al. How are you? Man 2:Fine, thanks, Eric. Nice to see you again. 2.Man 1:Tony, Id like to introduce my friend Mary Parker. Man 2:Oh, hello. Ive heard so much about you. Key A.1.Professor Andrews is talking to Dr. Baxter. 2.Al is talking to Eric. 3.Sally is talking to Steve. 4.Tony is talking to Mary Parker. 5.Susan Roper is talking to John Lee. 6.Al and Eric have known each other before. 7.Tony has known Mary Parker before. B.1. Man 1:Hello,Al. How are you? Man 2:Fine, thanks, Eric. Nice to see you again. 2. Man 1:Tony, Id like to introduce my friend Mary Parker. Man 2:Oh, hello. Ive heard so much about you. Dialogue 2 Where Are You Living Now? 4 / 11 Script A.Listen to the dialogue and decide whether the following statements are true or false. Discuss with your classmates why you think the statement is true or false. Interviewer:You say you moved out of London five years ago? Alistair:Yes, I did. I lived in Hampstead*. Interviewer:Thats very close to the centre, isnt it? Alistair:Yes, quite close. I went to work by bicycle I worked in Oxford Street. It took about half an hour. Interviewer:And why did you move? Did you change jobs? Alistair:Well, yes, I did. I worked for an advertising agency then. Now I work for a newspaper. But that isnt the reason. I moved because London is so dirty and theres so much stress. Interviewer:And now you live in. Alistair:Oh, right in the country. The nearest station is rather far, about 15 miles away, but the village is fairly close to London, about 40 miles. I still work in London. Interviewer:So how long does it take you to get to work? Alistair:Oh, less than an hour and a half, door to door. B.Listen to the interview again and answer the following questions. C.Listen to some extracts from the dialogue and complete the following sentences with the missing words. Interviewer:And why did you move? Did you change jobs? Alistair:Well, yes, I did. I worked for an advertising agency then. Now I work for a newspaper. Key A.F1. The man lives in Hampstead now. (The man used to live in Hampstead.) T2. The man has changed his job. (He worked for an advertising agency five years ago but now he works for a newspaper.) F3. The place where the man lives now is about 15 miles away from London. (The nearest station is rather far, about 15 miles away, but the village is fairly close to London, about 40 miles.) B.1. Because he finds that London is so dirty and theres so much stress. 2. He lives in a village in the country, about 40 miles away from London. 3. Now he works for a newspaper. 4. He used to go to work by bicycle. 5. Most likely he goes to work by car now because he said that it takes him less than an hour and a half, door to door, to get to work. 6. It takes him less than an hour and a half. C.I worked for an advertising agency then. Now I work for a newspaper. 5 / 11 Part 3 Passage AYoung Waiter Script A.Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions you will hear. The most interesting part of the little town was the market square, which was surrounded by cafs, restaurants and small shops full of all kinds of cheap goods likely to attract tourists. At this time of the year it was not very crowded. It was a lovely day with only a few little white clouds, like puffs* of smoke, in the sky. It was not too hot, as it sometimes was during the summer, but pleasantly warm. Edward and Ann sat down at a table outside one of the cafs. After they had been sitting there enjoying the sunshine for a few minutes, a young waiter, not much more than a boy, came to take their order. He spoke no English, but after a lot of laughter and pointing at the menu, they thought they had managed to make him understand that all they wanted was ice-cream. There were several flavors*, lemon, chocolate, coffee, orange and vanilla* and they both chose coffee. “I love coffee ice-cream,” said Ann. After a little while the waiter returned. He was carrying a big tray, which he set down very carefully on the table in front of Edward and Ann. There were two cups of coffee and two plain ice-creams on the tray. “We didnt order coffee,” said Edward crossly*, “we ordered coffee ice-cream. He ought to be able to understand simple English.” The waiter smiled and looked pleased. “No,” said Ann laughing, “its his country. We ought to be able to speak his language.” Questions 1. What was the little town famous for? 2. What was one of the tourists attractions there? 3. Why was the square not very crowded at this time of the year? 4. What was the weather like that day? 5. When did Edward and Ann come to the town? 6. Why did Edward and Ann sit down at a table outside a caf? 7. What did Edward and Ann do to make the waiter understand them? 8. What did the waiter bring them? B.Complete the following sentences with what you have remembered. Key A.1. B2. C3. D4. B5. C6. C7. D8. A B.1. He spoke no English, but after a lot of laughter and pointing at the menu, they thought they had managed to make him understand that all they wanted was ice-cream. 2. “We didnt order coffee,” said Edward crossly, “we ordered coffee ice-cream. He ought to be able to understand simple English.” 6 / 11 The waiter smiled and looked pleased. “No,” said Ann laughing, “its his country. We ought to be able to speak his language.” Part 4 News News item 1 Script A.Listen to the news item and decide whether the following statements are true or false. You should give reasons for your opinion. Then give a brief summary of the news item. Last week, China released a list of what could become historic reforms. They included plans for dealing with social issues* and the environment, fighting corruption and making changes in the military. Communist Party officials set out 60 goals in a report released* after their talks. In recent days, the economic reforms received most of the attention. The promise to let markets play a “decisive” part in the economy was credited* with lifting stock prices in Hong Kong SAR and Shanghai earlier this week. Last year, China reported growth of 7.8 percent. That is high for most countries, but not for Chinas export-driven economy. Some experts are calling for an economic model that depends less on exports and more on personal spending within the country. B.Listen to the news item again and complete the following sentences. Key A.1. F2. T3. T4. T5. F6. T7. T This news item is about Chinas latest reform plans. B. 1.Alist of what could become historic reforms: dealing with social issues and the environment, fighting corruption and making changes in the military. 2. The promise to let markets play a “decisive” part in the economy was credited with lifting stock prices in Hong Kong SAR and Shanghai earlier this week. 3. Some experts are calling for a change in economic model, from export-driven economy to encouraging personal spending within the country. News item 2 Script A.Listen to the news item and complete the following grid. Then give a brief summary of the news item. The city of Taipei is offering its 2.6 million people a fast, low-cost way to travel around the city. City officials have launched a bicycle rental program called YouBike. Five years ago, motor scooters* competed with taxis and buses for space on Taipeis narrow streets. Then the city supported a plan to start loaning bicycles to people who pay for their temporary use. Since then, Taipei has loaned bicycles 11 million times, mostly during the past year. 7 / 11 Bikers do not pay for the first half-hour of use. Each 30 minutes after that costs less than half of an American dollar. It appears that the 5,350 bikes on the streets of Taipei today have begun to cause new problems for city traffic. People who bike through the streets have to worry about cars making illegal sudden stops and fast right turns. Some bikers have stopped riding on the streets and started riding their bikes on sidewalks. But this has angered or frightened many walkers. Taipei plans to complete its program with a total of 162 rental stations by the end of this year. B.Listen to the news item again and complete the following sentences. Key This news item is about a bicycle rental program in Taipei, called YouBike. C. 1. Five years ago, motor scooters competed with taxis and buses for space on Taipeis narrow streets. 2. Since then, Taipei has loaned bicycles 11 million times, mostly during the past year. Section Three Oral Work Part 1 Questions and Answers Script Listen to a dialogue and answer some questions about it. You will hear the dialogue and the questions only once. Answer each question in a complete sentence after you YouBike Time when it was launched: Five years ago. Number of bicycles: 5,350 bikes. Cost: Bikers do not pay for the first half-hour of use. Each 30 minutes after that costs less than half of an American dollar. Number of people benefited from the service: 11 million. New problems: People who bike through the streets have to worry about cars making illegal sudden stops and fast right turns. Some bikers have stopped riding on the streets and started riding their bikes on sidewalks. But this has angered or frightened many walkers. Future plan: Taipei plans to complete its program with a total of 162 rental stations by the end of this year. 8 / 11 have heard it. Peter and William have just arrived at the door of Peters house. Peter is looking in all his pockets. Peter:Oh dear. I cant find my door key. William: If your sister Anns at home, shell let us in, wont she? Peter:Shes out. The door wouldnt be locked if she was at home. William: Lets hope it doesnt rain again then. If it does well get soaked. Peter:I tell you what. If you let me climb on your shoulders, Ill get in through the pantry* window. William: Right. Up you go. (Sound effects) Whats the matter? Peter:Its no good. If it were two inches wider, I could do it. William: And all the other windows are shut, otherwise it would be easy. Peter:I suppose we could break one. William: I dont think your father would be very pleased if we did. Peter:No, I dont suppose he would. Well, what shall we do? William: I dont know. If only you werent so careless, you wouldnt get into such trouble. Peter:Wait! Whats this in the grass? William: Your key! You must have dropped it when you came out. You really are careless. Peter:Its lucky I am, really, otherwise wed have to wait till Ann comes home. Questions 1. What is Peter looking for? 2. IsAnn at home? 3. What is William worrying about? 4. What does Peter want to do? 5. Why cant he get in through the window? 6. Peters father wont mind if Peter breaks one of the windows, will he? 7. Where is the door key? 8. What does William think of Peter? Key 1. He is looking for his door key. 2. No, she is not at home. 3. He is worrying about the weather. 4. He wants to get into the house through the pantry window. 5. Because the window is not wide enough. 6. Yes, he will. 7. Its in the grass. 8. He thinks he is really careless. Part 2 Retelling Script 9 / 11 Listen to the passage and then retell it in your own words. You will hear the passage only once. The children had desperately wanted to go to the circus. Every day after school they had gone down to the field behind the pub to see what was happening. First the men had put up the big tent, and then moved in all the seats, and finally they had fixed the colored lights round the outside of the tent. In another part of the field, the children watched as the animals were fed and exercised. Sometimes, to their delight, two young women stood on the horsesbacks and galloped round and round. But the most exciting moment of all was when the trainer allowed them to watch him go into the lions cage. The children were sure he would be attacked, but he came out again unhurt and smiling. At last the opening night came round. Then the most terrible thing happened; their mother forbade them to go because she said it was unkind to put animals in a circus. The children were unable to make her change her mind, and they had to sit at home while the music and lights in the field reminded them of what they were missing. Section Four Supplementary Exercises Part 1 Listening Comprehension Greetings and Introductions Script Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions you will hear. Greetings and introductions are an essential aspect of U.S. culture. Their importance can never be overemphasized. In social situations, a man is traditionally introduced to a woman. However, in the business world introductions are based on a persons rank* or position in a company. Whoever is the highest-ranking person is introduced to everyone else in order of their position. If you introduce two people of equal rank to each other, introduce the one you know less well to the one you know better. There might be occasions wherein you will have to introduce yourself. For example, if you are meeting a new colleague or an associate*, you might start off by extending your hand and saying “Hello! I am?” If you have been introduced earlier to someone, do not assume* that the person would remember you and be prepared to reintroduce yourself should it be necessary. Americans shake their hands when first introduced to a new person. Rarely they shake hands while parting. As a part of greeting, sometimes, social kissing is acceptable between men and women and also between women who know each other very well. If you are with a group of English-speaking people and the conversation is going on in English, do not use your native or any foreign language for more than a few sentences, as it is not considered to be polite. Try to avoid using any filthy*, sexually explicit* stories or jokes. When you are in a theatre, its not polite to talk or whisper during the performance. 10 / 11 Questions 1. How a man or


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