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三星口语(三口)考试攻略第一章考前准备第二章复习功略1、看图说词2、朗读3、听听做做4、看看说说5、看图说话6、情景对话7、听说相反8、快听快答第三章模拟考试题第四章历年真题第一章 考前准备工作3 q4 6 j$ i0 I$ a8 一、年龄的选择少儿星级英语考试说白了就是为了升学而准备,通过星级考试来学英语是不现实的。学生还是要致力于日常的英语学习。考试只是入学的敲门砖而已,如何少花钱和精力去考这张证书才是我们的终极目标。只有2种孩子需要考证,1个是幼升小,另1个小升初。所以,大班前考1个1星口语,3-4年级考1个3星口语(必考,否则无资格参加4星口语考试),4-5年级考出4星口语和3星笔试已经足以。其他等级的考试没多大意思,只是肥了培训考试机构的腰包。不要去追逐什么2年级考出3星口语的神话。那除了满足家长的虚荣心,对孩子没有任何好处,对升学也没多大帮助。因为,3星口语需要孩子具备一定的生活常识、地理知识、还有临场的应变能力,这对低年级的孩子来说是很大的挑战,而中高年级的孩子却能轻松应对。还有一个因素,我们的终极目标是4星口语(高中1、2年级的教材水平),这是中低年级的孩子无论如何也不可能达到的要求。而多隔1-2年到4、5年级再考4星,之前的单词和句型也就忘差不多了,重新拾起来还得多花功夫,划不来。 G5 Y3 A; l9 T) r9 B7 K 二、时间的选择 ) VO( t* z6 a/ R9 * 三星口语每年有3次考试,分别在4、8、12月。建议报名参加8月份的考试,这样可以有1个月的暑假时间进行高强度复习,复习效果也好。其他2个时间,孩子除了复习考试还要应付学校的功课,会很累,考试和复习的效果都不会好。8 9 Y3 s- lU* mH而4月份考试前,有些知名的培训机构都会举办免费的考前辅导讲座,家长可以去听一听,掌握一些复习的要点,对辅导孩子备考是很有帮助的。我对时间上的建议如下:: I+ + $ b$ |, i* z: E8 V, B$ Y: 8 n1、熟悉阶段:4月-6月,背诵单词、词组、句子、学习自然拼读法、训练听说能力。2、强化复习阶段:7月-8月,模拟卷练习、熟悉各种对话和看图说话的套路,训练速度。: ) J5 X# k0 o# N S5 ( q0 i7 W T; k, w2 H1 L& C, N G三、复习材料的准备教材1本(蓝皮书)、辅导练习1本(白皮书)、磁带,各培训机构的报名考点均有出售以上3样教材。也可以到新华书店购买DVD盘,对于小一点的孩子,听磁带学单词比较枯燥,放DVD盘比较有趣。省钱小贴士:每年考完后,网上就有家长转让甚至赠送辅导材料,1套新材料将近100,旧材料不仅便宜,还有考过同学留下的复习笔记、注释,性价比不要太高哦!四、英语资料网站 各培训机构都有自己网页和论坛,培训复习的资料、免费讲座信息、报名考试信息一应俱全。我自己主要参考乐加乐的英语网和昂立少儿的网站。: t1 r4 , Y/ x9 X& V o O( T6 m/ D/ _- + p& w1、乐加乐学而思的英语网:2、昂立少儿教育:/) z6 W n6 n% Y. f五、考试报名技巧1 n/ W3 ; 0 c0 b如果你打算自己教孩子的话,务必在考点报名时多买1个模拟考,让孩子体验下实战考试。/ s2 n; S, C7 t$ 7 x- Q) O 最后,提供1个我家的孩子在培训班听来的杀手锏:三口考试都分上下午2场,各考点不一样。可以报2个考点,多一次考试机会,可以在报名的时候打听一下。据我所知,2009年12月的考试,乐加乐考点是在上午考试;上海青少年活动中心考点是下午考试。但我不赞成这样做,这等于给孩子一个偷懒的思想准备,反而容易弄巧成拙。第二章 复习功略, F5 E4 a; e ?: V, R* / w 本攻略是按照各关难度递增来编排的,考试的时候次序也是随机的,看那个教室人少就安排学生考哪一关。学习的时候不必拘泥蓝皮书和白皮书的次序。$ d, G3 | C$ j/ g5 U第一关看图说词(难度系数)2 a6 ) P: X0 J9 o1 b q$ W0 & v8 $ n# b# F1 g/ G一、考试要求/ L8 s. O% n% n: 7 Z0 l9 B1、考试时间0.5分钟,6张卡片说对4个可通过。$ A8 T) w# - ?2、要做到看到卡片1秒钟内说出来单词,读音准确。; $ 1 E! v- e9 _* z# r/ b4 S% b3 X8 P; D_( k9 O* k8 H+ I- q7 二、复习攻略# t5 x$ g* F% . u k# q0 J看图说词这关没什么难度,就是要花点功夫。这关是其他项目完成的基础,这关不过,后面也就谈不上了。我们没参加培训班前就开始背诵单词。这部分,我建议越早学越好。对小一点的孩子来说,家长可以去书店买张DVD盘,没事就给孩子放着当卡通片看,当听山歌也行,培养孩子的听力。我们开始的稍晚了点,但高年级学生自学能力还是比较强。我家的孩子的做法:周1周5,每天做完功课,跟磁带学1页或者1个主题。隔天上学路上,温习昨天学的词汇。周末总复习,外加学习4页单词。刚开始花了3个礼拜的时间总算把这些单词背熟了。之后,只要经常拿卡片出来练习一遍,把忘记的单词卡拿出来反复读,反复记忆。每星期复习1次,这样孩子就肯定忘不了。如果觉得枯燥,可以用玩牌的方式,孩子说对了,卡片就归他,看看最后谁都卡片多。做得好奖励零食1包或者贴纸1张。1 & j2 C! Q! T: ( c ( aK5 |- X/ G: K6 l! 三、练习方法1、平时练习,出来说出来,尽量将卡片背后的单词拼写也背出来。在快听快答环节,会考到拼写。2、练习时观察卡片的图案、颜色。在快听快答环节,会考一些问题:! S4 u, I3 z0 j; a& a% o8 x1)冬瓜、西瓜的外表是什么颜色,里面是什么颜色?( ! p |0 i6 lH4 c6 H8 g3 B2)哪种水果是夏天的水果?3)动物:澳大利亚有什么特殊的动物?9 Z2 j0 A- M# l$ Q4)动物:什么动物长着长尾巴和大耳朵? o% R, k; l7 V+ H% E3、白皮书上对每个单词都有一段文字解释,熟读之,对于朗读和看看说说环节的帮助都很大。第二关朗读(难度系数)% v( Q, Y% T) K) J+ z6 x一、考试要求1、考试时间0.5分钟,只能读错2个词# l$ J( ?5 J- I/ m8 n. j# o3 h& s( b2 m9 K: . v二、复习攻略8 ) u# 6 3 y# V9 l2 g( l- m& Q: S 这个项目要求读一篇短文,最多不能错2个字。说简单也简单,说难也很难。我们模考过了,但正式考试没过。总结经验教训,这一关取决于以下几点:( n) Z! 7 G X6 M+ z. P5 ?7 r( e1、 自然拼读法:建议这一关和看图说词同步复习,如果没有学过自然拼读法,可以买一本相关的书进行自然拼读法的训练,连续3个月,相信一定会有很好的效果。2、 大声朗读:在复习其他项目的时候,我总是要求他多听磁带,或者自己多读。例如,复习快听快答,让他自己先读几遍题目,再读几遍答案,最后,听录音回答。他的程度很差,所以,刚开始直接听录音带跟读非常困难。为此,我花了很多时间带着他读。矫正他的发音,并反复强调一些自然拼读的规则。2个月下来,他的读音比之前改善很多,不认识的单词,也能猜着读出来,正确率也有70%左右。3、 把耳朵叫醒:只要孩子不在做功课,不在睡觉,就把磁带放给他听,哪怕一边玩一边放磁带,培养他的语感和听力以及模仿发音的能力,尤其是读句子时抑扬顿挫的语调。我家的孩子读其他单词都不太标准,发音也很难听,唯独读3口卡片上的单词非常标准,就是因为一直听磁带跟读的缘故。同时,也训练了他的听力,这对做听说相反和快听快答2个项目的学习也是很有帮助的,毕竟听得懂才能答得出。8 u/ U/ Fh9 + u( z& b+ J: s4、 养成好习惯:切记用手指着单词一个个读,容易被考官发现读错的字。先浏览下文章再读,遇到不认识的字尽量用自然拼读法来读,千万不要不读。$ G3 Y3 r& r. ; O5、 其他:一般的考官都不是很严格,只要看孩子可以还算流利地朗读,就可以了。但有一种情况,一段话里某个单词重复了3、4遍,如果这个单词读错,基本这关就没希望过了。我家的孩子不幸就是遇到了这么一种情况,所以说还是基础要打好。: k5 D, d, Y2 y7 T) E5 N, ; v+ 0 Y三、练习方法8 e/ J6 ?# B9 c5 b1、练习册上的朗读练习比实际考试难,可将练习册上看图说词部分的解说当作朗读教材练习。2、自然拼读法sksg如 skirt scsk 如school st sd如student sp sb如spoonc :在i, e, y 之前的发s如circle $ B& t8 B2 y7 S) ?; f) Js:s在单词开头的,发s如 study; s在单词中间的发z 四、补充练习儿歌:Fairy taleFairy taleListen to my fairy taleAbout a pretty young woman and a brave young man and an ugly old woman, too.This is a very old fairy tale for you.0 q: b$ q* d( X) ?0 AA beautiful princess in a land far away sees an ugly old witch in the woods one day.5 L7 d | o3 z% t7 T0 k8 Z% * F7 V. MThe witch gives her poison. But a prince comes to save the beautiful princess. Oh, the prince is very brave!短文:* t& b; KB* s: 1. Mary is an American student. One day she asked her Chinese teacher how to get around the city. “The best way to get around the city is by taxi.” The teacher said, “A taxi drive knows the city like the back of his hand. He can quickly take you to any place. The taxi is expensive, but it is time-saving.”2. Tokyo is the capital of Japan. It is north-east of Hong Kong. You can see a lot of tall buildings, huge department stores and famous hotels there. Tourists usually go shopping in Tokyo. There are about 12 million people in this city. They love eating sushi.5 b- f, e4 X2 3. Beijing is the capital of China. It is north of Hong Kong. You can find museums, palaces, and parks there. Many tourists go sightseeing in these places. They always visit the Great Wall. There are more than 12 million people in Beijing. They like riding bicycles.4. Miss Wang is from Shanghai. Now she lives in Canada. Miss Wang speaks Chinese and she also speaks English very well. Miss Wang works as a nurse in the hospital. She takes care of the patients and the patients all like her very much.5. When you are in England, you must be very careful in the streets because people drive and walk on the left. Before you cross a street, you must look to the right first and then the left. In the morning and in the evening when people go to or come from work, the streets are very busy. Everyone should be very careful with the cars.6. The spring Garden Hotel is a four star hotel. Its close to the center of the city and not far from the airport. It has more than five hundred rooms. Some are double rooms; some are single ones. The hotel has several restaurants on the first floor. They serve very good Chinese and western food. Behind the lobby, one can find the travel service and postal service. Many tourists like to say in hotel because it makes them feel at home.7. I smoke a lot and I know smoking is bad for my health. Now, many people have given up smoking and I will try to give it up again. I think giving up smoking is not so difficult because I have given it up for many times. One day, my wife said, “Smoking makes the air dirty. It is not only bad for you but also for our daughter and me. You know, many of our friends have given it up just for their families and other people. If you really stop smoking, you will be a very good father and husband.”8. Sometimes you will find something interesting when you are learning foreign languages. When we are talking about meat on our tables, we use French words. But when we speak about animals, we use English. For example, a pig is called pig when it is living. But its meat on the table is called pork. Cattle are called cattle when they are raised, but at the dinner table, we call the meat beef.9. Robert William is a salesman. He works for a small company. Robert is always in a hurry because he wakes up quite late everyday. He jumps out if the bed at quarter to eight, brushes his teeth and washes his face. At eight, he eats two pieces of bread and one cup of milk as his breakfast. He rings the doorbell of his first customer of the day at half past eight.10. Its seven oclock in the morning, and it is snowing. A cold wind is blowing and the sky is grey. People are hurried to work. Some are driving their own cars, some are riding bicycles and others are waiting for buses at the bus stops. The city streets are crowded and full of cars and buses.第三关听听做做(难度系数)( X& N# ) z! / |0 S, vV. C/ n一、题型概要听录音并按指令完成一系列动作,共有7个指令,完成5个即通过。特别要着重“介词”、“方位词”、 “动词”的熟练运用。1 g# q4 ( B& & j; O1 V- % C2 S8 A4 w% m! 4 W y s. 二、复习功略 这一关的难度不高,也是最不花功夫的,个人觉得简直是三星口语里最好学好过的一关了。第一步还是要熟悉蓝皮书上的那些关键词,多听多背,多模仿。把白皮书上的练习多做几遍就可以了。但白皮书上没有用剪刀剪和折纸的练习,要多练练,这部分不要漏掉。 提醒一下,有一句句子是这样的:With a black pen ,draw a house at the bottom of the triangle。我家的孩子在练习时,一听到With a black pen就忙着去找笔了,忽略了听后面半句。这是一个非常不好的习惯,纠正了很久,他才改掉。一定要听完整句再去做动作。还有就是不要做多余的动作,以免被扣分。! A) l, N1 f1 Q. V+ X ( & E+ I/ t$ j) j, X1、主要的介词有:in ; on ; above ; under ; between, from, to等above the box (在盒子的上面)on the box ; above 方位词的表达:表面:onin front of the box (在盒子的前面); 前面: in front ofa- U! - x, q2 Q6 U* y后面:behind the box(在盒子的后面);behind左面: left / left-hand sideput the pen on the left-hand side of the pencil-box(把钢笔放在铅笔盒的左面);右面: right / right-hand side;, i1 G9 E; ?6 o s7 v4 ) e- E$ / G两侧: on the two sides of; L) |/ T/ G) B& |+ J D6 Y& U# l下面: under在盒子的下方 under the box u3 : d+ 2 d$ , C在右上角: in the top right-hand corner of在左上角: in the top left-hand corner of$ D: O# z Q6 T% R4 U+ J在上方: at the top of在下方: at the bottom of1 S, z4 f0 Z0 W U O8 A4 _0 X在右下角: in the bottom right-hand corner在左下角: in the bottom left-hand corner2、基本动作. M# T9 : ?& ( o; eopen打开, close关上, draw画, count数, write(down)写, pick up拿起, put down放下, put(in/into, on, back )放入/放到上面/放回, take out拿出, give (to)把给, go(to)去,turn to page翻到第几页, give out分发,use使用, color给添色, erase抹去, wipe out擦去, link=join=connect连接, count数一数,draw画,color上色,draw 2 short lines画2条短横线,match比较,cut off剪掉,cut down剪成。图型,fold across the middle 把。对折, L2 |( j- Z2 K. Y: d( W- h2 k# A3、加减乘除7 f8 J5 p9 C! Q9 0 J- Jadd, plus 加,minus, take away, subtract 减,times, multiply,乘,divide 除, the total 总数。* _0 ?, f1 l4 o, Q4 y3 2 k. i4、身体部位:on the chest, finger, thumb, between your fingers, on your head, on your shoulder.5、图形画法:star, square, oblong, circle, oval, apple, pear, orange, grapes, sun, moon, rabbit ear.6、例句:- F7 K2 M! I. G& q1. Count the cards and give them to the teacher. 数卡片然后把它们交给老师.8 H- k5 F! l. L+ V% l* X 2. Now please write down a telephone number on the paper. 请在纸上写下电话号码. 3. Pick up a exercise book on the desk. 拿起书桌上的练习本. 4. Please put down this red pen on the table. 请把这支红笔放在桌上. 5. Now put the piece of paper into the book. 现在把纸条放进书本内. 6. Take an eraser out of the pencil-box. 把橡皮从铅笔盒里拿出来. 7. Please turn to page 17. 请把书翻到17页. 8. Now give out these cards. 分发这些卡片.- w) e% p+ F, J2 s 9. Use this blue pen to draw a circle at the top of the paper. 用这支蓝笔在纸的上方画个圈.3 X5 k lc! K 10. Now color the picture with your pen. 现在用这支笔把这个图片涂色. 11. Please erase all the pictures on the whiteboard. 请把白板上的图片全部擦掉.; F) q4 S) n t. o 12. Please wipe out the triangle in the bottom left-hand corner of the whiteboard. 请把白板上左下角的三角形擦去.6 y* g8 a; ) j H 13. Now link these two shapes together with two lines. 用两条线把这两个图形连接起7 h7 Y/ l6 Z0 S% |8 c# 14. Fold the paper across the middle to make it a triangle.把纸对折成1个三角形 15. Cut off the 3 corners of the triangle with the scissors用剪刀剪去三角形的3个角) ?) ! K+ O. X7 * l6 j三、补充练习Set 12支蓝色记号笔,1个带抽屉的书桌,白板,白板擦,书包; U& W6 Y$ e( Q1 MPick up a blue marker pen from the first drawer of the desk. Come to the whiteboard. Write Yellow on the top left-hand corner of the whiteboard. Erase the word. Turn around. Put the marker pen in the bag. Pick up another blue marker pen on the desk. Give it to the teacher.Set 21本练习本,1个带抽屉的书桌,1支笔Take out an exercise book from the second drawer of the desk. Open the exercise book. Write down an email address on the paper. The email address isJ. Pick up a textbook. Then Close the textbook and put it on the bag./ b9 J8 0 k. o G m0 F7 ; J7 G3 z D$ ySet 3红蓝色记号笔各1支,1个铅笔盒,白板6 a. c1 , W4 , Take out a blue marker pen from the pencil-box. Draw a big oval on the whiteboard. Draw a small triangle above it . Pick up a red marker pen on the desk. Write 15 in the big oval and write 60 in the small triangle. Connect these two shapes with three lines. Now wipe away all the pictures.* Cx9 f# H8 F$ F& C0 S4 W2 q) eSet 4书包,一叠纸,铅笔盒,红黑蓝色钢笔各1支Take out a piece of paper from the bag. Open the pencil-box and take out a black pen. Draw three circles in the top right-hand corner of the paper. Color the second circle with the blue pen. Draw an oblong in the bottom left-hand corner of the paper.Inside the oblong draw three circles. Color the circle in the middle with the red pen. Give the paper to the teacher.5 % a+ h, # X8 |Set 5一张纸,纸上的左右下角各画了圆圈、4个角上各画1个星星,中央画了3条线,橡皮,铅笔盒 i6 + Q( o! o# v: n9 iYou can see some shapes and lines on the paper. Now take out an eraser from the pencil-box on the desk. Use the erase to wipe out the circle the bottom right-hand corner. And then wipe out all the stars. You can see three lines in the middle of the picture. Erase the third line. And wipe out any shapes in black. Well done. Please erase all the pictures on the board.- j5 h2 t; I( f. g. N P+ % j: w4 A3 x5 C/ YSet 6杂志(里面放了2张纸,其中1张用红笔画好圆圈),字典,1个带抽屉的书桌,Take the magazine and the vocabulary book out of the drawer. Open the vocabulary book and find the word as. Tell the teacher the page number and show the page to the teacher. Now take the piece of paper with the red circle out of the magazine. Tell the teacher the total number of pages in the magazine. Please put the paper between page 62 and 63 in the magazine. Put the vocabulary book in the bottom left-hand corner of the desk. Ok, thats the end.8 P+ T8 , e3 A7 N6 ySet 71本小说,1本漫画书放在1个盒子里,一叠纸放在抽屉里,笔Take the two books out of the box. Hold the novel in your right hand. And put the picture book in the top right-hand corner of the desk. Now get a piece of paper out the drawer and write down on it the total number of pages in the novel. Then write down the total number of pages in the picture book. Take away the small number from the big number and write it down the total on the paper. Now put the slip of paper in the box. Ok, thats the end.7 W1 9 L4 n1 q . X0 E* ESet 8 一叠纸放在盒子里,抽屉里放1本字典和1本课本. N+ ?- ?% A& ) r7 L( q/ ?! Pick up a piece of paper from the box. Put your left thumb on the bottom left-hand corner of the paper. Take out the dictionary and the textbook from the drawer. Open the dictionary and turn to page 138, show it to the teacher. Tell the teacher the total number of pages in the dictionary. Open the textbook and write down the number of pages in the textbook. Add the two numbers and write down the total on the paper. Now put the slip of paper between page 32 and 33 of the textbook. Close the book and give it to the teacher.Set9一张纸,一个信封,一个铅笔盒Are you ready? Now lets begin. h0 y+ L* : Q1 F. uPlease open the pencil-box, and take out a short pencil.& G; x& C6 p5 e& h l2 _Then write down your English name in the bottom left-hand corner of the paper.Now please do a math problem: 13 + 26% D+ X L* 6 |Then write down the answer onto the paper.* a! a, n# P U; A) W z3 o- Speak out the answer to the teacher.Now please put this paper into the evenlope.Then give the evenlope to the teacher.Ok. Thats the end of the activity.Set10一本字典,一本杂志,一张纸9 B4 G0 e! _9 O$ ?4 D. d! L* KAre you ready? Now lets begin.* c: r+ * w+ q2 l( , 0 yTake a magazine out of the second drawer of the desk.2 l) 6 |+ t+ k( b J4 Z+ UTake a dictionary out of the third drawer of the desk.) n0 ?- | . X* HThen open the magazie and turn to page 31.Now please put the paper into this page.Now close the magazine and put the it onto the dictionary.Now please put the magazine back to the third drawer.0 t7 A h, AkPut the dictionary back to the second drawer.Ok. Thats the end of the activity.5 p* _/ ?# Y4 ; l# e D* hSet11一张纸,一个信封,一个铅笔盒% r r3 z3 a9 S2 e FAre you ready? Now lets begin.Please open the pencil-box, and take out a short pencil.Then write down your English name in the bottom left-hand corner of the paper.Now please do a math problem: 13 + 26O6 T- t- p9 i8 ZThen write down the answer onto the paper.Speak out the answer to the teacher.: P8 m/ M. L7 y5 Q I+ bNow please put this paper into the evenlope.+ ( e4 R2 U3 c! O3 xThen give the evenlope to the teacher.: w U- A# g1 E8 b! Set12 一张桌子 一叠正方形的纸片 红黑绿水笔各一支 一把剪刀 一个小盒子H& , s U- V+ 7 Q1 Pick up a piece of paper from the desk+ n, L) F* W/ q; a/ V! 2 Fold the paper across the middle to make it a triangle3 With a black pen draw a house at the bottom of the triangle4 Now with the green pen, draw a cloud above the house5 Cut off the 3 corners of the triangle with the scissors6 m( q2 f0 ( V1 F% T6 Put all the little pieces of paper into the small box4 O, X- h+ i2 g X: w7 Put the picture of the house in the top right-hand corner of the desk第四关 看看说说(难度系数)8 , i G- ! I6 F; g; p 6 |! x% W# Z Y一、考试要求Y* Q& U. ?0 l w- w e) 1、考试时间1分钟2、至少说5句话,至少说一句复合句K$ e Q. n) ?2 W1 E- G3 二、复习秘籍这是一个仅次于看图说词的关,超级好过的。刚开始,我是看着白皮书帮孩子复习的。一看参考答案吓一跳,这3口的要求也太高了。我家的孩子就是每天不上课只读英语,3个月也达不到这水平啊!还好,培训班没白去。老师教了孩子们一些考试的技巧。后来看了前人的经验才知道自己上了教材的当。按照培训班老师的说法,教材是大学英语的水平了,有这水平还参加3口考试干嘛?其实这一关非常好过,关键在于分类。g0 k, n5 s4 C) P5 , O1、背诵分类套路:将物品根据分类整理成9个分类,让孩子背熟。考试时候,按照分类去套即可。2、熟记物品单词:复习时将2,3星关于实物的单词都要复习一遍,大型的物品比如冰箱、衣橱之类的无法运输到考场,一般不会考,但车辆可能用玩具车代替,说这类词,就说这是1个玩具车。% w; D9 9 B* K! y( D, R3、忘记名称怎么办:我家的孩子没学过2星,模考题是1个信封,他不会说,被关了。不要慌,可以说出它属于哪种物品,最后加一句你猜猜它是什么?4、剪刀、裤子、手套、鞋子等成对的东西都要用复数来表达。6 . T) m: A4 i3 e. E. S5、考试题型:有人以为每次考试题都会和以往的不同,其实不是,我家的孩子这次考到的就是白皮书上的新民晚报。所以,不要猜题目,每次考试都可能重复前几年的题目。按照分类扎扎实实地去背,准没错。6 ?3 Y, s6 G2 u. 1 u三、题型概括- r6 K t5 8 M(一)总的套路:1、this is a .或者


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