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英语论文写作课程教学大纲(适用对象:英语本科三年级学生)一、课程的性质与任务21世纪是一个国际化的知识经济时代。随着我国加入世贸,我国高等英语教育面临新的任务:培养具有扎实的英语基本功、宽广的知识面、一定的相关知识、较强的能力和较高素质的英语人才。而论文写作能力是扎实基本功的重要一环,英语论文写作为高校英语专业本科技能课必修课程。要求学生掌握英语写作的一般规律与惯例,培养较好的英语写作能力,为将来的工作、英语写作教学与研究打下厚实的基础。二、使用教材和要求掌握的内容教材:丁往道等,英语写作手册修订本,外语教学与研究出版社,1997.6要求掌握的内容及学时安排(一个学期):1 用词:词的类型;词义;一般词汇和具体词汇;习语;修辞格(Part Two Diction 5学时)2 造句:完整句和不完整句;句子的类型;好的句子(Part Three The Sentence 8学时)3 段落:好的段落;段落展开法(Part Four The Paragraph 8学时)4 篇章:组织结构;文章类型(记述文、描写文、说明文、议论文)(Part Five The Whole Composition 8学时;Part Six The Summary and Book Report, Part Seven Formal and Informal Styles 1学时;Part One Manuscript Form, Part Nine Practical Writing & Part Ten Punctuation 1学时)5 论文:步骤;格式(Part Eight The Research Paper 3学时)三、考核方法与要求1考核形式:期末考试+平时表现。2成绩计算方法:期末考试成绩占90%,平时表现(堂上表现+课后作业)占10%。四、期末考试说明I.考试形式:闭卷II.考试时长:120分钟III.具体要求:1 掌握英文写作基本知识2 按照要求写出符合题意、内容充实、结构清晰、语言正确、符合逻辑、书写清楚、300词以上的一篇短文。IV.题型1 知识部分(40%)说出下列各句使用什么修辞格(Ch., Ex.) (10%)句子改错(Ch., Ex.) (10%)改写句子,把句子变成复合句、并列句或带有分词短语、介词短语或其他短语的句子(Ch.,Ex.) (10%)改进不够完整或不够连贯或不够简洁的句子(Ch.,Ex.,V) (6%)给一段文章补上中心句(Ch.,完整Ex.) (4%) 把句子按最佳顺序重新排列(Ch.,连贯Ex.) (5%)2 写作部分(50%)命题作文(题目可以是叙述文、描写文、说明文或议论文)词数要求300词以上。V. 评分标准叙述文、描写文评分等级表 等 标 级 准项目优秀(100-90分)良好(89-80分)中等(79-70分)及格(69-60分)不及格(59分以下)思想内容(50%)包括所有重要的,必不可少的内容,没有任何无关紧要或不切题的内容。包括所有重要的,有些无关紧要或不切题的内容,但无伤大体。遗漏了一些重要内容,有无关紧要或不切题的内容但能反映问题或事物的全貌。遗漏了较多重要内容或有较多无关紧要或不切题的内容,但能勉强反应问题或事物的全貌。重要内容遗漏过多,或根本不切题,不能达到要求的交际目的。组织结构(10%)细节安排有条理,叙述层次清楚,段落之间联系自然,句子连贯。细节安排有条理,叙述层次较清楚。细节安排尚有条理,叙述层次基本清楚。细节安排较乱,叙述层次不很清楚,但读者尚能勉强看明白大意。细节安排混乱,读者不得要领。语语法(20%)偶有个别句子结构等重要错误,但不造成误解,拼写、标点、大小写等正确或有个别错误。有少量句子结构错误,但不造成误解,拼写、标点、大小写有些错误,但无伤大体。句子结构错误较多,但能表达主要内容,拼写、标点、大小写错误多,使读者理解内容有些困难。句子结构错误较多,但能勉强表达主要内容,拼写、标点、大小写错误多,使读者感到写作者英语水平较差。句子结构受汉语影响,或缺乏基本的英语句法概念,拼写、标点、大小写错误很多,使读者看不明白内容。言用词(15%)用词(包括习惯语)确切、恰当。有些词用得不正确或不恰当,但尚能表达内容。少量词用得不确切,表达不清楚。较多词用得不确切,表达不清楚,有的造成误解。用词不正确,生硬地从汉语出发找对应词,使读者不得其解。得体(5%)语言得体,能用恰当的文体,表达思想,达到预期的交际效果。语言较得体,能用较恰当的文体,表达思想,达到较好的交际效果。语言尚得体,能用大体恰当的文体,表达思想,基本达到交际效果。语言不很得体,文体不甚恰当,表达思想,勉强达到交际效果。语言不得体,文体不恰当,不能达到交际效果。 说明文、议论文评分等级表 等 标 级 准项目优秀(100-90分)良好(89-80分)中等(79-70分)及格(69-60分)不及格(59分以下)思想内容(50%)观点清楚,前后无矛盾,并有充分、恰当的例证说明自己的论点。观点清楚,前后无矛盾但例证不足,或有个别不恰当的例证观点大体清楚,但前后有些矛盾之处,例证不足或不恰当。观点大体清楚,但前后有些矛盾之处,有观点,无例证,或有事例,无观点,或列举事例无说服力,不能说明自己的观点。看不清或没有观点,列举事例不清或与论点无关。组织结(10%)细节安排有条理,叙述层次清楚,段落之间联系自然,句子连贯。细节安排不够有条理,但无伤大体。细节安排较乱,但读者能看明大意。细节安排较乱,读者能勉强看明白。细节安排混乱,读者不得要领。语语法(20%)没有句子结构上的重大错误。拼写、标点、大小写等正确或有个别错误。引用原文适度,不超过作者文章程10%。句子结构基本正确,错误之处并不造成误解。拼写、标点、大小写有些错误,但无伤大体。引用原文适度,不超过者文章15%。句子结构错误较多,但能表达主要内容。拼写、标点、大小写错误较多,使读者理解内容有些困难。引用原文略多、达作者文章20-25%。句子结构错误较多,但能勉强表达主要内容。拼写、标点、大小写错误多,使读者感到写作英语水平较差。引用原文较多,达作者文章30%。句子结构受汉语影响,或缺乏基本的英语句法概念。拼写、大小写错误很多,使读者看不明白内容。引用原文过多,达作者文章30%以上。用词不正确,生硬地从汉语出发找对应词,使读者不得其解。言用词(15%)用词(包括习惯语)确切、恰当。有些词用得不正确或不恰当,但尚能表达内容。用词不确切,表达不清楚。用词不正确,表达不清楚,有的造成误解。用词不正确,生硬地从汉语出发找对应词,使读者不得其解。得体(5%)语言得体,语气恰当,以理服人,有说服力。语言较得体、语气也较恰当,有一定说服力。文章语气不够恰当,说服力稍差。文章语气不恰当,含糊其词,缺乏说服。语气生硬,有失分寸,没有说明力。VI. 作文实例介绍WRITINGFINAL EXAMINATION, FALL 1993You task to write a well-organized, coherent, and concretely developed essay of about 300 words in response to the excerpt below from Arlene Skolnicks essay “The Paradox of perfection”. In your essay, you should do the following:1. Briefly summarize (not paraphrase) the authors main points about the American family.2. Discuss how Skolnicks observations relate a ) to your personal knowledge of family life (either your family or one you know) and b) to the family as portrayed in at least on of the following: books, magazines, music, television, radio, advertisements, or films. Be sure to use specific examples to support your discussion of ideas. (If you are a foreign student, you may discuss Skolnicks ideas about the family in terms of your own culture.)3. In your response, properly use at least one quotation from Skolnicks essay. Be sure that you handle all quotations, summaries, and paraphrased material in such a way as to avoid plagiarism, to distinguish clearly between borrowed material and your own words and ideas.4. Do not assume that you are expected to agree with Skolnicks ideas; you response should be true to your own experience and understanding of families.* Be sure that what you produce is a single, coherent essay and that you follow the conventions of standard English spelling, usage, grammar, and punctuation._There are certain ironies about the much-publicized crisis in the American Family that give one pause.What puzzles me is an ambiguity, not in the facts, but in what we are asked to make of them. A series of opinion polls conducted by Yankelovich, Skolnicks, and White, for example, found that 38 percent of those surveyed had recently witnessed one or more “destructive activities” (e.g., a divorce, a separation, a custody battle) within their own families or those of their parents or siblings. At the same time, 92 percent of the respondents said the family was highly important to them as a “personal value.”Can the family be at once a cherished “value” and a troubled institution? I am inclined to think, in fact, that they go hand in hand. A recent “Talk of the Town” report in The New Yorker illustrates what I mean:A few months ago word was heard from Billy Gray, who used to play brother Bud in “Father Knows Best”, the 1950s television show about the nice Anderson family who lived in the white frame house on a side street in some mythical Springfield-the house at which the father arrived each night swinging open the front door and singing out “Margaret, Im home!” Gray said he felt “ashamed” that he had ever had anything to do with the show. It was all “totally false”, he said, and had caused many Americans to feel inadequate, because they thought that was the way life was supposed to be and that their own lives failed to measure up.Like politics or athletics, the family has become a media event. Family advisers sally forth in syndicated newspaper columns to uphold standards, mend relationships, suggest counseling, and otherwise lead their readers back to the True Path. For commercial purposes, advertisers spend millions of dollars to create stirring vignettes of glamorous-but-ordinary families, the kind of family most 11-year-olds wish they had.All Americans do not, of course, live in such a family, but most share an intuitive sense of what the “ideal” family should be-reflected in the precepts of religion, the conventions of etiquette, and the assumptions of law. And, characteristically, Americans tend to project the ideal back into the past, the time when virtues of all sorts are thought to have flourished.We do not come off well by comparison with that golden age, nor could we, for it is as elusive and mythical as Brigadoon. If Billy Gray shames too easily, he has a valid point:Wile Americans view the family as the proper context for their won lives-9 out of 1o people live in one-they have no realistic context in which to view the family.VII. 评分标准参考表6-point essay: gives a valid interpretation of the passage which implies an (50-46分) understanding of some of its complexitydevelops all elements of the prompt (summarizes Skolnick, discusses family life using examples from personal experience their own family or one they know and from some medium, uses a quotation from the passage)has well-developed supporting examples and / or details which are some-what insightful.has a clearly expressed or implied central idea, appropriate paragraphing and transitions, and an effective concluding paragraph.show maturity (variety) in diction and / or sentence structuremay have a few grammatical errors but they do not detract from the content.5-point essay: gives a valid interpretation of the reading passage which may imply an (45-40分) understanding of some of its complexity.develops all elements of the prompt.has examples that are well-developed but less consistently so than in a 6-point essay.has identifiable central idea and appropriate paragraphing.may have some grammatical errors but they do not detract from the content.4-point essay: gives a valid interpretation of the passage (but may not reflect an (39-35分) understanding of its complexity).may omit or incorrectly handle the quotation but addresses all other elements of the prompt.uses examples which are developed.is coherent and unified but may have paragraphing errors.does not contain so many grammatical errors as to interfere with the essays readability.3-point essay: give a valid interpretation of the passage (but may not reflect an (34-30分) understanding of its complexity).may omit or incorrectly handle the quotation but addresses all other elements of the prompt.has generalized examples which may be bland or lifeless.is reasonably coherent and unified.may have some problems with grammar, usage, or syntax which interfere with readability.2-point essay: is a legitimate attempt to deal with the assignment but has at least two (29-20分) of the following problems:has significant problems with summarizing Skolnicks ideas (summary may be hazy, or writer may rely on a patchwork of quotations)has few details and examp


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