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,谢伟亮,表现优雅专业的 凯景人风范,凯景形象,从以下各方面着手 We should start from the 脸 部 face 头 发 hair 装 饰 品 accessories 服 装 attire 手 部 hands 鞋 袜 shoes and socks/ stockings 个人卫生 personal hygiene,脸 部Face 女员工 (Female),化妆呈现干净、舒爽、自然的面貌,不能看起来油光泛亮。应使用明亮而且接近肤色的粉底,呈现自然而专业的风貌 Conservative use of natural flesh-tone colours and natural foundations for a natural and professional look,持续地修饰眉毛。眼线及睫毛膏的颜色应为黑色或深咖啡色。 Eyebrow must be trimmed regularly. Eyebrow pencil and mascara should be black or dark brown. 适度妆点胭脂,使用眼影。眼影的颜色不要使用黑色、红色。 Eye shadow and blush should be used modestly. Black or red colours are to be avoided. 不要使用闪亮、苍白或色彩浓重的颜色在唇部、眼部和两颊部分。 Glitter, frosted, or heavy coloured make-up on lips, eyes and cheeks is not acceptable. 请使用正统红色的唇膏(如图示),勿着深咖啡色、浅肤色或荧光粉色。唇线与唇膏的色调应一致。 Lipstick colour - should be in the hue of red. Dark brown, skin colours, pastel colours and shocking pink should be avoided. Lip liner should match the colour of the lipstick. 配戴无色的隐形眼镜或样式简单、无色镜片的细框眼镜 Only clear contact lens or spectacles of simple design with clear lens are allowed.,脸 部Face 女员工 (Female),随时保持清爽的外观。 Maintain a clean complexion at all times. 不可蓄络腮胡或山羊胡,若在上唇蓄胡须者,务必修理整齐,使其长度不超过唇角。 Beards & goatee of any type are not permitted. Moustaches are permitted if they are neatly trimmed above the lip line and are no longer than the corner of the lip. 配戴无色的隐形眼镜或样式高雅、无色镜片的细框眼镜。 Only clear contact lens or spectacles of simple design with clear lens are allowed.,脸 部Face 男员工 (male),随时保持清爽的外观。 Maintain a clean complexion at all times. 不可蓄络腮胡或山羊胡,若在上唇蓄胡须者,务必修理整齐,使其长度不超过唇角。 Beards & goatee of any type are not permitted. Moustaches are permitted if they are neatly trimmed above the lip line and are no longer than the corner of the lip. 配戴无色的隐形眼镜或样式高雅、无色镜片的细框眼镜。 Only clear contact lens or spectacles of simple design with clear lens are allowed.,脸 部Face 男员工 (male),经常修剪头发 。发式不宜太过夸张 ,如光头、庞克头等 Hair should be trimmed regularly. Styles of an extreme or “trendy” nature(e.g.: neon tinted, gel spikes, razor or Mohawk) will not be permitted. 请用适量的发胶或造型液将颊及额前之细发完全梳理平整,塞至耳后,露出双耳、脸颊及额头 。请避免使用过多的发胶 ,或湿发般的造型 Hair gel or mousse should be used modestly to smooth and style the hair. Hair should not cover ears, forehead and cheeks. Wet look or excessive use of hair gel should be avoided.,头 发 Hair 男员工及女员工 (Female & Male),经常修剪头发 。发式不宜太过夸张 ,如光头、庞克头等 Hair should be trimmed regularly. Styles of an extreme or “trendy” nature(e.g.: neon tinted, gel spikes, razor or Mohawk) will not be permitted. 请用适量的发胶或造型液将颊及额前之细发完全梳理平整,塞至耳后,露出双耳、脸颊及额头 。请避免使用过多的发胶 ,或湿发般的造型 Hair gel or mousse should be used modestly to smooth and style the hair. Hair should not cover ears, forehead and cheeks. Wet look or excessive use of hair gel should be avoided.,头 发 Hair 男员工及女员工 (Female & Male),头发保持自然黑色,不可染成它色或杂色。 Haircolouring is not acceptable for colours other than black. No mix colouring is permitted. 在工作时间及工作岗位,须随时保持发式整齐 Hair style should maintain a fresh appearance throughout an employees shift.,头 发 Hair 男员工及女员工 (Female & Male),头发保持自然黑色,不可染成它色或杂色。 Haircolouring is not acceptable for colours other than black. No mix colouring is permitted. 在工作时间及工作岗位,须随时保持发式整齐 Hair style should maintain a fresh appearance throughout an employees shift.,头 发 Hair 男员工及女员工 (Female & Male),短发 Short Hair,若有长短不一的细发,请用发胶或定型液向后梳理平整 Frizzy hair - use mousse or gel lotion 经常修剪头发 Hair must be trimmed regularly,中长发 Medium Length Hair,头发长度超过衣领下缘者,请遵照长发的规定 For hair length beyond shoulder, please apply long hair standard,长度不超过肩膀Hair length above shoulder 使用黑色,样式简单,大小不超过小指的发夹 Wear only appropriate size, black & plain surface hairpins,长 发 Long Hair,请使用黑色,无珠饰/亮片的发夹、发饰及发网将所有头发扎起,不能有细发散落 Hair should be tied in a bun, French braids, rolled up, and hair clip must be black without jewel,使用黑色,样式简单,大小不超过 小指的发夹 Wear only appropriate size, black & plain surface hairpins,蓄浏海者:浏海应梳理整齐, 长度不超过眉毛 Fringes must be trimmed regularly. It should be styled away from the face and not covering the eyebrows.,长 发 Long Hair,男员工发型 Hair - Male,头发长度不可触及衣领 Hair must not touch shirt collar 不可剃光头 No shaven heads 请勿过度使用造型液 Wet look or excessive use of hair gel is not permitted,保持简单的发式并经常修剪 Hairstyles must be simple but chic and should be trimmed regularly 头发保持干净,不可有蓬乱的细发 Hair must be neat, not fluffy or messy,男员工发型 Hair - Male,头发长度不可触及衣领 Hair must not touch shirt collar 不可剃光头 No shaven heads 请勿过度使用造型液 Wet look or excessive use of hair gel is not permitted,保持简单的发式并经常修剪 Hairstyles must be simple but chic and should be trimmed regularly 头发保持干净,不可有蓬乱的细 发 Hair must be neat, not fluffy or messy,头发长度不可触及衣领 Hair must not touch shirt collar.,鬓 角 Sideburns 男性员工的鬓角需修剪平整,长度不可超过耳朵一半的位置 (请参考左图蓝色箭头指示位置) For males, sideburns must be trimmed regularly and cut straight at the tip. It must not exceed half the length of the ear. (see blue arrow on photo for indication),男员工发型Hair - Male,头发长度不可触及衣领 Hair must not touch shirt collar.,鬓 角 Sideburns 男性员工的鬓角需修剪平整,长度不可超过耳朵一半的位置 (请参考左图蓝色箭头指示位置) For males, sideburns must be trimmed regularly and cut straight at the tip. It must not exceed half the length of the ear. (see blue arrow on photo for indication),男员工发型Hair - Male,装 饰 品 Accessories男员工与女员工 (Female & Male),女员工 For female employees 一耳只配戴一只耳饰两耳耳饰相同 Only one same style earring at each ear is acceptable 须配戴贴式耳饰,大小约为半径0.5公分,不大於耳垂必须是银 、黄金、白金、珍珠或钻石等材质 Only stubbed style earrings,radius of earrings is less than 0.5 centimeter and no larger than earlobe. Gold, silver, pearl or diamond are acceptable 项链及纹身图案不可露出制服外 Necklace must be worn inside the uniform. No visible tattoos are allowed 男员工 For male employees 不可配戴耳饰及露出纹身图案 No earrings or visible tattoos are allowed,选择首饰时应以顾及工作安全,同时不干扰客人与同事为原则 。 Accessories should be simple in design and safe to wear at work. It should not be distracting to guests or co-workers 不可佩戴鼻钉、鼻环、耳夹、脚环及班指等饰物。 Nose studs, earlobe clips, nose rings, anklets and thumb rings are not acceptable. Other forms of jewellery not specified are unacceptable.,Hands 手部 (Female & Male) 男员工与女员工,指甲应修剪整齐 ,并保持所有手指甲的长度适中且一致 Fingernails should be manicured regularly to conservative length. 厨房员工不可戴戒指,手表或擦指甲油 NO nail polish, watch and finger rings for kitchen employees,只能佩戴一只样式简单的戒指,大拇指不可以戴戒指 Only one ring of conservative design can be worn. No thumb rings are permitted. 必须是银 、黄金、白金、珍珠或钻石等材质 Only silver, platinum, gold, pearl or diamond are allowed.,不可在指甲上贴图 、彩绘或装饰珠宝 Nail decals, jewels and air brush designs are not permitted. 不可佩戴其它手部或腕部的饰物。 Other jewellery should not be worn on the hands or wrists.,Hands 手部 (Female & Male) 男员工与女员工,只能佩戴一只深色及样式简单的手表,不可以佩戴设计夸张,表面大于手腕或过于色彩缤纷的表 Only one conventional watch in dark colours can be worn. Colourful and big face watches are not allowed.,随时保持手部清洁,指甲修剪整齐 Clean hands and well manicured 男员工指甲不可超过指尖 For man, fingernails should not be longer than fingertips,装 饰 品 Accessories男员工与女员工 (Female & Male),女员工 For female employees 一耳只配戴一只耳饰两耳耳饰相同 Only one same style earring at each ear is acceptable 须配戴贴式耳饰,大小约为半径0.5公分,不大於耳垂必须是银 、黄金、白金、珍珠或钻石等材质 Only stubbed style earrings,radius of earrings is less than 0.5 centimeter and no larger than earlobe. Gold, silver, pearl or diamond are acceptable 项链及纹身图案不可露出制服外 Necklace must be worn inside the uniform. No visible tattoos are allowed 男员工 For male employees 不可配戴耳饰及露出纹身图案 No earrings or visible tattoos are allowed,选择首饰时应以顾及工作安全,同时不干扰客人与同事为原则 。 Accessories should be simple in design and safe to wear at work. It should not be distracting to guests or co-workers 不可佩戴鼻钉、鼻环、耳夹、脚环及班指等饰物。 Nose studs, earlobe clips, nose rings, anklets and thumb rings are not acceptable. Other forms of jewellery not specified are unacceptable.,Shoes, socks and stockings 鞋袜 (Female & Male) 男员工与女员工,脚部不可有任何装饰品 Anklets are not permitted 随时保持鞋面平滑,光亮 Shoes should always have a polished and care-for appearance 丝袜/袜子不可有任何破洞或抽丝 。务必多准备一双丝袜/袜子 Hosiery/ socks should always be free of runs and holes. A second pair should be stored in the locker as back-up,Attire 着装 (Female & Male) -男员工与女员工,Wear your own Name Tag at all times 务必时时佩戴本人的名牌 Must always wear neat, clean and well pressed employee uniform 随时保持制服干净平整 Clothes should be well-fitted 请穿着剪裁合身的服装,Attire 着装 (Female & Male) -男员工与女员工,Wear your ID Card at all times 务必时时佩戴本人的工作证 Must always wear neat, clean and well pressed pre-opening T-shirt and black pants 随时保持酒店T恤及黑裤干净平整 Pre-opening T-shirt skirt should be stuck in pants 酒店T恤的下摆需塞入裤内,Personal Hygiene 个人卫生 (Female & Male) 男员工及女员工,视工作需要,适度使用香水、古龙水或体香剂 Perfume, cologne or deodorant should be used discreetly when necessary. 过份强烈的气味可能导致他人反感,或甚至影响餐厅中食物的芳香 Strong and over-applied scents are offensive to some people and can compete with food aromas in a restaurant. 保持口气清新。与客人直接接触的员工,如餐厅 、 前台等部门 ,请使用口腔清香喷剂 Breath freshener is recommended for especially the guest-con


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