



短语和翻译附答案、Part III TranslationDirections: Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.1. Im not sure where you can find a babysitter (我会四处打听一下的). Answer: Ill ask around2. He was so angry that (他就忍不住告诉他们) what he thought. Answer: he cant help telling them3. Sometime new ideas have to be tested many times (受到公认前). Answer: before being fully accepted4. The young teacher (并非只是)complain about the poor working conditions in the school. He donated some money to improve them. Answer: did more than just 5. The international situation is (很微妙) in the Middle East. Answer: very delicate6. New words are constantly added to our vocabulary while (一些老词汇过时了). Answer: out of date7. Im amazed that she married him so soon. (她不可能十分了解他). Answer: She cant have got to know him very well8. If you suspect that the illness might be serious (你不应 该推迟看医生). Answer: you shouldnt postpone to seeing doctor.9. Being in no great hurry, (我们选了那条长且风景优美的路线). Answer: we took the long ,scenic route.10. (觉得摩托车有毛病), he stopped his car. Answer: Feeling something go wrong with the motor11. (直到我高中三年级) that the possibility took hold. Answer: But it wasnt until my third year in high school12. He is comparatively weaker (就教育背景来说) and is likely to lose the competition for this reason. Answer: in terms of the educational background13. I think the media (有责任教育年轻人), not just entertain them. Answer:14. The story (作为最好的被挑选出来) by the judges. Answer: was picked out as the best 15. A doctor cannot (见死不救). Answer: turn away a dying man 16. Even Mr. Fleagle stopped two or three times to (克制一丝拘谨的 微笑). Answer: hold back a small prim smile.17. She finally made it to university, after which to my regret I (与她失 去了联系) Answer: lost touch with her18. It was too bad for a privileged minority, though even they (也无 从享受现代医疗). Answer: had to do without modern medicine19. (我们必须假定他是无罪的) until he is proved guilty. Answer: We must assume him to be innocent20. The case shows how to (抓住机会) to invest offshore by diversifying into overseas markets. Answer: grab at the opportunity21. Since I graduated from Nanjing University in 1985, (可以说我与 我的大学同学失去了联系。) Answer: I have kind of lost touch with my classmates.22. It is reported that the local government .(已采取适当的措施避免 严重缺水。) Answer:23. The car burns too much gas,_.(而且价钱几乎是我想付的两倍) Answer: and moreover the price is almost twice as much as I intend to pay 24. Doris walked in the forest cautiously,.(害怕遭到大蛇攻击。) Answer: afraid of being attacked by giant snakes.25. I am not sure where you can find a good carpenter -_.(你最好四处打 听打听。) Answer: Youd better ask around26. As it was a formal dinner party, I wore formal dress, .(我照妈妈对我 讲的那样。) Answer: in terms of what my mum said to me27. Mary looks as if she is very worried about the Chinese exam, (因为她 还没有背熟课文). Answer: because she hasnt learned the text by heart28. _(据报道) that UN mediators have worked out a plan which they hope will be acceptable to both sides. Answer: It is reported29 (正如科学家所预言的那样),global pollution has become one of the most serious problems humans are faced with. Answer: As is predicted by scientists29. _(他感到有点尴尬),he quickly cleared his throat and looked up at the painting on the wall. Answer: Feeling a little embarrassed32. If the media can (像这样捏造故事),who are we supposed to believe. Answer: manufacture stories like this33. For the little extra itll cost, we (不妨在这里再呆一个晚上). Answer: might just as well stay for another night34. Ive (似乎记得) that the paper should be handed in this Friday, Answer: sort of remembered35.It wasnt until my third year in high school that (有了实现的可能). Answer: the possibility took hold.37.The only way to prevent further developments would be a global state that suppressed anything new, and (人类的进取心与创造力如此旺盛) even this wouldnt succeed. Answer: human initiative and inventiveness are such that38. As a financial expert, William advised us to (投资股票市场). Answer: invest our money in the stock market39. (谋求这些职位的竞争很激烈) we have five times as many applicants this year as we did last year. Answer: Competition for these jobs is very tough40. I _(一路走回来)from Fleet Street to Randor Walk, which took me quite a while. Answer: walked back all the way41. Earthquakes, typhoons and other natural disasters cannot be prevented, (但可采取行动保护生命财产). Answer: but action can be taken to protect life and property 42. On my way to school, I saw people _(散发广告和样本). Answer: distributing advertisement and sample43. He is a man of good credibility; the more you know him, _(他的形 象越高大)in your mind. Answer: greater his stature grows44. People battling cancer or victims of EL Nino may find this _(令人 沮丧的),but the truth is that Nature does not yield her secrets easily. Answer: frustrating45. Old habits die hard. Thats why you should stop smoking before the habit _(根深蒂固). Answer: takes hold46. The work is not very profitable _(就而言)cash, but I am getting valuable experience. Answer: in terms of48. Scientists will have to _(提出)new methods of increasing the worlds food supply. Answer: put up with; come up with47. She advised young female football players to _ (利用)


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