



初中英语重点反义词A) 单词类 1. ask answer 2. forget remember 3. after before 4. none all 5. buy sell 6. down up 7. open close 8. late early 9. neither both 10. sleep wake 11. far near 12. come go 13. borrow lend 14. hate like / love 15. cry laugh 16. back front 17. best worst 18. better worse 19. busy free 20. bad good 21. empty full 22. easy hard / difficult 23. different same 24. closed open25. cheap dear / expensive 26. comfortable uncomfortable 27. wrong right 28. left right 29. safe dangerous 30. rich poor 31. hot cold 32. cool warm 33. dry wet 34. a.m. p.m. 35. thin fat / thick 36. east west 37. slow fast38. north south 39. above below 40. noisy quiet 41. strong weak 42. heavy light 43. clean dirty 44. high low 45. ill well 46. possible impossible 47. big small 48. pull push 49. here there 50. clever foolish 51. dark bright / light 52. young old 53. new old 54. tall short 55. upstairs downstairs 56. wide narrow 57. with without 58. plus minus 59. hungry full60. asleep awakeB)词组类 1. be good at be weak in2. get into get out of3. turn on turn off 4. turn down turn up5. at the front of at the back of6. on the left on the right7. at first at last / in the end8. take down put up9. catch up with fall behind10. fall asleep wake up 11. get off get on 12. in the day at night 13. both. and. neit


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