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大学英语新四级快速阅读九大答题技巧一.测试目的 快速阅读,顾名思义,它的目的在于测试考生单位时间当中的阅读量,其实四级对速度的考查是近几年一直延续的一种结果。在2002年的时候,我们四级阅读平均每一篇文章阅读量是284个单词,2003年6月,每篇文章阅读量是300个单词。2005年一月份和六月份,平均阅读量是320到333个单词。这说明一点,四级考试委员会对阅读速度这个能力早就有一个延续性的逐步的提高。同时,在解答题目方面,快速阅读并不强调一定要像精读文章那样通篇认真研究,相反,快速阅读题目更强调测试考生在实践语言环境中查询有效信息的能力,这也反映出四六级考试试图提升考生实际应用能力的改革方向。 二.测试形式 快速阅读要求考生在15分钟内完成一篇1100字左右的文章和后面的10道题。前面7个题是判断正误(包括NOT GIVEN),后3个是填空题填根据阅读的理解,填三到四个单词(答案基本都是原文中出现的原词)。 快速阅读的文章一般分为小标题+题目和无小标题+题目两种类型。这反映出四级考试从单纯的模仿托福的形式转向托福和雅思学习的融合。该题型需要通过略读和寻读法,乃至文章逻辑关系、标点符号等方面的综合运用,实现对随后的题目有效的判断和填写。 三.基本要求 1. 快速阅读的文章基本都是专业题材的文章,很多考生可能会觉得很陌生,但是对于CET-4的快速阅读开始来说,只要求考生对题目所提到的信息在原文中能够找到即可,只是有时需要简单的同义词替换 2. 略读(Skimming)和寻读(Scanning)的能力在大学英语(Q吧)四级考试中显得尤为重要 3. 快速阅读要求考生的阅读速度是每分钟110-140词 四.阅读步骤 第一步.略读全文,确定结构 快速浏览文章的开头第一段以及各部分的小标题,搞清文章的大体结构和主要内容(一般都可以判断第一道主旨题目的答案) 第二步.分析问题,原文定位 顺序做每一道小题,正确理解题目所表达的内容,根据题目中的关键词题眼,在文中找到相应的位置(可以将小标题、数字、人名等信息作为题眼) 第三步.分解对应,四项对比 找到题目在文章中的出处后,将题干的句子进行简单的成分划分,然后将句子的主谓宾各个部分与原文对应,判断Y、N、NG 第四步.分解问题,填写准确 对于填空题,先看所缺的句子成分,然后根据小标题或者题眼找到原文。尽量照抄原文,但要抄得恰到好处,抄得简练,也就是说,题干问什么或缺什么,就抄什么,其余不相干内容不要抄上,保证所填内容的准确性。快速阅读答题技巧 答题技巧一: 详略得当 对于大学英语四级快速阅读测试来说,根据题目的“题眼”快速在文章中找到答案是最关键的,这样我们就要在阅读时注意详略得当。克服精读精益求精的习惯,做到有信息处精读,无信息处略读,略读处一扫而过。对所要解释或证明的观点的细节举例处或者通常有数个名词的并列项,它们不是完整的主谓宾的句子,因此无法与问题对应的详细列举处,都可以略读。那么题目中数字、人名等信息(题眼)在原文中对应的部分必须详读。 例1大学英语四级考试(CET-4)试点考试样卷原文中有这样一段: There are two ways to bury trash:Dump an open hole in the ground where trash is buried and that is full of various animals (rats, mice, birds). (This is most peoples idea of a landfill!)Landfill carefully designed structure built into or on top of the ground in which trash is isolated from the surrounding environment (groundwater, air, rain). This isolation is accomplished with a bottom liner and daily covering of soil.Sanitary landfill landfill that uses a clay liner to isolate the trash from the environment Municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill landfill that uses a synthetic (plastic) liner to isolate the trash from the environment 文章是对Dump和Landfill分别做了一个解释,这些就应该是考生略读的地方。答题技巧二:显性信息 查读的信息通常是显性信息,只要将问题在原文中进行准确定位就能得到正确答案,一般不需要做推理。 例2 The death rate on highways is half that of all other U.S. roads (0.86 deaths per 100 million passenger miles compared to 1.99 deaths per 100 million on all other roads). 题目 In spite of safety considerations, the death rate on interstate highways is still higher than that of other American roads. 解析 从题干中的关键信息短语 the death rate on interstate highway可采取寻读法找到最后一句话为原文出处。原文中明确指出高速公路上的死亡率只是其他公路的一半(half that of)与题干中的 is still high than(仍高出)相矛盾,可判断此句话错误。 特别提示:考生对于以下一些显性信息也应注意 (1) 表示因果关系的词或词组:because, reason, due to, since, so that, therefore等(2) 表示目的关系的词或词组:in order to, so as to, by等 (3)表示转折关系的词或词组:but, however, yet等 (4)表示对比关系的词或词组:contrary to, unlike, like等 答题技巧三:题文同序 大学英语四级考试的快速阅读部分,问题顺序与原文顺序一致(有时判断题和填空题交汇处顺序不一致),这就要求考生应该按照题目的顺序依次做题。对于所有的四级快速阅读文章这个技巧都适用,在此就不做特别举例 答题技巧四:分解对应 分解对应四分法(快速阅读的解题核心):快速将问题分解成4个部分(主A 谓B宾C+其他D),与原文进行对比。 例3 A landfill is not like a compost pile, where the purpose is to bury trash in such a way that it will decompose quickly. 题目 Landfills are like compost piles in that they speed up decomposition of the buried trash. 解析 我们可以将题目简单划分句子成分:主语为Landfills,谓语为are,宾语为like compost piles,speed up decomposition of the buried trash.与原文bury trash in such a way that it will decompose quickly相对应,这样我们就很容易的看到题目Landfills are like compost piles,可是原文中却是A landfill is not like a compost pile,很明显我们就可以得到正确答案,故答案为N 答题技巧五:一段一题、长段两题、平均分配 大学英语四级考试的快速阅读的出题方式一般都为一段出一题、长段出两题,遵循平均分配题目所在位置的原则,在此也不做特别举例。答题技巧六:选小不选大 四级快速阅读中,问题的范围必须小于原文范围,反之则判定为错N 例4 In the United States, taking care of trash 搎甤碒哻/group.htm版权所有沪江网哻碒甤搎and building landfills are local government responsibilities. 题目 In the United States the building of landfills is the job of both federal 戒籦/myfeed/版权所有沪江网籦戒and local governments. 解析 原文明白无误地告诉考生“清理垃圾以及建造清埋场是由当地政府负责的”。据此可断定,该论断不准确,答案为N。在此特别提示考生,如果题目中所表述的内容与原文明显不符、矛盾或相反,可判断为N 确定为N的情况:(1) 题目中的信息与原文内容相反 (2) 题目将原文的意思张冠李戴 (3) 将原文中的不确定因素转化为确定因素 (4) 改变原文中的条件、范围等 答题技巧七:两段判定(判断NG最好方法) 在四级快速阅读中,如果上一题已经确定了在原文中的位置,读过两段后仍无下一题所需信息,则可以判定该题为NG,而不用通读全文。 答题技巧八: 主宾判定 四级快速阅读中,将题干的句子进行简单分解后,问题中的主语、宾语在原文未出现或被偷换概念是,判定为NG 确定为NG的情况:(1) 题目中的表述无中生有 (2) 原文中作者的目的、意图、愿望等内容在题目中作为客观事实陈述 (3) 将原文中的特殊情况推广为普遍现象 (4) 将原文的内容具体化 (5) 随意比较原文中的两个事物 答题技巧九:相关信息准确合并 快速阅读文章中有时可能会问到所面临的问题是什么?某事情的原因是什么?等等,这样的问题在文中可能是在不同的位置都有表述,所以考生遇到这样的问题时,不能只局限在某一段里面找答案,可以先做后面的题目,在后面的阅读中发现还有该题的答案时,将相关信息合并后再确定答案 例5 Water woes may seem remote to people living in rich countries like the United States. But Americans could face serious water shortages, too especially in areas that rely on groundwater. Groundwater accumulates in aquifers,layers of sand and gravel that lie between soil and bedrock. (For every liter of surface water, more than 90 liters are hidden underground.) Although the United States has large aquifers, farmers, ranchers, and cities are tapping many of them for water faster than nature can replenish it. In northwest Texas, for example, over pumping has shrunk groundwater supplies by 25 percent, according to Postal.Americans may face even more urgent problems from pollution. Drinking water in the United States is generally safe and meets high standards. Nevertheless, one in five Americans every day unknowingly drinks tap water contaminated with bacteria and chemical wastes, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. In Milwaukee, 400,000 people fell ill in 1993 after drinking tap water tainted with cryptosporidium,a microbe that causes fever, diarrhea and vomiting. 题目 The problems Americans face concerning water are ground water shrinkage and tap water pollution. 解析根据上面2段文章,美国人面临水的问题主要有两个:But Americans could face serious water shortages, too especially in areas that rely on groundwater.和Americans may face even more urgent problems from pollution.这两句话决定了题目的答案,故为Y2009年英语四六级考试快速阅读题型策略四级快速阅读的前7道是是非判断题,后3道是句子填空题。六级快速阅读的相应数字是4和6。解题第一步:略读略读(skimming),指的是快速浏览全文的阅读方法。略读的对象是文章的标题、开始段、结束段、每段的段首句和结尾句。文章内容的概括性陈述一般都在这些位置。略读的目的是:(1)了解文章的主题;(2)对文章的结构获得一个整体概念;(3)对各部分的内容获得一个粗略印象;(4)对文章主旨做出判断。对快速阅读而言,略读最重要的意义在于对各部分的内容获得一个粗略印象,以方便在寻读时迅速确定答案所在的部分或段落。对于有小标题的文章,把握开头或结尾部分就把握住了文章的主题与写作目的。小标题相当于段落的主题句,把握住小标题就把握住了文章的主要内容。这些小标题在寻读时也显得格外重要,从题干中的定位信息可以快速找到相关的小标题(模糊定位),再在小标题下的内容中查找就可以了(精确定位)。这对于提高做题速度非常有帮助。对于没有小标题的文章,需要把握文章开头或结尾部分来把握文章的主题与写作目的。更重要的是浏览每段的段首和结尾,对每一段的主题和内容获得一个粗略印象。建议考生在浏览时将本段的主题词用笔圈出。这些主题词将起到小标题的作用。其重要性不再赘述。解题第二步:寻读寻读(scanning),是指以问题为线索、带着问题去寻找某一特定信息的阅读。对于四六级考试的快速阅读来说,寻读就是在读过文章后面的题之后,以题干中的某些词为线索,到原文中去寻找出处的过程。由于快速阅读题对于内容的理解能力要求并不高,所以寻读技能的高低直接影响着考生做题时间的长短。所以,以什么词为定位词(或线索词)到原文中去查找是很关键的。寻读常用的定位词有:(1)数字、年代;(2)第一次出现的人名、地名等专有名词;(3)事物的性质特征或比较关系;(4)题干中不同于其他题的新信息。这些定位词在原文中的形式和在题干中的形式可能会有所变化,考生朋友们要注意识别。还有一点是非常重要的,那就是,快速阅读题目的顺序与文章的行文顺序从总体上说是一致的。把握这一规律,将大大节省我们的寻读时间。考生可以先找出容易定位的题目,然后将文章进行分割。题目顺序可能与原文不同的题目一般会是是非判断题的最后一题、句子填空题的第一题或最后一题。解题第三步:判断是非判断题考查的是考生对原文信息的判断和理解能力。是非判断题一共有三类:Y题(Yes)当可以根据原文信息判断题干陈述为正确时,判断为Y;N题(No)当可以根据原文信息判断题干陈述为错误时,判断为N;NG题(Not Given)当题干内容不能从原文信息中找到判断依据时,判断为NG。需要特别注意的几点是:(1)如果题干中的某些信息是在对原文进行归纳总结或简单推理后得出的,那么即使原文中没有出现这些关键信息,也应该判断为Y。(2)注意区分N和NG题。题干描述的内容与原文内容明显矛盾、相反或不符,则答案为N;而题干与原文之间是一种或然关系,即题干提到的内容有可能发生也有可能不发生,原文中没有提及是哪种可能性,则答案为NG。句子填空题的形式与短句问答题型的形式相似,在进行判断填空时请参考CET阅读题型策略短句问答中的内容。不同之处在于,快速阅读题干的转换幅度要小于短句问答题;需要的阅读策略也不同:快速阅读是速读,而句子问答是精读。样题与解析Part Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(15 minutes)Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1.For questions 1-7, markY (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage;N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage;NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage.For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.AirplaneAirplane InstrumentsModern airplanes are complicated machines. Pilots need many gauges(量表) and electronic aids to help fly them. The flight deck of a large passenger plane contains many indicator dials and warning lights. One of the most important instruments is the altimeter, which tells the pilot how high the plane is off the ground. The air speed indicator measures the planes speed. The artificial horizon shows the position of the plane relative to the horizon. The turn and back indicator shows how much, if at all, the plane is turning and tilting. In dense clouds and fog, a pilot would not always know which way the plane is heading if it werent for this instrument. A gyrocompass(旋转罗盘)and various radio devices are necessary for navigation.Most large planes also have an automatic pilot. This is a device operated by a computer. It will fly the plane without the pilots touching the controls. These autopilots can even control takeoffs and landings. The flight deck also contains many gauges and meters that tell the pilot whether the many pieces of equipment on the plane are operating properly. They measure fuel level, temperatures, cabin pressure, electric current, etc. Indicators show whether the landing gear is up or down. The radio equipment allows the pilot to talk to ground controllers and to receive navigation signals.Airplane ConstructionEarly airplanes were made of wood frames covered by fabric and held in shape by wire. After World War I, airplane designers started to use lightweight metals like aluminum, titanium, and magnesium alloys. A thin skin of metal was riveted into place over metal ribs. Strong epoxy(环氧的) glues are now used for some joints, instead of rivets. As planes grew in size, they became heavier. More powerful engines were developed in order to fly the heavier planes.The use of metals brings with it a problem called metal fatigue. Stress and vibration in flight can cause metal parts eventually to break up. Airplanes must be constantly checked for signs of this trouble. Defective parts must be renewed by aircraft maintenance people.Designers test scale models in wind tunnels before the full sized planes are built. Reactions of the models to high speed air streams give good indications how full sized planes will react in flight. This approach helps save a lot of money. It also helps to make airplanes safe.AirportAn airport is a place where airplanes arrive and depart. Passengers leave and arrive on the airplanes and cargo is loaded and unloaded. Large, jet powered airplanes require long runways for takeoffs and landings. Big terminal buildings are necessary to handle thousands of passengers and their baggage. Very large airports usually serve several large cities and cover thousands of acres. Hundreds of planes arrive and depart daily. All this traffic must be carefully controlled to avoid delays and accidents. This is done from a control tower. The tower stands high above the ground. Air traffic controllers, inside the tower, must be able to guide airplanes through their takeoffs and landings.Large airports are often like small cities. Many have post offices, banks, hotels, restaurants, and many kinds of shops. Airports have their own fire and police departments, fuel storage tanks, and repair work shops. Some companies even have their shipping warehouses located at airports.One of the largest airports in the world is in Grapevine, Texas, midway between the cities of Dallas and Fort Worth. This airport covers 7 200 hectares (18 000 acres).Its five terminals can handle the arrivals and departures of 90 jumbo jets at the same time. OHare International Airport, in Chicago, is the busiest airport in the world. It handles more than 37 million passengers a year.Small airports that are used only by private airplanes usually cover 20 to 40 hectares (50 to 100 acres).They do not need all the buildings and services of a large airport. The control tower may be just a small room in a building at ground level.RunwaysEarly planes were light. Early runways were sometimes just level grass fields. Paved runways became necessary when airplanes became heavier and faster. Todays big jet planes weigh hundreds of tons. They move along runways at speeds of 160 kph (100 mph).When they land, the runways take a lot of pounding and must be made of concrete or asphalt(沥青).They must have solid foundations and a surface that prevents skidding.Airplanes take off into the wind in order to get better lift. They also land into the wind to have better control as they slow down. Most airports have runways pointing in different directions. This means that there are always runways on which airplanes can go into the wind as they take off and land.Heavily loaded passenger jets need long runways to gather enough speed to leave the ground. Runways at some large airports are longer than 3 000m(10 000 ft).At night, bright lights line the runways so that pilots can find them without trouble. A system of flashing guide lights is set up beyond the runway to help pilots land safely.Control TowersPeople who work in control towers are called air traffic controllers. They direct the movements of all planes on the ground and in the air by keeping track of them on large radar screens. Air traffic controllers tell a pilot, by radio, when and where to taxi or pilot the plane down the runway.Electronic equipment is used to guide airplanes. Long range radar is used to keep track of planes far away from the airport. This radar is called Ground Control Approach (GCA).When the airplane gets within a few miles of the runway, the air traffic controller begins to use Precision Approach Radar (PAR).This allows the controller to guide the airplane to within 0.4km(0.25mi)of the runway. At that point, the pilot completes the landing. Another electronic aid used in bad weather is the Instrument Landing System (ILS).In this system, radio transmitters located near the runway send guidance signals to the airplane. These signals tell the pilot how to steer the plane for the final approach to the runways. Today, there are also electronic microwave landing systems (MLS) that can land the plane fully automatically.Terminal BuildingsTerminal buildings vary in size and shape. Most of them are quite large. More than 228 million people fly on the airlines in America every year. Every passenger must pass through terminals. Long, covered walkways lead from the center of some terminals to the gates where airplanes are boarded. At some airports, buses are used to transport passengers to their airplanes. Passengers arriving from another country must pass through customs and passport control. Customs officials check the incoming baggage for taxable items. They also check passengers to be sure no forbidden items are brought into the country. Passport officials check the passports of passengers for personal identification.Passengers are not allowed to bring guns, knives, or other weapons onto a passenger airplane. Before boarding, they must walk through a detector which triggers a special signal if they are carrying anything made of metal. Luggage is also examined for weapons. This is done to ensure the safety of the passengers.1. The main purpose of this passage is to introduce the history of airplanes.2. The device of an automatic pilot can usually fly a plane more smoothly than a human pilot.3. With the help of the radio equipment, pilots are able to communicate with ground controllers.4. We can tell from the passage that early airplanes are not as solid as modern ones.5. According to the passage, the busiest airport in the world is in Grapevine, Texas, midway between the cities of Dallas and Fort Worth.6. The runways should be long and solid enough for the heavily loaded jets.7. Precision Approach Radar (PAR) is used by air traffic controllers to keep track of airplanes far aw


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