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学习方法一教学大纲是编等教材的指南,也是同学们复习的准则,一定要严格按照考试大纲进行学习,复习,切忌押题猜题,这是毫无意义的,应在牢固而全而地掌握英语语法,词汇和用法的基础上有所侧重,如熟诣考试题型,熟悉课文和每天课后的词汇练习等。一、 制定学习计划考生最好在考前三个制定详细地复习考试计划,从各阶段的小目标到阶段的大目标分步如期地进行,如捋清词汇,可参考老师提供的每节课的考试重点,上面列举的词均是精心挑选出来其搭配用法,词汇 辩析,捋清语法,非谓语动词,虚拟式,从句等,每课后的词汇练习如选词填空词语辩析和汉译英,英译汉均是要好好复习,加强记忆,弄懂吃透要完全掌握。三、要以教材为本踏踏实实钻研课文,多读几遍 教材上的课文, 弄懂课文及出现的各语言点,了解文章的主题思想,观点和论点, 修辞特点和文章风格,学会揣摩欣赏其文笔,表达方式,写作 技巧和艺术特色。千万不要抛开教材埋头于题海或乱拣几本其他辅导书,忙于应试,这样肯定是事倍功半,得不偿失。因为教材内容本身就占考试的60%,其余40% 的水平考试也是难易程度与课文相仿的, 所以吃透教材才是考试关键,所谓万变不离其宗,教材才是源头根本,只要掌握了教材所涵盖的各种语言现象,通过认真学习和练习, 真正提高自主独立的学习能力和英语水平才能通过考试。四、勤学苦练英语跟汉语一样,属于交流的工具, 语言不是创造的, 而是沿袭的, 只有通过大量的 实践方能掌握其具体的应用,其知识和 技能,达到一定的熟巧程度, 教材里指定的练习, 更应该认真去做,掌握牢靠。五、精泛结合除全面精读通读32篇课文外, 还应该泛读其他的作品, 以达到在多种语境下观察,体验已经学过的词的各种形式,学习已知词汇的新词义,并要能够不查词典, 依靠上下文猜测出生词的大概意思。六、经常使用英英词典英英词典提供的词汇信息准确,全面,地道,语感强, 有很多的例句和短语用法, 信息量大, 参考价值高, 值得品读、揣摩和玩味。推荐两种参考书一种是高级英语全真模拟题(学苑出版社),适合考前热身,冲刺。一种是难句过关之类的书,有助于提高语法和分析解题能力,更好地理解英文, 词义,关系,层次,结构等。2002年高级英语题型分析高级英语试题分两部分:第一部分考核课程内容,第二部分考核英语水平。题型大致分两种选择题和非选择题。与课程内容有头的题目占60%左右,水平考试的题目占40%左右。难度为:容易占20%左右,较多容易占30%左右较难占30%左右,难占20%左右。考试时间为180分钟。试题的分量以中等程度的考生能在规定时间内答完全部考题,并可加以检查为度。高级英语认知词汇要求有1万千,要能熟练掌握其中4000个词及其最常用的词语搭配,习语、短语,能在半小时之内写出200字左右的短文,或在半小时内进行200字左右的英译中或中译英。Part I, 一般为选择题占60%左右。Part II,一般为非选择是,分值占40%左右。2000年的题型分析第一大题fill in the following blank in each sentence with the best word or expression from the list below (12分 24个空 这是从课文中摘出每小题0.5分) 几个段落每段抽出若干个单词进行填空(不用动词和适当形式填空,不改变动词形式。总共有A-Z24个单词,24个空。第二大题 也是从课文中摘出来的,但不是段落而是15句话,但给你AZ共24个备选答案,备选答案中,不仅有单词,而且有词组,同样也不需要改变动词的形态,每题难度增加分值增加共15分此题和第一题均是考核学生对课文内容的掌握,同时考核学生对语法和词汇的运用能力单词或词组均选自课文中重点练习的词语。第三大题是词汇辩析题,多为考核学生对词义的正确理解,属同义词近义词辩析,但也有少量形似词和相头词的辩析,选词多是从书中各课练习选编出来的,所以应重视书后这类练习题,分值为每题1分共15分, 一部分倘若考生能认真做书后练习,研读单词详释和课文详释,应该是拿分的有力武器而不是主要丢分的地方。第八课汉译英共18分五个句子,一个段落,每句2分,段落8分,均摘自课文,考核学生运用语言的能力。这四道大题总分值为60分,均出自两本高级英语的教材内容,所以熟悉课文,记忆单词,钻研练习是过关的必要条件。从第四大题起是给出一篇800字左右,该短文难易程度与课文相当,如果遇到多个超出教材要求的认知词汇的词语,有时常会在考卷中附词汇表,通常回答四种题型的题。第四大题总分40分选择题:四选一,主要考核学生对短文的综合理解程度,考生可以根据所给文章内容选择正确答案,分值为10分,这一部分通常有几大类 (1) 就对文章某段主题内容进行概括,判断和区分主题句与论述主题的细节和事实,对文章的总结归纳能力,相关问法有文章的大意主旨,文章的最佳题目,文章的文体风格和作者态度,所以应对文章主体结构进行分析,找出主题,观点和论据推理,结论,准确理解文章的标题,归纳各段的主题句,整体语篇联系,文章的用词特点、文体,语气等。(2) 就某一段落或某几个段落层次进行准确理解,相关问句包括信息在每XX,XX段,可以考查各选项,并依次带到文章中进行印证,把握层意是关键。第五大题就词语含义进行提问,分值为10分,要求学生能在上下文中把握和理解词语的确切含义,切忌孤立和片面机械地理解词语。第六大题英译汉:主要考查对文章难句的理解,分值为10分同时英文译成汉文应力求准确,表达灵活而不要生硬,别扭,应学会挣脱英语句型结构的束搏,按照汉语语从句种类等多,关系严密,我们译时不能生搬硬套,否则会显得不伦不类,我们可以在理解的基础上直译,意译相结合,译出符合汉语的自然流畅通顺的句子,同时一定要注意运用一些翻译技巧,如词类转换,增词,减词,省略,定语从句译成状语等,若遇到生词暂译不出,要么巧妙避开,要么猜测大意,抓句子的主要大意。对人名,地名等可按音译,并附上原题。翻译完成后,可以进行修改,注意语句通顺是否有漏译,误译,错字等,根据文章用英语回答短文的问题,分值为10分。第七大题回答问题(要求写一篇短文)通常是要准确理解题目要求,抓住问题主旨,切中要点,切忌走题,跑题,答非所问,文不对题。很好地把握文章的整体结构,各分段的段落大意和论述层次关系。把握作者要表达的思想观点,及论述细节,下笔时一定要理清思路,语言表达上要学会归纳和转述作者的思想观点,千万不可照搬照抄短文原话,写作时注意逻辑关系和次序,关联词的运用,启承转合,主题中心思想观点要明确,论证有序有节。同时注意同义词的选用,相关的语法,拼写和标点符号。2002年考题分析 第一题 fill in the following blank in each sentence with the best word or expression from the list below (12分24个空这是从课文中摘出每小题0.5分) 几个段落,每段抽出若干个单词进行填空(不用动词的适当形式填空,不改变动词形式) 总共有A-Z24个单词,24个空。I. 此题命题目的是针对教材中出现的词汇考核学生掌握此项内容考核学生对教材出现的词汇的掌握和运用解题方法,解题方法为。1. 熟悉课文内容熟记单词、词义、词性。2. 根据语法(非谓语动词、从句、被动语态、独立主格结构等) 、词语搭配确定所填词的词性和句子成分。3. 运用删除法,排除法缩小范围,提高命中率,尤其是接近尾声或最后一段时非常有用。4. 理解上下文,运用相关词如cargarage(19);对称性如in her car in her heart(21);反义词deathlife(23), hurrieddisturbed(17)。例如第1个空,前面为定冠词,后面为名词,所填之词应为形容词或数词无数千字所以在casual和disturbed 之间选,比较容易选casual ;第2个空,前面为动词不定式符号to,后面应为动词原形cultivate find allow make 中易选cultivate; 第3个空,前面是be动词,后面应是做表语的,要么是形容,要么是名词,要么是被动词态-avoided 比较好选,根据上下文。第4个空为名词,而且是固定搭配substitute for;第5个空,前面是形容词,后面是系词,肯定填的是名词,根据下文in grammatically precise 可选出precision;第6个空前面用逗号隔开后面是个介词词组,有可能是定语或同位语,有可能是形容词或名词,选arranged 为过分词词组的定语;第7个空,前面是个完整的句子,后面只有一个here,所以这个词肯定不什是句子的主要成分,即主语谓语或表语,有可能是定语或状语,而后面是here,能和here搭配使用的绝不可能是名词或形容词,只能是介词,over here为固定搭配;第8个空语法判断为独立主格结构,可以是过去分词,现在分词或形容词,介词词组held felling avoided arranged disturbed approached, put 中最有可能是held和put,往下做即可排除put;第9个空肯定为名词,that引导同位语,只有可能是feeling;第10个空是固定搭配make a conversation很好选;第11个空put in a telephone 用排除法;第12题选at为固定搭配,应熟悉英语介词可提前;第13个空和第16个空第18个空肯定填一个谓语动词,而且应是过去式ground my teeth为固定搭配;第14个空肯定是从句的关系代词或副词或连词,if only: 要不是,为虚拟式;第15个空可以是形容词或过去分词,现在分词,名词get somewhere为固定搭配词组:取得进展;第16个空肯定用原形动词,为固定用法allow sb. to do sth.;第17个空,利用对称性选过去分词disturbed;第18个空用排除法就可获得因为它是最后一个过去分词;第19个空用相关词cargarage。第20个空肯定是名词,名词并不多,用排除法很容易获得moment;第21个空用对称法和排除法in her carin her hear。第22个空用习语搭配find out 。第23个空用反义词death life 。第24个空情态动词后用原形动词,用排除法很容易获得。第二题 从多项选择中选出一个词语填空与第一大题大体一致,但要注意区分同义词近义词和意义误解。如第25deliver 与manifest, act as第26separateprecedent phenomenon 第27题很简单at cost 第28题Saturday working与to work相比肯定选现在分词mind doing sth. 29. manifest 与make, pass for 应弄清pass for 的含义被认为(误认为)。30. barricade sb. from sth.习语搭配与separate from相辩析。31. pass for 和act as 做对比辩析。32. releasing 和sprinkling swinging 进行辩析。33. as well as 和so long as 只要弄清两个for介词词组之间的关系。34. bosom由于真正的名词设几个用排除法很容易得到。35. swinging 现在分词做伴随状语,根据对称性和and可判断出用现在分词,然后采用排除法,联系上下文可选出。36. sprinkling 伴随状语,用排除法,与releasing进行词语辩析。37. boast, manifest, blurt out, deliver进行辩析选择,并运用排除法,根据上下文,通过比较不难获得,had rather 由于时态不对而被排除。38.在precedent, samples, poison, cost 之中进行排查不难得出precedent,关键在于千万别把precedent误当做形容词而不予考虑。39. intolerable和insoluble的词义辩析,要求记忆准确。第三大题(第40-54题)在各课在线测试课文详释和书后练习题中,有大量练习,应巩固掌握,这应是个得分大题, 没有太大难度。第四大题选择题:四选一(注意阅读题项不可马虎应读细,读透彻,就单词释义,理解论者态度,文章,行文)。55.C 根据第二段第一句和第二句, B的程度较重。56. D whetheror无论是谁都不要。taxi 不是car的同义词。truck也不是tractor的同义词 所以A和C排除B也不确切,因为cardrivers包括taxi- drives57. appreciate的同义词在上下文中为understand recognize 为公开承认,认识某人,认清某人,认清某事稀,认识到appreciate理解并欣赏体念。58. 注意作者文章,用词和句式表达。应选C,而不应选D,hate是到极度厌恶程度而事实并非如此,作者仅表示了他有些不愿意看见某一情景。59. 选C而不应选D,反问句表示其实又有什么区别呢,即揣摩作者语气和态度,他在逐一进行反驳和批评,第一点是to avoid traffic accidents 下一段批驳save gas 。60. 根据第六段第三句话,应选B,该题属细节题,原文中查读即可获得。61. 选择D,应读懂apparently amused by my observation。62. partially 的对译。选B more or less。63. disgusted的stare 对译和理解,选C。64. 分析题干和文章第19段。理解monopolized 的含义不是aggressive 的意思而是completely control所以选择A。65. 讨厌的或累人的工作,烦心 多余之事,所以选tedious,应善于猜测题义,理解课文内容。因为关掉,开启发动机并不是难事,不可解决之事。66. A drive sb. crazy 烦透了,难以容忍。67. B 拟人化修辞。68. D surge=sudden in crease。69. B 词义解释很简单。第六大题英译汉第70,71,73,74题中应注意被动语态的译法,不要译为“被”。第70,72,题为应注意定语从句的译法。第七大题 写作通常是要准确理解题目要求,抓住问题主旨,切中要点,切忌走题,跑题,答非所问,文不对题。很好地把握文章的整体结构,各分段的段落大意和论述层次关系。把握作者要表达的思想观点,及论述细节,下笔时一定要理清思路,语言表达上要学会归纳和转述作者的思想观点,千万不可照搬照抄短文原话,写作时注意逻辑关系和次序,关联词的运用,启承转合,主题中心思想观点要明确,论证有序有节。同时注意同义词的选用,相关的语法,拼写和标点符号。第八大题汉译英注意宾语从句,定语从句,介词短语,系表结构,松散句的用法和使用。翻译技巧*增词法增加动词There were no speeches, no foreign diplomats, no“ordinary Chinese”with paper flags and bouquets of flowers.增加形容词The plane twisted under me, trailing flame and smoke.增加副词The crowds melted away.As he sat down and began talking, words poured out.增加名词First you borrow, then you beg.This typewriter is indeed cheap and fine.He allowed the father to be overruled by the judge, and declared his own son guilty.增加表达时态的词Whereas Kissinger had once needed Nixon as a channel to power, Nixon now needed Kissinger to help him remain in power.增加语气助词Dont take it seriously, Im just kidding.增加量词A red sun rose slowly from the calm sea.Once, they had a quarrel.增加概括词The thesis summed up the new achievements made in electric computer, artificial satellites and rockets.增加承上启下的词根据句法上的需要,增补原文中的省略部分Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; writing an exact man.Better be wise by the defeat of others than by your own.*正与反John was a fool for danger.I have a completely open mind.Appearance are deceptive.He always lives ahead of his salary.I guess alls fair in love and war.I give you credit for being more sensible.He was 75, but he carried his years lightly.The guerrillas would fight to death before they surrendered.He seemed to be at loss for the precise word to complete his thought.He will pay his debts when two Sundays come together.*比较的表达比较级时常可以译成动词We seek no wider war.They strive for lower birth rate.注意less的译法Anybody less like a dictator they would not find.They were less than delighted to stay in town.I could not care less about money.注意nevermore的译法I couldnt agree with you more.注意morethan的译法His works seem more likely a collection of separate scenes than a single novel.Peace is much more than the absence of war.He is not fond of playing chess any more than you are.He is not more fond of playing chess than you are.注意as well as的译法Now when students learn the science of fertilizing crops, they learn by doing as well as studying.He agrees with you as well as I.He agrees with you as well as me.His son has not yet joined the club as well as his daughter.注意(Just) asso的译法As you sow, so will you reap.As is the teacher, so is the pupil.注意A is to B what X is to Y的译法Leaves are to the plant what lungs are to the animal.Regulation is to a school what the law is to a nation.*被动与主动The matter was never mentioned again.What has been written runs the risk of oversimplification.He said he was assured by the State Department that the U.S. was willing to normalize relations with his country.The first explosive was made and used in China.Its sincerity is illustrated not only by its proposal but also by its deeds.有些动词或词组所短语本身就有被动意味,有人称之为“隐被动”或“假被动”:This young man deserves punishing.The paper can stand criticizing.分词的被动The minister delivered an inspiring sermon.Months after Mary returned to the United States, the promised transcripts had failed to appear.Tom sounded intrigued-and not long afterwards resigned his U.N. post.不表被动,只表完成或状态:He was Chinas most widely traveled senior diplomat.We were all strongly opposed.I an annoyed with him.形容词的被动与主动The local audience was most receptive.He said the meeting was informative.The aged are not respectable in that country. *定语从句的译法加上转折的词语All the while, George Bush, who was ultimately to benefit from the try that failed, sat silently by, a nearly forgotten spectator.She was very patient towards the children, which her husband seldom was.加上表示目的的结果的词语Chinese delegations have been sent to African countries, who will negotiate trade agreements with the respective governments.加上表示原因的词语The ambassador was giving a dinner to a few people whom he wished especially to talk to or to hear from.加上表示让步的词语The fact that the new alliance was locally generated and sustained should be a strong inducement to the U.S. whose interests already dictate such support.加上表示条件的词语It may seem somewhat odd to get water from fire, but we shall find that water is a common by-product of any fire in which hydrogen takes part.加上表示时间的词Congress, which had met to continue its protests to the Crown, found itself raising an army and selecting George Washington as its commander in chief.*loose/Periodic Sentence (松散句/圆周句)Looking away from the glow, I fixed my gaze on the distant mountains where our adopted son had loved to go into in search of the perfect tree. Now in the foothills there was his grave-a grave I could not bear to visit.And at last, as a due and fitting climax to the shameless persecution that party rancor had inflicted upon me, nine little toddling children, of all shades of color and degree of raggedness, were taught to rush onto the platform at a public meeting, and clasp me around the leg and call me Pa!*英语否定句的理解和翻译not .becauseIn South Carolina we had never suffered discrimination because we were Jews.She didnt go to the hospital because she was ill.All.notAll that glitters is not gold.All these nations are not neutral.Allis not well in the world nowadays.But all teachers of English are not experienced teachers.Every.notEverything is not a joke.No, everything is not straightened out.both.notBut you see, we both cannot go.cannot .tooHe cannot be praised too much.Nobody could be too foolish this day.The importance of the question cannot be over-estimated.It +be+ adjective+ noun. +that It is a wise father that knows his own child.It is a good workman that never blunders.It is a long lane that has no turning.Not, no, nobody, nothing , never, without .hardly ,scarcely(否定)They dont seem hardly able to help it. No one scarcely could throw himself down.Notrarely, seldom(肯定)It isnt rarely that we meet and compare notes.It is not seldom that the unexpected happens.He took no little pains over it.I was not a little surprised that he lost the game.多余否定I wonder if we cannot get any more.What nonsense would he not talk.Here is my composition. Please look it over to see if I havent made any silly mistakes.Its growing dark, dont you think its going to rain right now?委婉的说法We were not unprepared for the war.It was not without reason that the Council decided to take such measures.强调的肯定There is no man but errors.We will never stop short of goal.No book is worth reading which is not worth much; nor is it serviceable until it has been read and re-read.写作技巧确定主题句百分之五十以上的英语段落,其主题句出现在段首。不过,主题句在段落中的位置实际上是很灵活的。为达到不同的写作目的,如制造悬念、创造戏剧性效果或加深读者的印象,它可以出现在段落的最后一句,也可夹在段落中间,有的段落则没有明显的主题句,因为段落的内容集中,脉络分明,无须另加任何概括指示性的句子。此外,还可出现这样的情况;段落的第一句泛述主题,第二句才是明确限定该段内容的主题句,或者,第一句作为段与段之间承上启下的转折句,而第二句才是名符其实的主题句。尽管可以有种种不同的安排,但学习英语写作,还是提倡在段落的第一句明确陈述主题,因为把主题句放在段首,无论从作者本身角度或为读者考虑,都有好处。从读者角度看,段落的开头句是全段的引子,它象路标一样起着引路指导的作用。主题句作为开头句有助于读者迅速了解段落的中心思想,窥见作者的思想与观点,并预测该段的内容。从作者角度看,主题句是段落组织的关键,在着手一段落的写作时,学会用一句话概括该段将纳入的细节,就如同抓住了“纲”,牵制了其后的铺助句,使之紧扣主题,这将加强段落的整体性。在说明文与议论文中,主题句放在段首显得更加重要,它是中心论点的概括,是文章展开核心,开头句写得好,就能引导出一系列相关铺助句;开头句写得不明确,下面的句子往往难于安排,也容易离题。主题句写好之后也要注意段落的连贯性和文字衔接段落的连贯性包括两个方面:1、句子内容的连贯性:就是各句内容上的联系要合乎逻辑,句子的排列顺序自然合理。2、语言表达的连贯性:就是句子之间衔接合理,文字的过渡自然。连贯性好的段落,一致性一家也强。但是,内容集中、符合一致性要求的段落却不等于就自然而然获得连贯性。这是因为,实现段落的连贯性,往往需要借助一定的语言手段,比如重复部分重复或呼应某一关键词;重复或对称某一语法结构;同时还离不开运用合适的转折关联词以指明示句子间的逻辑关系。常见转折关联词语以下为一些常见的转折关联词语以及它们所体现的逻辑关系。1) To move to the next point:从一过渡到另一点too, moreover, next, in the second place, secondly, thirdly, again, besides, in addition, further, likewise, finally, also, and, further more2) To all an example:举例for example, such as ,that is ,in the following manner, namely, in this case, as an illustration, by way of illustration, in other words, specifically 3) To emphasize a point:强调especially, without doubt, primarily, chiefly, actually, in fact, after all, as a matter of fact, above all, indeed, to be sure, in any event, surely, even more, without question4) To compare a point:比较相同点also, just as, in the same way/manner/token, in comparison, like-wise, like, similarly, then too, alike5) To contrast a point:对比不同点but, still, on the other hand, on the contrary, nevertheless, con-trary to, however, nonetheless, conversely, although, and yet, in contrast, whereas, yet, even though.6) To concede a point:让步after all, although it is true, at the same time, granted, provided, of course, while it is true, although7) To conclude a point:总结consequently, so, accordingly, then, as a result, hence, to sum up, in conclusion, in other words, in short, thereafter, in brief, all in all, finally此外,类似下列表时间关系的词语afterwards, at last, at length, immediately, in the meantime, lately, meanwhile, presently, shortly, since, soon, temporarily, thereafter, thereupon, while.及诸如in front of , beside, beyond, above, below, on one side, on the other side, inside, outside, on the right, on the left等表方位关系的介词、副词,也常做为过渡性词语。猜词技巧一. 根据上下文猜测词义1、 利用and前后的并列或分来推导答案The hasty of the exploration recounts many tales of perseverance and suffering . A. enduranceB. skillc. generosityd. disturbanceusing different decorating schemes may result in discord and a lack of unity in style.A. compromiseB. disharmonyC. disillusionD. anxiety2. 利用but, yet等连接词前后的对比关系来推测答案Many movies receive disparaging 贬低轻视reviews from film experts and get become extremely successful.A. authoritativeB. lengthyC. uninteresting D. negativeSome critics have praised his novels but deplored their characterizations.痛惜A. lamentedB. emulatedC. complimentedD. ridiculed3. 捕捉引导性提示在上下文中,所遇生词前后的词或短语会给出引导性提示,根据对称性,相关性,利用它们这些提示可帮助猜词The needlelike leaves of the giant redwood tree are diminutive, each scarcely a quarter of an inch long.A. pretty B. tiny C. wiry D. thornyNorth American fur trade waned due to the diminishing number of fur bearing animals .A. staggered B. ceasedC. declinedD. collapse二、运用语法知识猜词运用时态,语态,名词单复数,非谓语动词,抽象与具体,词语固定搭配等Current hiring policies seek to provide equal employment opportunity for woman and majority groups .A. furnish withB. demand ofC. confirm sth.D. continue 三、从构词法来猜词前缀,后缀,词根及含义It marked the operas centennial 百年纪念Some critics claim that this kind of art was a great artistic movement, one that has consistently been misrepresented .A. described in correctly B. ignoredC. exploitedD. subjected to ridicule四、运用逻辑推理猜测按照特定信息或细节之间的关系,然后做出判断 Air conditioning protects industrial workers against harmful fumes in the environment .A. germsB. gasesC. chemicals D. debris 废墟Scientists generally agree that Earths climate will warm up over the next 50-100 years as much as it had warmed in the 2000years since the Ice Age .A. as much as B. as ling as C. as soon asD. as well as 五、利用常识来推测1Niagara Falls is a great attraction, luring millions of visitors each year .2 Proper exercise plays a significant role in the rehabilitation of patients with various


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