



Unit 8 How can I get to the nearest bank?(第一课时教学设计)一、 学情分析本教案的授课对象为高一年级旅游英语专业学生。该班共有54名学生,其中女生42名,男生12名。相对来说,该班学生英语基础较好,能用简单的英语进行交流,但由于词汇量缺乏和知识面相对狭窄,所以使用英语还不够流利、熟练。教师可根据学生的实际情况设计教学目标与教学过程,既要通过情景设置,调动学生参与学习的主动性,又要分配交际和阅读任务,让学生在有目的有节奏的情景和活动中学,而且学有成效,为她们今后的职业生涯打下一定的英语基础。二、 教材分析1、教学内容本课时系教材英语1(基础模块 高教版)第八单元的第一课时,包括lead-in & Listening and Speaking中的Dialogue A How can I get to the nearest bank?两部分,具体内容:生活中表示方位的各种标志以及有关怎样去最近的银行的问路对话。这些内容为整个单元的学习活动做语言和知识的准备,也为学生学以致用的语言表达活动提供了语言铺垫。问路是学生日常生活中最常见的事例,也是作为旅游专业学生必须熟练掌握的内容,学生通过在真实的语言环境中体验英语,能积极而自信地加入到课堂教学活动中来。2、教学重点、难点(1)教学重点通过与问路相关的词汇和句型的学习,学生能听懂简单的问路对话并学说问路语句。(2) 教学难点学生能就所学问路句型学说问路对话三、 教学目标1、知识目标(1)学生能掌握部分表示路标及方位动作的词汇,如:bank, traffic lights, second turn, crossroads, roadside, go along the road, turn left/right(2)学生能掌握问路时的基本句型, 如:Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest.?Go along the road and turn.Is it by the roadside?Yes. Its just.How long will it take me to get there?About. You cant miss it.I see. Thank you.2、能力目标(1)学生能听懂关于问路对话的基本信息。(2)学生能根据问路基本句型开展关于问路的对话。3、情感目标学生能了解在不同的文化背景下问路的礼仪。四、教学步骤Step One Lead in1. Name the places and marksT: How did you go to school today?S:T: I go to school on foot. And this is the map from my home to school.Draw a picture on the screen. (从老师自己家到学校的路程图,简要画出活动1中的几个地点)(1) Ask students to read the new words and phrases above(2) Explain these phrases(3) Speak loudly again2. Name the directionsShow the pictures of activity 2 and the following words on the screen.a. Go across the roadb. Turn rightc. Turn left at the crossroads d. Take the second turn on the righte. Turn left at the first traffic lightf. Go along the road.(1) Ask students to match the actions(2) Ask students to read these sentences following the teacher(3) Teacher wipes out the sentences then ask students to name the directions3.Role play the actionsAsk a student to stand in front of the blackboard. Other students tell the role and the student follow the actions.(设计意图:通过学单词和具体方位动作的句型的学习,以游戏的方式让学生记住呢过同东这些指示方位的句子,为下文的问路对话的学习奠定基础。)Step Two Listening1.T: Just now we played a game about actions. We know in our life, there are many places around us. So next lets listen to me carefully and tell me what these words represent. Such as, bank, post office, hotel, bookstore, bus stop, railway station, supermarket, restaurant(设计意图:通过复习地点单词为下面的听力练习扫清障碍)2. Ask students to listen to the tape and choose the places that they heard in the dialogue among the above words3. Ask students to order the places in turn that appears in the dialogue (activity 3)by listening to the tape again.4. Ask students to listen again and finish filling in the blanks. (Listen and complete the dialogues.) (activity 4)5. Discuss the answers with partners.6. Ask students to answer it.7. Ask students to read the dialogue aloud following the tape-recorder.(设计意图:根据不同的听力目标通过一遍遍的听来加强学生听懂文章中的详细信息的能力)Step Three Speaking1. Ask students to read the dialogue of activity 5 and underline the sentences that asking for directions and giving the directions.2. Ask students to point out the sentences and teacher writes them down on the blackboard.Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest.?Go along the road and turn.Is it by the roadside?Yes. Its just.How long will it take me to get there?About. You cant miss it.I see. Thank you.3. Ask students to read these sentences aloud together.(通过朗读对话找出问路基本句型为下面的学说对话作铺垫)4. Ask students to finish the following dialogue according to the Chinese.(1) A: Excuse me, _.(怎样去中国银行?) B: Go along the road. Its just on your right.(2) A: Excuse me. How can I get to the nearest post office? B: _ the road and turn _ at the first traffic lights.(沿着路笔直走在第一个红绿灯处右转)(3)A: _. How can O get to the nearest cinema? B: _.(沿着路笔直到第一个十字路口左转。)(设计意图:初步练习和运用问路对话使学生能进一步明确问路句型。)5. Making a dialogue. Suppose: You meet a stranger at the gate of school. He asks you where the Hualian Department Store is. Please make a dialogue according to this.Ask students to prepare for the dialogue in the group. Then ask some pairs to act out the dialogue.(设计意图:根据学生熟悉本地方位的特点,设置情景让学生带着兴趣和自信积极地投入到问路对话练习。如果学生比较感兴趣且活动时间有余的话可以多提出本地有名的地点让学生进行对话练习。)Step Four SummaryAsk students to review the sentences of asking for directions of this part. Then read them together.Step Five Homework1. Ask students to recite the dialogue of listening after class.2. Ask students to copy the new words and phra


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