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二轮复习中的词汇教学,山东省寿光市教育科学研究中心 寇建荣,2008年考试大纲解读及其新变化,2008年全国高考英语考试大纲已新鲜出炉,各地的高考补充说明也纷纷出台。总体来说2008年考试大纲和补充说明稳中有变,全国版考试大纲没作任何变化,只有少部分省市卷适当有些调整。,一、词汇要求提高,2008年江苏省考试说明要求考生掌握3500个英语单词和400-500个习惯用语或固定搭配,词汇量的要求较2007年有明显提高。北京市也增加了91个单词。海南省从2007年开始就增加了对词汇的要求,要求考生学会运用3200左右的单词和360个左右的习惯用法和固定搭配。加大词汇量的考查是高考发展的必然趋势。我省于2007年就实施了新课程改革后的高考,词汇标准已经提高到3500个英语单词和400-500个习惯用语或固定搭配,预计2008年高考对词汇的考查将更深、更广、更活。,二、考纲稳中求变,2008年高考英语考试大纲形式上没有任何变化,但在测试的深度和广度上会有所拓展。英语考纲非常重视实际使用英语能力的考查。主要考查考生的听说读写能力,其中最重要的是考查考生的阅读能力。考纲中列出了阅读要在高考中读5篇文章,但这5篇文章的长度要求会有所增加,达到3000个单词。对题材的要求可能也会加大,比如增加文学阅读,加大科普短文的阅读份量等。高考大纲进一步强调了语篇意识。听力、完型填空、阅读理解、书面表达、短文改错都是在一个完整的语篇中考查的,即使是单项填空也要给你设一个完整的情景。这样命题的目的就是通过语篇来考查考生的思维能力。可见思维能力是考纲强调的一个重点。,山东省2007年度普通高校招生考试英语科目考试说明,06年要求:要求考生根据所给情景,用英语写一篇100个单词左右的短文。情景包括目的、对象、时间、地点、内容等;提供情景的形式有图画、图表、提纲等。 07年要求:要求考生根据题目的提示(包括情景、图画、图表、提纲等)和要求,用英语写一篇120150个单词的短文。 从以上可以看出,07年高考书面表达的要求要比06年高。灵活性更大,要求的能力更高。,写作,考纲要求考生根据题示进行书面表达。考生应能: (1)准确使用语法和词汇; (2)使用一定的句型、词汇,清楚、连贯地表达自己的意思。,准确使用语法和词汇,语言的准确是写作中不可忽视的一个重要方面,因为它直接或间接地影响到信息的准确传输。应用语法结构和词汇的准确程度是写作部分评分标准中的一项重要的内容。,使用一定的句型、词汇,清楚、 连贯地表达自己的意思 任何一篇文章都需要有一个主题,作者应该围绕该主题,借助一些句型、词组等来清楚地表达自己的思想。 可见词汇教学的重要性,那么怎样教?让我们看看新课标的要求。,高中英语新课程标准词汇要求,高中英语标准提倡的词汇教学理念与传统教学有很大不同。从目标描述来看对词汇教学的要求,以七级的描述为例,“运用词汇给事物命名、进行指称、描述行为和特征、说明概念等”,这就说明,在教词汇的时候要从运用的角度出发,而不是从定义的角度入手。要与技能结合,而不是单纯的知识灌输。(高考英语知识运用部分重点测试学生对词汇和语法掌握的情况。),新课程改革的高中词汇教学更注重对词汇 所承载的深层含义的理解,也更注重表达 的灵活性和恰当性。高中的词汇教学更重 视语篇的支持,重视文化的影响,这些都 要求教师必须寻求一种新的词汇教学策略。 以形容词为例,传统的一般教法是:什么 是形容词,形容词在句子里做什么成分, 形容词有比较级和最高级,形容词比较级 和最高级的词型变化,句型结构等。,新的课程理念提倡从用的角度出发。比如, 形容词是做什么用的-是描述事物的,比 较级是做什么用的-是比较事物的差别的, 然后展示(听、看、观察)实际生活中人 们是怎样使用的,给学生留出思考、交流、 质疑的时间,然后为学生创设一些运用的 语境,并提供语言支持,使学生在运用中 加深理解,学会运用。,近两年高考英语在语言知识测试方面已经发 生了变化,试题的选材、问题的设计等都体 现和渗透了新课程精神,重视在特定语境和 篇章中对语言知识运用能力的检测,例如单 项填空试题强调在理解语境的基础上,考查 学生运用所学词汇的能力,测试的角度能从 运用的角度出发,对英语教学改革起到了很 好的引领作用。,高考词汇备考策略,理顺词汇表,建立知识体系 掌握构词法,扩大词汇量 归纳掌握常用短语习惯表达法的使用 词汇在阅读中掌握,在阅读中扩大 词汇的运用能力在写作中提升 及时训练 记忆巩固同步,理顺词汇表,建立知识体系,在二轮复习中,要整合一轮所复习的基础知识,建立知识体系,提升解题能力。那么,我认为英语所建立的知识体系就是词汇这一条线。对新课表3500次了如指掌、活学活用是很重要的。首先对3500词的音、形、义要过关,然后按词性对一个字母的单词分类,把一些重点动词和名词的用法一一过关。,A字母共有动词70个,abandon abolish absorb abuse accelerate accept accompany accomplish accord account accumulate accuse ache achieve acknowledge acquire act adapt add address adjust admire admit adopt adore advance advertise advise advocate affect afford age agree aid aim allocate allow amaze amount amuse analyse announce annoy answer apologize appeal appear applaud apply appoint appreciate approach approve argue arise arrange arrest arrive ask assess assist associate assume astonish attach attack attain attempt attend attract avoid awake award,例如:apply vi (1) make a formal request apply to sb for sth apply for a job (2) have an effect What I have said applies to some of you. vt (1) make(a law, etc) operate apply a law (2) put sth onto apply sth to sth (3) concentrate ones thought We must apply our minds to finding a solution. 对于每个单词掌握到什么程度需要老师们研究,落实词汇的方法有多种也需要老师们研究。,掌握构词法,扩大词汇量;(合成、转化、派生),对高考考试说明上所列的前缀和后缀要烂熟于心。前缀有五个dis,in,re,un,non,后缀有17个-able, -al, -an, -ful, -ive, -er, -ese, -ist, -ment, -ness, -tion, -fy, -ian, -ing, -ise, -ly, -teen. 并联系根据构词法和上下文判断词义词性。,Beijing: A national hi-tech exhibition is being held from February 26 to March 6. It showcases Chinas hi-tech successes achieved under the 863 Program. The program was started in March 1986 and has led to several breakthroughs in science and technology. At the exhibition,visitors can learn more about important achievements in fields such as biology, bioengineering and medicine, communication and computer engineering. Many of the most outstanding new breakthroughs have come in the field of genetics. One of the stars at the exhibition is a small mouse with a human ear grown on its back. This technology may enable doctors to restore human organs in the near future.The 863 program and the new technologies have directly and indirectly helped Chinas economic construction and strengthened its social development. (构词法),构词法扩大词汇量,hi-tech= high+ technology showcases= show+ case+ s breakthroughs= break + through +s bioengineering= bio + engineer + ing outstanding= out + stand + ing enable= en + able indirectly= in + direct + ly strengthened= strength + en + ed,归纳掌握常用短语习惯表达法的使用,call up call out call on call for Human Rights groups are calling for the release of political prisoners. (ask for) 2. The army was called out to help fight fire. (ask.to help) 3. He called me up to tell me about it. (phone) 4. We thought we wed call on James on the way home. (visitcall in at sp),get along get away get back get down get in get on get off get through,1. Dont worry, well get along (on)without you. (make progress) 2 Were hoping to get away to London for a few days. (on holiday) 3. What time do you get off work? (finish) 4. Youll have to work hard if you want to get on. (be successful in work) 5. The whole village was involved with getting the harvest in. 6. I tried phoning her office, but I couldnt get through. (succeed in speaking on the phone) 7.His lack of social life was beginning to get him down. 8. Lets get back to the main point of the discussion. (do sth again),give back give in give out give away give up,He gave away as little information as possible. (try to keep secret) Ill give you key back to you tomorrow. The government refused to give in to their demands. (agree) I would always give my seat up to an elderly person on the bus. After two hours her patience gave out.,look at look into look out look up look down look forward to,Id like to be friends again, but Richard doesnt look at it that way. (think about) Ill just look up the train time.(try to find) Police are looking into the disappearance of two children. (investigate) He looks down on anyone who hasnt had a college education. My mother says she is looking forward to meeting you. Look out! Theres a car coming.(watch out),turn off turn to turn down turn up turn out,Mark turned off the highway and into Provincetown. (leave) Dont worry. Im sure a new job will turn up soon.(happen) They offered her the job but she turned it down. (refuse) I dont know who to turn to. (try to get help) It was a hard time but eventually things turned out all right. (happen),词汇在阅读中掌握,在阅读中扩大,利用语境理解常用词汇一词多义的用法, 扩大词汇量、活学活用。 提高词汇学习效率,重要的是在具体的语境中记忆单词效果会更加突出。 精泛结合,学习词汇对常用(使用频率高)词汇要精学。即在学习这些词汇时,除了要记忆它们的发音、拼写、汉语释义以及词类外,还要学习怎样来运用这些词汇。精读时把对某些重点词汇不常见的意思的猜测记录下来。,例如:cover 1) Sb cover sth with (place sth over) Cover the food with with a cloth. The noise was so loud that she covered her ears with her hands. 2) Cover sth (complete sth) After 25 lessons we had only covered half the course. 3) Sth cover sth (deal with) The book covers the period from 1870 to 1914. 4) Used as a noun I only bought the book because of its cover. 对词汇的学习,只有把词的语法功能及使用范围搞清楚,才算真正把词汇学到家。,在精学词汇的同时,还要采用泛读的方法广泛接触、广泛记忆。泛读是扩展词汇最有效的方法之一。不精读,学到的知识不牢靠、不扎实; 不泛读则难以扩充词汇。所以,学习词汇要精泛结合。高三复习要采取多种形式训练和检测所学词汇。词不离句,句不离文。,词汇的运用能力在写作中提升,学习知识的目的在于运用,同样,学习英语单词的目的也在运用,并且在运用中得到学习。高考要求写一篇120-150词的文章,并且要求使用准确的词汇和句型表达自己的思想。要想让学生自如的运用词汇关键要落实在词汇教学上而不在于写作教学,对于复习过的重点词汇要及时设置语境,创造用词的空间。 。,例如一轮资料中的话题小练笔这一题型编得很好,就A Great Person这一话题写一段50-70词的短文,用上下列词或短语。 Quality, lose heart, determined, fight for, sacrifice, be willing to, as a matter of fact, devote to, inspire, educate,Lets take part in the activities to save the earth!,常用词汇处理:词-句-文,In order to take part in the Olympic Games,do exercise,practise weight-lifting,in harmony with,We should live in harmony with nature.,The two trees have fallen in love and are _ _ _ each other.,in harmony with,in harmony with,What should we do?,take action,put an end to,wipe out,cutting down trees!,water pollution /contamination!,Poor sanitation!,Air pollution!,What should we do with these bad behaviors?,spitting every where,Its time to take action. We should put an end to the bad behaviors. We should wipe out the bad habit of spitting everywhere.,affects,advise,take action,put an end to,in harmony with,We study in a clean and beautiful school, but the river near our school is becoming dirtier and dirtier. In summer it always gives off bad smell. It _ our life. It is more than we can bear. We _that the local government should _to _ water pollution. We students also make every effort not to damage the environment . All of us hope to build a better world _ nature.,Write a short passage about the picture, using the words just learned(take part in ; take action; in harmony with, put an end to; wipe out),What are the wrong doings in the picture? 2. What should we do with them?,学生作品1,In the pictures, we can see the people are cutting down the trees, and some people are smoking, some people are killing birds, a man is throwing rubbish, a car is sending off the waste gas. We should put an end to these wrong doings, and be in harmony with the nature. Lets take part in the activities to save the earth.,In class,学生作品2,In the picture, people are cutting down the trees、smoking、killing the birds and throwing the rubbish every where. The car is sending off waste gas. There are also water pollution and noisy pollution. I think we should take action and put an end to the wrong doings. I believe we will have a green earth when we wipe out the wrong doings.,学生作品3,In the picture, the man is cutting down the tree. Another man is smoking. The man is killing birds. We should wipe out cutting down trees and smoking. We should take action to stop sending off waste gas. We should live in harmony with nature. And we should advise people not to throw rubbish everywhere.,学生作品4,In the picture , we can see someone cutting down trees , shooting birds or throwing rubbish . And there are water pollution, air pollution and noise pollution. Its time for us to take action. First, we should advise everybody not to throw rubbish everywhere and shoot birds. Second, we should plant trees in our spare time, so that we can be in harmony with nature. Finally, we should wipe out water pollution and noise pollution. If all of us make small changes , we could make a big difference .,About the problems in the world In the world, the most serious problem is environmental pollution. So we must solve this problem. According to the media, we can see people have a lot o


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