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模块重要句型复习(含复高分词组表达)(要求熟读背诵)1. 人们普遍认为,正是因为外国的帮忙我们才有了进步。It is because of the help of foreign countries that weve made progress.2.为了在出国期间能多拍些照片,我得叫人修理我的相机,这样可以帮我的朋友们开阔眼界。 In order to take a lot of photos while going abroad, Ill have to get my camera repaired,which can help to broaden my friends vision. 3.那是他第一次和我们进行热烈的讨论。It was the first time that he had joined us in a heated discussion (debate).4.诗人建议我花十分钟和他讨论这个有争议的问题。The poet advised that I spare 10 minutes to discuss the controversial issue with him.5.我本应该去图书馆的原因是我需要提高我的阅读能力。The reason why I should have gone to the library is that I need to improve my reading ability.6.如今说英语的人比以往任何时候都多了, 这是社会发展的必然结果。Today more people speak English than ever before,which is the inevitable result of social development.7.印度拥有众多讲英语的人。这是因为英国于1765年到1947年统治过印度。India has a large number of English speakers. This is because Britain ruled London from 1765 to 1947.8.有些人认为英语作为母语的人,尽管他们所讲的不是同一种英语,也能够相互理解,而另一些人认为这没有充分的理由支持。Native English speakers can understand each other even if they dont the same kind of English,while others argue that it isnt supported by sound reasons.9.虽然许多美国人经常在搬家,但是他们仍然能够辨别彼此的方言。Although many Americans moves a lot, they still recognize each others dialects.10.以因特网为基础的信息在人们生活中发挥着日益重要的作用。The information based on the Internet is playing an increasingly important role in peoples life.11为了满足骑自行车旅行的愿望,.王微很快使他们对骑自行车旅行产生了兴趣。In order to fullfil the expectation of Wangweis travelling by bicycle, he soon made them interested in cycling.12.她似乎对那男孩很不在乎,对他大叫,然后走开了。She seemed not to care about the boy, shouted at him and walked away.13.就我而言,一旦她下了决心,什么也不能使她改变主意。她提供了如下理由:一则,她是不能被说服的;二则,她是不会向人屈服的。Personally, once she made up her mind, nothing can make her change her mind. She provided the following reasons: for one thing, she couldnt be persuaded; for another, she wouldnt give in.14.并不是 所有的希望都破灭了,毕竟熟悉我们的人都在买我们的产品,这导致了我们的工资的提高。Not all hopes were lost. After all, those who are familiar with us all are buying our products, which leads to raising our to raise our salary.15.鸡都紧张得不吃食,猪也不例外。The chickens were too neverous to eat and the pigs were no exception.16.人们无论从哪里看,哪里的一切都被毁了,这是一种完全不同的观点。Wherever people looked, nearly everything was destroyed which is a totally different argument.A totally different argument is wherever people looked, nearly everything was destroyed. 17.由于埋头工作,他不知道外面发生了什么。Buried in work, he didnt know what happened outside.18.众所周知,在掌权之前,他曾经坐了几年牢。As is known to all, before he came to power, he had once been in prison for years.19. 很明显,他是致力于以一种和平的方式为他的国家斗争的,所以受到尊敬和喜爱。Its obvious that he was devoted to fighting for his country in a peaceful way,so he is respected and loved.20.只有到那时我们才下决心用暴力反抗暴力,这引起了广泛的公众关注。Only then did we make up our mind to answer violence with violence,which aroused wide public concern.21. 事实上,我担心如果我没有掌握先进科学技术是不是会失业。As a matter of fact, I am worried whether I would be out of work if I dont grasp the advanced science and technology.22.你处于不幸容易丧失信心吗?Do you easily lose heart when you are in trouble?23.从曲线图可以得出结论,最近5年来中国人的出生率已经大大下降。It can be concluded from the graph that there has been a great decline in birth rates in China in the past five years.24.我想知道中国人民生活水平的显著提高是否是真的。I wonder if the remarkable improvement of peoples living standard in China is true.25. 我不能参加她的生日晚会,即使被邀请。I cant go to her birthday party, even if invited.26. 毫无疑问,我们认为能被邀请是一种幸福。There is no doubt that we consider it a happiness to be invited.27.那就是为什么他已对大部分申请这项工作的人采访的原因。Thats why she has interviewed most of the applicants for the job.28. 其他国家不能参加,妇女会 奴隶也不能参加。No other countries could join in, nor could slaves or women.29.众所周知,中国经济的发展比世界上任何国家都快。As is known to all, the rapid development of Chinese economy is faster than any other country in the world.30.不可否认,她不仅承认舞弊了而且答应要做一个诚实的人。Its undeniable that she promised to be an honest person as well as admitting cheating in the exam.31. 不仅学生希望刊登广告招聘新厨,老师也想。Not only the students but also the teacher is hoping to advertise for a good cook.32随着时间的推移,坏情况出现了,而且变得越来越糟糕, 这对大家产生了不利影响。As time goes by a bad situation has arisen and they are getting worse and worse, which has exerted negative effects on us.33. 根据最新调查,每年有4百万人死于与吸烟有关的疾病。According to a recent survey, four million people die each year from diseases linked to smoking.34. 有些人喜欢开着窗户睡觉,这样可以补充新鲜空气,其实这对健康是必不可少的。Some people likes to sleep with the window open, which can make up for fresh air, actually its indispensible to peoples health.35.就我个人而言,我们无论如何都要处理这个问题。办法就是联手对付对方的优势。Personally, we must deal with the problem anyway; the way is to work together by dealing with the competitors advantages.36.毫无疑问,每天花一小时打扮去上课是没有必要的。There is no doubt that there is no need to make ourselves up for an hour before class.37.只要大家做出共同的努力,是有希望能与自然和谐相处。Only if people make joint efforts, it is hoped that human beings can survive with nature in harmony.38.他的英语如此之好以至于恩格斯为此写信赞扬他。His English is so good that Engels wrote him a letter and praised him for it.39. 他过去的烟瘾很大,但现在他已经戒烟了, 因为他意识到这样做利远远大于弊, 这也说明了他是一个很有责任感的人。He used to smoke heavily, but now he has given it up,for he realized the advantages far overweigh the disadvantages by doing so, which also shows he is a man of responsibility.40.见到妈妈之后,小女孩才停止哭泣。 The girl didnt stop crying before she caught sight of her mother.41.开着门时,他总是不能专心工作,结果,他没有申请到那项工作。 He cant apply himself to working with the door open. As a result, he didnt apply for the job.42.很明显,他站着,一只手插在口袋里。 Obviously, he stood with his hand in his pocket.43.随着经济的发展,人们的经济负担和心理负担都减轻了。 With the development of economy, people have less financial and psychological burden.44.无可否认,他陷入了困境,但从他的行为举止来看,好像什么也没发生。 There is no doubt that he was in great trouble, but he acted as if nothing had happened.45. 众所周知,他们已经结婚十年了。 As is known to all, it has been 10 years since they married.46. 调查结果表明,很多人认为对别人开玩笑是不礼貌的。 The results of the survey suggests that many people found it impolite to play jokes on others.47.为将来打下坚实的基础,提高综合素质,为社会做贡献对我们大家是有益的,也是不可非议的。 Its beneficial and blameless for us to lay a solid foundation for the future, improve on comprehensive quality and make contributions to the society.48. 很明显,节日就是庆祝重要事件的活动。Obviously, festivals are meant to celebrate important events.49.整个国家到处是盛开的樱花,看上去就像是覆盖了一层粉红的雪。The country is covered with cherry tree flowers so that it looks as if it were covered with pink snow.50.听到这则消息,这个带眼镜的学生毫不犹豫地在班上跳了起来。Hearing the news, the naughty student with glasses on jumped with joy in class without any hesitation.51.你认为戒烟难吗?应当承认,不能彻底戒烟的原因很复杂。Do you think smoking is difficult to give up? Admittedly, the reasons for peoples smoking are complicated.52. 玛丽一上车就找钱买车票。No sooner had Mary got on the bus than he tried to find money for the place of trains.53.我从未见过这么漂亮的房子。I have never seen so/as beautiful a house as this one.54. 随着中国人口的迅速增加,住房问题变得越来越严峻。With the rapid increase of Chinas population, housing problem is becoming more and more serious.55.当谈到保持健康,大多数人认为每天运动是非常好的,另外一些人认为最好的办法是每隔一天锻炼。When it comes to keeping fit/healthy, most people believe that daily exercise is most helpful, others regard it as the best way to exercise every other day.56.不过,每当他们张嘴说话,就会露出破绽。But they betray themselves every time they open their mouth.57.不用说,不把时间和精力放在学习知识和技能上的同学有时会感到很沮丧,因为他们常常令老师和父母不愉快。It goes without saying that those who dont focus time and energy on acquiring knowledge and skills often feel frustrated because it leaves something to be desired for their teachers and parents.58.更为重要得多的是,你不可能让永慧哄骗人们后跑掉。Whats far more important is that you couldnt have Yonghui getting away with telling people lies.59.在日益激烈的社会经济竞争中,人们不应该只顾眼前利益二忽略长远利益,这对人们生活的方方面面都有益。In the increasingly fierce social economic competition, people shouldnt care only about the immediate interest while ignoring the interest in the long run, which is beneficial to people in all aspects of their life.60. 从讨论中可以得出这样的结论:没有什么比吸取精华、去其糟粕更好的了。It can be concluded that nothing could have been better than to take the essence and discard the dregs.61. 随着时间的进展,勤奋的中国人民正在使中国比以前更富强。With time going on, hard- working Chinese are making China more powerful than before.62. 亚当斯先生,不知老师们是否愿意我们的新年晚会在你们学校的礼堂举行, 但同学们对这一问题持有不同态度。I wonder if the teachers mind us holding the New Years Party in your school meeting hall, but the students hold different attitudes towards this issue.63.快到黄昏时,我们发现自己被一阵风刮到了大海上。Towards nightfall, I found myself carried out to sea by a strong wind.64. 戏剧的主要目的是让戏剧里的人尽可能地自己多说。The main purpose of a play is to let the characters speak for themselves as much as possible.65. 显然,他盯着这个单词,努力想记住它的意思。It was clear that he stared at the word trying to remember what it meant.66.支持后(前)一种观点的人认为要在短时间内掌握一门外语是不可能的。Those in favor of the latter(former)opinion dont think it possible to master a foreign language in a short time.67.使我最为震惊的是有这么多孩子在事故中受伤。What shocked me most was that there were so many children hurt in a short time.68. 既然很多鸟类由于污染濒临绝迹,那么有必要采取措施遏制污染,有必要重视环境保护。Now that many birds are in danger of dying out due to pollution, it is necessary that some measures be taken to stop pollution and to attach great importance to environmental protection.69. 因为网络有其优缺点,所以我们要尽力扬长避短。The Internet has it advantages and disadvantages. As a consequence, we should exploit its favorable conditions to the full and avoid unfavorable ones.70. 在某种程度上,James是有礼貌的男孩子,以致于周围的人都愿意和他相处。To some extent(degree), James is polite boy, so that all the people around him is willing to get along with him.71.直到他们登上飞机后,才决定先从中国飞到Vancouver.It was not until they went on board that they decided to fly from China to Vancouver.72. 那些孩子不多久就算出了答案,这使他们不同于其他人。It didnt take the child long to figure out the correct answer, which made him different from others.73.你不知道加拿大从东到西有多远没有关系。It makes no difference that you dont know what the distance from west to east of Canada is.74. 帮助这样老人是值得的, 他将对整个社会有很大影响。It is worthwhile to help the old,which has a great influence on the society.75. 正如谚语所说:活到老学到老。As the proverb goes: one is never too old to learn.76. 这次地震中的死亡人数是前一次的三倍, 对幸存者造成了很大威胁。令人欣慰的是,政府在不遗余力地帮助有困难的人。The number of people dying in this earthquake is 3 times larger than that of the earthquake happening before it, which has posed a great threat to the survivors. To our relief, the government is sparing no effort to help those in trouble.77. 他说,如果他接受了老师的建议,他会成功的。He said that he would have succeeded if he had accepted the teachers advice.78. 与那个房间相比,可以断定,这个房间是至少是它的两倍。Compared with ( In comparison with) that room, its certain that this room is twice as large as that one.79. 尽管我很忙,我宁愿我们今天去参观博物馆。Busy as I am, I would rather that we visited the museum today.80. 与其说他是个科学家,不如说他是个教授。He is more a professor than a scientist.81.经常迟到使得老师很生气,这对他们的健康是有害的。Often being late makes the teachers angry, which does harm to their health.82. 难得你好心教我们读英语单词。Its kind of you to help us read English words.83.沿街走的时候,他嗅到有些不寻常的事情发生。While/When along the street, he smelled something unusual.84. 他们坚持我参加他们的会议。They insisted my attending their meeting .85.根据天气预报,明天气温下降58度。Based on the weather report, the temperature will drop by 5 to 8 centigrade tomorrow.86. 通常男孩擅长理科,而女孩则语言学得好,这种说法未被经得起推敲。Usually boys are good at science while girls do well in language,which cant bear closer analysis.87. 他的父母不知道他去了哪里,也不知道他什么时候回来。Neither of his parents knows where he has gone, nor do they know when hell come back.88. 一般来说,法国人见面时通常都是亲吻彼此的脸颊, 这是他们交流情感的一种方式。Generally speaking, French people usually kiss each other on the cheek when meeting for the first time, which is one of the ways to exchange their emotions.89. 此外,中国有很多大河,其中最重要的是长江和黄河。Besides, there are many big rivers in China, the most important one of which is the Yangtze River and the Yellow River.90.为了增进相互了解,促进师生关系的健康发展,我们学校充分利用课外活动时间举行师生篮球赛。In order to enhance mutual understanding and promote the healthy development of the relationship between students and teachers, our school makes good use of the time of out of class to hold basketball competition between them.92. 学校很有可能不能为每个宿舍提供空调。Its likely that the school cant provide air-conditioner for every dormit


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