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address v. 应付,处理(问题等)aging n. n陈酿appropriate v. 擅用,挪用,占用,盗用article n. 物品;制品,商品arrested adj. 不良的,滞留的。arrested development发育不良articulate adj. 有关节的;有节的; articulate structure; n. 节体动物assume v. 承担,担任。假装,装作的样子,采取(态度)bark n. 树皮; 三桅帆船bill n. 账单;清; 议桉,法桉; .(水禽等细长而扁平的)嘴勐禽的钩状嘴通常叫 beak book vt. 预定,定(戏位、车位等);托运(行李等)build n. 骨格,体格,成形catch n. 陷阱,圈套,诡计;料不到的困难champion vt. 维护,拥护,主张;为而奋斗。champion a cause 维护一项事业。chest n. 1) 箱,函,柜,匣2) 银箱;金库,公款,资金close adj. 闷气的,闷热的complex n. 络合物,复合物,综合体concern n. 商行,公司;财团;康采恩;事业,业务consume vi. 枯萎;憔悴The flowers consumed away. 花枯萎了。 be consumed away with (envy, fever, ambition, grief)count n. 起诉理由,罪状。critical adj. 危急的;决定性的,重大的coat v. 涂上一层(例如油漆)cure v. (鱼等用腌、熏、晒、烤等的)加工保藏(法)。cut vt. 生,长,出(牙齿)date n. 海枣deal n. (松等的)木板;木材,木料; adj. 松木的dear adj. 昂贵的,高价的deed v. 立契转让default n.&v. 不履行;违约;拖欠dock n. 草本植物 vt. 剥夺,扣去的应得工资down n. 美国沙丘; (蒲公英等的)冠毛; 鸭绒,绒毛;(鸟的)绒羽;柔毛。汗毛,软毛,毳毛draw vt. 提取(钱款); 使打成平局drill vt. (用钢钻)钻(孔);在上(用钢钻)钻孔drive n. 冲力,动力;干劲;努力;魄力;精力eat vt. 蛀;腐蚀;消磨exploit n. 功绩,功劳,勋绩exponent n. 典型,样品factor n. 因子,因数; 倍;乘数;商fair n. 英国定期集市,庙会。商品展览会,展销会,商品交易会fashion vt. 形成,铸成,造,作 (into; to)felt n. 毛毡;毛布;毡制品;油毛毡。figure n. 人影,人形;人物fineflyfunctional adj. 从使用的观点设计构成的game n. & adj. 集合词猎物,野味;(鹄等的)群;野外游戏游猎、鹰狩等give n. 弹性hide n. 兽皮hit vt. 偶然碰见,遭遇hold n. (货船)船舱humor n. (眼球的)玻璃状液体;(旧时生理学所说动物的)体液;(植物的)汁液。import n. 意义,含义inviting adj. 引人注目的,吸引人的involved adj. 复杂的,难缠的issue n.&v. 流出,(血、水等的)涌出; 【法律】子孙,子女jar vi 1.给人烦躁痛苦的感觉,刺激 (on) (发出刺耳声地)撞击 (on upon against)。3.震动,震荡(不和谐地)反响,回荡。4.(意见、行动等)不一致,冲突,激烈争吵 (with)。 jar on sb. 给某人不快之感。late adj. 已去世的,已故的lay adj. 1.一般信徒的,俗人的,凡俗的 (opp. clerical)。2.无经验的,外行(人)的 (opp. professional)。lead n. 铅leave n. 1.许可,同意。2.告假,休假;假期letter n. 出租人; letters 证书,许可证literature n. 文献lot n. 土地make n. 构造means n. 财力、资产measure n. 准绳;韵律 a measure of = is determined by; 的体现:The rate at which a molecule of water passes through the cycle is not random but is a measure of the relative size of the various reservoirs. 9810-p01-L8meet n. 比赛minute adj. 微小的,细小的来源:考试大-托福考试novel adj. 新的,新颖的;新奇的,珍奇的,异常的observe vi.陈述意见,评述,简评 (on; upon) strange to observe 讲起来虽奇怪。I have very little to observe on what has been said. 关于刚才所听到的我没什么话好讲。vt. observe silence 保持沉默。 observe a rule 遵守规则。organ n. 【音乐】(教堂用的)管风琴(美国 pipe organ);(足踏)风琴;手摇风琴;口琴。机构;机关;机关报杂志;喉舌;报刊。outstanding adj. 未付的,未清的;未解决的;未完成的partial adj. 【植物;植物学】后生的,再生的。pen n. 1.(家畜等的)围栏,槛。2.一栏一圈家畜。period 【音乐】乐段pile n. 1. 高大建筑;2. 痔疮 3. 软毛,绒毛;毛茸。(布、绒的)软面。pitch n. 沥青;含有沥青的物质;松脂,树脂pool n. 【医学】淤血pound n. 兽栏 v. .(连续)勐击;乱敲;砰砰砰地乱弹(钢琴等),乱奏(曲子)preserve n. 1) 禁猎区;2)蜜饯produce n. 物产;产品,农产品;制品,作品project v. 使突出,使凸出; 伸出。 The upper storey projects over the street. 二楼伸出街上。promise n. (前途有)希望;(有)指望pronounced adj. 决然的,断然的,强硬的;明白的,显着的。provide v. 规定Provided/providing conj. 倘若,只要,在条件下。quality adj. 1.优质的,高级的。2.上流社会的。quarters n. 寓所,住处;【军事】营房,驻地,营盘,宿舍;岗位。rate v. 1) 被估价;被评价 The ship rates as a ship of the line. 这条船列入战列舰级。2) 申斥,斥责,骂rear 饲养(家畜等);抚养,教养(孩子);栽培(作物)。relief n. 【凋刻】凸起;浮起,浮凋;浮凋品;【绘画】人物凸现,轮廓鲜明rent v. 1. (rend 的过去分词) 撕碎; n. 【地质学;地理学】断口; (意见等的)分裂,分歧;(关系等的)破裂retire vi. 就寝,去睡觉run n. 丝袜上的洞save conj. 除了say n. 发言权scale n. 阶梯,梯子; v. 用梯子爬上;爬越,攀登; n. 天平;n. 鳞;(锅垢、锈) v. 剥鳞/垢、锈school n. (鱼、鲸等水族动物的)群;队。 a school of dolphins 一群海豚。score n. 【音乐】总谱,乐谱;(电影歌舞等的)配乐scores n. 许多 scores of fossil remainsscreen n. 筛子season vt. 1.使熟练;使(习)惯。2.风干;晒干(木材);晾干,对进行干燥处理;使陈化。3.使适应(气候等)。4.给加味调味。5.给增加趣味。6.缓和,调和。secretary n. 1.(上部附有书橱的)写字台。2.书写体大写铅字。secure vt. 搞到;把拿到手;得到;获得serve vi. 【网球】开球;发球shower n. (美)(为新娘等举行的)送礼会;(婚前、产后)的聚会shrink n. 精神病医师sound vi. 1.测水深;探测(上层空气)。2.试探(别人的意见);调查(可能性)。3.(鱼或鲸鱼)突然潜入海底。sow n. 大母猪spell vt. 1. 招致,带来; 2. 轮班,换班;替班; 3.符咒,咒语。2.吸引力,诱惑力,魔力,魅力。spoke n. (车轮的)辐条spot vt. 认出,发现,定位spring n. 弹簧;泉水 v. 扭伤(腿)stand v. 忍受;n. 床头柜standard n. 直立支柱;灯台;烛台,电杆,垂直的水管(电管)。start v. (船材、钉等)松动,翘曲,歪,脱落。stem v. 起源于,起因于,(由)发生,来自 (from out of)。 Correct decisions stem from correct judgments. 正确的决心来自于正确的判断。still n. 蒸馏锅 v. 蒸馏strain n. 血统,家世;族,种;【生物学】品系,系;菌株;变种,小种。subscribe v. 同意、赞成stroke n. 笔画temper n. (黏土的)黏度;(灰泥的)稠度;tender v. 正式提出; tender ones resignation 提出辞呈till: n. 【地质学;地理学】冰碛土(物)train: n. SCHEME, TRICK ; 敲门,绝技utter: adj. 完全的,十足的vessel n. 船,舰;飞船wage v. 实行,进行,发动(战争等) (on against)way adv.美口得多,远为。与 above, ahead, behind, below, down, off, out, over, up 等副词、介词连用,以加强语气。 way back 老早以前。 way down upon the river Thames 在老远老远的泰晤士河边。 way up 还在上面;好得多。 way out of balance 逆差很大很大。weather vt.【地质学;地理学】常用被动语态使风化well n. 井;vt. 涌出,喷出(up/out/forth)wind n. 肠气,屁;v. 嗅出,察觉,嗅到猎物的气味(winded/winded);v. (winded/wound) 吹(角笛、喇叭等)。 wind a call 吹哨子(召唤)。v. (wound/wound) 卷绕,缠绕;上发条考研翻译熟词僻义1 account 说明,认识 an agreed account of human rights 对人权共有的认识2 address vt 处理 To deal with: addressed the issue of absenteeism. 处理旷工事宜3 advantage take advantage of 欺骗(deceive) 对加以利用took advantage of the customer. 欺骗消费者4 appreciate v.意识到 (realize) 抬高价格、涨价 I appreciate that I maybe worng.This land has appreciated in value. 这块土地增值了。5 apprehension 忧虑、担心;逮捕、理解 The student looked around the examination room with apprehension. 那名学生恐惧地观看检查室的四周。6 apprehensive 理解的 不安的,忧虑的 apprehensive for sb.s safety 担心某人的安全7 approach 着手 To begin to deal with or work on: approached the task with dread.惶恐地开始着手这项任务 8 arch adj 调皮的,顽皮的 n.弓形 an arch smile 调皮的微笑9 argument论点,论据10 as not so much.as表示与其说是倒不如说。否定前者肯定后者He is not so much a writer as a reporter. its not so much a hobby as a career (= more like a career than a hobby). 11 assume 承担,假装,假定,设想,assume an obligation 承担义务12 balance balance sheet 资产负债表 13 balance 余额Something that is left over; a remainder.余额:剩下的某物;余数14 bottle bottle up 装入瓶中控制 (抑制)To hold in; restrain: bottled up my emotions.15 cater 食物,投合(cater for) catering 公共饮食 catering industry 公共饮食业16 check控制 阻碍 The condition of being stopped or held back; restraint:kept my temper in check; holding agricultural pests in check with sprays. 克制我的脾气;用喷雾剂灭农业害虫17 chest 箱子trunk 箱子、象鼻子18 claim 索赔The sum of money demanded. 赔款You can make a claim on your insurance policy. 19 compound n.集中营、围栏隔开或保围的建筑物或建筑群、化合物21 compromise 危害 妥协A concession to something detrimental or pejorative:危害:对于一些有害或恶劣情况的让步:Such conduct will compromise your reputation.如此举动将会损害你的名誉。22 contain v. 制服(To halt the spread or development of) The man was later contained by the police.23 context social context 社会大环境24 control (科技)对照(实验) controlled experiment25 controller 大企业的会计26 couch vt.表达(express),隐含 n. 躺椅 The reply was couched in insolent terms. 回答措辞蛮横27 count n&v 1计算, 2包括there are 10 people in classroom counting 2 teachers3控诉的罪 he prison was found not guilty on all counts 4以为,视为 She was counted among the greatest dancers 5 有价值 It is not how much you read but what you read that counts(重要的不是你读了多少,而是你读了什么)6 count for 有价值 Their opinions count for little.他们的观点没什么价值。27 count on 信任 rely on,depend on28 crack crack down vi 制裁,To act more forcefully to regulate, repress, or restrainThe police cracked down on speeding. 警察取缔超速行车29 cream 精华 The choicest part30 crook 小偷,钩子 thief That salesman is a real crook.31 cultivate cultivate sb. 结识某人 He always tried to cultivate famous people32 customs n 海关,关税33 damagesdamages 赔偿金(复数)compensation34 deposit 押金 定金left a $100 deposit toward the purchase of a stereo system.留下了100美元的订金35 desert vt抛弃,沙漠 deserter 叛离者,逃兵,She was deserted by her husband.36 dictate n. 指示A guiding principle followed the dictates of my conscience.接受我的良心的支配37 diges忍受I cant digest her endless complaint noise a moment longer.我一刻也忍受不了她那的抱怨。38 discipline 学科,纪律The new recruits were drawn from a range of academic disciplines.39 element the elements 天气(一定是复数形式)The football match went on as scheduled even though the elements were against it.尽管天气很坏,足球比赛还是按计划进行。39 elegant 完美的,完善的 40 embarrass阻碍(embar囚禁, 阻遏)What embarrasses your making an early start?什么事妨碍你早些动身?41 even n. adj 偶数 (奇数odd)42 exclusive n.独家新闻,专卖店里的商品,adj.排他的,唯一的43 express adj. 急速的,快捷的44 fare v 生活live n费用 Panda cub fares well!熊猫崽子活得很好。45 fitting n.配件 adi.适宜的46 fumble v 摸索(grope fro) fumble for a key. 摸索着找钥匙47 gravity n.重大的后果 They are still quite unaware of the gravity of their problems.他们仍未意识到问题的严重性48 ground 根据,论据(常用复数)Often grounds The foundation for an argument, a belief, or an action; a basis.49 harbor窝藏,拥有To give shelter to harbor refugees; harbor a fugitive. 收留难民;窝藏逃犯harbor the idea of50 husband 节省(economize),节俭,保存,管理husband ones energy. 保存体力51 impart告知,揭发(reveal),传授To grant a share of; bestow: 分给;赠予:impart a subtle flavor; impart some advice. 加少许调料;给予一些建议 告知;透露:persuaded to impart the secret. 劝说透露秘密52 inspire 吸入,鼓舞 (inspirator 注射器)To draw in (air) by inhaling. 吸入空气53 issue n 结果(A final result) vi 造成.结果issue from 由于.的原因(用法和result一样)His difficulties in his work issue from his lack of experience. issue in以结束The accident issued in his death.54 kite n. 风筝, 空头支票 vi.使用空头支票 vt. 骗钱 55 lead adj 主要的lead role 主要作用,lead guitar 首席吉他手56 measure measure up to live up to 符合, 达到, 够得上57 metro 地铁 an underground train system, especially the one in Paris58 modify 改造 to modify the environment 59 might n. 力量,权威I pushed the rock with all my might.60 minor n. 未成年人, adj.未成年的 61 novel adj. 新颖的62 obscure不出名的an obscure poet; an obscure family.不出名的诗人;卑微的家庭63 odd不出名的,位置偏僻的Found the antique shop in an odd corner of town. 在一个小镇的偏僻角落里发现.64 odd odd job 临时工作65 off better off富裕的 they are not well off. 他们不富裕66 offset 平版印刷 抵消; 67 outstanding已公开发行且出售的 Publicly issued and sold outstanding stocks and bonds. 已发行的股票和债券68 particular 挑剔的 be particular about 69.phenomenal非凡的a phenomenal feat of memory.非凡的记忆力70 policypolicy n. 保险单, 保险凭证 He took out a fire insurance policy for his house. 他参加房屋火灾保险。71 prejudice v. n. 侵害 Detriment, injury or compromise to the prejudice of sb.s rights有损于某人的权利72 proceeds proceeds n.收入(复数名词)The proceeds of the concert will go to charity.73 prospect 风景,期望,勘探 prospect for 勘探 prospect for oil勘探石油 74 ready1.敏捷的 She has a ready tongue 她口齿伶俐2.甘愿的She is always ready to help 她总是乐意助人75 regimen 强化训练课强化身体训练的一课, 政体76 royalty 税收,皇室,王权77 scalescale 攀登,天平 climbHe has scaled the heights of his profession.78 seek sought-after adj. 很吃香的;广受欢迎的 a sought-after resort. 受欢迎的旅游胜地79 sportsport vt 炫耀(flash)80 spot on the spot 在现场 立刻(right now)81 stomachstomach n. 兴致(appetite),胃 vt 忍受;容忍(endure; tolerate) had no stomach for quarrels. 没有争吵的兴致How can you stomach their affronts?你怎么能够忍受他们的侮辱?82 tap vt保护(protect),遮蔽 n.帽子 83 thrust n 要旨 v 刺 The whole thrust of the project was to make money. 计划的核心在于赢利84 too only too. 非常very: only too pleased 再高兴不过了85 try v. 磨难, 考验 The last steep ascent tried my every muscle.最后一次攀登使我每块肌肉都爱折磨a trying experience 一段痛苦的经历86 wildadj 没有根据的Based on little or no evidence or probability; unfounded:a wild guess 乱猜, 瞎猜 四.考研翻译必备词组15be absorbed in 专心于account for 说明(原因等)on account of 因为,由于takeinto account 考虑 add up to 合计,总计in addition 另外in addition to 除之外in advance 提前,预先 in the air 在流行中,在传播中 all but 几乎,差一点;除之外其余都 allow for 考虑到make allowances for 考虑到,顾及;体谅,原谅in alliance with 与联盟leave/letalone 听其自然,不要去管let alone 更不用说 anything but 除以外任何事(物),根本不 arrive at 达成,得出as for 至于,就方面说 as to 至于,关于 pay attention to 注意avail (oneself) of 利用of/to no avail 不起作用,没有用on (the/an) average 平均,一般说来 back and forth 来回,往返,来来往往的back down/off 放弃,让步,退却 back up 支持,援助;倒退,后退on the basis of 根据,在的基础上 on behalf of 代表,为了 at (the) best 充其量,至多do/try ones best 尽力,努力 make the best of充分利用,妥善处理 get the better of 打败,智胜 be bound to 必定,一定break away (from) 脱离,逃跑break down 损坏,分解,瓦解 break off 断绝,结束break out 突然发生,爆发;(of)逃出break through 突破 catch ones breath 屏息,喘口气 bring forth 产生,提出bring forward 提出bring out 使出现,使显明;公布,出版 bring up 教育,培养,使成长build up 积累,堵塞;树立,逐步建立;增进,锻炼in bulk 散装,大批,大量call for 邀请;要求,需要call forth 唤起,引起;振作起,鼓起call off 放弃,取消 care for 照顾,关心;喜欢,意欲carry on 继续下去,坚持下去;从事carry out 贯彻,执行,实现in any case 无论如何,总之 in no case 决不catch on 理解,明白catch up with 追上,赶上 by chance 偶然,碰巧take a chance 冒险一试in charge (of) 负责,主管take charge of 担任,负责 cheer up 使高兴,使振奋;高兴起来,振作起来 around/round the clock 昼夜不停的 come on 请,来吧,跟着来,快点;开始,来临;进展,发展;出场,上演come out 出版,刊出;出现,显露,长出;结果是,结局是;被解出come round/around来访,苏醒,复原come through 经历,脱险 come true 实现,达到 in common 共同,共有,共用keep company with与交往,与结伴compareto 把比作by comparison 比较起来as/so far asbe concerned 就来说be concerned with关心,挂念,从事于 on conditional that 在条件下 in consequence 因此,结果in consequence of 由于的缘故on the contrary 反之,正相反 at all costs 不惜任何代价,无论如何 count on 依靠,期望,指望 cross out 删去,取消 cut down 削减,减少cut in (汽车)抢挡;插嘴,打断 out of date 过期 up to date 时新的 in debt 欠债,欠情take delight in 以为乐derive from 导出;由来in detail 详细的die down 渐渐消失,平息die off 相继死去die out 消失,灭绝be on a diet 节食make a/the difference 有影响,很重要 do away with 废除,去掉do without 没有也行have nothing to do with和毫无关系have (something) to do with 和有(点)关系 doze off 打瞌睡 drop by/in 顺便来访 due to 由于,因为 dwell on 凝思;详述 on earth 究竟,到底;在世界上 take effect 生效,起作用 embark on/upon 从事,着手 in essence 大体上,本质上 with the exception of 除之外in excess of 超过catch ones eye 引人注目 face up to 大胆面对in the face of 面对,在面前;不顾,即使 fail to 未能 fall back on 求助于,转而依靠as far as/so far as 原至,到程度in favor of 有利于,便于,赞成,支持feed in 输入be fed up (with) 感到厌烦come/go into force 生效,实施 to and fro 来来回回make a fuss of娇养,过分关怀(某人) get around/round to 找时间做,开始考虑give oneself up 自首,投降,投案give out 分发,放出 give way to 给让路,对让步;被替代 go around/round 足够分配go back on 违背go in for 从事,致力于,追求,沉迷于 go over 检查,审查;复习,重温go through 经历,经受;详细检查 good for 有效,适用,胜任takefor granted 想当然,认为理所当然 hand out 分发,散发,发给 on hand 在手边,临近hang about 闲荡,徘徊,逗留hang back 由于,踌躇,畏缩hang on 抓紧不放;继续下去,等一下 happen to 碰巧,偶然 hardly when/before刚一就 have to do with 与有关head for 驶向,走向 lose ones head 不知所措 get/learn by heart 记住,背诵heart and soul 全心全意 hold back 踌躇,退缩;阻止,抑制hold on 继续,握住不放hold on to 紧紧抓住,坚持 in honor of 为纪念,向表示敬意on ones honor 以名誉担保 hunger for 渴望if only 要是多好;要是,只要improve on 改进on (the) impulse (of) 凭(的)冲动 at intervals 不时,时时 keep from 使不(做)keep off 不接近,避开 keep to 坚持,保持keep up 保持,维持;继续进行,坚持keep up with 向看齐,跟上 knock out 击倒,击昏at large 一般,大体上 lay aside 把搁置一边;储蓄 leave behind 留下,忘记带at leisure 从容的,有空 at length 终于,最后;详细的no less than 决不少于,不亚于,不次于;(和)一样 let down 放下,降低;使失望let go 放开,松手 cast/shade/throw light on/upon 使明白,阐明in the light of 按照,根据 in line with 和成直线,与一致,按照 live through度过,经受过live up to 做到,不辜负 look through 仔细察看,浏览,温习 look up to 尊敬,敬仰at a loss 困惑,不知所措 make up for 补偿,弥补 by all means 无论如何


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