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优秀文档,精彩无限!参加第七届全国中学骨干英语教师新课程教学高级研修班报告郭玲玲2010年7月21日我与张丽敏、鲁顺波三人来到河南省开封市参加全国中学骨干英语教师新课程教学高级研修班。初到会场,我们发现前来参加研修班的大多是中年教师,我们猜想应该是各校来的骨干教师,一下子我们觉得很感激学校能把这样的珍贵机会给我们这些刚毕业的青年教师,来培养我们这些青年教师,也很感谢我们其他英语老师们的大力支持。责任感使然,我们三个人不论在此次培训中还是在现场的教学设计大赛中都是非常积极认真,同时我们也收获了很多。当天下午商老师便来指导我们此次培训的注意事项,尤其强调了现场的教学设计大赛。7月22号研修班正式开始,简短的开幕式后,由三位大家做报告,分别是乔玉金老师的基础教育的改革与发展,龚亚夫老师的中学英语教师的困难与对策和刘兆义老师的英语整体教学的理念与实践。乔玉金老师从理解世界、扩展知识的角度提出中国要搞好英语教育,搞好课程改革,并表示全国英语教学课程改革已经取得了很好的成绩,但与此同时还需要一线的英语教师们继续研究探索。刘兆义老师提到随着信息时代的发展,特别是我国基础教育课程改的深入发展,有必要从多方位、多角度对英语整体教学进行深入的研究与探索。广义的地理解整体教学的深层意义并进行探究和实践,对推进当前教学研究和改革和实现英语教学有效性具有十分重大的意义。22号下午进入高中组研修班学习,与会的大约有500人。第一个讲座是北京外国语大学的张连仲教授的基于整体教学观的教材处理艺术。讲座提出了“以人为本的外语教学观”,“教材是课程的重要、最直接的载体”,“平衡的外语教育观”等观点。以人为本的外语教学观强调培养目标应从英语教学到英语教育再到用英语进行教育,让大多数人真正获益;注重教育经济学即时间精力的投入要与真实能力的提升成正比。关于教材,张教授提出了科学性、多样性、针对性、选择性、开放性、以学生为本,学生发展为本的教材编写原则。这使我想起了商老师曾经给我们讲的一句话“要用教材教,而不是去教教材”。一本教材很难兼顾所有的优点,这就要求我们教师能够抓住教学内容的本质,学会以本质为指导的去选择更为丰富的,更有针对性的教学材料。在平衡外语教学观中,提到刘道义老师的外语教学观:立足国情,有利于学生成长,为用而学,学以致用,方法服务于实际需要;不唯上,不唯书,实践第一;学习先进,承传优秀;不偏不倚,中庸和谐;建立中国的外语教育体系和理论。第二场讲座是由广东省教育厅教学研究室英语教研员,广东省高中课程改革指导委员会委员黄自成老师所讲的模块整体教学的操作技巧。整个讲座从“模块教学的概念”,“模块教学的组织”,“模块整体教学的实施目的与方法”等方面进行讲解。听了黄自成老师的讲座,我发现很多内容我们并不生疏,模块教学在商老师给我们的培训中常常讲到,也是在我们的教学中一直运用的方法。我们的教学方法和我们青年教师所接受教育培训在全国而言是相对比较先进的,这使我信心倍增。22号一天的讲座理论性较强,使我们意识到我们当老师,工作不只是每天机械的把书本上的知识教给学生,而是应该加入更多的思考在里面,只有不停的思考研究才能取得良好的教学效果。23号一天为模块教学课堂展示。几堂课对模块教学进行了生动而有创意的展示。除此之外整个研修班还有一个很重要的环节就是现场教学设计大赛。前一天晚上给教学材料,转天交教学设计。具体模式跟去年刘荣老师所讲的基本一样。教学素材是选自双语报的一篇小阅读。在比赛活动素材中给了相应的教学设计的核心目标与要求:1. 侧重学生获取信息和处理信息能力的培养;2. 凸显学生采用自主与合作的方式,通过感受、体验进行探究式学习;3. 在篇章处理过程中渗透语言知识的理解和学习;4. 能够通过教学设计看出教师的组织、指导和教学等活动;能看出学生的活动内容荣誉方式;能看出教学设计中每个环节的指导思想、活动意图与目的。在去开封之前,我们有向刘荣老师请教经验,有所准备,提前再次熟悉了课标中关于阅读教学的要求与建议。拿到素材我们一起分析了材料以及基本教学目标,确定为阅读课型,课程的主要目标是理解文章,训练阅读技巧。但此篇阅读材料非常简单,所以在阅读技巧训练外还应连带其他项目的训练。之后我们各自独立设计,在独立设计中互相讨论,在讨论中获得灵感。在此过程中我体会到合作的力量是强大的,没有合作,我们很难获得这样比较优异的成绩。与会的大约500位老师每人交一份教学设计,共评出9位一等奖,12位二等奖,20位三等奖。我校获得了一个二等奖和一个三等奖。深圳教师获奖总人数没有超过10位,我校占两位。这一次我的比赛体验是在课程设计中要有一条主线贯穿所有环节,就像写文章一样,这样一堂课下来就会很自然流畅,学生亦易于接受。要反复看课标,课标中所写的内容我们不可能全用上,但我们要根据具体的阅读材料选用课标中相应的要求与建议。这篇文章是一篇美文似的对话形式的阅读,具有内涵深刻的意义,但语言很简单,学生们理解并不是问题,所以如果教学目标只停留在理解文章的基本目标上是没有新意的,教学目标需要有一个提升,尤其是情感教育,这是一篇很好的素材。而这篇文章又是一篇美文,所谓“读书百遍,其义自见”,我让学生反复朗读,分角色扮演,然后分组讨论文章内涵,最后比赛背下这篇文章。教师在其中起穿针引线及辅助作用。一堂课下来学生不但理解了这篇文章,而且懂得了一个生活真谛,最重要的是,学生背下了整篇文章或部分语言,对学生而言是个很不错的语言积累的机会。总之,这次培训我们收获颇丰,不但学到很多先进的教育理念与方法,也了解了很多教育前沿的信息,开阔了眼界,对以后的教学工作有很大的帮助。这次开封之行使我成长了很多,希望今后还能有这样的学习的机会。2010年7月后附本次教学设计Teaching Plan By Guo LinglingI. Analysis of the senior two studentsl The students have learned subject-verb agreement, attributive clause and noun clause etc. They can mostly understand some reading materials. However, they can not express their minds with powerful and beautiful language. They need more language sediment.l Most of our students are only one child in their family. They are lack of the abilities of dealing with their own worries and getting along well with others. They need to improve those abilities to make them live more happily and adapt the society better.II Analysis of the teaching material This shout material is very beautiful and educational. Besides, it is not difficult for them to understand except for some new words and phrases. Whats more, the material is very suitable for students to recite.III Teaching aims:l Knowledge and skill aims:1. comprehending the material2. learning the key words and phrases3. reciting the wise words spoken by the happy villager and expressing their own ideas freelyl Emotion and value aims Lead the students to know how to get along well with others and live happilyIV Teaching key points1. Reciting the wise words spoken by the happy villager and expressing their own ideas freely2. Lead the students to know how to get along well with others and live happilyV Teaching difficult pointRemembering the wise words spoken by the happy villager and expressing their own ideas freelyVI Teaching methodologyLearner-centered; activity-based learningVII Teaching aids: PPT/ listening material/ paper tips for recitingVIII Teaching processStep 1 Lead in & pre-reading- predicting (groupwork) Purpose: predicting the story can help to arouse students interest and can help students understand the reading material easier later and also can train their creative thoughts. Ts activity: 1.Ask Ss to read the title first and predict what will be talked about in the text. 2. Give encourage words to the students who tell the predicting to the class Ss activity: four people as a group discussing and predictingStep 2 while-reading1. fast readingT activity: ask the students to skim the whole text to check whether their predictions are right and at the same time find and underline the words and phrase in chart1Count onRegardasSelfishGet on well withBe in peace withQuietenPoint toTake advantage ofChart 1Ss active: do as what teacher saidPurpose: train students skimming skill2. detailed reading groupwork-competition Ts activity: 1.ask Ss to read the text again and guess the meaning of the words and phrases in chart1 and try their best to make their own sentences by using these phrases. If they can make more sentences, they can get extra scores.2. Be the judger of the competition and correct the wrong answers and five help for some difficult phrases.Ss activity: 1. reading and guessing 2. four people as a group to join in the competition Purpose:1.train Ss abilities of getting and dealing information 2.sovle new words and phrases problems3. Scanning beautiful and meaningful sentencesTs activity: 1. ask Ss to stand up and read their sentences loudly and translate of tell the deep meaning2.give encourage words and lead Ss find good sentencesSs activity: find the sentences and read them aloud and translate or tell the deep meaningPurpose: 1. train Ss sense of collecting beautiful sentences 2. comprehending the text3. learn how to get along wll with others and live happily4. Game Time challenge you!Ts activity: 1. ask Ss to recite the beautiful sentences on the paper tips first. Later Ss can challenge others by draw one tip and recite it. If the students accept challenge, she or he will draw another tip and recite it.2. join in the challenge together with SsSs activity: reciting


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