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Words and Expressions,Unit Three Passage A,assure to give confidence to, convince 使确信 The young man assured his girl friend of his love. (2) 向保证,担保 The union would like to assure the new owners of the workers best service.,His marks finally _me that I had made the right decision. A. assured B. ensured C. insured D. reassured,六级真题 The director gave me his _ that he would double my pay if I did my job well. warrant B. obligation C. assurance D. certainty 答案: C warrant 授权,批准,理由,根据 obligation 义务,责任 certainty 确实,必然 assurance 保证,2. bar n. 1) a piece of solid material that is longer than it is wide 条,长方块 (a place with) a counter where drinks, esp. alcoholic drinks, are served 酒吧,吧台 Examples Whats your favorite chocolate bar? Most bars in the hotels serve not only drinks but also light meals.,典型考题 He spent most of his life behind _. bars B. prisons C. barbs D. chart 答案:A bar 铁条;柜台 prison 监狱(与in搭配) barb 倒钩 chart 图表,bar bread 条形面包 bar charts 柱形统计图 bar association 律师协会 bar bender 弯条机,3. elaborate,adj. (1) very detailed and complicated 详尽而复杂的 Theyre making the most elaborate preparations for the coming of the final examination. (2) carefully worked out 精心制作的 You need an elaborate blouse to go with the trousers.,v. 详述,详尽阐述 The government published so many manuals to elaborate the ways of preventing the spread of SARS.,六级真题 The lady dressed in the latest Paris fashion is _ in her appearance but rude in her speech. A. elaborate B. excessive C. elegant D. exaggerated 答案:C,4. exceed v. (1) to be greater than 超过,超出 His success exceeded the expectation of all people. (2) to go beyond what is allowed, necessary or advisable 超出界限 The lady was found guilty on the charge of exceeding the speed limit.,Translate: 他勇气超过我。,Key: He exceeds me in courage.,六级真题 The _ cycle of life and death is a subject of interest to scientists and philosophers alike. A. incompatible B. exceeding C. instantaneous D. eternal 答案: D incompatible 不相容的,矛盾的 exceeding 极度的,非常的 instantaneous 瞬间的,即时的 eternal 永恒的,不朽的,5. frown v. to bring the eyebrows together 皱眉头 The students frowned as he stared at the blank blackboard, wondering what to write in his composition. frown down 使反对者等不敢讲话 frown on 不赞成,不以为然 Many doctors frown upon a diet which contains a lot of fat.,6. latter adj. the second (of two people or things just mentioned) (两者中)后者的 There are plastic and wooden garden tables, but the latter are more expensive. 典型考题 We have to decorate the kitchen and the hall - Id rather do the _ first. A. latter B. later C. late D. lately 答案:A later 后来 late 迟到的 lately 最近的 latest,7. manufacture v. (1) to make or produce esp. by machinery or other industrial processes and usu. in large quantities 用机器制造(尤指大量的) TV sets manufactured in China are competitive abroad in price. (2) to invent (an excuse, reason, story etc.) in order to deceive someone 捏造,杜撰 The boy didnt want to go to school so he manufactured an excuse about being ill.,manufacturer: 制造业者,生产厂商,六级真题 The person who _ this type of approach for doing research deserves our praise. A. originated B. speculated C. generated D. manufactured 答案: A originate 发明 speculate 推测,思索 generate 产生,发生 manufacture 制造,加工,8. mild adj. (1) gentle, not violent 柔和的,温柔的 You should take serious attitude towards your mild heart attack. (2) 味淡的 The young boy prefers mild food. mild-mannered 温文尔雅的 mild-tempered 脾气温和的,9. miniature adj. very small 极小的 My son asked me to buy him a miniature car. n. 缩图,略图 They have got a model Olympic Village that you can visit, with all the buildings and roads in miniature.,同义词:little mini tiny 反义词:giant miniature :通常指比例上的微小 miniature furniture 微型家具 a miniature war 小规模,六级真题 The toy maker produces a _ copy of the space station, exact in every detail. A. minimal B. minimum C. miniature D. minor 答案: C minimal 最小的,最少的 minimum 最小的,最小值的 miniature 微型的,缩小的 minor 较小的,次要的,10. modest adj. (1) 谦逊的 He is very modest about his success of his research in SARS. (2) 不多的,不大的, 适中的,适度的 There has been a modest improvement in housing conditions for the teachers in this college. modest amount of 少许的,近义词: humble /lowly 反义词: immodest, arrogant modestly adv. 谨慎的,适当的 modesty n. 谦虚,虚心,11. notion n. 观念,概念 同义词:belief, concept ,idea ,opinion view I have only a vague notion of what she said at the meeting. take a sudden notion to do sth 突然想到做某事 ones notion of rural life 某人心目中的农村生活,六级真题 Do you have any _ about what living beings on other planets would be like? A. ideal B. comprehension C. notion D. intelligence 答案: C ideal 理想的 comprehension 理解,包含 notion 观念,想法 intelligence 智力,聪明,phenomenon n. (1) 现象 There is evidence to suggest that gravity is a natural phenomenon. (2) 非凡的或特殊的人、物、事件等 The Beatles were a phenomenon nobody had heard anything like them before. A child who could play the piano at the age of two would indeed be a phenomenon. pl. phenomena,13. pledge v. 保证给予(支持等)/答应给予 The government has pledged that it will spend more money on education. 母亲答应给小汤姆零花钱。 Mother pledges allowance to little Tommy.,n. 承诺,保证,誓言 I give you this ring as a pledge of my ever-lasting love for you. 同义词:promise realize a pledge 实现诺言 make a pledge 发誓,六级真题 Every member of society has to make a _ to struggle for the freedom of the country. A. pledge B. warranty C. resolve D. guarantee 答案:A warranty 保证单 resolve 决心 guarantee 担保,14. reputation n. 名誉,名声 同义词:fame, honor ,respectability acquire/establish a reputation 取得声誉 guard /protect ones reputation 维护自己的声誉 destroy /ruin sbs reputation 败坏某人的名誉,his reputation as a judge 他作为法官的声誉 live up to ones reputation 名副其实 have a reputation for 以而闻名 Bills love affair ruined his reputation.,六级真题 During the nineteen years of his career, France Battiate has won the _of a wide audience outside Italy. A. enjoyment B. appreciation C. evaluation D. reputation,答案:B enjoyment 享乐,快乐 appreciation 赏识,感激 evaluation 估价,评价 reputation 名誉,名声,15. rival v. 与抗衡,与匹敌 No computer can rival a human brain in complexity. n. 竞争对手,敌手 People generally realize that rivals exist in every field. adj.竞争的 Barbie is feeling the heat from rival brands such as “Brats” dolls. 芭比娃娃感到了来自充满火力的贝兹娃娃等竞争对手的压力。,派生词:rivalry n.竞争,对抗 同义词:opponent, competitor rival at home and abroad 国内外的竞争者 without a rival 无可匹敌,六级真题 Although the two players are _ in the tennis court, they are really good friends. A. partners B. enemies C. rivals D. companions 答案:C partner 合伙人 enemy 敌人 rival 对手 companion 同伴,16. sponsor (1). v. 赞助 Chinese football team is sponsored by many famous companies of the country. (2) n. 赞助人,保证人 A sponsor must be found before going to study abroad.,六级真题 There are not many teachers who are strong _ of traditional methods in English teaching. A. sponsors B. contributors C. advocates D. performers 答案:C contributor 贡献者 advocate 倡导者 performer 表演者,17. spotless a. extremely clean 一尘不染的,无暇疵的 Even in the most spotless homes, carpets need regular vacuuming to keep them looking good. She seemed the perfect match for the prince young and pretty with a spotless reputation.,四级真题 Please be careful when you are drinking coffee in case you _ the new carpet. A. crash B. pollute C. spot D. stain 答案: D,status n.(人的)地位,身份 比较: statue :塑像 stature:身高 statute:法令,The police are trying to find out the _- of the woman killed in the traffic accident(2002-12-44) A. evidence B. recognition C. status D. identity 答案:D,He wrote an article criticizing the Greek poet and won _and a scholarship.(2001-06-59) A. status B. curiosity C. determination D. significance 答案:B,18. by means of 借助,借用 He didnt get to where he is now by means of flattery. He is talented and well qualified for the job. by all means 当然可以 by no means 一点也不,Passage B,ambitious adj. having a strong desire for success, power, wealth Any company would be glad to have the ambitious young professional on its staff., 四级真题 1. My brothers plan are very _; he wants to master English, French and Spanish before he is sixteen. A. arbitrary B. aggressive C. ambitious D. abundant,答案: C arbitrary 任意的,武断的 aggressive 好斗的,侵略性的 abundant 丰富的,六级真题 2. My sister is quite _-and plans to get an M.A. degree within one year.(2000-01-58) aggressive B. enthusiastic C. considerate D. ambitious,Key: D aggressive 好斗的,侵略性的 enthusiastic热心的 considerate: 考虑周到的,2. comparable a. equivalent; similar; that can be compared 同等的,类似的,可比的 The income of farmers is not comparable at present to that of townspeople. The girls are of comparable ages.,六级真题 The new laser printer is _ with all leading software. A. comparable B. competitive C. compatible D. cooperative 答案:C,3.chill vt. 使变冷,使冷冻,使感到冷 (同)cold. freeze n. 1)寒冷,寒气2)风寒,寒战(同)cold ,coolness -The freezing weather chilled me to the bone 严寒的天气使我感到冷水刺骨. 词组: cast a chill over .使扫兴,泼冷水 catch/take a chill 风寒,感冒,着凉,辨析: cool指不冷不热的,即凉爽的 chill指颇冷,使人感到有些不舒服的冷 cold 最常用,指冷的,尤指低于人的体温的冷 chilly adj. 冷漠的,寒冷的.,4.compete vi 竞争,比赛 compete against 和竞赛 compete for和.争夺,比赛 compete with和竞争,竞赛 Its difficult for a small grocery store to compete with a supermarket. 一家小的食品店很难与一家超级市场相竞争,辨析; compete竞争的目的是为了争得名次,奖品,不含有将对手征服的意思. Only two boys are competing for the cup 只有两个男孩争夺奖杯.,contend 努力不懈,奋力克敌 Our basketball team is contending with one from the next town for the championship .我们篮球队正与邻镇的篮球队争夺冠军,派生: competitor 竞争者 competition 竞争,竞赛 competitive 竞争的,5.contract vi 缩小,收缩 订合同,订契约 n. adj: contracted 已订约的/已收缩的 They might take legal action against you if you break the contract. Metal contracts as it becomes cool. 金属冷却时体积会缩小,词组: sign a contract 签定合同 contract out:把 承包出去 be under contract to sb. 立约为某人工作, 辨析 agreement & contract agreement 一般的书面或口头的协议, This is only a gentlemens agreement. 这仅是君子协议 contract 具有法律效力的书面合同或和约 Iam under contract to teach here for 5 years.我已签了在此任教5年的合同,6. dominate vt. to have or exercise control or power (over) 支配,控制,占优势 同义:rule, control, govern The children tend to resist the parents who always dominate their life. A great man can dominate others by force of character.,耸立于,俯视 vi 居支配地位,处于最重要的地位 =prevail 联想记忆: dominant a. 占优势的,支配的 dominion n. 统治,管辖,六级真题 : The book is expected to _ the best-seller lists.进入畅销书单 A. promote B. prevail C. dominate D exemplify. 答案:C promote 促进,提升 prevail盛行 exemplify 例证,6. luxury n. 1)great comfort, esp. as provided by expensive and beautiful things 2)something expensive or hard to obtain Its a luxury to dine in such an elegant restaurant. During the war, champagne was a real luxury.,典型考题 There is nothing better after a hard days work than to _ in a hot bath. A. luxury B. luxurious C. luxuriate D. luxuriant 答案:C luxurious 奢侈的 luxuriate 尽情享受 luxuriant 茂盛的,繁茂的,7.mainstream 主流 Disabled people should enter the mainstream of social life. This was the companys first step into the mainstream of commercial movies. main body 主体,正文 mainland 大陆,主体 mainstay 支柱,中流砥柱,8. outflank v. (1) 侧翼包剿 The general has to make a choice between a direct frontal attack and an outflanking movement to the west. (2) 出奇制胜 Jacks proposal was outflanked by those of more radical reformers.,典型考题 Sales representatives need to be _ and dynamic because they are constantly meeting new customers. A. outflanking B


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