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符号to均略去,形容词前面也不加系动词bea1.a few 几个2.a good deal 许多3.a good many 许多4.a great amount of 大量的5.a great deal 大量的6.a great many 很多7.a little 一些,一点点8.a lot of 许多,大量的9.a number of 若干,许多10.a variety of 种种,若干不同的11.above all 首先,首要12.according to 根据13.after all 毕竟,终究14.ahead of 在前15.all at once 突然16.all but 几乎,差一点,除了都17.all in all 总的说来18.all of a sudden 突然19.all over 到处,遍及20.all right 行,可以21.all the better 更好,愈加22.all the more 更加,愈加23.all the same 仍然,尽管如此24.all the time 一直,始终25.all together 同时,一起26.along with 与一道,与同时27.among other things 除了其他方面,此外28.and so forth 等等29.and so on 等等30.and the like 等等,诸如此类31.anything but 除外什么都32.apart from 除去,撇开,除之外33.as a matter of fact 事实上,其实34.as a result 作为结果,因此(插入语)35.as a result of 作为的结果36.as a rule 通常,一般来说37.as a whole 总的来说,作为一个整体38.as far as 就而言,至于39.as far asbe concerned 就而言40.as follows 如下41.as for 至于,关于42.as if 好像,似乎,仿佛43.as long as 只要,如果,既然,由于44.as regards 在方面,关于45.as soon as 一 就46.as such 像这样的,就这点而论47.as though 好像,似乎,仿佛48.as to 至于,关于49.as usual 照理,像平常一样50.as well 也,又,同样地51.as well as 除之外(也),既又52.as yet 到目前为止,到当时为止53.aside from 此外,除还有54.at a disadvantage 处于不利地位55.at a guess 凭猜测56.at a loss 困惑不解,茫然不知所措57.at a stretch 连续不断地58.at a time 同时,一次59.at all 丝毫(不),一点(不)60.at all costs 无论如何,不惜任何代价61.at all events 不管怎样,无论如何62.at all times 时常,有时63.at any rate 无论如何,至少64.at best 最多,充其量65.at ease 舒适66.at first 起初,最初67.at first sight 一眼看去68.at first thought 乍一想69.at hand 在附近,近在手头70.at intervals 不时,处处71.at large 普遍地,一般地,自由地72.at last 最终,终于73.at least 至少,起码,无论如何74.at length 终于,详细的75.at most 至多,不超过76.at no time 从不,决不77.at once 立刻78.at present 现在,目前79.at one time 曾经,有一时期80.at random 随机地,任意地81.at sea 在海上,在航海中,迷惑,茫然82.at what 而且83.at the cost of 以为代价84.at the mercy of 受支配,受控制85.at the moment 此刻,目前86.at the rate of 以速度或比率87.at the same time 同时,然而,不过88.at the sight of 一看见就89.at times 有时候符号to均略去,形容词前面也不加系动词beb1.back and forth 来回地,反复地2.back up 支持3.bear in mind 记住4.because of 因为,由于5.before long 不久6.long before 很久以前7.beyond (all)doubt 无疑8.beyond question 毫无问题,无可争辩9.bothand (两者)都10.break away 破除,脱离11.break down 把分解为12.break in 打断(说话),闯进13.break into 强行进入14.breakinto 分成(部分)15.break off 弄断,打断16.break out 突然发生,爆发17.break through 突破,打通18.break up 打碎,结束,驱散,散开,分解19.bringinto effect 使发生作用20.bringinto play 发挥,发扬,调动(积极性等)21.bring about 带来,造成,引起22.bring down 降低,减少,击落23.bring forward 提出(建议论据等)把提前24.bring out 使显现,显示,生产,使产生25.bring over 把带来,使转变26.bring up 抚养27.build up 建立,增强28.but for 倘没有,要不是29.by accident 偶然地30.by all means 尽一切办法31.by and by 不久,迟早32.by chance 偶然33.by far 最,得多34.by hand 用手,用体力35.by means of 通过,利用,用36.by mistake 错误地37.by nature 生来,天生,就其本性而言38.by no means 决不39.by reason of 由于40.by the way 顺便(说),附带地说41.by virtue of 借助,由于42.by way of 经过,经由,通过方法符号to均略去,形容词前面也不加系动词bec1.call for 要求;邀请2.call off 取消3.call on 拜访,访问4.call up 打电话;召集;使想起5.can not help but 禁不住6.carry on 经营;进行;继续7.care for 照顾;喜欢8.carry off 拿走9.carry out 执行,贯彻;进行到底10.carry over 延期;运输11.catch ones breath 喘息;屏息12.catch ones eye 引人注目13.catch sight of 看见,发现14.catch up with 赶上15.check in 办理登记手续16.check out 办理结帐手续17.cheer up 高兴,振作起来18.chear up 清理19.come about 发生20.come around 顺便过来21.come into force 开始有效22.come into play 开始起作用23.come into power 上台;开始掌权24.come off 从离开;进行25.come on 来吧26.come out 出版,发表27.come round 顺便过来28.come though 经历29.come to 苏醒,共计30.come to terms with 达成协议31.come true 实现32.come up 出现33.come up against 碰到34.come up to 达到35.come up with 追上,提出36.comment on 对评论37.concerned with 关于;涉及;忙于;关心;关切38.contrary to 与相反39.convictof 证明有罪,宣判有罪40.cope with 对付;处理41.count on/upon 指望,依靠42.cover up 掩饰,掩护43.cut down on 减少对之消耗量44.cut in 打断,插嘴45.cut off 切去,割掉;切断;使孤立46.cut out 删掉47.cut short 缩短,打断(谈话)2.deal with 对待,处理3.die down 枯萎,凋谢4.die out 消失,灭绝5.dig into 深入钻研6.dig out 发掘出,发现7.do away with 废除8.do ones best 尽全力;尽量9.do with 处理;忍受10.do without 没有也行,将就11.draw in 进站12.draw on 吸收;依靠;临近13.draw up 起草,制订14.drop by 顺便访问15.drop in 顺便访问16.drop off 减弱17.drop out 退出18.due to 因为2.eitheror 或者或者,不是就是3.end in 以告终4.end up 结束5.even if 即使6.even though 即使7.every now and then 时时,不时的8.every other 每隔一个9.except for 除了外;除去;撇开2.fall apart 四分五裂;崩溃3.fall back on 依靠,求助于4.fall by the way 半途而废,中途退出5.fall in with 偶尔遇到;同意6.fall out 脱落7.far from 远非,离很远8.feel like 喜欢9.feel bitter at 对怀恨10.figure out 弄清楚,算出11.fill in 填空,填写12.fill out 填空,填好13.find fault (with)找茬,挑错14.first of all 首先,第一15.for a moment 一会儿16.for ever 永远17.for ever and ever 永远18.for good 永远19.for example 举例,例如20.for instance 例如,比如21.for noting 无故地,白白地22.for one reason or another 因某种理由23.for example 举例,例如24.for instance 例如,比如25.for noting 无故地,白白地26.for one reason or another 因某种理由27.for short 简称,缩写28.for some reason (or other)由于种种原因29.for the moment 目前,现在30.for the most part 在很大程度上,多半31.for the present 目前,暂时32.for the sake of 为了的目的,为了好处33.for the time being 目前,当时34.free from 没有的,不受的35.from behind 从后面36.from now on 从现在起37.from then on 从那时起38.from time to time 时时,不时地39.from under 从下面40.from within 从里面2.get along 有进展3.get along with 在有进展,与交往4.get at 获得,领会5.get away 离开,逃脱6.get by 从走过,从通过7.get down 下来,写,记下8.get down to 认真对待9.get hold of 抓住,理解10.get in 进入11.get into 进入状态,研究12.get off 起飞,离开13.get on 获得进展14.get on with 在获得成功,于友好相处15.get out 离去,退出16.get over 克服困难,从(疾病中)恢复过来17.get rid of 除去,摆脱18.get the better of 胜过19.get through 结束,通过20.get together 聚集一起21.get up 起床,站起来22.give away 分配,颁发23.give back 归还,送回24.give full play to 充分发挥25.give in 屈服,让步26.give off 发出(光,气体等)27.give out 用尽,用完28.give rise to 产生29.give up 放弃30.give way 让步,让路31.go after 追逐,追求32.go ahead 开始,进行33.go along with 赞同,附和,支持34.go around (消息等)流传35.go in for 从事,以为兴趣,爱好36.go into 进入,调查37.go off 爆炸38.go on 进行,继续39.go over 越过,仔细检查39.go through 经过,经历,审查40.go without 没有也行41.go wrong 出毛病2.had rather 宁肯,宁愿3.had rather than 宁肯也不愿4.hand down 把留下来5.hand in 交来,交上6.hand on 依次传递7.hand on to 把传递给8.hand out 分发9.hand over 交出,转交10.hang on 抓住不放,(电话不挂)等一会儿11.hang up 把挂起来,挂断(电话),延迟,拖延12.havein mind 记住,考虑到13.have an advantage over 胜于,优于14.have an edge 具有优势15.have nothing to do with 与无关16.haveat heart 对甚为关心17.head for 朝方向走去18.heart and soul 全心全意地,全身心地19.hold back 退缩,阻止20.hold on 坚持,继续21.hold on to 抓住,抓牢22.hold out 维持,坚持23.hold up 举起,提出24.hurry up 匆匆完成2.in a hurry 匆匆,匆忙3.in a moment 立即,立刻4.in a sense 在某种意义上5.in a way 在一定程度上6.in a word 简而言之7.in accordance with 与一致,依照,根据8 in addition 另外,加之9 in addition to 加之,除之外,并且10.in any case 无论如何,不管怎样11.in any event 无论如何,不管怎样12.in between 在中间,每间隔,在期间13.in case 若,万一,如果14.in case of 假如,防备15.in charge of 负责,主管16.in common(with) 与共同,与一样17.in conclusion 最后,在结束时18.in consequence 因此,结果19.in consequence of 由于20.in contrast 成对比21.in contrast to 和成对照22.in contrast with 和成对照25.in debt 负债26.in depth 深入地27.in detail 详细地28.in due course 在适当的时候29.in due time 在适当的时候30.in effect 实质上,实际上,有效31.in fact 实际上32.in favour of 赞成,支持,有利于33.in front of 在前面34.in general 一般说来35.in hand 手头上有36.in hono(u)r of 为纪念,为庆祝37.in large measure 很,大半,大部分38.in (the)light of 根据39.in line with 与相一致40.in memory of 纪念41.in need of 需要42.in no case 决不43.in no time 立即,马上44.in no way 决不45.in ones minds eye 在脑海里46.in order that 为了47.in order to(+inf.) 为了48.in other words 换句话说,也就是说49.in part 部分地,在某种程度上50.in particular 特别,尤其51.in passing 顺便52.in person 亲自53.in place of 代替54.in power 掌权的,执政的55.in practice 实际上56.in proportion to 与成比例57.in public 公开地58.in pursuit of 追求,寻求59.in quantity 大量地60.in question 正在被谈论,被争论,成问题61.in reality 实际上,事实上62.in regard to 关于63.in relation to 有关,涉及64.in return 作为报答65.in return (for) 报答,回报66.in search of 寻找,寻求67.in series 串联电路的,成串联的68.in short 简言之69.in sight 在视线之内70.in spite of 尽管,虽然71.in step (with) 与同步72.in terms of 根据,按照,在方面73.in that 在于,原因是74.in the end 最终,终于75.in the event of 万一76.in the face of 在面前,当着的面,不顾77.in the final analysis 归根结底78.in the first place 首先79.in the last analysis 归根结底80.in the least(用于否定句)一点,丝毫81.in the long run 从长计议,从长远来看82.in the meantime 在此期间,与此同时83.in the running 参赛,参加竞选84.in the short run 短期看来85.in the strict sense 在严格的意义上86.in the way 挡住路,碍事87.in time 及时,终于88.in touch 与联系89.in turn 依次,轮流, 反过来90.in unison(with) 与完全一致91.in vain 无效地,无结果地,徒然92.in view of 鉴于,考虑到93.inasmuch as 因为,由于94.in so far as 在范围内,到程度95.instead of 代替,而不是2.keep on 继续,保持3.keepout 防止,不让入内4.keep ones word 守信用5.keep pace (with) 跟上步伐6.keep to 坚持,固守(习惯)7.keep up 赶上,不落后,遵守,继续,保持2.lay aside 搁置一旁3.lay down 铺设,规定4.lay off 划分5.lay out 安排,设计,展开6.learn by heart 记住,背诵7.learn by rote 死记硬背8.leave alone 不管,听其自然9.leave behind 丢弃,留下10.leave off 停止11.leave out 遗漏,省略12.let alone 不打扰,更别提13.let go (of) 松手放开14.let off 排放,开枪,开炮15.let out 放掉,发出16.line up 排队,排成一行17.little by little 一点一点地,逐渐地18.live on 靠生活19.live up to 符合,达到要求20.look after 照看,目送,寻求21.look at 看着,对待22.look back 回头看,回顾23.look down on/upon 轻视24.look for 寻找,寻求25.look forward to 向前看,期待,预料26.look into 观察,调查27.look on 旁观,观看28.look out 留神,注意29.look over 仔细察看,巡视30.look through 浏览,详细核查31.look up 向上看,(在字典中)查找,向上看32.lose heart 灰心,泄气33.lose sight (of) 看不见,忽略34.lots of 很多2.make a guess at 猜测3.make certain 弄确实,查明;确信4.make for 有助于,有利5.make fun of 嘲弄6.make ones way 前进7.make out 弄清,认出8.make over 转让,移交;改造,重做9.make sense 讲得通,有意义10.make sure 弄确实,查明;确信11.make the best of 充分利用12.make the most of 充分利用13.make up 组成,构成;编造;化妆14.make up for 补偿,弥补15.make up ones mind 下定决心16.make use of 利用17.make away 前进,获得成就18.make way for 让路给19.many a 许多20.mistakefor 错把当做21.more or less 或多或少2.neithernor 既不也不3.no less than 不少于4.no longer 不再5.no matter how(what,who,when,where,whether/if)不论怎样(什么,谁,何时,何处,是否)6.no more () than 至多,不多于,仅仅7.no otherthan 除外没有,只有,正是,就是,8.no soonerthan 一就9.none other than 不是别的而正是10.not (never) for a moment 决不,从来没有11.not only but(also) 不仅 而且12.not so much as 与其不如13.not that 并不是说14.not thatbut that 不是因为,而是因为15.nothing but 只有,只不过16.now and then 时而,不时17.now that 既然,由于2.of late 近来3.of little account 不重要的,价值不大的4.of no avail 无效,无用5.of ons own accord 自愿6.ofimportance 有重要性7.ofvalue 有价值8.off and on 不时,断断续续地,间歇地9.off duty 下班10.on (an) average 平均11.on account of 由于,因为12.on and off 不时,断断续续地,间歇地13.on any account 无论如何14.on behalf of 代表15.on board 在船(车,飞机)上16.on business 因事,因公17.on condition that 如果,在条件下18.on earth 究竟,到底19.on hand 在手头,在近处,现有20.on no account 决不21.on occasion 有时,间或22.on ones head 归罪于某人,(责任)落到某人身上23.on ones own 靠自己,独立完成24.on purpose 故意地25.on sale 出售,廉价出售26.on schedule 按计划27.on second thoughts 再次考虑,仔细考虑28.on the average 平均29.on the contrary 相反地30.on the ground(s) of 根据31.on the (one) hand 一方面32.on the other hand 另一方面33.on the part of 就而言34.on the point of 就要的时候35.on the spot 在现场,当场36.on the whole 整体来看,总的来说37.on time 准时38.once (and) for all 一劳永逸地,永远地39.once again 再次40.once in a while 偶尔41.once more 再一次,又一次42.once upon a time 曾经,以前43.one another 彼此44.or else 否则,不然45.or so 大约,左右46.other than 不同于,除了47.out of 从,来自,由48.out of breath 喘不过气来49.out of control 失控50.out of date 过时51.out of doors 在户外52.out of doubt 无疑53.out of order 出故障,秩序混乱54.out of place 位置不当,不相称的55.out of power 丧失权利56.out of sight 看不见57.out of step 步伐不一致;不协调58.out of the question 不可能的,办不到的59.out of touch 脱离接触,失去联系60.over and above 在之上;在之外(还)61.over and over(again) 反复,一再62.owing to 由于,因为2.pass on 把传给别人3.pay attention to 注意4.pay back 偿还,回报5.pay off 还清(债务);取得成功6.pick out 挑出,拣出;辨认出7.pick up 拾起;(中途)搭车;学会8.playpart 起作用9.play into sbs hands 为某人谋方便;有利于某人10.playrole 起作用11.plenty of 大量的;丰富的12.point of view 观察点;观点13.prior to 在前,先于14.pro or con 正面或反面的理由;赞成或反对15.provided that 假如,在条件下16.pull down 拆除,推翻17.pull in (车)进站,(船)到岸18.pull out 抽出;(车,船)驶出19.pull up 提出;插入;实行20.put an end to 结束,终止,废除21.put aside 放在一边,撇开;储存22.put down 放下,记下;镇压23.put for ward 提出24.put in 花费,付出25.put into effect 实施26.put into operation 实施27.put into practice 实施28.put off 延期;消除29.put on 穿上,戴上;上演30.put out 扑灭;关灯;公布,出版31.put to use 使用32.put up 举起;建造;张贴33.put up with 忍受r1.rather than 与其(不如);不是(而是)2.regardless of 不顾;不管3.result from 由造成4.result in 导致,产生5 right away 立即,马上6 run into 偶然碰上;遇到(困难);共计7 run out (of) 用光8 run over 跑过去;撞倒;溢出9 run through 刺穿,贯穿2.seethrough 看透,看穿3.see to 负责,注意,照料4.send for 派人去请;召唤;索取5.send in 递送;呈交,提交6.send off 寄出;为送行;解雇7.serve as 用作8.set about 开始,着手9.set apart 使分离;使显得突出10.set aside 搁置一旁;留出,拨出11.set back 推迟;阻碍12.set down 记下13.set free 释放14.set off 出发;激起,引起15.set out 动身,启程;开始16.set up 建立,树立,创立17.settle down 定居;沉淀18.side by side 一起,肩并肩地19.sit down on 反对20.slow down 减速21.so as to (+inf.) 以便22.soas to (+inf.) 这样以致23.so far 迄今为止;就此范围来说24.so far asbe concerned 就而论25.so far asknow(s) 就某人所知26.so long as 假如;只要27.so that 为了,以便28.sooner or later 迟早;终归29.stand for 代表;主张,支持30.stand out 突出,引人注目31.stand up to 抵制,抵抗32.stand up for 支持,为辩护33.step by step 一步一步地,逐步地34.stick to 坚持,忠于;紧随35.stick with 坚持;继续36.straight away 立即37.such as 例如,诸如38.sum up 总结,概括2.take after 与(父母)相象3.take apart 拆开,拆卸4.take care of 照管5.take charge 开始管理;接管6.take (a) delight in 以为乐7.take down 取下,记下;拆开8.take in 欺骗,愚弄;领会,理解9.take effect 生效,起作用10.takefor granted 认为理所当然11.takeinto account 考虑12.take on 具有;担任(工作等);雇佣13.take ones time 不着急,不慌忙14.take over 接管,接任;把从处运到另一处15.take part (in) 参加16.take place 发生17.take the place of 代替18.take the trouble to (+inf.) 不辞劳苦,费力19.take to 开始从事;养成的习惯;培养20.take turns 依次,轮流21.take up 开始从事;占据22.thanks to 由于23.that is 也就是说,即24.that is to say 也就是说25.the instant (that) 一就26.the mome


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