



斯雅公司國際管理培訓生項目申請步驟APPLICATION STEP OF THE INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT TRAINEESHIP PROGRAMME 請將申請表連同個人簡歷,照片一併交至斯雅公司。Please return this form together with a resume to HCIA & Company by mail, email or fax. 申請步驟Application Steps步驟一: 網上申請 Step One: Making an applicant網上申請表格(A.F.705)可於斯雅公司官方網站下載: http:/hcia.hk/af705.doc 你的申請資料需要包括: Online application forms are available on the HCIA International Management Traineeship Programme website from March onwards. Your application should include:完整的網上申請表格 (http:/apply.hcia.hk) Completed online application form (http:/apply.hcia.hk)個人簡歷(中英文、含照片) Curriculum Vitae (including personal photo)學術成績單副本(可後補)Academic transcripts請根據網上申請指示完成申請表格以及提供相應檔. 我們在申請階段接受傳真或掃描檔Please refer to the online guidelines on how to complete the application form and submit supporting documents. We accept fax or scanned copies at the application stage.步驟二: 申請費用 Step Two: Application Fee斯雅公司收到申請會進行第一批審核, 申請者通過斯雅公司審核需準備面試並提交人民幣五百五十元RMB:550)或其他等值外幣作為項目申請費用。若申請為未能成功通過斯雅公司面試,申請費用將以支票形式全額退還。若申請者中途退出或因個人理由中止申請,該申請費用將不退還The application fee can be paid by:i. cash deposit to HCIA & Companys Citibank account in Hong Kongii. bank draft made payable to “HCIA & Company”.The original pay-in slip in (i) and bank draft in (ii) should be mailed to the IMT Program Office. The fee is nonrefundable.步驟三: 面試Step Three: Interview斯雅公司會在中國大部分城市(包括香港、澳門)為申請者進行面試遴選,如果學生未能親往面試地點,我們會安排電話面試。 面試期間斯雅公司會衡量申請者之溝通能力、學習能力、事業規劃、工作經驗、問題解決能力、商業道德理解以及其他相關能力。We conduct personal interviews with short-listed applicants residing in Hong Kong and in Asia where possible. Otherwise a phone interview will be arranged.Motivation, interpersonal and communication skills, career plans and maturity will be assessed during the interview.步驟四: 行政決定Step Four: Admissions decision斯雅公司的評估是基於申請者提供的資訊以及申請者面試之表現。行政決定並非公式化但會基於申請者的整體素質考慮。 成功的申請者會在面試後一個工作月內收到斯雅公司的錄取通知書;Evaluation is based on the information provided in the application and interview performance. Admissions decisions are not formula-driven but depend on an applicants overall profile. Successful applicants will receive an offer within one month of the interview.步驟五: 項目費用Step Five: Admissions decision項目為學生在香港期間參與國際商業精英交換項目課程以及旅行社酒店安排計算所需費用合共人民幣七千八百五十元正(RMB: 7850)(注明: 在公司實習期間實習公司與斯雅公司不收取學生任何費用)。 費用包括國際管理培訓生專案(大學部分)教師課酬、教室及設備使用費、教材、大學課節期間之飲用水、紀念品、證書、項目總結報告和相片、培訓中心行政費用、斯雅公司行政費用香港國際長途電話卡(內含98元通話費用)、香港期間56萬意外保險費用。) 如學生成功申請, 需要接收錄取後兩周內提交全額專案費用, 否則項目錄取機會有可能被取消。步驟六: 接受錄取通知書Step Six: Accepting an offer成功的候選人會被要求於指定日期內提交由候選人簽名的接受表格以及項目費用。Successful candidates are required to return a signed acceptance form together with a non-refundable deposit before the stated deadline.。步驟七: 項目指引Step Seven: Program orientation所有的斯雅公司國際項目成功申請者可以參加有斯雅公司總會或分會舉辦的項目指引說明All participants start the IMT program by attending orientation in June. Those interested in learning Cantonese can join pre-session training步驟八: 準備赴港手續Step Eight: Prepare for Hong Kong Visa所有的斯雅公司國際項目申請者收到通知書後需要自己負責相關香港簽證以及購買旅遊保險All participants must prepare the visa and travel insurance by themselves before starting the IMT program.斯雅公司國際管理培訓生項目申請書Application Form for International Management Traineeship Programme withthe HCIA & Company申請人須知Notes for Applicants以下備註為填寫申請書(A.F.705) 提供指引。The following notes give guidance on how to complete the application form (A.F. 705)(a) 申請人必須就每一個申請的項目填寫一份申請書(申請人請留意有關的招聘廣告所註明的申請手續,尤其是所要求填寫的申請書是否是A.F.705)。Applicant should complete one application form for each program (Please refer to the relevant recruitment advertisement for details regarding application procedures, in particular whether candidates are required to fill in this application form A.F.705).(b) 請用黑色墨水筆或原子筆,以正楷填寫各項。Please complete every item in block letters and in black ink.(c) 申請人須填妥申請書各項,並提供正確資料。如空位不敷填寫,申請人應另頁詳列有關資料,隨申請書附上。Please ensure that all parts in the form are completed and the information is accurate. If there is insufficient space, please give detailson a separate sheet to be attached to the application form.(d ) 申請人必須填報申請書內要求提供的所有個人資料,但註明是可選擇是否填報的資料則屬例外。項目部門可能要求申請人就特定項目提供詳細資料,以支援申請個別項目。申請人必須參閱招聘廣告內列出的有關要求填寫本申請書。申請人如未能提供所需的所有資料,或所填寫的資料,未能清楚顯示申請人具備有關職位所規定最起碼的學歷、訓練、經驗或其他條件,申請書將不獲受理。Your provision of all the personal data requested in this form is obligatory, except those items clearly marked as optional. You should particularly note that program may require you to provide specific details to support your application for individual vacancies. You should refer to the recruitment advertisement for such requirements in filling in this form. Your application will not be considered if you fail to provide all information as requested or it is not clear from your statements that you have the minimum qualifications, training, experience or other requirements specified for the program.(e) 申請人在本申請書內所提供的個人資料,將用於項目以及其他與有關的事宜上。如有需要,有關資料可能會送交獲授權處理有關資料的部門及其他組織或機構,用以進行與項目有關的事宜,例如學歷評審、體格檢查、僱主推薦及操守審查等。在一般情況下,未獲取錄申請人的資料將於其落選日期後12 個月全部銷毀。The personal data provided in this form will be used for the program and other program-related purposes. It may be provided to related departments and other organizations or agencies authorized to process the information for purposes relating to recruitment by and employment with the Government e.g. qualifications assessment, medical examination, employer reference and integrity checking, etc. as may be necessary. Information on unsuccessful candidates will normally be destroyed 12 months after rejection of the candidates application.( f ) 申請人如持有本港以外學府或專業團體所頒授的學歷及或專業資格,請隨申請書夾附有關當局所簽發的文憑證書、成績單及列明有關課程的授課形式(例如全日制、兼讀制、在當地院校授課遙距授課等)的證明檔副本。為了方便進行學歷評審的工作,申請人在取得上述的學歷前,如已獲取其他學歷,亦應盡可能提供上述的學歷證明檔副本。請勿附上任何文憑證書或其他學歷證明文件的正本。For applicants holding academic and/or professional qualifications obtained from institutions or professional bodies outside Hong Kong, please attach copies of your diplomas/certificates, transcripts of studies and official documents stating the mode of delivery (e.g. full time/part time, on campus/distance learning, etc.) of the study programmes. To facilitate assessment of qualifications, the above documents on the prior qualifications obtained should also be supplied as far as possible. Do not send any originals of diplomas/certificates or other qualification documents.(g) 填妥本表格後,你可保留副本一份,作個人參考之用。You are advised to make a photocopy of the completed application for your own reference.(h) 提交申請書後,本申請書內所提供的資料(包括香港特別行政區永久性居民的身分)如有任何更改時,申請人必須通知相關部門。You are required to notify the related department if there are any subsequent changes to the information provided, including the permanent resident status of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, after submission of the application form.(i ) 提交申請書後,如欲更改或查詢個人資料,或查詢與招聘有關的事宜,請與招聘廣告內列出的招聘職系部門負責人聯絡。向各部門查詢招聘事宜的聯絡詳情,亦可於互聯網上網頁閱覽(網址: http:/www.hcia.hk )。For correction of or access to personal data after submission of the application form or enquiries on recruitment matters, please contact the subject officer of the program department as specified in the advertisement. Contact details for enquiries on recruitment matters are also available from the Civil Service Bureau Homepage on the Internet at http:/www.hcia.hk.斯雅公司國際管理培訓生項目申請書Application Form for International Management Traineeship Programme With the HCIA & Company申請人編號Candidate No. (只供有關部門填寫 Official use only)申請項目名稱斯雅公司國際管理培訓生項目International Management Traineeship Programme Title of the Program Applied For A 部 Section A個人資料 Personal Particulars 姓名Name(中文Chinese)(英文English)出生日期Date of Birth(日DD / 月MM / 年YY) 身分證號碼Identity Card Number性別Sex _你是否接受斯雅公司斯雅公司時間調配Will you accept schedule arrangement_聯絡電話/傳呼機/流動電話*Contact telephone number/pager/mobile phone*電郵地址 E-mail address地址Address永久住址:闡述你申請該項目之原因以及目標 (如有需要可另附頁) Specify your reasons for application闡述你對職業道德的理解,(如有需要可另附頁) Specify your understanding of business ethic* 請刪去不適用者 Please delete where inapplicable B部 (可選擇是否填寫) Section B (Optional) 你是否殘疾人士 Are you a candidate with a disability?Yes / No 如為殘疾人士,請註明殘疾性質及程度,以便作出適當的考試/面試安排 是 / 否 If yes, please indicate nature and degree of disability to facilitate arrangement of examination/interview (註 :斯雅公司在遴選時對殘疾人士及其他申請人均一視同仁,如果殘疾人士經確認適合受僱於所申請的 職位,會獲優先考慮聘用。申請人或須提交醫生證明書,以證明他為殘疾人士。 ) (Note : Candidates with a disability are considered on equal terms with other applicants and will be given preference for appointment if they are found suitable. Candidates may be required to produce medical proof of their disability.)C部 Section C可參與日期 (日/月/年) _Date Available (day/month/year) _監護人姓名 : _監護人聯絡電話: _ D部 Section D本人明白倘若故意虛報資料或隱瞞重要事實,即使已獲斯雅公司通知書,亦可遭取消。I understand that if I willfully give any false information in this application form or withhold any material information, I shall render myself liable to dismissal if appointed to the service of the HCIA & Company.本人明白並同意,本人往返香港的費用,以及在港期間參加活動所產生的所有個人費用(如簽證、旅遊保險、交通、及其他個人消費等)由申請者自行承擔。I understand and accept that all the transportation fee, visa fee and, travel insurance fee and other personal consumption should be covered by myself.本人明白並同意在參與項目期間有義務自行購買有效旅遊保險。I understand and accept that I have the accountability to purchase valid insurance for the purpose of security during the program.本人明白並同意在除非斯雅公司自行取消該專案, 否則申請費用以及專案費用將不退還。I understand and accept that Unless the program is cancelled by the HCIA & Company, neither the application fee or program fee is not refundable.本人明白並同意在專案舉辦方根據當時需要情況有權更改專案內容安排時間、地點以及導師。I understand and accept that the program organizer reserves the right to change the time and place of program meetings and to change the program tutor should this be necessary.本人明白並同意如在活動期間遇上颱風警號(八號或以上)或黑色暴雨警告, 改天活動將會取消。I understand and accept that If Typhoon Signal No 8 or Black Rainstorm Warming is in force, classes will be cancelled that day. 本人明白並同意,實習項目之關係是公司與申請者之間的關係,兩者發生的任何糾紛,斯雅公司不承擔與之相關的任何法律責任。I understand and accept that HCIA & Company has no accountability for any dissension between applicants and companies.本人明白並同意遵守公司的規章制度並接受公司的項目安排。I understand and accept that I must follow any roles and arrangement by the host companies.本人明白並同意承擔洩漏除本次實習活動目的外,其他有關公司資訊以及商業機密所引起的一切法律責任。I understand and accept that should be accountable for leaking out any data or business secret besides the needs of this internship programme.本人明白並同意斯雅公司與公司不承擔本人參與項目期間違反法律法規引起的任何責任。I understand and accept that neither the host companies or the HCIA & Company is accountable for my illegal acts during the programme. 本人明白並同意接受斯雅公司安排本人於香港其間之住宿安排,住行安排是旅行社負責,旅行社負責安排以及在港酒店的安全。斯雅公司只負責協助,監督以及接受投訴和反饋。斯雅公司不對住行安排之矛盾糾紛及人身財產安全等問題承擔任何法律責任。I understand and accept the recommended travel agency by HCIA & Company for the purpose of security本人明白並同意遵守斯雅公司的安排, 斯雅公司有權取消其加入參加項目的資格,即使學生已獲錄取通知書,亦可遭無條件取消。I understand and accept to follow all arrangement by HCIA & Company, the HCIA & Company have the right to render the applicants liable to disqualification for recruitment by the HCIA & Company, even if the applicant have already received the offer from the HCIA & Company.本人同意,斯雅公司可就進行與項目有關的事宜及為核實上述資料而進行必要的查詢。本人授權斯雅公司可就這些查詢透露任何有關記錄及資料(包括在提出聘任前,向本人的現時及/或前僱主索取僱主推薦書;向有關當局/機構/醫護人員索取本人的體格檢查報告、醫事委員會報告或診療記錄,並將有關資料送交其他當局/機構/醫護人員;以及向有關院校/機構查詢本人的學歷/專業資格和索取有關記錄,並將有關資料送交其他當局/機構進行學歷評審)。I consent to the HCIA & Company making any necessary enquiries for purposes relating to the program with


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