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“完形填空语法填空”组合练(五)(限时25分钟).完形填空Life is a clock swing. Half the time things are better than normal; the other half, they are _1_.It takes time and experience to understand what the normal is, and that gives me the viewpoint to _2_ the surprises of the future. But there is vast grassland of life in the middle, where the bad and the good flipflop (突然改变) _3_.This is what convinces me to _4_ the 50percent theory.One spring I planted corn too early in a bottomland (低洼地) so easily _5_ that neighbors laughed. I felt _6_ at the wasted effort. Summer turned cruel the worst _7_ and drought (干旱) in my lifetime. The air conditioner died; the well went dry; the marriage _8_; the job was lost; the money was gone. Only a popular Kansas City Royals team, bound for their first World Series, _9_ my spirits.Looking back on that _10_ summer, I soon understood that all succeeding good things merely _11_ the bad. I was owed and enjoyed the happy times.They _12_ me for the next dangerous surprise and offered _13_ that I can succeed. The 50percent theory even helps me see _14_ beyond my Royals recent fall.Oh, yeah, the corn crop?For that hot summer, the ground _15_ was just right, and the lack of rain _16_ the standing corn from floods. That winter my house was crowded with corn fat and healthy _17_ my neighbors fields yielded only brown and empty husks (壳)Although plantings that year may have fallen below the original _18_ and they probably will do so again in the future, I am _19_ encouraged by the crop that had a “good” _20_ during the drought.语篇解读:本文为一篇夹叙夹议文。作者通过自己在干旱的夏天种植玉米的经历体会到读懂生活的常态需要时间和阅历,也正是这样才练就了作者面对未来荣辱不惊的生活态度,同时作者也向我们介绍了其深信不疑的“对半理论”。1A.worseBeasierCstranger Dbrighter解析:选A根据空前的“Half the time things are better than normal; the other half, they are”及下文作者阐述的“对半理论”可知,生活中的事情一半比正常状态要好,而另一半则比正常状态差。故空处应填worse与better构成对比。2A.give out Btake downCdeal with Dgo through解析:选C根据上文及下文作者对自己种玉米经历的描述可知,此处作者想要传达的是面对时好时坏的生活,需要时间和阅历读懂生活的常态,这样才能应对未来各种意想不到的事情。deal with“应对,处理”符合语境。give out“分发,发出”;take down“拆掉,记下”;go through“通过,经历”。3A.slightly BregularlyCmagically Ddeliberately解析:选C根据上文中的“But there is vast grassland of life in the middle, where the bad and the good flipflop(突然改变)”及下文作者描述的自己种玉米的经历可知,好与坏之间有一大片生活的草原,在这片草原上坏事和好事会奇妙地突然改变。magically“魔力般地,奇妙地”符合语境。slightly“轻微地”;regularly“定时地”;deliberately“故意地”。4A.break through Bbelieve inCcheck on Dpick up解析:选B根据上文,尤其是“Life is a clock swing. Half the time things are better than normal; the other half, they are _1_.”可知,作者对“对半理论”深信不疑。believe in“信任,相信”符合语境。break through“打破”;check on“核对,检查”;pick up“捡起,学会”。5A.stole BignoredCreplaced Dflooded解析:选D根据上文中的“a bottomland (低洼地) so easily”和下文中的“and the lack of rain _16_ the standing corn from floods”可知,作者因在极易遭到水淹的低洼地种植玉米而遭到了邻居们的嘲笑。6A.annoyed BpuzzledCsurprised Dembarrassed解析:选A根据上文中的“I planted corn too early in a bottomland (低洼地) so easily _5_ that neighbors laughed.”和下文中的“the wasted effort”可知,作者为自己浪费了精力而感到懊恼。annoyed“烦恼的,恼火的”符合语境。embarrassed“尴尬的”。7A.wind speed Bflood warningCstorm damage Dheat wave解析:选D根据下文中的“The air conditioner died; the well went dry”和“the lack of rain _16_ the standing corn from floods”可知,作者在那年夏天遇到了人生中最严重的酷热期和干旱。heat wave“酷热期,热浪期”符合语境。8A.began BendedCcontinued Ddisappeared解析:选B根据上文中的“Summer turned cruel the worst _7_ and drought (干旱) in my lifetime.The air conditioner died; the well went dry”和下文中的“the job was lost; the money was gone”可知,作者在那年夏天遭遇了天灾人祸:热浪袭人,干旱来袭,空调报废,水井枯竭,婚姻破裂,惨遭失业,积蓄挥空。end“结束,终止”符合语境。9A.relieved BloweredCpurified Dinspired解析:选D根据上下文,尤其是该句中的“Only”一词可知,此处描述的是作者在那个夏天遇见的唯一好事,即作者虽然遭受了一系列不好的事情,但是人气攀升的堪萨斯皇家棒球队首次进入World Series使作者精神振奋。inspire“激励,鼓舞”符合语境。relieve“缓解”;purify“洗涤(思想),净化(心灵)”。10A.horrible BpreciousCcolorful Dstrange解析:选A根据第二段中的“Summer turned cruel . the job was lost; the money was gone.”可知,那个夏天对作者来说是可怕的。horrible“可怕的,吓人的”符合语境。11A.allocated BresistedCbalanced Dcontradicted解析:选C根据作者在第一段中提及的“对半理论”以及下文作者提到的玉米的命运发生转变的内容可知,生活总是好坏参半,以达到一种平衡。balance“抵消,保持平衡”符合语境。allocate“分配”;resist“抵抗,抗拒”;contradict“与矛盾”。12A.refreshed BtiredCconvinced Dadjusted解析:选A根据作者信奉的“对半理论”及上文中的“I was owed and enjoyed the happy times.”和下文中的“for the next dangerous surprise”可知,快乐的时光让作者重新恢复了精力以应对下一个“意外”。refresh“使恢复精力”符合语境。tire“使疲劳”;convince“使信服”;adjust“调整”。13A.trust BbeliefCadvice Dcourage解析:选B快乐的时光不仅让作者恢复了精力,也给予了作者相信自己可以成功的信念。belief“信念”符合语境。14A.determination BcreativityCfailure Dhope解析:选D“对半理论”甚至帮作者看到了希望,即使其喜爱的皇家棒球队最近处于低潮。hope“希望”符合语境。determination“决心”;creativity“创造性”。15A.wetness BfreshnessCthickness Dhardness解析:选A根据上文中的“in a bottomland (低洼地) so easily _5_”和下文中的“the lack of rain _16_ the standing corn from floods”可知,玉米被种在原本易被淹没的低洼地,但由于那个炎热的夏天雨水很少,低洼地的湿度正好适合玉米的生存。wetness“湿度”符合语境。freshness“新鲜”;thickness“厚度”;hardness“硬度”。16A.separated BdismissedCabstracted Dspared解析:选D根据上文中的“the ground _15_ was just right”和下文中的“the standing corn from floods. That winter my house was crowded with corn fat and healthy”可知,因为干旱,原本易被淹没的低洼地成了适合玉米生存的地方,缺少雨水使玉米逃脱了洪涝的威胁。spare . from .“使逃脱”符合语境。separate . from .“使与分离”;dismiss . from .“把从去除”;abstract . from .“从中抽取”。17A.or BandCso Dwhile解析:选D根据空前的“That winter my house was crowded with corn fat and healthy”和空后的“my neighbors fields yielded only brown and empty husks (壳)”可知,那年冬天,作者的家里堆满了饱满健康的玉米,而邻居家的地里却只产出了褐色的空壳子。空处前后为对比关系,故while“(对比两件事物)而,然而”符合语境。18A.expectation BrequirementCimpression Dopportunity解析:选A根据上下文可知,尽管那年的收成没有达到作者原来的期望。expectation“期望,期待”符合语境。requirement“要求”;impression“印象”;opportunity“机会”。19A.even BagainCjust Dstill解析:选D尽管那年的收成没有达到作者原来的期望,而且将来还可能是这样,但作者仍然为经历干旱却丰收的玉米而备受鼓舞。still“仍然,还”符合语境。20A.challenge BharvestCexperiment Dreputation解析:选B参见上题解析。a good harvest“丰收”符合语境。challenge“挑战”;reputation“名望,声望”。.语法填空In the closing ceremony of the 2018 Pyeongchang Olympic Winter Games, China put on “See You in Beijing in 2022”, directed _1_ Zhang Yimou. The show centered on the talents of a team of 24 rollerskating _2_ (perform) from Beijing Sport University. Two of _3_ (they) dressed as “Panda Captains” led the performance. The performance reviewed Chinas ancient times, _4_ (show) the countrys rich cultural heritage (遗产) and singing about the present, as well as the future that lies ahead. In addition to _5_ (tradition) symbols including the Great Wall and lucky animals like the Chinese dragon and the Chinese phoenix, the performance also showed Chinas recent engineering and technological achievements, such as its wide highspeed rail network _6_ its space program. Towards the end of the performance, the Olympic rings _7_ (rise) on the stage, as well as images of a global village, childrens smiling faces, olive (橄榄) branches and plum blossoms (梅花), _8_ stood for Chinas promise to promote global peace and build a better future for mankind. Finally, the skaters travelled a path on ice _9_ (draw) the “Winter Dream” sign of the 2022 Beijing Olympic Winter Games. The performance _10_ (success) sent Chinese peoples goodwill and invitations to the world for Beijing 2022.语篇解读:本文是


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