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Unit 12 text A,Importance,1. Many important things that contribute to our overall objectives and give meaning to life dont tend to act upon us or press us. Theyre not “urgent”, but life dont tend to act upon us or press us.,next,up,home,2. In order to focus on the issues of urgency and importance more effectively, lets look at the Time Management Table below. As you can see it divides our activities into four parts. We spend time in one of these four ways:,next,up,next,up,home,3. Part represents things that are both “urgent” and “ important”. Heres where we handle an angry client, meet a deadline, repair a broken-down machine, undergo a heart surgery, or help a crying child who has been hurt. We need to spend time in Part . If we ignore it, we become buried alive. But we also need to realize that many important activities become urgent through delay, or because we dont do enough prevention and planning.,next,up,home,N,4. Part includes activities that are “ important, but not urgent”. This is the part of quality. Heres where we do our long-range planning, anticipate and prevent problems, broaden our minds, and increase our skills through reading and continuous professional development, imagine how were going to help a struggling son or daughter, prepare for important meetings and presentations, or invest in relationships through deep, honest listening.,next,up,home,Increasing time spent in this part increases our ability to do. Ignoring this part and enlarge Part , creating stress and deeper crises for us. On the other hand, investing in this part shrinks Part . Planning, preparation, and prevention keep many things from becoming urgent. Part does not act on us; we must act on it. This is the Part of personal leadership.,next,up,home,5. Part is easily confused with Part . It includes things that are “urgent, but not important.” this is the Part of Deception. The noise of urgency create the illusion of importance. But the actual activities, if theyre important at all, are only important to someone else. Many phone calls, meetings, and drop-in visitors fall into this type. We spend a lot of time in part meeting other peoples needs, thinking were really in Part .,next,up,home,N,6. Part is reserved for those activities that are “not urgent and not important.” This is the part of Waste. Of course, we really shouldnt be there at all. But we get so battle-scarred from being tossed around in part and that we often “escape” to part for survival. What kinds of Things are in part ? Not necessarily recreational things, because recreation in the true sense of re-creation is a valuable part activity. Part is deterioration. We would find theres nothing there.,next,up,home,N,7. wed like to suggest that you look at the Time Management Table and think back over the past week of your life. If you were to place each of your last weeks activities in one of these parts, where would you say you spent most of your time?,next,up,home,N,8. Think carefully as you consider Parts and . Its easy to think that if something is urgent, it is important, it is important. A quick way to differentiate between these two parts is to ask yourself if the urgent activity will contribute to an important objective. If not, it probably belongs to part .,next,up,home,9. Think about the questions: what is the one activity that you know if you did superbly well and consistently would have significant positive results in your personal life? what is the one activity that you know if you did superbly well and consistently would have significant positive results in your professional life?,next,up,home,10. Think about your answers to these questions. Among the answers we get, a great majority of them fall under six key activities: 1. Improving communication with people 2. Better preparation 3. Better planning and organizing 4. Taking better care of self,next,up,home,5. Seizing new opportunities 6. Personal development all of these are in Part . Theyre important.,next,up,home,11. So why arent people doing them? Why arent you doing the things you have identified from the questions above?,next,up,home,12. Probably because theyre not urgent. They arent pressing. They dont act on you. You have to act on them.,next,up,home,back,home,objective: n. 宾格,目的,目标 adj. 客观的,实在的;宾格的;目标的,目的的,e.g.,All our objectives were achieved. The valley was our primary objective.,我们所有的目标都实现了。,那个山谷是我们的初步目标。,T,T,e.g.,The objective case I need an objective opinion from someone whos not involved.,宾格,我希望从不相干的人那儿听到客观的意见。,T,T,back,home,prevent: vt. 阻止,妨碍,预防 在prevent sb. (sth.) from doing 结构中,from 在主动句中有时可以省略,但在被动句中,一般不能省。,e.g.,Your prompt action prevented a serious accident. That is the best way to prevent such a thing happening again.,你及时的行动防止了一次严重的事故。,那是防止类似事件再次发生的最好办法。,T,T,e.g.,back,home,prevent a disease from spreading The rain prevented me (from) coming. I was prevented from coming.,防止疾病蔓延,下雨使我没来成。,T,T,我因事没能来。,T,back,home,focus: n. (数学中椭圆等图形的)焦点; (物理、光学)焦点,焦距 n. (用于引申意义)中心点,集中点 vt. 集中于焦点;定(透镜、眼镜的)焦点;使(注意、关心)集中于,e.g.,The image is in/out of focus.,这影像在焦点上/外。,T,e.g.,the focus of attention,注意力的集中点,T,home,e.g.,He finds it hard to focus his thought on one thing for longer than five minutes. Focus the suns rays on something with a burning-glass Focus ones eye on,他发现自己集中精力于一件事五分钟以上很困难。,用取火镜让太阳光线聚集于某物上,T,T,凝视,T,back,back,home,identify: vt. 确认,识别 vt. 把 和联系在一起,把和等同起来,常和with连用,e.g.,She was identified by her clothes. How many species of birds can you identify?,由她的衣服认出是她。,你能识别多少种鸟?,T,T,e.g.,He identifies her happiness with his own. Never identify opinions with facts.,他认为她的幸福就是他的。,决不要混淆观点和事实。,T,T,next,back,home,vt. 和有联系,支持(宾语一般为oneself) vi.对同情,和有同感(共鸣),e.g.,He refused to identify himself with the new political party. She doesnt want to identify herself with that group.,他拒绝支持新政党。,她不想和那伙人搅在一起。,T,T,e.g.,Reading the book, we can identify with that group. She identified with the girl in the story.,读这本书时,我们和书中的主人公有同感。,她和故事中的那个姑娘产生了共鸣。,T,T,up,back,home,anticipate: vt. 预见,预料,提前准备,e.g.,We anticipate a lot of snow this winter. I anticipate getting much instruction from your book. We anticipate their visit by buying plenty of food.,我们预计今年冬天下雪不少。,我会从您的书中得到不少教诲的。,T,T,预计他们要来,我们买了大量的食物做准备。,T,back,home,differentiate: vt. & vi.区别,区分;使不同于,e.g.,I cant differentiate (between) these two flowers. Can you differentiate this kind of rose from the others? What is it that differentiate these two substances?,这两朵花我分不开。,你能把这种玫瑰和其他品种的玫瑰分开吗?,T,T,是什么将这两种物质区分的呢?,T,back,home,overall: adj. 总体的,全面的,综合的,全面考虑的 adv. 大体上,总的来说;一切包括在内,全部的,e.g.,We have finished overall homework. We did an overall consideration of the matter.at last.,我们已完成所有的家庭作业。,最后我们又对这个问题作了全盘考虑。,T,T,e.g.,Overall, prices are still rising. How much will it cost overall?,总的来说,价格仍在上涨。,一共多少钱?,T,T,next,home,n. 长罩衣;工装裤(overalls),e.g.,The shop assistant was wearing a white overall. he was wearing a pair of blue overalls.,那店员穿着白色长罩衣。,他穿着蓝色的工作裤。,T,T,up,back,back,home,tend to: 朝某方向 趋向,e.g.,The wind is tending to the south.,风势转为南。,T,e.g.,Arthurs books tend to poverty.,亚瑟的书趋于单调乏味。,T,back,home,act on/ act upon: 对起作用(有功效) 奉行;按照而行动,e.g.,This medicine acts upon / on the heart.,这药对心脏起作用。,T,e.g.,If my advice had been acted upon/ on, the firm would not have gone bankrupt.,亚瑟的书趋于单调乏味。,T,back,home,pressing: (问题、需求、情况)紧迫的,急迫的;迫切的,e.g.,Inflation was the most pressing problem. Pressing business matters prevented him from taking a holiday.,通货膨胀是最为紧迫的问题。,T,他因商务上有紧迫事情而不能去度假。,T,back,home,proximate: 最近的;近似的,大约的,e.g.,The failure of the proximate military power to lend assistance. He would try to change her speech into proximate ladylikeness.,最靠近的军事力量未能施以援助。,T,他尽力把她的话语变得比较接近贵妇人风范。,T,back,home,undergo: vt. 经历,承受,e.g.,He underwent a lot of hardships in his childhood. The explorers had to undergo much suffering. This new plane is undergoing safety tests.,他在童年时代经历了很多坎坷。,探险者不得不经历了许多坎坷。,T,T,这架新型飞机正在接受安全试验。,T,back,home,trivia: 琐事,不重要的事,e.g.,We fill our days with meaningless trivia. Much of our research is wasted on trivia.,我们整天都在用无聊琐事打发时光。,T,我们的许多研究都浪费在一些无足轻重的琐事上。,T,back,home,fall into: (可)自然分作 掉进,陷入,e.g.,The islands fall into three large groups.,这些岛屿可分为三大群。,T,e.g.,Dont let it fall into the hands of the enemy.,不要让它落入敌人手中。,T,back,home,deception: n. 欺骗 n. 骗术,诡计,e.g.,This made Tom sadder than his deception.,这比受骗更令汤姆难受。,T,e.g.,Nobody saw through Marys deceptions.,无人看透玛丽的诡计。,T,back,home,shrink: vt. & vi. 收缩,退缩,e.g.,The number of students of this school has shrunk. Washing wool in hot water will shrink it. Will this soap shrink woolen clothes?,这所学校的学生人数在减少。,在热水中洗毛织品会使其缩水。,T,T,这种肥皂会使毛织品缩水吗?,T,back,home,toss: vt. & vi. 扔;投;抛 (使)摇荡,使颠簸,e.g.,Lets toss to see who pays it. He was tossing the ball. I tossed a cigarette to him.,让我们来掷钱币决定谁付账吧。,他正在投球。,T,T,e.g.,next,我扔给他一支香烟。,T,home,The matter made him toss in the bed. The wind tossed the boat in the sea.,那件事使他在床上翻来覆去。,风使得那条船在海上来回颠簸。,T,T,up,back,home,prevention: n. the action of stopping something from happening or arising 防止,阻挡;预防,妨碍 prevention is better than cure(彦)防胜于治,e.g.,crime prevention The treatment and prevention of Aids,预防犯罪,艾滋病的预防和治疗,T,T,back,back,home,illusion: n. 幻象,幻影,错觉,e.g.,Shes under the illusion that shell get the job. He could no longer distinguish between illusion and reality. Mirrors in a room often give an illusion of space.,她存有幻想,认为她会得到那份工作。,他再也分不清幻想与现实之间的区别了。,T,T,房间里的镜子常给人一种空间增大的错觉。,T,back,home,deterioration: n. 变坏,变质 deteriorate : v. 变坏,恶化,e.g.,a serious deterioration in relations between two countries.,两国关系的严重变化,T,e.g.,Her health deteriorated rapidly and she died shortly afterwards.,她的健康状况急剧恶化,不久便去世了。,T,next,home,The discussion quickly deteriorated into an angry argument.,这场讨论迅速演变成愤怒的争吵。,T,up,back,back,home,consistently: adv.一贯地,e.g.,The old man lives consistently with the laws of health.


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