



小学英语期末试卷(6A) 听力部分(20分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的选项。(听两遍,5分)( ) 1. A. No eating B. No littering C. No parking D. No smoking ( ) 2. A. twelve B. twelfth C. twenty D. twentieth ( ) 3. A. pull up B. dress up C. come up D. pick up ( ) 4. A. Spring Festival B. Dragon Boat Festival C. Mid-Autumn Festival D. Christmas( ) 5. A. planted B. collected C. tasted D. visited( ) 6. A. parks B. parties C. parents D. presents ( ) 7. A. Tuesday B. Wednesday C. Thursday D. Saturday( ) 8. A. interesting B. excited C. exciting D. exercise( ) 9. A. go swimming B. go skating C. go skiing D. go camping( ) 10. A. popular B. public C. people D. primary 二、听录音,选出相对应的应答 (听两遍,5分) ( ) 1. A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, it does. C. Yes, they do. D. No, it isnt.( ) 2. A. I like a CD Walkman. B. Yes, Id like a CD Walkman. C. Id like a CD Walkman. D. I would like to go to the party.( ) 3. A. It is on the first of May . B. It is on the first of June. C. It is on the first of October. D. It is on the twenty-fifth of December.( ) 4. A. They eat rice dumplings. B. They eat moon cakes. C. They watch the moon. D. They dress up in costumes. ( ) 5. A. Its from Helens grandparents. B. Its Johns birthday present. C. Its his friends. D. Its for Helen. 三、听录音,判断图意是否与录音内容相符,相符的用T表示,不相符用F表示。(听两遍,5分)( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )四、听录音,根据所听内容完成短文,每空一词。(听三遍,5分)It was Gao Shans _ last week. It was on the _ of _. Gao shan and his friends _ to a farm and _ a birthday party there. It was the _ time for them to have a birthday party on a farm. They _ very _. Gao Shan _ a lot of food and his friends _ it very much. They had lots of fun there.笔试部分(80分)一、英汉互译。(12分)1、散步 2、赏月 3、在三月四日 4、十二部手机 _ 5、她的朋友们 _ 6. 问许多问题_7. look around 8. blow out candles _ 9. on the twelfth of October 10. pull up carrots _ 11. police station 12. get off the bus 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分) 1. _(child) usually have parties at school on the 1st of June.2. These signs around the lake _ (mean)“Danger!”.3. Su Hai and her family _ (watch) the moon last Mid-Autumn Festival.4. Is the magazine Nancys? No, its not _(she).5. What _ (do) the sign over there mean? It means No (smoke)6. It (be) the 25th of January yesterday.7. My birthday is on the (two)of February .8.Su Hai and Su Yang are watching the _ (run) race.9. “No littering” means we shouldnt (litter) in the park.10 .I want to take some _(photo).三、选择填空。(10分) ( ) 1. Everybody _ very excited now. A. is B. was C. are D. were ( ) 2. Would you like _ juice? A. a B. an C. many D. some( ) 3. What was it yesterday? It was the fifth of July.A. time B. day C. date D. colour( ) 4. My brother is _ magazines about sports in the next room now. A. looking B. seeing C. looking at D. reading( ) 5. People usually make some colourful eggs at . A. Halloween B. Easter C. Christmas D. Spring Festival( ) 6. What did he _ last Sunday? A. do B. does C. did D. had( ) 7. May I use _ ruler? I cant find_A. you; I B. your; my C. yours ; mine D. your; mine( ) 8. My birthday is _ the twenty-first of November. A. in B. on C. about D. at( ) 9. Keep quiet means you _ not make noise here.A . can B. shall C. should D. shouldnt( ) 10. This is an race .All the students are very . A.excited ,excited B.exciting ,exciting C.exciting , excited D. excited exciting四、按要求改写句子。(10分)1. David milked some cows last Sunday. (改为一般问句)_ David _ _ cows last Sunday?2. He did his homework just now. (改为否定句)He _ _ his homework just now.3. Helen watched a funny cartoon a moment ago.(用usually改写)Helen _ _ a funny cartoon.4. Do you want to visit the farm with me?(改为同义句)_ you _ to visit the farm with me?5. The calculator and the skateboard are from Jims grandparents.(对划线部分提问) _ _ the calculator and the skateboard ?6. The sign means “No parking”.(划线部分提问)_ _ the sign mean?7. This is our classroom.(同义句)This .8. the Christmas tree, under, they, the presents, opened, after lunch(.)(连词成句)They _ the presents_the _ tree after lunch.五、根据汉语提示完成句子。(12分)1. 你想要一个手机吗? 不,我想要一副眼镜。 _you_ a _ _? No, Id like a pair of _. 2. 上星期六下午他去上海了。 He _ to Shanghai _ _ _.3、Su Hai坐在我前面,Su Yang坐在我旁边。 Su Hai sits _ _ _ me, Su Yang sits _ me.4、在中国,五月一日人们通常有一个长假。 _ usually have a long _on the 1st of _ in China.5. 元旦你们通常开晚会吗? Do you usually _ a party _ _ _ _?6. 它们是谁的生日礼物?是他们的。 presents are they? Theyre .六、完形填空。(10分) May is a (1) girl.She (2) in China now.She (3) two brothers.They are Tom and John.Theyre eleven.Theyre in Qian Primary School. May (4) cooking.She can cook nice food and make nice cake.Sometimes she likes to make pretty dresses (5) her doll.But her brothers (6) .They (7) climbing and collecting stamps.They (8) many different stamps.Its a happy (9) . All of (10) are happy. ( )1.A.America B.Japanese C.China ( )2.A.living B.live C.lives ( )3.A.has B.have C.having ( )4.A.liking B.like C.likes ( )5.A.at B.for C.to ( )6.A.dont B.doesnt C.arent ( )7.A.like B.likes C.liking ( )8.A.has B.have C.having ( )9.A.home B.house C.family ( )10.A. us B.them C.they 七、阅读理解 (10分)(A)仔细阅读这张圣诞聚会邀请卡,判断所给句子是否与卡片内容相符,相符的写 “T”,不相符的写 “F”。INVITATION(邀请卡)Dear Mr Smith,Im going to have a Christmas party in my home. Please come to my party. Time: 7:30 pm , December 24thFrom:Mike GreenTO:Jim Smith( ) 1. The invitation is from Mike.( ) 2. The party starts at 7:30 am, on December 24th.( ) 3. The invitation is to Jim.( ) 4. The party is after Christmas ( ) 5. They have the party at Jims home. (B)The students are having an English lesson. First, they listen to an American song, and then the teacher writes a new word in the song on the blackboard. “This is the longest (最长的) word in English,” he says. At this time, all the students begin to laugh (笑). They dont think their teacher is right.A girl stands up and asks, “Why is this word the longest in English?” The teacher smiles and then says, “Dont you see theres a mile (英里) between (在之间)the first letter and the last?”根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( ) 1. What lesson are the students having? A. Chinese. B. Maths. C. English. D. PE.( ) 2. What kind of song are the students singing? A. We dont know. B. A Japanese song. C. A Chinese song. D. An American


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