



2012国培陕西省农村中小学教师“新课标教育教学能力”远程培训宝鸡初中英语三班班级简报英文赏析 辅导教师:孟 凡 第四期 各位老师:你们辛苦了!我相信,通过这段时间的学习,大家会有一个共同的感受:累并收获着,苦且快乐着!网络学习是繁重的,一边工作,一边料理家务,还要挤出时间参加培训;网络学习是孤独的,没有教师面对面的指导,百分之百依赖自学,学习任务是在不断摸索中独自完成的。为此,英语三班辅导老师真诚地对大家道一声:辛苦了!网络培训尽管很累很苦,但是各位仍以满腔的热情和积极的态度认真对待,作为辅导教师的我,深感欣慰,在此,对大家的辛勤付出表示衷心地感谢!我相信:胜利一定属于我们努力学习的强者!加油吧! 为了给我们的网络平台学习生活增添几分乐趣,特选以下优美的文章供各位老师赏析,希望他们能够为平日忙碌的学习、生活和工作带来片刻的惬意。Being you is always in styleBeing you isnt a fad that comes and goes. It doesnt have to cost your entire allowance or be an exact replica of what everyone else seems to be wearing. Being you stays in style because it defines who you are. It doesnt change with the weekly trends and it doesnt disappear and resurface like a one-hit wonder. Being you is a style that is here to stay, if you choose it to (and really, why wouldnt you?) Theres no reason for you to feel pressured to look a certain way. I know, I know easier said than done. The truth is, when it comes to fashion, certain styles look better on some girls than they do on others. The clothes you choose to wear should reflect the kind of person you are; they should make you feel good about yourself and your body. When you are 100% yourself, you have no reason to feel anything but great. You can walk down the street feeling proud and confident. You are cool and comfortable and looking your very best. Now if thats not style, then I dont know what is. Confident vs. ConceitedSo let me guessyoure worried that if you have some confidence and feel good about yourself, people may think you are conceited. The truth is, there is a huge difference between being confident and being conceited. Having confidence in yourself is recognizing your worth and taking pride in who you are and in the things that you do. This is not to be confused with walking around with your nose in the air, bragging about how perfect you are, and expecting other people to worship the ground you walk on. (That would be being conceited.)Confidence isnt about proving to others how great you are; its more about how you feel inside about yourself. Just because you have confidence doesnt mean everything will always run smoothly. A confident person may get butterflies in her stomach when speaking in front of a group of people. She may fumble over her words or get sweaty palms when the boy she has a crush on asks her a question. But a confident person knows that she has the capability to chase those butterflies away and compose herself the best way she can. She knows that she can do anything she sets her mind to, and she believes in herself. Once you can do that, you can do anything. Your worst enemyFeeling confident is by no means an easy thing to do. Sure, you can blame your parents and teachers and anyone else who puts too much pressure on you and has super high expectations. You can say that its their fault you feel a little less than confident these days. But chances are there is someone else in your life who should really be taking a lot of the blame and that person is you.You can be your own worst enemy most of the time without even realizing it. You expect so much from yourself apart because you look or act a certain way. You compare yourself to other people and constantly tell yourself that you fall short. How would anyone be able to feel confident with all that criticism?Instead of comparing yourself to the people around you, take the time to figure out the things that you like about yourself. Every time you wake up in the morning, think of one thing that makes you feel happy about being you, and remember that thing throughout your day. Dont let anyone discourage you, and definitely dont discourage yourself. Having confidence really fells good. Dont just take my word for it. Try it for yourself. Loving yourself means you have the highest respect for your mind, body, and soul. It means on know who you are and who you want to be. It means you have great dreams and want to do everything in your power to ensure their realization. When you love yourse


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