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Unit13,The kalenjin,Do you like travelling?,Where do you want to go ?,What about Africa?,Lets go to Kenya.,Where is he from, can you guess?,How do you think of the people in Kenya?,Do you want to know them more?,the 400 meters hurdles 400米栏,record 纪录 record holder 纪录创造者,体育项目(尤指重要比赛) event 体育 PE (Physical Education),running events,winner,champion 冠军,race distance race 长跑 sprint 短跑 marathon 马拉松 cross-country race 越野跑,race track,where,The borders of North West Kenya and Ethiopia.,Hot dry plateau,2500 meters above sea level.,Poor, dreams,Tibetan tibetn Plateau,4500 meters above sea level.,Their heart rate is slow.,athlete,champion 冠军 professional 职业运动员,黑马 dark horse,接力 relay race; relay 跨栏比赛 hurdle race 竞走 walking; walking race,金牌 = gold medal 银牌 = silver medal 铜牌 = bronze medal,A few Few A little Little,Can you translate?,来看看过去50 年中国际赛跑比赛的记录。 1980 年以前,长跑比赛冠军通常来自北美洲和欧洲。 虽然也有其他国家的冠军,但并不很多,冠军中没有非洲人的名字。 但现在情况就大不相同了。,现在,跑道上的明星是卡兰津人。 卡兰津人是来自肯尼亚西北部和埃塞俄比亚边境的非洲民族,他们的家乡是海拔大约2500 米的干热的高原。 他们是天生的运动员,腿又细又长,心率很慢。 这个民族只有300 万人。,目前,世界上顶尖的20 名马拉松选手中有12 名是卡兰津人。 他们每年都会在所有的国际长跑比赛中赢得40% 的最高奖项。 得奖的不只是男性。 几年前还没 有女子长跑比赛,但现在有很多。 卡兰津的女性也赢了所有的比赛。,用be动词is / are 填空:,1、There a pencil in the pencil box. 2、There some flowers on the desk. 3、There four people in my family. 4、There a picture and two maps on the wall. 5、A: there a cat under the tree? B: Yes,there,is,are,are,is,Is,is,There be- 的构成,定义:表示某地有某物或某人 结构:there is+单数可数名词/不可数名词+地点状语 there are+复数名词+地点状语,1: There is a girl and two boys in the picture. 2: There are two boys and a girl in the picture.,就近原则 be动词单复数形式要跟there be之后的主语保持一致,如果主语是单数或不可数名词用is,如果主语是复数用are。,注意事项: there是引导词,在句中不充当任何成分,翻译时也不必译出。句子的主语是某人或某物,谓语动词be要与主语(某人或某物)的数保持一致。,There is a bird in the tree. There are five birds in the tree.,就近原则,如果有两个或两个以上的主语时,be动词要和最靠近它的那个主语在数上保持一致。如: There is a pen and some books on the desk. 书桌上有一支钢笔和一些书。 There are some books and a pen on the desk. 书桌上有一些书和一支钢笔。,There is/are- 的否定句 is/are后加not, 肯定句中的some变any,There is a beautiful flower on the desk. There is not a beautiful flower on the table. There is some water in the bottle. There isnt any water in the bottle.,There is a radio on the desk.,There be- 的一般疑问句,Is there a radio on the desk ? Yes, there is. / No, there isnt.,There are some shoes under the bed.,Are there any shoes under the bed? Yes, there are. / No, there arent.,Is there anything new in todays newspaper?,There is something new in todays newspaper.,Yes, there is./No, there isnt,规则: is/are要提前,再在句尾加上问号即可. some 变any, something改为anything,其他都不变.,There be 句型的时态,be可以有: 现在时(there is/are) 过去时(there was/were) 将来时(there is/are going to be或there will be) 完成时(there have/has been) 还可用there must be ,there cant be, there used to be等。 如,There is going to be a meeting this morning.,Theres some snow on the hills this month.,Theres some ice on the lake today.,There was no ice on the lake a few days ago.,There are some sheep in the fields this week.,There were no sheep in the fields last week.,Lets PK,Is there any snow on the hills this month?,Was there any last month?,Are there any sheep in the fields this week?,Were there any this week?,陈述句(statements),一般疑问句(Simple Questions),特殊疑问句(wh-questions),There was some snow on the hills last month.,Was there any snow on the hills last month?,How much snow was there in London last year ?,反义疑问句(TagQuestions),There wasnt any snow last year, was there?,Some用于肯定句 any用于否定句和疑问句,There is/are- 的特殊疑问句,a)就There be后面的主语进行提问, 指物用“Whats ( there ) ” 指人用“Whos ( there ) ” 其中的there在口语中经常省略。值得注意的是,无论原句的主语是单数还是复数,提问时动词be均用单数。如: (1)There are some bikes in the room Whats (there) in the room? (2)There is a boy in the house. Whos (there) in the house?,c)对there be后面主语的数量进行提问 如果主语是可数名词,无论是单数还是复数,均用“How many+复数名词+are there+地点介词短语”表示; There are three bikes in the house. How many bikes are there in the house? There is a boy in the room. 如果主语是不可数名词,则用“How much + 不可名词+is there+地点介词短语”表示。如: There is a little water in the bottle. How much water is there in the bottle?,There be 句型反意疑问句,there be 句型反意疑问句的构成:be (not) there? 如: There is some milk in the bottle, _ ? Aisnt there Barent there Cisnt it Dare there,A,总结,特殊疑问句- 对人提问用whos, 对事物提问用whats, be动词一律用单数is 对地点提问用where; 对数量提问可数名词用how many+名词复数+are there; 不可数名词用how much+不可数名词+ is there,There be 与 have 的区别,(1) There be 和have都表示“有”的含义。区别如下: There be表示“某处存在某物或某人”;have表示“某人拥有某物/某人”,它表示所有、拥有关系。 如:,(2)当have表示“包括”、“存在”的含义时,there be 句型与其可互换。如:, He has two sons. There are two men in the o


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